Liberals: How Do You define What it Means to be a Liberal?


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
I am asking this question very sincerely. Liberals...what does it mean to you personally to be liberal? How do you define your liberal philosophy in personal terms?

I ask this question for several reasons.

1. Many liberals express frustration on this message board that they are misunderstood. When they are criticized, the general response often seems to be "you do not know where I am coming from. You really don't understand liberalism."

2. I have found most Conservatives and Libertarians are very willing to discuss their personal political philosophy. Maybe this is a generalization, but liberals seem very reluctant to get specific about what liberalism is...and what it means to them personally.

3. Maybe if you were more willing to discuss what liberalism means to you personally, there would be greater understanding.

I will speak for myself. I am probably socially left leaning. I support gay rights and gay marriage (neither are any of my business) , I don't like abortion but would not refuse women the right to seek one (again, not directly my business). I am generally very tolerant of different points of view and say live and let live as long as you are not hurting anyone else. So socially I'm probably libertarian/Democrat.

Fiscal issues...Constitutional Rights, Gun Ownership, personal responsibility for your own life, I'm pretty Conservative.

See, that was easy. So you folks who see yourself as do you define your beliefs? And please no links to 20 page Das Kapital position papers. This is what you believe. :)
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Whatever upsets the norms of society is what liberal's are for
I am asking this question very sincerely. Liberals...what does it mean to you personally to be liberal? How do you define your liberal philosophy in personal terms?

I ask this question for several reasons.

1. Many liberals express frustration on this message board that they are misunderstood. When they are criticized, the general response often seems to be "you do not know where I am coming from. You really don't understand liberalism."

2. I have found most Conservatives and Libertarians are very willing to discuss their personal political philosophy. Maybe this is a generalization, but liberals seem very reluctant to get specific about what liberalism is...and what it means to them personally.

3. Maybe if you were more willing to discuss what liberalism means to you personally, there would be greater understanding.

I will speak for myself. I am probably socially left leaning. I support gay rights and gay marriage (neither are any of my business) , I don't like abortion but would not refuse women the right to seek one (again, not directly my business). I am generally very tolerant of different points of view and say live and let live as long as you are not hurting anyone else. So socially I'm probably libertarian/Democrat.

Fiscal issues...Constitutional Rights, Gun Ownership, personal responsibility for your own life, I'm pretty Conservative.

See, that was easy. So you folks who see yourself as do you define your beliefs? And please no links to 20 page Das Kapital position papers. This is what you believe. :)

1. I believe that left-right politics are an elaborate deception by the elite, to spark class warfare. The objective-divide and conquer.

2. It appears as though this tactic has been very effective; because partisanship seems to dominate many of the discussions.

3. If one is a conservative, I would think that he would resist being controlled by those who actually "run" this country.

4. Arguing ideals with another, is an exercise in futility.

5. If trust, confidence, and respect are missing...the masses will never unite. My hunch is, that most of our politicians have the same goal; and that isn't the well-being of the majority.
I am asking this question very sincerely. Liberals...what does it mean to you personally to be liberal? How do you define your liberal philosophy in personal terms?

I ask this question for several reasons.

1. Many liberals express frustration on this message board that they are misunderstood. When they are criticized, the general response often seems to be "you do not know where I am coming from. You really don't understand liberalism."

2. I have found most Conservatives and Libertarians are very willing to discuss their personal political philosophy. Maybe this is a generalization, but liberals seem very reluctant to get specific about what liberalism is...and what it means to them personally.

3. Maybe if you were more willing to discuss what liberalism means to you personally, there would be greater understanding.

I will speak for myself. I am probably socially left leaning. I support gay rights and gay marriage (neither are any of my business) , I don't like abortion but would not refuse women the right to seek one (again, not directly my business). I am generally very tolerant of different points of view and say live and let live as long as you are not hurting anyone else. So socially I'm probably libertarian/Democrat.

Fiscal issues...Constitutional Rights, Gun Ownership, personal responsibility for your own life, I'm pretty Conservative.

See, that was easy. So you folks who see yourself as do you define your beliefs? And please no links to 20 page Das Kapital position papers. This is what you believe. :)

You see that description of yourself up there?

