Liberal media's pre-election whitewash of Hunter Biden scandal exposed after DOJ probe is revealed


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Liberal media's pre-election whitewash of Hunter Biden scandal exposed after DOJ probe is revealed
Liberal media's pre-election whitewash of Hunter Biden scandal exposed after DOJ probe is revealed

From 'smear campaign' to 'Russian disinformation,' liberal media teamed up to dismiss Hunter Biden story

The National Proletariat Radio (NPR) - funded by ur tax dollars against our will, even openly pushed propaganda and the cover-up by declaring, 'We don't want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories'.

The Liberal Media, the Big tech 3 - all of them blacked out, refused to report, covered up the entire Scandal, the on-going investigations by DHS, the Treasury Department, and the DOJ, thereby altering the 2020 election. Had the majority of Americans known about the Biden family (Joe, Hunter, and Jack) financial scandal / crimes it would have changed the election outcome - all the corruption in the world, even more than what we saw, would not have been able to get Joe in the WH.

The Biden Presidency may be the shortest Presidential administration in US history, as he may face Impeachment within days of being sworn into office. Democrats like Pelosi, have enough problems of their own answering questions about facilitating Chinese espionage and want Harris to replace Biden anyway. They won't stop Biden from being forced to resign or being Impeached.

Liberal media's pre-election whitewash of Hunter Biden scandal exposed after DOJ probe is revealed's pre-election whitewash of Hunter Biden scandal exposed after DOJ probe is revealed
Liberal media's pre-election whitewash of Hunter Biden scandal exposed after DOJ probe is revealed

From 'smear campaign' to 'Russian disinformation,' liberal media teamed up to dismiss Hunter Biden story

The National Proletariat Radio (NPR) - funded by ur tax dollars against our will, even openly pushed propaganda and the cover-up by declaring, 'We don't want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories'.

The Liberal Media, the Big tech 3 - all of them blacked out, refused to report, covered up the entire Scandal, the on-going investigations by DHS, the Treasury Department, and the DOJ, thereby altering the 2020 election. Had the majority of Americans known about the Biden family (Joe, Hunter, and Jack) financial scandal / crimes it would have changed the election outcome - all the corruption in the world, even more than what we saw, would not have been able to get Joe in the WH.

The Biden Presidency may be the shortest Presidential administration in US history, as he may face Impeachment within days of being sworn into office. Democrats like Pelosi, have enough problems of their own answering questions about facilitating Chinese espionage and want Harris to replace Biden anyway. They won't stop Biden from being forced to resign or being Impeached.

I would say this will hurt the media’s reputation but it was already on rock bottom
The 'liberal' media is doing what they're told to.
How the media covered up the Hunter Biden story

until after the election

How media covered up the Hunter Biden story — until after the election (
11 Dec 2020 ~~ By David Harsanyi

It’s now clear that the Hunter Biden story was real, with Hunter himself acknowledging a federal probe into his taxes — one that reportedly began in 2018. Really, it was always clear. Yet when the New York Post broke the details, virtually the entire journalistic establishment and left-wing punditsphere defamed the newspaper, claiming it was passing on Russian “disinformation” or partisan fabrications.
The political media quickly began pumping out process stories about the alleged discord in The Post’s newsroom and about the problems with the reporting. In so doing, of course, they did practically no reporting on the substantive allegations that Joe Biden’s family had spent years cashing in on his influence.
Tech companies, spurred on by these censorious journalists, shut down the account of one of America’s most-read newspapers to inhibit users from reading the story. It was completely unprecedented.
At some point, the media was going to be compelled to deal with the Hunter Biden story. He, after all, is now the focus of an FBI investigation. Now, I’m certainly not convinced coverage of the investigation would have changed the outcome of the presidential election (unless we had learned that Joe was involved or aware, for which there is, incidentally, some circumstantial evidence). I don’t know if Hunter has done anything criminal.
But I am convinced that journalists thought the case mattered — and for this reason avoided it. They simply abdicated their professional responsibilities to help Democrats win because many don’t take their craft seriously anymore. That, we will continue to see, is a potential disaster for the nation.

It is never more evident that the former 4th Estate has become the Fifth Column. Anyone who believes the Lame Stream Media is objective is an idiot and will believe any lie the LSM will perpetuate.
As for example the following was found in the Conspiracy Section. The post was factual and obviously one of our "moderators' like our Quisling media Journ0lists decided to bury the article.
(53) Is Biden suddenly an expendable liability to Xi and the CCP? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The crucial point is that Media decided to ditch and censor Hunter’s salacious and incriminating laptop story to save Joe Biden’s arse.
Many voters have since said they would not have voted for Biden if they had known of the laptop’s incendiary contents.
Newsmax opined this morning that MSM broaching the Hunter Biden corruption now is an attempt to resurrect its image with the public.
I believe the Qusilings and PM/DSA Democrats have simply pivoted from their initial goal of winning the election to focus on installing the Commie Kamala Harris as President. They are just kick-starting their attempt to remove Biden. He was just a means to achieve their Commie wet dream of occupying the White House . . . for the second time.
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Evidence has become so overwhelming and undeniable the leftist media arm of the Liberal Progressive Socialist-Marxist Democrat Party can no longer hide or deny it...

And now that they believe they have won and there is no changing it they don't mind rubbing the crimes / scandals in the faces of the duped and cheated American people...
In the name of political partisanship the NYT, MSNBC, CNN, the Washington Post, Politico, NPR, and more covered up / blacked out /refuse to report / protected proven, confirmed criminal, influence-peddling, Russian Oligarch money-laundering, CCP-compromised, drug-abusing, child groping/sniffing, pedophilia, pu$$y-grabbing, coup-conspiring, foreign leader extorting, treasonous National Security Threats...

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