Liberal Extremists Obsessed With Replacing Most Successful President In DECADES / Ever With...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Biden’s Team Admits He Botched Estimated Cost of Free College Plan

Biden Did Not Know ‘The Green New Deal’ Was ’HIS’ Plan – Chris Wallace Had To Tell Him In 1st Debate

Biden Botched Announcement He Was Killing Oil Industry

Biden Flip-Flopped / Lied About His Plan To End Fracking

Bide Plan Calls For Outlawing All Fossil Fuel Use, Outlaw Internal Combustion Engine – 50+ Mil Job Loss

Biden Refused To Answer About Court Packing

Bide Said Hunter Scandal Is ‘Russia Dis-information campaign – AFTER DNI, DOJ, DHS, State Dept, & FBI said ‘NO IT’S NOT’

Biden Lied: ‘No One Lost Their Health Care Plan / Coverage With Obamacare’

Biden Told Same Lie Obama did About ‘Biden-Care’ – You Won’t Lose Your Plan / Doctor’.

Joe Biden Declared He Will Raise Minimum Wage - Proven Harmful to Unemployment / economy

Biden Promises To ‘Close’ America Again – ‘DARK WINTER AHEAD’

Biden Has Vowed To Open Borders, Make $120 MILLION Illegals Citizens

In Midst Of Pandemic/Shut-Down Economy He Intends To Drastically Raise Taxes

Irrefutable Evidence Proves Joe Biden Compromised, OWNED By Soros, Russia, China

47 Years In Office - No Accomplishments ... Except Failed Crime Bill Replaced By Trump

Biden Has Never Been Right About Any Foreign Policy Decision...focused on family self-enrichment by 'selling out'

Biden Announces They Have The most Extensive Voter Fraud Operation

'Come On, Man!'

Even Pelosi and the rest f the Democrats can't wait to replace him alrerady....
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Oh god, just stop with this. LOL.

225K+ dead. Over 8 million infections and rising, 7.5% unemployment down from a high of 20% after being handed a growing economy from his predecessor and promptly fumbling it. A tax cut that benefited the wealthy and corporations by in large. An endless war on immigrants and people of color without once addressing the underlying issues of immigration and race relations, tilting the highest court in the land so conservatives can enforce their will on the majority for years to come....C'mon Man!!

This man by any reasonable analysis will be remembered by history as the worst President this country ever backed in...erm....elected. :)
Biden’s Team Admits He Botched Estimated Cost of Free College Plan

Biden Did Not Know ‘The Green New Deal’ Was ’HIS’ Plan – Chris Wallace Had To Tell Him In 1st Debate

Biden Botched Announcement He Was Killing Oil Industry

Biden Flip-Flopped / Lied About His Plan To End Fracking

Bide Plan Calls For Outlawing All Fossil Fuel Use, Outlaw Internal Combustion Engine – 50+ Mil Job Loss

Biden Refused To Answer About Court Packing

Bide Said Hunter Scandal Is ‘Russia Dis-information campaign – AFTER DNI, DOJ, DHS, State Dept, & FBI said ‘NO IT’S NOT’

Biden Lied: ‘No One Lost Their Health Care Plan / Coverage With Obamacare’

Biden Told Same Lie Obama did About ‘Biden-Care’ – You Won’t Lose Your Plan / Doctor’.

Joe Biden Declared He Will Raise Minimum Wage - Proven Harmful to Unemployment / economy

Biden Promises To ‘Close’ America Again – ‘DARK WINTER AHEAD’

Biden Has Vowed To Open Borders, Make $120 MILLION Illegals Citizens

In Midst Of Pandemic/Shut-Down Economy He Intends To Drastically Raise Taxes

Irrefutable Evidence Proves Joe Biden Compromised, OWNED By Soros, Russia, China

47 Years In Office - No Accomplishments ... Except Failed Crime Bill Replaced By Trump

Biden Has Never Been Right About Any Foreign Policy Decision...focused on family self-enrichment by 'selling out'

'Come On, Man!'