Imagine for a moment that an honest person described him or herself in that manner. Add some common sense details to the "fiscal issues" tab and a realization that our constitution is a living document.

Then, my nutter friend, you will have discovered a liberal.

Merry Christmas.
I am asking this question very sincerely. Liberals...what does it mean to you personally to be liberal? How do you define your liberal philosophy in personal terms?

I ask this question for several reasons.

1. Many liberals express frustration on this message board that they are misunderstood. When they are criticized, the general response often seems to be "you do not know where I am coming from. You really don't understand liberalism."

2. I have found most Conservatives and Libertarians are very willing to discuss their personal political philosophy. Maybe this is a generalization, but liberals seem very reluctant to get specific about what liberalism is...and what it means to them personally.

3. Maybe if you were more willing to discuss what liberalism means to you personally, there would be greater understanding.

I will speak for myself. I am probably socially left leaning. I support gay rights and gay marriage (neither are any of my business) , I don't like abortion but would not refuse women the right to seek one (again, not directly my business). I am generally very tolerant of different points of view and say live and let live as long as you are not hurting anyone else. So socially I'm probably libertarian/Democrat.

Fiscal issues...Constitutional Rights, Gun Ownership, personal responsibility for your own life, I'm pretty Conservative.

See, that was easy. So you folks who see yourself as do you define your beliefs? And please no links to 20 page Das Kapital position papers. This is what you believe. :)

You see that description of yourself up there?

Imagine for a moment that an honest person described him or herself in that manner. Add some common sense details to the "fiscal issues" tab and a realization that our constitution is a living document.

Then, my nutter friend, you will have discovered a liberal.

Merry Christmas.

Yes that is why the far left wants to do away with document and it would seem that the so called "liberals" or what I call Neo-libs support this action.

So thus your definition of "liberal" does not fit as they would NOT have voted for Obama, Pelosi or Reid and would be openly defiant against them.

Yet they are not, thus proving that (by your definition) Liberals no longer exist.
I am asking this question very sincerely. Liberals...what does it mean to you personally to be liberal? How do you define your liberal philosophy in personal terms?

I ask this question for several reasons.

1. Many liberals express frustration on this message board that they are misunderstood. When they are criticized, the general response often seems to be "you do not know where I am coming from. You really don't understand liberalism."

2. I have found most Conservatives and Libertarians are very willing to discuss their personal political philosophy. Maybe this is a generalization, but liberals seem very reluctant to get specific about what liberalism is...and what it means to them personally.

3. Maybe if you were more willing to discuss what liberalism means to you personally, there would be greater understanding.

I will speak for myself. I am probably socially left leaning. I support gay rights and gay marriage (neither are any of my business) , I don't like abortion but would not refuse women the right to seek one (again, not directly my business). I am generally very tolerant of different points of view and say live and let live as long as you are not hurting anyone else. So socially I'm probably libertarian/Democrat.

Fiscal issues...Constitutional Rights, Gun Ownership, personal responsibility for your own life, I'm pretty Conservative.

See, that was easy. So you folks who see yourself as do you define your beliefs? And please no links to 20 page Das Kapital position papers. This is what you believe. :)

You see that description of yourself up there?

Imagine for a moment that an honest person described him or herself in that manner. Add some common sense details to the "fiscal issues" tab and a realization that our constitution is a living document.

Then, my nutter friend, you will have discovered a liberal.

Merry Christmas.

Yes that is why the far left wants to do away with document and it would seem that the so called "liberals" or what I call Neo-libs support this action.

So thus your definition of "liberal" does not fit as they would NOT have voted for Obama, Pelosi or Reid and would be openly defiant against them.

Yet they are not, thus proving that (by your definition) Liberals no longer exist.

Whoa! You are impressive. I had better be careful not to get into a discussion with you. I am especially intimidated by your cutting use of our language. I can tell that you are detail oriented....and rely on provable facts to form your opinions.

Yessir......the USMB nutter community needed someone like you.
You see that description of yourself up there?

Imagine for a moment that an honest person described him or herself in that manner. Add some common sense details to the "fiscal issues" tab and a realization that our constitution is a living document.

