Liberal Logic- DC Bill Will Pay Residents Stipends to not Commit Crime


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Thats right. We'll pay you not to break the law


WASHINGTON (AP) -- They say crime doesn't pay, but that might not be entirely true in the District of Columbia as lawmakers look for ways to discourage people from becoming repeat offenders.

The D.C. Council voted unanimously Tuesday to approve a bill that includes a proposal to pay residents a stipend not to commit crimes. It's based on a program in Richmond, California, that advocates say has contributed to deep reductions in crime there.

Under the bill, city officials would identify up to 200 people a year who are considered at risk of either committing or becoming victims of violent crime. Those people would be directed to participate in behavioral therapy and other programs. If they fulfill those obligations and stay out of trouble, they would be paid.

The bill doesn't specify the value of the stipends, but participants in the California program receive up to $9,000 per year.

News from The Associated Press
What a deal. If you stay out of trouble you get a 9K a year prize? Let's reward the criminal for being like the rest of us. We give them welfare out of guilt, now this?

What a deal. If you stay out of trouble you get a 9K a year prize? Let's reward the criminal for being like the rest of us. We give them welfare out of guilt, now this?


Likely they are receiving both welfare and the $9k...and food stamps...and rental assistance...and utility wavers....and free healthcare...and free cell phone...and...
:desk: Over here, over here! I promise not to injure, maim or rape! Give me my $9K! Make it 20K and I promise not to shoot up a classroom...

What kind of horse shit is this?
:desk: Over here, over here! I promise not to injure, maim or rape! Give me my $9K! Make it 20K and I promise not to shoot up a classroom...

What kind of horse shit is this?

It's liberal logic. You see, its all our faults some black thug shanks a business owner or some kid in a dark alley. I agree that its a risk I'm willing to take to live in America, but rewarding a thug with 9K compensation for being 'normal' is just crazy

So the Taxpayers will be paying these people not to come and break into your homes, cars, etc? How about that people?
Screw paying them. Give home owners weapons and let them kill the person. That's a better investment

I'm sure they'll pay for this program by plucking the money trees they have growing SOMEWHERE. unbelievable
A city that pays criminals to behave

RICHMOND, Calif. – Even by the grim standards of this city, Kamari Ridgle grew up fast and hard.

A drug dealer at age 12 and jailed for carrying an assault rifle to school at 13, Ridgle says he was “one of the people out there doing most of the shootings” back in 2010, when this industrial city of 100,000 was one of the most violent in America and gunplay between warring neighborhoods claimed dozens of lives.

In May that year, Ridgle’s lifestyle caught up with him.

“I got shot on Fifth and Silver 22 times,” said Ridgle, now 19.

His own cousin had set him up to be killed. The attack by some cross-town rivals in broad daylight left him paralyzed from the waist down.

“I think one of the hardest things for me was to let it go,” said Ridgle, seated in his wheelchair. “If I was shot and I was able to walk … I’d probably be on somebody’s corner, shooting at 'em.”

But as Ridgle was leaving the hospital after a year of surgery and rehabilitation, he was won over by agents from the Office of Neighborhood Safety, a city program that takes some unusual steps to prevent gun violence: building close relationships with some of Richmond's most dangerous young men, helping them find jobs and counseling them at City Hall.

But there’s another step that raises some eyebrows: Over an 18-month period, if the men demonstrate better behavior, ONS offers them up to $1,000 a month in cash, plus opportunities to travel beyond Richmond.

A city that pays criminals to behave
:desk: Over here, over here! I promise not to injure, maim or rape! Give me my $9K! Make it 20K and I promise not to shoot up a classroom...

What kind of horse shit is this?

I was thinking the same thing. How do you get on the program? What sort of FIRST crime do you have to commit to get on it? :lmao:
:desk: Over here, over here! I promise not to injure, maim or rape! Give me my $9K! Make it 20K and I promise not to shoot up a classroom...

What kind of horse shit is this?

I was thinking the same thing. How do you get on the program? What sort of FIRST crime do you have to commit to get on it? :lmao:

I think some of the fundamental requirements is you must

1- Consider yourself a victim
2- Are Black
3- Have a dad in prison, or don't know who your dad is
I am certainly glad you bunch of idiots are not in my family... The stipend pays for behavior therapy, which seems to be working..
I am certainly glad you bunch of idiots are not in my family... The stipend pays for behavior therapy, which seems to be working..

I have read 4 different articles and have not seen where it says they have to use the money to pay for therapy.
I am certainly glad you bunch of idiots are not in my family... The stipend pays for behavior therapy, which seems to be working..

Therapy? :badgrin::woohoo:

How about an ass kicking therapy? How about parents making this happen instead or rewarding them. This shows the punishment for crimes are not severe enough. Prison should be all that is needed to convince a thug to fly straight, Not 9K.


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