Even Pelosi and the rest f the Democrats can't wait to replace him alrerady....

Let's see, what groups want to Replace (another word for get the SOB Gone)

1. Fiscal Conservatives
2. Moderates
3. Centrists
4. Everyone else except for Party of the Rump Cult45ers.

In order to do worse than Rump, Lokata is correct. We would have to run Godzilla where No Lives Matter.
Oh god, just stop with this. LOL.

225K+ dead. Over 8 million infections and rising, 7.5% unemployment down from a high of 20% after being handed a growing economy from his predecessor and promptly fumbling it. A tax cut that benefited the wealthy and corporations by in large. An endless war on immigrants and people of color without once addressing the underlying issues of immigration and race relations, tilting the highest court in the land so conservatives can enforce their will on the majority for years to come....C'mon Man!!

This man by any reasonable analysis will be remembered by history as the worst President this country ever backed in...erm....elected. :)

You forgot Joe and Kamala BOTH have stated over 200 MILLION Americans have died from COVID - you are behind on your talking points memos.

Depends on how success is defined

Everybody and his goat has weighed in on the election, so I will too. This will make no difference to Trump’s core followers, for whom he is a cult figure, or to those who detest him. The undecided may be interested.

Note how insubstantial Trump has been, pretending to be what he isn’t and claiming to have done what he hasn’t. Does no one notice? He has heavy support from Evangelicals. Ask him to name the books of the Pentateuch, or the second book, or what church he regularly attended, or ever attended, in New York. He was going to end the wars, but what war has he ended? To reduce the trade deficit, but it has grown. To get rid of all illegal aliens withing two years, but have they gone? To bring back factories from China and Mexico, but how many have returned? He is called a law-and-order President. Yet he hid, besieged, in the White House during the greatest eruption of lawlessness the country has ever seen, with a statue being pulled down across the street from his house. His handling of the virus? America remains hardest hit in the world, and it worsens by the day.

Trump, like all Presidents, has fulfilled the two critical jobs expected of him, protecting Wall Street and the military budget. What else has he done?
Biden’s Team Admits He Botched Estimated Cost of Free College Plan

Biden Did Not Know ‘The Green New Deal’ Was ’HIS’ Plan – Chris Wallace Had To Tell Him In 1st Debate

Biden Botched Announcement He Was Killing Oil Industry

Biden Flip-Flopped / Lied About His Plan To End Fracking

Bide Plan Calls For Outlawing All Fossil Fuel Use, Outlaw Internal Combustion Engine – 50+ Mil Job Loss

Biden Refused To Answer About Court Packing

Bide Said Hunter Scandal Is ‘Russia Dis-information campaign – AFTER DNI, DOJ, DHS, State Dept, & FBI said ‘NO IT’S NOT’

Biden Lied: ‘No One Lost Their Health Care Plan / Coverage With Obamacare’

Biden Told Same Lie Obama did About ‘Biden-Care’ – You Won’t Lose Your Plan / Doctor’.

Joe Biden Declared He Will Raise Minimum Wage - Proven Harmful to Unemployment / economy

Biden Promises To ‘Close’ America Again – ‘DARK WINTER AHEAD’

Biden Has Vowed To Open Borders, Make $120 MILLION Illegals Citizens

In Midst Of Pandemic/Shut-Down Economy He Intends To Drastically Raise Taxes

Irrefutable Evidence Proves Joe Biden Compromised, OWNED By Soros, Russia, China

47 Years In Office - No Accomplishments ... Except Failed Crime Bill Replaced By Trump

Biden Has Never Been Right About Any Foreign Policy Decision...focused on family self-enrichment by 'selling out'

'Come On, Man!'

Even Pelosi and the rest f the Democrats can't wait to replace him alrerady....

