‭“‬Liberal‭” ‬Plutocrats In Full Panic Mode


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

‭“‬Liberal‭” ‬Plutocrats In Full Panic Mode

For decades the‭ ‬0.1%‭ ‬has controlled the policies,‭ ‬regulations,‭ ‬and laws coming out of Washington DC.‭ ‬The financial deregulation,‭ ‬tax policy,‭ ‬and austerity pushed by both parties have made a tiny few grotesquely wealthy at the expense of the American Dream.‭ ‬It has given us the over-leveraged,‭ ‬unsustainable economy that resulted in the financial crisis of‭ ‬2008.‭ ‬Post-2008‭ ‬Wall Street made sure little changed,‭ ‬and now Trump has removed the few remaining constraints to abuse and excess.‭ ‬As a result,‭ ‬the current financial system is more fragile and loaded with risk than in‭ ‬2007.‭ ‬We are headed for another crash,‭ ‬thanks to the sociopathic greed of the billionaire class.

The movement Sanders has built and his shocking electoral success has become a serious‭ ‬threat to their scam.‭ ‬They were confident that Bloomberg's cash would save the day.‭ ‬But now it looks like their money might not guarantee them control of the Democratic Party.

‭'‬Liberal‭' ‬MSNBC went into total meltdown as the Nevada results came in.‭ ‬The amount of vitriol directed at Sanders would have made Fox Noise proud.‭ (‬After his rant about Bernie’s Nevada success,‭ ‬Chris Matthews should consider moving to FOX,‭ ‬he’d fit right in.‭) ‬The panic at MSNBC is a reflection of the mindset of their bosses.

Former Goldman Sachs CEO,‭ ‬Democratic party donor,‭ ‬and Clinton backer Loyd Blankfein said:‭ “‬I think I might find it harder to vote for Bernie than for Trump.‭”

One Democratic hedge funder stated,‭ "‬I mean,‭ ‬honestly,‭ ‬if it's Bernie versus Trump,‭ ‬I have no fucking idea what I'm going to do.‭ ‬It’s quite possible I won't vote.‭”

The threats started back when Warren was looking like she might be the nominee,‭ ‬a senior private equity manager:‭ “‬You're in a box because you're a Democrat and you're thinking,‭ “‬I want to help the party,‭ ‬but she's going to hurt me,‭ ‬so I'm going to help President Trump...‭”

But,‭ ‬despite their apparent capitulation,‭ ‬don't expect their surrendering to the will of the electorate in the primaries.‭ ‬There is too much money at stake,‭ ‬and their greed is equal to that of the billionaires backing the GOP.‭ ‬When it comes to economic policy they are more in agreement with Trump than with Progressive Democrats.‭ ‬Their liberal masks will be dropped as concern turns into outright panic by these plutocrats that also loot the‭ ‬99.9%‭ ‬for their‭ “‬rightful share‭”‬.

Sanders understood that this would be coming if he was successful.‭

For many years conservatives have hated this group of billionaires for their financial support of the Democrats,‭ ‬which has been instrumental in keeping working class Americans‭’ ‬hope for achieving the American Dream on,‭ ‬what is at best,‭ ‬minimum life support.‭

Since January‭ ‬2017,‭ ‬the impeached president trump has demonstrated to the billionaire class‭ (‬of both parties‭) ‬the extreme level of corruption conservatives will not only accept from their leaders,‭ ‬but will blindly justify and defend.

These billionaires/former donors to the Democrats now must tap what,‭ ‬in the past,‭ ‬has been an exclusively Republican resource,‭ ‬and openly exploit the ignorance of the right-wingers and the wishy-washy moderates who,‭ ‬after forty years of undeniable evidence it’s a scam,‭ ‬still believe‭ “‬trickle down‭” ‬actually exists.

A few billion well-spent dollars will have the conservatives and wishy-washy moderates heading to the polls in droves to help crush the progressive movement that dares attempt to return control to the voters.‭

If the‭ “‬pretend liberal‭” ‬plutocrats cannot install‭ “‬Very Cooperative‭” ‬Biden or the respectable and subtly corrupt Bloomberg in the White House to regain the nation's political stability,‭ ‬the narcissistic,‭ ‬vindictive,‭ ‬and flamboyantly corrupt impeached president trump will suit their needs equally well.‭

Greed, stupidity, and Fear.jpg


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