Liberals suffering from "Mommy Syndrome": The reason they hate Tea Party


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Guys, have you noticed liberals suffer so badly from what I call "Mommy Syndrome"? Here is how it works:

Liberals never really grew up. Thats why they have this intellectual inferiority complex. Their default answer is to posture themselves as intellectually superior. They insist upon their own intelligence, because they are so uncomfortable with the idea of growing up. You know, just like how 16 year olds always say "Your so stupid, you don't know anything!" (Parents, we've all been there). They want mommy back. Mommy took care of their ills and heartaches. Mommy paid the doctor bills. The food bills. Mommy didn't make them pay rent on the house. Mommy didn't judge them. Mommy just told them how special they were and bought them a new toy every time they cried or got a boo-boo.

Now, 21-50 year old liberals want mommy back. In the form of government. It's why Obama sends tingles up their legs, and why they sometimes forget he's black. They see him, and the government itself, as their new mommy. Mommy will pay their bills. Mommy won't make them pay for the doctor. Or their food. Or car. Or shelter. They can just wake up and play all day, with no worries in the world, and mommy is there to take care of them.

It's one reason liberals also love college so much. Conservatives? Well, we have fun in college. A quick 3.5-4 year spell and we're out of there. Time to work and make a good career. But liberals? Oh they salivate to stay or go back. Not for the education. Partly for the chance to be brainwashed, but also because of what the college provides: Dorms, shelter, free food in the cafeteria, safety, campus nurse, etc. Kind of a sweet combination of mommy and big government.

But, back to my point, if only somehow we could get liberals to grow up a bit, maybe they would be willing to give up the government nipple and put on a pair of work boots for a change. Because, my liberal friends, at some point you have to grow up and become a mommy or daddy yourself. See, us on the right, we've been paying the bills not only for our own children, but for you people also. And thats fine, up to a point, we don't mind because we know all people are different and some of you just can't make it in this big bad world alone without a government hand to guide you.

And thats kinda what the Tea Party is all about. It's mommy and daddy telling you "No more." That it is time to move out. Get a job. Pay your own bills. And that is why they hate the Tea Party so much. The Tea Party is mommy kicking them out of the house, cutting them off their allowance, and making them live independently. And just how kids rebel against their parents, or college students rebel and make fun of the campus dean when they don't get their way.......liberals are now doing that by using sophomoric terms like "teabagger" and snickering at their own cleverness (remember: they are intellectually posing because of their complex).

So, liberals, I ask you this: In exchange for the decades that we've been paying you out of our pocket so that you don't have to grow up in big boy life.....can you please make an attempt to grow up? Pay your OWN bills for a change? Be independent? I know Obama's nipple may look appetizing to you, but plesae, our country is broke. There may not be much for you to grow up into one day......even for you 50 year old libs.
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These types of threads accomplish nothing and/or go nowhere.

Yeah, mostly because liberals can't counter them. Fact is the thread is true. Liberals are fanatical about one thing: Dependence.

They depended on mommy.
They depended on the college campus.
Now, they depend on the government.

They'll never grow up. Never mature. Never take responsibility for their own lives. And much like a 16 year old girl being advised by parents, the auto-response is "You're so stupid you don't know anything!!!" and storm off to their rooms, slam the door and turn on MSNBC.
:lol: That's why pretty much every post from many of the conservatives on this board are whiny complaints, name calling, and other childish responses. Yes, the liberals never grew up :lol:
These types of threads accomplish nothing and/or go nowhere.

Yeah, mostly because liberals can't counter them. Fact is the thread is true. Liberals are fanatical about one thing: Dependence.

They depended on mommy.
They depended on the college campus.
Now, they depend on the government.

They'll never grow up. Never mature. Never take responsibility for their own lives. And much like a 16 year old girl being advised by parents, the auto-response is "You're so stupid you don't know anything!!!" and storm off to their rooms, slam the door and turn on MSNBC.

Cause we are mature enough not to bother feeding the trolls (sometimes) and know not to argue with a child who doesn't want to discuss anything like an adult

So.......are my assumptions wrong? The left did in fact push redistribution of wealth. It did push welfare. It did push for "children" up to age 27 to stay on mommy and daddy's health insurance. It did push for government funded housing. It did push for government funded education. Basically, the liberals have begged for, supported and legislated the nanny state, where all one's needs are taken care of by the government. And liberals have fallen to their knees to worship the Great One Barack Hussein Obama as all this is brought into law.