Then, my nutter friend, you will have discovered a liberal.

Merry Christmas.

Yes that is why the far left wants to do away with document and it would seem that the so called "liberals" or what I call Neo-libs support this action.

So thus your definition of "liberal" does not fit as they would NOT have voted for Obama, Pelosi or Reid and would be openly defiant against them.

Yet they are not, thus proving that (by your definition) Liberals no longer exist.

Whoa! You are impressive. I had better be careful not to get into a discussion with you. I am especially intimidated by your cutting use of our language. I can tell that you are detail oriented....and rely on provable facts to form your opinions.

Yessir......the USMB nutter community needed someone like you.

Since all you have is an insult that must mean my point was valid.

Good to know that my point was spot on, thanks for verifying that.
I am asking this question very sincerely. Liberals...what does it mean to you personally to be liberal? How do you define your liberal philosophy in personal terms?

I ask this question for several reasons.

1. Many liberals express frustration on this message board that they are misunderstood. When they are criticized, the general response often seems to be "you do not know where I am coming from. You really don't understand liberalism."

2. I have found most Conservatives and Libertarians are very willing to discuss their personal political philosophy. Maybe this is a generalization, but liberals seem very reluctant to get specific about what liberalism is...and what it means to them personally.

3. Maybe if you were more willing to discuss what liberalism means to you personally, there would be greater understanding.

I will speak for myself. I am probably socially left leaning. I support gay rights and gay marriage (neither are any of my business) , I don't like abortion but would not refuse women the right to seek one (again, not directly my business). I am generally very tolerant of different points of view and say live and let live as long as you are not hurting anyone else. So socially I'm probably libertarian/Democrat.

Fiscal issues...Constitutional Rights, Gun Ownership, personal responsibility for your own life, I'm pretty Conservative.

See, that was easy. So you folks who see yourself as do you define your beliefs? And please no links to 20 page Das Kapital position papers. This is what you believe. :)
I don't find conservatives personally responsible at all. Nor do I find their actions in accordance with the Constitution.

They constantly blame others (Obama, the left, muslims, the poor, the unemployed, etc.) for many of the issues the nation is facing, without ever acknowledging their role (or contributions) in creating the problem.

As an example:
Economy - they won't discuss the actions (in office) Obama's predecessor had in the meltdown.
Foreign policy - they won't deal with that part of our foreign policy which is creating terrorists.
the deficit - they blame the poor, the unemployed, social programs, for the size of the deficit, instead of the Bush tax cuts, the defense budget and rich (who have sucked all the money out of the middle class with this non-job creating, non-producing, mythical economic instruments known as "derivatives").
War - they started two unprovoked wars of aggression, in violation of the Constitution.
Civil rights - they enacted legislation (the Patriot Act and Military Commission's Act) that nullified the Bill of Rights.
State Dept - they politicized the Dept of Justice​
You don't see the majority of conservatives accepting responsibility for any of that. And I'm not talking about 100% responsibility, because obviously the left played a role in all of that to, but "any" responsibility.

Liberalism to me is about being honest; believing in this country's core values; having respect for the rule of law; taking responsibility for your actions; believing people are free to do whatever they want, as long as it doesn't affect the rights of others or is not against the law; and believing government's role, is to protect American citizens from harm, not corporations from Americans. Corporations should not have any voice whatsoever in government.

This country was not created for them, it was created for us.
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A liberal is one who wants the workers to prosper so they can be taxed and provide them (the liberals) a middle class lifestyle.
A liberal is one who wants the workers to prosper so they can be taxed and provide them (the liberals) a middle class lifestyle.
I've been working ever since I got my learners permit when I was 15-1/2 years old.

Even collecting unemployment this past year, I still managed to work 4 months.

So take your comment and shove it up your ass!
Billo props to you. Of all the liberals on this board you seem to be the only one who is sort of willing to define your principles.

Someone else posted "common sense about fiscal issues," and the "Constitution is a living document." I have no idea what either of those statements mean. Does common sense about fiscal issues mean you ignore the fact that entitlement programs are going bankrupt? Does it mean you support entitlement reform? What does it mean?

