Liberals: Underage Girls Should Be Taught 'Tolerance' For Male Genitals


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Just in case anyone was wondering why Donald Trump won. What can even be said about such a sick, disgusting, pro-pedophilia comment? The left is a bunch of uncivilized neanderthals who want to regress society back to the caveman era where people just defecate in front of each other in caves (which is literally how we will end up since they've banned all forms of energy - necessary for civilized life).

CNN's Cuomo: Underage Girls Should Be Taught 'Tolerance' For Male Genitals In School Locker Rooms | The Sean Hannity Show
This is pretty much their official stance now:


If a 12-year old isn't ready for penis, she is intolerant.
Just in case anyone was wondering why Donald Trump won. What can even be said about such a sick, disgusting, pro-pedophilia comment? The left is a bunch of uncivilized neanderthals who want to regress society back to the caveman era where people just defecate in front of each other in caves (which is literally how we will end up since they've banned all forms of energy - necessary for civilized life).

CNN's Cuomo: Underage Girls Should Be Taught 'Tolerance' For Male Genitals In School Locker Rooms | The Sean Hannity Show

This Chris Cuomo should be considered a Person of Interest, any man advocating that young underage girls are intolerant because they don't want to see men's dick's in female bathrooms, any man advocating that the young underage girl's are the one's with the problem, well that man might be interested in young, underage girls himself.

Chris Cuomo is probably another sexual pervert.
This is pretty much their official stance now:


If a 12-year old isn't ready for penis, she is intolerant.

"If a 12-year old isn't ready for penis, she is intolerant."

As I just commented, any man who makes these statements is probably a sexual pervert who wants to fuck underage girls and/or has already fucked underage girls.

This Chris Cuomo should therefore be put under investigation by the appropriate law authorities, if he has underage daughters himself they should be questioned and given a medical examination to make sure they haven't been sexually interfered with.
Why doesn't this pedophile Chris Cuomo advocate teaching cross-dressing idiots to 'tolerate' their own damn restroom?!? Teach men who want to be women to 'tolerate' the men's room!
Since the left is all about eliminating free speech - I say we follow their lead. Let's start a campaign to get Cuomo here fired from CNN.
Just in case anyone was wondering why Donald Trump won. What can even be said about such a sick, disgusting, pro-pedophilia comment? The left is a bunch of uncivilized neanderthals who want to regress society back to the caveman era where people just defecate in front of each other in caves (which is literally how we will end up since they've banned all forms of energy - necessary for civilized life).

CNN's Cuomo: Underage Girls Should Be Taught 'Tolerance' For Male Genitals In School Locker Rooms | The Sean Hannity Show

Nice try.
Just in case anyone was wondering why Donald Trump won. What can even be said about such a sick, disgusting, pro-pedophilia comment? The left is a bunch of uncivilized neanderthals who want to regress society back to the caveman era where people just defecate in front of each other in caves (which is literally how we will end up since they've banned all forms of energy - necessary for civilized life).

CNN's Cuomo: Underage Girls Should Be Taught 'Tolerance' For Male Genitals In School Locker Rooms | The Sean Hannity Show

Nice try.
Nice post. Really added a lot of value there Carby! As usual.....
I'm starting believe the Trump admin writes / says this stuff purposely to keep the illegitimate squirming...they're obviously fully aware of how much the Left hates God and proud American's.

"I'm not representing the globe, I'm representing your country."
"The core conviction of our movement is that we as a nation put our citizens FIRST."
"We're all equals under the same God."
How is it that those who disagree with Trump, including the majority of citizens who did not vote for him, are 'illegitimate' and 'un-American'?

Speaking as a proud Liberal, I take umbrage at your contention that I hate God and proud Americans. What gives you standing to make such a statement?

Again it's time one of these threads is treated with the seriousness it deserves:

You're absolutely right. It's movie clip time!
Do Liberals seek baby-sitters like the AWESOME human depicted in my video?
Just curious.
Somebody's conveniently forgotten what Trump said on the subject:

"People go. They use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate," Trump said. "There has been so little trouble."

Trump: Transgender people can use whatever bathroom they want

Like I said, nice try, OP.
We're all trying to figure out if you have a point here. If you do - would you be willing to articulate it for the rest of us? You probably can't - but I figured it couldn't hurt to ask.

Remember when Barack Obama said that the spending by the Bush Administration was "unpatriotic" and "irresponsible"? And then all he did was go out and spent $10 trillion in debt - the equal to almost all president in U.S. history combined.

Ironically enough - Trump is keeping his word. He's not mandating that you mentally ill, sexually deviant monsters use the correct bathroom. He simply recognizes that it is illegal for the federal government to be involved so he has restored authority back to the states where it belongs.
Do Liberals seek baby-sitters like the AWESOME human depicted in my video?
Just curious.

You know the scary part BL? That is absolutely their ideal human right there. They would literally run Buffalo Bill for president if he was real and they could. Not even kidding. They get off on the disturbing sexual deviance of it all.
Somebody's conveniently forgotten what Trump said on the subject:

"People go. They use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate," Trump said. "There has been so little trouble."

Trump: Transgender people can use whatever bathroom they want

Like I said, nice try, OP.

Look! An idiot has arrived.


Conflating locker rooms where people get naked with bathrooms. Rich... I don't believe Trump called anyone intolerant either.

But thanks for providing more proof for your truly special grade IQ again.

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