So, am I wrong?
Just as I expected.

A handful of liberals doing what?

- Taking the intellectual high ground based on their own percieved intelligence.
- Calling me stupid, saying I don't know anything, refusing to talk about issue.

Just as I predicted. Thanks libs for confirming my theory. Maybe Obamacare will have a cure for Mommy Syndrome.....but somehow I doubt it.
Just as I expected.

A handful of liberals doing what?

- Taking the intellectual high ground based on their own percieved intelligence.
- Calling me stupid, saying I don't know anything, refusing to talk about issue.

Just as I predicted. Thanks libs for confirming my theory. Maybe Obamacare will have a cure for Mommy Syndrome.....but somehow I doubt it.

when you learn what making a point is, and backing that up with logic and reasoning instead of spouting absolute nonsense, then we can talk.

Trolls, some of the most pathetic people on the face of the earth
These types of threads accomplish nothing and/or go nowhere.

Yeah, mostly because liberals can't counter them. Fact is the thread is true. Liberals are fanatical about one thing: Dependence.

No.. because they're so pathetic there isn't anything to counter and the people who post them don't deserve a response except to be made fun of.


Can you justify Obama's massive spending?

•President Bush expanded the federal budget by a historic $700 billion through 2008. President Obama would add another $1 trillion.

•President Bush began a string of expensive financial bailouts. President Obama is accelerating that course.

•President Bush created a Medicare drug entitlement that will cost an estimated $800 billion in its first decade. President Obama has proposed a $634 billion down payment on a new govern*ment health care fund.

•President Bush increased federal education spending 58 percent faster than inflation. Presi*dent Obama would double it.

•President Bush became the first President to spend 3 percent of GDP on federal antipoverty programs. President Obama has already in*creased this spending by 20 percent.

•President Bush tilted the income tax burden more toward upper-income taxpayers. President Obama would continue that trend.

•President Bush presided over a $2.5 trillion increase in the public debt through 2008. Setting aside 2009 (for which Presidents Bush and Obama share responsibility for an additional $2.6 trillion in public debt), President Obama’s budget would add $4.9 trillion in public debt from the beginning of 2010 through 2016.

Bush Deficit vs. Obama Deficit in Pictures | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.
These types of threads accomplish nothing and/or go nowhere.

Yeah, mostly because liberals can't counter them. Fact is the thread is true. Liberals are fanatical about one thing: Dependence.

They depended on mommy.
They depended on the college campus.
Now, they depend on the government.

They'll never grow up. Never mature. Never take responsibility for their own lives. And much like a 16 year old girl being advised by parents, the auto-response is "You're so stupid you don't know anything!!!" and storm off to their rooms, slam the door and turn on MSNBC.
You get yourself in trouble when you talk in absolutes. Seems like most people here like to do this. "All liberals depend on mommy." No doubt some do, but there's lots of others who don't and are liberal mostly because of their views on social issues.

You'd probably get a little closer if you defined them as "leftists" or "progressives" but you'd still be wrong in ways. "Liberals" describes a pretty large group and i could name a whole lot of people in my life who could be considered liberals and don't fit your description. Two examples: my father in law who never went to college and makes six figures as long time employee of ComEd here in Illinois, and my friend who completed one semester of college after starting his own web hosting company and making millions off of it.

Same thing the other way. I could be considered a crazy right-winger by some for my fiscal views, even though i support legalization of marijuana, gay rights and abortion (to an extent).
You do realize that there are literally millions of productive, financially solvent, self sufficent liberals. And there are literally millions of conservatives/republicans/tea party members and like minded who currently utilize unemployment, social security, medicare, and other entitlement programs.
These types of threads accomplish nothing and/or go nowhere.

Yeah, mostly because liberals can't counter them. Fact is the thread is true. Liberals are fanatical about one thing: Dependence.

They depended on mommy.
They depended on the college campus.
Now, they depend on the government.

They'll never grow up. Never mature. Never take responsibility for their own lives. And much like a 16 year old girl being advised by parents, the auto-response is "You're so stupid you don't know anything!!!" and storm off to their rooms, slam the door and turn on MSNBC.
You get yourself in trouble when you talk in absolutes. Seems like most people here like to do this. "All liberals depend on mommy." No doubt some do, but there's lots of others who don't and are liberal mostly because of their views on social issues.