And the Constitution is a living document? Does that mean you can ignore it at will, or the words are important and mean what they say? Which is it?
I am asking this question very sincerely. Liberals...what does it mean to you personally to be liberal? How do you define your liberal philosophy in personal terms?

I ask this question for several reasons.

1. Many liberals express frustration on this message board that they are misunderstood. When they are criticized, the general response often seems to be "you do not know where I am coming from. You really don't understand liberalism."

2. I have found most Conservatives and Libertarians are very willing to discuss their personal political philosophy. Maybe this is a generalization, but liberals seem very reluctant to get specific about what liberalism is...and what it means to them personally.

3. Maybe if you were more willing to discuss what liberalism means to you personally, there would be greater understanding.

I will speak for myself. I am probably socially left leaning. I support gay rights and gay marriage (neither are any of my business) , I don't like abortion but would not refuse women the right to seek one (again, not directly my business). I am generally very tolerant of different points of view and say live and let live as long as you are not hurting anyone else. So socially I'm probably libertarian/Democrat.

Fiscal issues...Constitutional Rights, Gun Ownership, personal responsibility for your own life, I'm pretty Conservative.

See, that was easy. So you folks who see yourself as do you define your beliefs? And please no links to 20 page Das Kapital position papers. This is what you believe. :)
I don't find conservatives personally responsible at all. Nor do I find their actions in accordance with the Constitution.

They constantly blame others (Obama, the left, muslims, the poor, the unemployed, etc.) for many of the issues the nation is facing, without ever acknowledging their role (or contributions) in creating the problem.

As an example:
Economy - they won't discuss the actions (in office) Obama's predecessor had in the meltdown.
Foreign policy - they won't deal with that part of our foreign policy which is creating terrorists.
the deficit - they blame the poor, the unemployed, social programs, for the size of the deficit, instead of the Bush tax cuts, the defense budget and rich (who have sucked all the money out of the middle class with this non-job creating, non-producing, mythical economic instruments known as "derivatives").
War - they started two unprovoked wars of aggression, in violation of the Constitution.
Civil rights - they enacted legislation (the Patriot Act and Military Commission's Act) that nullified the Bill of Rights.
State Dept - they politicized the Dept of Justice​
You don't see the majority of conservatives accepting responsibility for any of that. And I'm not talking about 100% responsibility, because obviously the left played a role in all of that to, but "any" responsibility.

Liberalism to me is about being honest; believing in this country's core values; having respect for the rule of law; taking responsibility for your actions; believing people are free to do whatever they want, as long as it doesn't affect the rights of others or is not against the law; and believing government's role, is to protect American citizens from harm, not corporations from Americans. Corporations should not have any voice whatsoever in government.

This country was not created for them, it was created for us.

So, to you the word "liberal" means "totally disconnected from reality?"
This entire thread has been an interesting experiment. I think if a thread was started asking Libertarians to define their core beliefs it would go on for pages and pages. Ditto for Conservatives.

You ask Liberals about their core beliefs and there is virtually dead silence. Very strange. Billo is really the only one who took a shot at it.

In a therapy situation this is called planting the flag. If you are willing to plant the flag for what you believe there is generally intellectual thought behind it and a degree of moral certainty. It does not mean the person is always correct, but at least they have the courage of their convictions.

I do encourage Liberal posters to express their political philosophy. Don't be shy. Let folks know what you stand for and why. Maybe you can build some bridges?
The definitions of liberal or conservative change over time as society's challenges change.

Sadly partisans seem to think that these words address specific issues facing their society today. (and ONLY those issues)

Hence they create a social menu to describe what these words mean.

If you fail to order enough from their menus, then you are THE ENEMY.

Have I mentioned recently the contempt I have for most partisans?

You guys and gals are TOOLS used then abused and abandoned by the masters the moment they no longer need you.
Todays liberals define themselves by how much money they can "liberate" from others and spend.
The definitions of liberal or conservative change over time as society's challenges change.

Sadly partisans seem to think that these words address specific issues facing their society today. (and ONLY those issues)

Hence they create a social menu to describe what these words mean.

