Liberals Force Composer To Pull 9/11 Photo From Album Cover


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
(Just trying to keep their heads firmly in the sand, that's all)

"Steve Reich, the Pulitzer-winning American composer, has pulled the controversial artwork for his upcoming Sept. 11 memorial album.

The cover of the album, "WTC 9/11," featured an image of a plane flying into the World Trade Center. When Reich, a pioneer of minimalist classical music, unveiled the cover last month, it was immediately met with criticism.

Reich -- who selected the photograph by Masatomo Kuriya for the cover--composed the three-part score with the Kronos Quartet in memory of the terror attacks. The recording includes samples of air traffic controllers, first responders and women who kept vigil over the dead.

Nonesuch Records had planned to release "WTC 911" on Sept. 6, 2011, five days before the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks. The record label will now release the album with an altered cover on Sept. 20.

"When the cover was being designed, I believed, as did all the staff at Nonesuch, that a piece of music with documentary material from an event would best be matched with a documentary photograph of that event," Reich said in a statement. "I felt that the photo suggested by our art director was very powerful, and Nonesuch backed me up. All of us felt that anyone seeing the cover would feel the same way."

Not everyone did.

It stirred up an enormous controversy that I was absolutely amazed to see," Reich said in an interview published in the September issue of Limelight magazine. "I couldn't believe that people wouldn't just say, 'Well, of course, you know, we're talking about 9/11, so here's a picture of 9/11.'"

Others were surprised too. "This is a kind of image we were inundated with for weeks, months, even years after the event," Anne Midgette wrote in the Washington Post. "Newspapers and magazines and television screens and the covers of books were flooded with pictures of towers being hit, towers burning, towers falling, rescue workers with red-rimmed eyes standing numbly amid the rubble of the towers." So why, 10 years later, is this cover any different?

Reich said the controversy was stirred "mostly by people who had never heard the music," noting that the critical response to live performances of the piece -- including at New York's Carnegie Hall -- was overwhelmingly positive. "To have this reaction to the music usurped by the album cover seemed completely wrong.""

Steve Reich pulls image of 9/11 WTC attacks from album | The Upshot - Yahoo! News
In contrast to the America as inscribed on the base of Lady Liberty "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...", today's America could best be described as a huddled mass yearning for a benevolent master.
This is not history, it has nothing to do with 'liberal,' it is certain people's sensitivity to painful images. Is it in bad taste? For some I guess it is, consider the moment before the plane crashes into the wtc and consider the moment after. I asked the mods to move this and ask again. Not everyone considers the death of their loved ones a record cover.
This is not history, it has nothing to do with 'liberal,' it is certain people's sensitivity to painful images. Is it in bad taste? For some I guess it is, consider the moment before the plane crashes into the wtc and consider the moment after. I asked the mods to move this and ask again. Not everyone considers the death of their loved ones a record cover.

Holy shit! Not only did you manage to post your own opinion without drivel from others, but you actually posted something I absolutely agree with.

Red Letter Day!

Annoyingly, I am out of rep.

*Ponders: Does agreeing with MiniCan't make me a liberal? Hmmmm. Tricky.*
Since this thread is still in the History forum, I am adding a few references to books and ideas so the piece can at least be of use to the casual browser looking for history and not fluff.

Personally I find ideas the most interesting piece of the history puzzle, how is it people can believe slavery is OK, or women are inferior creatures, or nature doesn't matter. So to start this list, I'll note a few books on ideas. (I have not read Fukuyama's yet.)

This book is excellent: [ame=] The Modern Mind: An Intellectual History of the 20th Century (9780060084387): Peter Watson: Books[/ame]

Another Watson book: [ame=] Ideas: A History of Thought and Invention, from Fire to Freud (9780060935641): Peter Watson: Books[/ame]

[ame=] The Passions and the Interests (9780691015989): Albert O. Hirschman: Books[/ame]

American history

This may be the best history of America I have ever read. it gives you a sense of the times. [ame=] The Glory and the Dream: A Narrative History of America, 1932-1972 (9780553345896): William Manchester: Books[/ame]

[ame=] Beyond Geography: The Western Spirit Against the Wilderness, Revised (9780813519098): Frederick Turner: Books[/ame]
[ame=] Railroaded: The Transcontinentals and the Making of Modern America (9780393061260): Richard White: Books[/ame]
[ame=] The Age of Reform (9780394700953): Richard Hofstadter: Books[/ame]
[ame=] The Radicalism of the American Revolution (9780679736882): Gordon S. Wood: Books[/ame]
[ame=] American Scripture: Making the Declaration of Independence (9780679779087): Pauline Maier: Books[/ame]
[ame=] Ratification: Americans Debate the Constitution, 1787-1788: Pauline Maier: Books[/ame]
In Depth with Pauline Maier - C-SPAN Video Library

Other history

The Rise and Fall of Communism - Archie Brown
[ame=] The Rise and Fall of Communism (9780061138799): Archie Brown: Books[/ame]