You'd probably get a little closer if you defined them as "leftists" or "progressives" but you'd still be wrong in ways. "Liberals" describes a pretty large group and i could name a whole lot of people in my life who could be considered liberals and don't fit your description. Two examples: my father in law who never went to college and makes six figures as long time employee of ComEd here in Illinois, and my friend who completed one semester of college after starting his own web hosting company and making millions off of it.

Same thing the other way. I could be considered a crazy right-winger by some for my fiscal views, even though i support legalization of marijuana, gay rights and abortion (to an extent).

I agree the term "liberal" has been hijacked and "progressive" is more definitive of the leftist movement. The left uses liberal because it sounds like a freedom expression. So, on that I agree.

My gripe is with the massive taxes to support those who want to remain dependent on government. Social justice programs, wealth redistribution, etc. And most progressives want to remain on that path and feel that those with more money are somehow obligated to give even more to taxes for their dependent lifestyles. If more people would be responsible for their own bills, and live within their means, taxes would not have to be raised as much for government subsidy programs.

Oh, and also: I too support legalizing weed and gay rights. I propose to treat weed exactly like alcohol. No driving. No one under 21. Limit public usage the same as cigarettes. Tax it to replace lowered income taxes. Less money spent on cops enforcing it means freeing up cops to focus on other crimes. I also support gay rights through the states. If a state wants it legal then fine, so be it. Another doesn't? Fine. We are free to live in whichever state suits us best. I personally have no issue with gays wanting to wed, although if I had the choice I would rather live in a state that doesn't allow it, but I would not protest my state legalizing that as it really has little to do with my paycheck or the sustaining of a stable government. IMO the anti-gay marriage movement is rooted in religion. I'm a very religious person, but also believe in freedom of religion. Thus, a gay person should not be held to a law which bans gay marriage if that law is rooted in religion because that would be a religious morale forced upon another person by government.

So, anyway, back to why progressives are addicted to mommy state government.
You do realize that there are literally millions of productive, financially solvent, self sufficent liberals. And there are literally millions of conservatives/republicans/tea party members and like minded who currently utilize unemployment, social security, medicare, and other entitlement programs.

I do realize this. I also realize that among those millions of liberals are those who wanted their healthcare paid for and stated they couldn't afford their own.....despite being financially solvent, self-sufficient. It's just not what they wanted to spend their money on....not that they couldn't afford it.

And among those millions of conservatives on unemployment....I'd bet most are quite uncomfortable on it and are out looking for a job. As I said, I don't mind a helping hand. But the road we are on isn't a helping hand, it's a giant government hammock.

As for SS and medicare, again, I'm ok with that, although both will be bankrupt soon and no one will benefit from them in 10-20 years. A helping hand is OK. A hammock is not.
You do realize that there are literally millions of productive, financially solvent, self sufficent liberals. And there are literally millions of conservatives/republicans/tea party members and like minded who currently utilize unemployment, social security, medicare, and other entitlement programs.

Oh, and I also heard a rumor that somewhere out there in the wild wilderness is a black Republican, and maybe even a Hispanic who wants the border to be secured. Crazy talk.
Liberals suffering from "Mommy Syndrome": The reason they hate Tea Party


Why the desperate "Look at me!!! I'm a tea bagger!!!" The main reason most people think you all are rediculous is that you haven't clearly identified the problems you rant about. You are easily misslead. You do not understand the mechanics of the politic. Your biggest gripe is that politicians are not responsive at best and totally corrupt at worst. Nary a one of you has a clue why that is. You idiots go to the puppet show to protest the puppets. You are idiots. That is your main problem. If you were not you would figure out that it is those that dole out billions to our representatives that are the enemy. Not all but nearly all lobbiests are the traitors. They and most culpable the corporate thieves that hire them are the puppet masters. They own the media that has you morons believing in stupid red herrings like "liberal" and a hundred other lables that do not mean anything. You think our representatives lie to us yet you believe in the same monsters that pay them and own the media that does lie to you. They have you so fearful that you go back to the tube like a battered wife and all you get is more of the same.

It is all useless because your second failure is that you are all cowards. Even if you made the great leap to reason and you figured out who your enemy really would do nothing about it.