If you fail to order enough from their menus, then you are THE ENEMY.

Have I mentioned recently the contempt I have for most partisans?

You guys and gals are TOOLS used then abused and abandoned by the masters the moment they no longer need you.

This is a topic for another thread, of which there have been several recently. Some people are very comfortable with those labels. They mean something to the individual. If you think the labels are bogus, that's fine (personally, I think there is some truth in your statement) but many see themselves as liberal. That is their choice. The question posed in this thread is what does it mean to them personally to be a liberal, and how do they define their beliefs?
I am asking this question very sincerely. Liberals...what does it mean to you personally to be liberal? How do you define your liberal philosophy in personal terms?

I ask this question for several reasons.

1. Many liberals express frustration on this message board that they are misunderstood. When they are criticized, the general response often seems to be "you do not know where I am coming from. You really don't understand liberalism."

2. I have found most Conservatives and Libertarians are very willing to discuss their personal political philosophy. Maybe this is a generalization, but liberals seem very reluctant to get specific about what liberalism is...and what it means to them personally.

3. Maybe if you were more willing to discuss what liberalism means to you personally, there would be greater understanding.

I will speak for myself. I am probably socially left leaning. I support gay rights and gay marriage (neither are any of my business) , I don't like abortion but would not refuse women the right to seek one (again, not directly my business). I am generally very tolerant of different points of view and say live and let live as long as you are not hurting anyone else. So socially I'm probably libertarian/Democrat.

Fiscal issues...Constitutional Rights, Gun Ownership, personal responsibility for your own life, I'm pretty Conservative.

See, that was easy. So you folks who see yourself as do you define your beliefs? And please no links to 20 page Das Kapital position papers. This is what you believe. :)
I don't find conservatives personally responsible at all. Nor do I find their actions in accordance with the Constitution.

They constantly blame others (Obama, the left, muslims, the poor, the unemployed, etc.) for many of the issues the nation is facing, without ever acknowledging their role (or contributions) in creating the problem.

As an example:
Economy - they won't discuss the actions (in office) Obama's predecessor had in the meltdown.
Foreign policy - they won't deal with that part of our foreign policy which is creating terrorists.
the deficit - they blame the poor, the unemployed, social programs, for the size of the deficit, instead of the Bush tax cuts, the defense budget and rich (who have sucked all the money out of the middle class with this non-job creating, non-producing, mythical economic instruments known as "derivatives").
War - they started two unprovoked wars of aggression, in violation of the Constitution.
Civil rights - they enacted legislation (the Patriot Act and Military Commission's Act) that nullified the Bill of Rights.
State Dept - they politicized the Dept of Justice​
You don't see the majority of conservatives accepting responsibility for any of that. And I'm not talking about 100% responsibility, because obviously the left played a role in all of that to, but "any" responsibility.

Liberalism to me is about being honest; believing in this country's core values; having respect for the rule of law; taking responsibility for your actions; believing people are free to do whatever they want, as long as it doesn't affect the rights of others or is not against the law; and believing government's role, is to protect American citizens from harm, not corporations from Americans. Corporations should not have any voice whatsoever in government.

This country was not created for them, it was created for us.

I think that the vast majority of Americans have the same ideology as you described.
The problem is the Progressives in both parties who don't.
The progressives in both parties are not honest, do not believe in this countries core values, they have no respect for our rule of law or our Constitution.
I am asking this question very sincerely. Liberals...what does it mean to you personally to be liberal? How do you define your liberal philosophy in personal terms?

I ask this question for several reasons.

1. Many liberals express frustration on this message board that they are misunderstood. When they are criticized, the general response often seems to be "you do not know where I am coming from. You really don't understand liberalism."

2. I have found most Conservatives and Libertarians are very willing to discuss their personal political philosophy. Maybe this is a generalization, but liberals seem very reluctant to get specific about what liberalism is...and what it means to them personally.

3. Maybe if you were more willing to discuss what liberalism means to you personally, there would be greater understanding.