Let's see, what groups want to Replace (another word for get the SOB Gone)

1. Fiscal Conservatives
2. Moderates
3. Centrists
4. Everyone else except for Party of the Rump Cult45ers.

In order to do worse than Rump, Lokata is correct. We would have to run Godzilla where No Lives Matter.
Police Officer Unions want him gone.....oh wait, that was a lie.

Everything you just posted is a lie.

Funny how documented, recorded, reported FACTS posted drives snowflakes into Full-Bown TDS' fits.

Oh god, just stop with this. LOL.

225K+ dead. Over 8 million infections and rising, 7.5% unemployment down from a high of 20% after being handed a growing economy from his predecessor and promptly fumbling it. A tax cut that benefited the wealthy and corporations by in large. An endless war on immigrants and people of color without once addressing the underlying issues of immigration and race relations, tilting the highest court in the land so conservatives can enforce their will on the majority for years to come....C'mon Man!!

This man by any reasonable analysis will be remembered by history as the worst President this country ever backed in...erm....elected. :)
UR thoroughly brainwashed lib. Sheesh!!!!!!
Note how insubstantial Trump has been, pretending to be what he isn’t and claiming to have done what he hasn’t.

I see Biden has the 'Retard / Liar' Vote all sewn up

Pre-covid & despite undermining, sedition, treason, and continued proven failed coup attempts:

Strongest Economy In DECADES
Lowest Unemployment in DECADES
Lowest Black Unemployment in US History
Lowest Latino Unemployment in US History
Lowest Asian Unemployment in US History
Lowest Women Unemployment in US History
Lowest Teen / Young Adult Unemployment in US History
Most Americans working at 1 time ever in US history
Brought Back Manufacturing Jobs
--- Obama Declared This To Be Impossible, Said NOT Having Them Was The New Norm
More Jobs, Higher Wages (Without A Job-Killing Mandatory Minimum Wage)
More Job Advancement Potential
More Raises
More Bonuses
Better Trade Deals For Americans - 1st President To Stand Up To Other Nations, Like China
Millions Of Americans Independent Instead of Remaining On Democrat/Govt Social Programs
1st President NOT to Start Another War in DECADES
EARNED 4 (FOUR) Nobel Peace Prizes Nominations For Historic Treaties Thought Impossible
Exposed Majority Of Leftist Media As Coup-Supporting, Fake News, Propaganda Pushing
Defeated President Obama and His Criminal Administration's Exposed Coup Attempt
Defeated Pelosi-Run faux coup as 1st admitted Partisan Impeachment in US History
--- Based on ZERO Crime, ZERO Evidence, ZERO Witnesses
Exposed the Biden Crime Family Selling Out US tour Nation's Enemies for Decades
And Much, Much, More.....
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Oh god, just stop with this. LOL.

225K+ dead. Over 8 million infections and rising, 7.5% unemployment down from a high of 20% after being handed a growing economy from his predecessor and promptly fumbling it. A tax cut that benefited the wealthy and corporations by in large. An endless war on immigrants and people of color without once addressing the underlying issues of immigration and race relations, tilting the highest court in the land so conservatives can enforce their will on the majority for years to come....C'mon Man!!

This man by any reasonable analysis will be remembered by history as the worst President this country ever backed in...erm....elected. :)

You forgot Joe and Kamala BOTH have stated over 200 MILLION Americans have died from COVID - you are behind on your talking points memos.


Only if we all had listened to Rump.
Biden’s Team Admits He Botched Estimated Cost of Free College Plan

Biden Did Not Know ‘The Green New Deal’ Was ’HIS’ Plan – Chris Wallace Had To Tell Him In 1st Debate

Biden Botched Announcement He Was Killing Oil Industry

Biden Flip-Flopped / Lied About His Plan To End Fracking

Bide Plan Calls For Outlawing All Fossil Fuel Use, Outlaw Internal Combustion Engine – 50+ Mil Job Loss

Biden Refused To Answer About Court Packing

Bide Said Hunter Scandal Is ‘Russia Dis-information campaign – AFTER DNI, DOJ, DHS, State Dept, & FBI said ‘NO IT’S NOT’

Biden Lied: ‘No One Lost Their Health Care Plan / Coverage With Obamacare’

Biden Told Same Lie Obama did About ‘Biden-Care’ – You Won’t Lose Your Plan / Doctor’.