If all you idiots got together on the internet and all at once magically came to the conclusion that storming "K" street is the only thing that will change anything, which is the real truth you are all so insipidly searching for, ...within ten minutes the media would have you shopping or stuck on the fate of a lost blonde girl. You are pathetic and that is why most americans and your representatives laugh at you. The guy who flew the plane into the IRS building was right...he just chose the wrong target. There should be a thousand more like him crashing into every building on "K" street. Then and only then will these monsters take thier evil traitorous business elsewhere. I know.. it is a desperate act... Aren't you all desperate?
Great post... I'd like to add something though... Libs love college because it is a great diversion from ever having to actually do something productive. My neighbor's kid, nice guy, loves Obama and says he is going to "stay in school as long as his parents will pay for it". I asked him why, and his reply was, and I'm not joking, "because then I'll have to go to work".

So far he has a B.A. in General Studies, a B.A. in Art History and is currently working on his prereqs to get a B.A. in psychology so as to start his M.A. in Psychology.

In general, libs have an aversion to self-sufficiency and individual responsibility.

And I know, yes, there are plenty of libs who are self-sufficient, but those that I know would just as soon not be.
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Guys, have you noticed liberals suffer so badly from what I call "Mommy Syndrome"? Here is how it works:

Liberals never really grew up. Thats why they have this intellectual inferiority complex. Their default answer is to posture themselves as intellectually superior. They insist upon their own intelligence, because they are so uncomfortable with the idea of growing up. You know, just like how 16 year olds always say "Your so stupid, you don't know anything!" (Parents, we've all been there). They want mommy back. Mommy took care of their ills and heartaches. Mommy paid the doctor bills. The food bills. Mommy didn't make them pay rent on the house. Mommy didn't judge them. Mommy just told them how special they were and bought them a new toy every time they cried or got a boo-boo.

Now, 21-50 year old liberals want mommy back. In the form of government. It's why Obama sends tingles up their legs, and why they sometimes forget he's black. They see him, and the government itself, as their new mommy. Mommy will pay their bills. Mommy won't make them pay for the doctor. Or their food. Or car. Or shelter. They can just wake up and play all day, with no worries in the world, and mommy is there to take care of them.

It's one reason liberals also love college so much. Conservatives? Well, we have fun in college. A quick 3.5-4 year spell and we're out of there. Time to work and make a good career. But liberals? Oh they salivate to stay or go back. Not for the education. Partly for the chance to be brainwashed, but also because of what the college provides: Dorms, shelter, free food in the cafeteria, safety, campus nurse, etc. Kind of a sweet combination of mommy and big government.

But, back to my point, if only somehow we could get liberals to grow up a bit, maybe they would be willing to give up the government nipple and put on a pair of work boots for a change. Because, my liberal friends, at some point you have to grow up and become a mommy or daddy yourself. See, us on the right, we've been paying the bills not only for our own children, but for you people also. And thats fine, up to a point, we don't mind because we know all people are different and some of you just can't make it in this big bad world alone without a government hand to guide you.

And thats kinda what the Tea Party is all about. It's mommy and daddy telling you "No more." That it is time to move out. Get a job. Pay your own bills. And that is why they hate the Tea Party so much. The Tea Party is mommy kicking them out of the house, cutting them off their allowance, and making them live independently. And just how kids rebel against their parents, or college students rebel and make fun of the campus dean when they don't get their way.......liberals are now doing that by using sophomoric terms like "teabagger" and snickering at their own cleverness (remember: they are intellectually posing because of their complex).

So, liberals, I ask you this: In exchange for the decades that we've been paying you out of our pocket so that you don't have to grow up in big boy life.....can you please make an attempt to grow up? Pay your OWN bills for a change? Be independent? I know Obama's nipple may look appetizing to you, but plesae, our country is broke. There may not be much for you to grow up into one day......even for you 50 year old libs.

Wow, you're really in TP la la land aren't you?

I've known dozens of 'liberals', almost all of them I've met at work.

Most of them, either did not go to college or dropped out of college, mainly because they wanted to work for a living.

None of them have ever been on any form of government entitlement program.

Your entire concept of a typical 'liberal' is wrong:

Most liberals are working people, both degreed and non-degreed, who are fed up with being abused by the wealthy. They are severely underpaid for the work that they do and know it.

They also know that government is the best protector of their rights - which is why the wealthy hate government so much and spend fortunes financing organizations like the TPs and the GOP.

Could anyone tell me why service technicians are paid ~$20/hr while the clients are billed ~$125 for their services?

Why are paralegal paid ~$25/hr while the clients are billed $300-$400/hr for their services?

Free Market or Free-for-all market thievery?

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