I will speak for myself. I am probably socially left leaning. I support gay rights and gay marriage (neither are any of my business) , I don't like abortion but would not refuse women the right to seek one (again, not directly my business). I am generally very tolerant of different points of view and say live and let live as long as you are not hurting anyone else. So socially I'm probably libertarian/Democrat.

Fiscal issues...Constitutional Rights, Gun Ownership, personal responsibility for your own life, I'm pretty Conservative.

See, that was easy. So you folks who see yourself as do you define your beliefs? And please no links to 20 page Das Kapital position papers. This is what you believe. :)
I don't find conservatives personally responsible at all. Nor do I find their actions in accordance with the Constitution.

They constantly blame others (Obama, the left, muslims, the poor, the unemployed, etc.) for many of the issues the nation is facing, without ever acknowledging their role (or contributions) in creating the problem.

As an example:
Economy - they won't discuss the actions (in office) Obama's predecessor had in the meltdown.
Foreign policy - they won't deal with that part of our foreign policy which is creating terrorists.
the deficit - they blame the poor, the unemployed, social programs, for the size of the deficit, instead of the Bush tax cuts, the defense budget and rich (who have sucked all the money out of the middle class with this non-job creating, non-producing, mythical economic instruments known as "derivatives").
War - they started two unprovoked wars of aggression, in violation of the Constitution.
Civil rights - they enacted legislation (the Patriot Act and Military Commission's Act) that nullified the Bill of Rights.
State Dept - they politicized the Dept of Justice​
You don't see the majority of conservatives accepting responsibility for any of that. And I'm not talking about 100% responsibility, because obviously the left played a role in all of that to, but "any" responsibility.

Liberalism to me is about being honest; believing in this country's core values; having respect for the rule of law; taking responsibility for your actions; believing people are free to do whatever they want, as long as it doesn't affect the rights of others or is not against the law; and believing government's role, is to protect American citizens from harm, not corporations from Americans. Corporations should not have any voice whatsoever in government.

This country was not created for them, it was created for us.

I think that the vast majority of Americans have the same ideology as you described.
The problem is the Progressives in both parties who don't.
The progressives in both parties are not honest, do not believe in this countries core values, they have no respect for our rule of law or our Constitution.

I have never heard the term progressive conservative. I am not sure what that means? Do you mean the extremes of either political philosophy?
I don't find conservatives personally responsible at all. Nor do I find their actions in accordance with the Constitution.

They constantly blame others (Obama, the left, muslims, the poor, the unemployed, etc.) for many of the issues the nation is facing, without ever acknowledging their role (or contributions) in creating the problem.

As an example:
Economy - they won't discuss the actions (in office) Obama's predecessor had in the meltdown.
Foreign policy - they won't deal with that part of our foreign policy which is creating terrorists.
the deficit - they blame the poor, the unemployed, social programs, for the size of the deficit, instead of the Bush tax cuts, the defense budget and rich (who have sucked all the money out of the middle class with this non-job creating, non-producing, mythical economic instruments known as "derivatives").
War - they started two unprovoked wars of aggression, in violation of the Constitution.
Civil rights - they enacted legislation (the Patriot Act and Military Commission's Act) that nullified the Bill of Rights.
State Dept - they politicized the Dept of Justice​
You don't see the majority of conservatives accepting responsibility for any of that. And I'm not talking about 100% responsibility, because obviously the left played a role in all of that to, but "any" responsibility.

Liberalism to me is about being honest; believing in this country's core values; having respect for the rule of law; taking responsibility for your actions; believing people are free to do whatever they want, as long as it doesn't affect the rights of others or is not against the law; and believing government's role, is to protect American citizens from harm, not corporations from Americans. Corporations should not have any voice whatsoever in government.

This country was not created for them, it was created for us.

I think that the vast majority of Americans have the same ideology as you described.
The problem is the Progressives in both parties who don't.
The progressives in both parties are not honest, do not believe in this countries core values, they have no respect for our rule of law or our Constitution.

I have never heard the term progressive conservative. I am not sure what that means? Do you mean the extremes of either political philosophy?

To me, a progressive conservative is one that has tolerance as it pertains to social issues such as gay marriage and abortion, but still believes in self reliance and small government.

Such as me.

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