[ame=] A World Lit Only by Fire: The Medieval Mind and the Renaissance: Portrait of an Age (9780316545563): William Manchester: Books[/ame]
[ame=] A History of Civilizations (9780140124897): Fernand Braudel, Richard Mayne: Books[/ame]
[ame=] Civilization and Capitalism, 15th-18th Century, Vol. I: The Structure of Everyday Life (Civilization & Capitalism, 15th-18th Century) (9780520081147): Fernand Braudel, Sian Reynold: Books[/ame]
[ame=] Postwar: A History of Europe Since 1945 (9780143037750): Tony Judt: Books[/ame]

Essays and political thought

If you read only one book on politics read this one: [ame=] The Rhetoric of Reaction: Perversity, Futility, Jeopardy (9780674768680): Albert O. Hirschman: Books[/ame]

review here: The Rhetoric of Reaction - Albert O. Hirschman - Harvard University Press

But read this too to understand the world we live in: [ame=] Ill Fares the Land (9780143118763): Tony Judt: Books[/ame]

[ame=] The Night Is Large: Collected Essays, 1938-1995 (9780312169497): Martin Gardner: Books[/ame]

[ame=] The Culture of Make Believe (9781931498579): Derrick Jensen: Books[/ame]

[ame=] Culture of Contentment, the (Penguin economics) (9780140173666): Books[/ame]
Sorry for the families of people who died on 9/11, but this bit of RECENT HISTORY should never be forgotten.

The 10th anniversary of this tragic day is coming, and these images are going to be everywhere. Get used to it people. It happened. Should we pretend it didn't? I think not.
You completely miss the point, there is no way we will forget 911 but using its images for commercial purposes is in bad taste at the very least.
This is not history, it has nothing to do with 'liberal,' it is certain people's sensitivity to painful images. Is it in bad taste? For some I guess it is, consider the moment before the plane crashes into the wtc and consider the moment after. I asked the mods to move this and ask again. Not everyone considers the death of their loved ones a record cover.
i agree we should not let them build a mosque near the 911 site!!
Story of the then possible shoot down of Flight 93...
TEN YEARS ON: F-16 pilot says she was ready to ram hijacked plane
Sun, Sep 11, 2011 - An F-16 pilot who scrambled on Sept. 11, 2001, to prevent another attack on the US capital said she was prepared to ram her plane into a hijacked aircraft — as there was no time to arm her plane with missiles.
Amid fears another hijacked airliner was barreling toward Washington, Heather Penney, then a lieutenant in the District of Columbia National Guard, was one of two pilots ordered to take off without delay, she said in a recent interview. The threat of an attack on US soil was seen as such a remote possibility at the time that the 121st fighter squadron at Andrews Air Force base outside Washington had no fully-armed fighter jets on standby. With only 105 lead-nosed bullets on board, Penney and Colonel Marc Sasseville took to the skies, while two other F-16s waited to be armed with heat-seeking AIM-9 missiles, Penney told C-SPAN television this week. The pilots had orders from the White House to take out any plane that refused to heed warnings and land, so the two pilots agreed on their plan. “We wouldn’t be shooting it down. We would be ramming the aircraft because we didn’t have weapons on board to be able to shoot the airplane down,” Penney said.

As they were putting on their flight gear, “Sass looked at me and said: ‘I’ll ram the cockpit.’ “And I had made the decision that I would take the tail off the aircraft,” she said. Penney said she “knew if I took off the tail of the aircraft, that it would essentially go straight down and so the pattern of debris would be minimized.” She said she thought about possibly ejecting just before impact. “I would essentially be a kamikaze and ram my aircraft into the tail of the aircraft. I gave some thought to, you know, would I have time to eject?” Penney said. However, the young pilot was concerned about failing to hit the target. “I mean you only got one chance, you don’t want to eject and have missed, right?” she said.

When she took the plane down the runway, she said she believed it be the last take-off of her life. In the end, Flight 93 never reached Washington, as passengers assaulted the hijackers in the cockpit and the plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. However, the F-16 pilots did not learn of the aircraft’s fate until later that day, said Penney, now a major. “The people on Flight 93 were heroes, but they were going to die no matter what,” she said. “My concern was how do I minimize collateral damage on the ground.” Later that afternoon, Penney helped escort Air Force One, with then-US president George W. Bush on board, back to Andrews Air Force base.

A few years later, she flew missions in the Iraq war, hunting for Scud missiles and backing up special operations forces. Penney was among the first wave of female fighter pilots and she has since stopped flying full-time. The mother of two girls, she now works as a corporate executive, according to the Washington Post. On the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, Penney said she was absorbed with the urgent job at hand and had no time for emotions. “It wasn’t so much that I kept my emotions in check. It was that they didn’t even exist,” she said. “There was significant adrenaline. It was really just, dear God please don’t let me screw up.”


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