Joe Biden Declared He Will Raise Minimum Wage - Proven Harmful to Unemployment / economy

Biden Promises To ‘Close’ America Again – ‘DARK WINTER AHEAD’

Biden Has Vowed To Open Borders, Make $120 MILLION Illegals Citizens

In Midst Of Pandemic/Shut-Down Economy He Intends To Drastically Raise Taxes

Irrefutable Evidence Proves Joe Biden Compromised, OWNED By Soros, Russia, China

47 Years In Office - No Accomplishments ... Except Failed Crime Bill Replaced By Trump

Biden Has Never Been Right About Any Foreign Policy Decision...focused on family self-enrichment by 'selling out'

'Come On, Man!'

Even Pelosi and the rest f the Democrats can't wait to replace him alrerady....

Let's see, what groups want to Replace (another word for get the SOB Gone)

1. Fiscal Conservatives
2. Moderates
3. Centrists
4. Everyone else except for Party of the Rump Cult45ers.

In order to do worse than Rump, Lokata is correct. We would have to run Godzilla where No Lives Matter.
Police Officer Unions want him gone.....oh wait, that was a lie.

Everything you just posted is a lie.

Funny how documented, recorded, reported FACTS posted drives snowflakes into Full-Bown TDS' fits.


Just to name one, The Portland Police Chief wants him gone. And just about everywhere Rump sent his Brown Shirts unasked.
Oh god, just stop with this. LOL.

225K+ dead. Over 8 million infections and rising, 7.5% unemployment down from a high of 20% after being handed a growing economy from his predecessor and promptly fumbling it. A tax cut that benefited the wealthy and corporations by in large. An endless war on immigrants and people of color without once addressing the underlying issues of immigration and race relations, tilting the highest court in the land so conservatives can enforce their will on the majority for years to come....C'mon Man!!

This man by any reasonable analysis will be remembered by history as the worst President this country ever backed in...erm....elected. :)

I looked
I can't find a single accurate thought in that nonsense.
How about wars? Biden and Obama started 5 wars. 100,000 bombs dropped and 500,000 brown people killed.

Biden will start more wars.

How many did Trump start?
Oh god, just stop with this. LOL.

225K+ dead. Over 8 million infections and rising, 7.5% unemployment down from a high of 20% after being handed a growing economy from his predecessor and promptly fumbling it. A tax cut that benefited the wealthy and corporations by in large. An endless war on immigrants and people of color without once addressing the underlying issues of immigration and race relations, tilting the highest court in the land so conservatives can enforce their will on the majority for years to come....C'mon Man!!

This man by any reasonable analysis will be remembered by history as the worst President this country ever backed in...erm....elected. :)

I looked
I can't find a single accurate thought in that nonsense.

And all you heard was
Oh god, just stop with this. LOL.

225K+ dead. Over 8 million infections and rising, 7.5% unemployment down from a high of 20% after being handed a growing economy from his predecessor and promptly fumbling it. A tax cut that benefited the wealthy and corporations by in large. An endless war on immigrants and people of color without once addressing the underlying issues of immigration and race relations, tilting the highest court in the land so conservatives can enforce their will on the majority for years to come....C'mon Man!!

This man by any reasonable analysis will be remembered by history as the worst President this country ever backed in...erm....elected. :)

I looked
I can't find a single accurate thought in that nonsense.

And all you heard was

It is all anyone hears when you or people like the other poster speak.
Just to name one, The Portland Police Chief wants him gone. And just about everywhere Rump sent his Brown Shirts unasked.
'Brown Shirts'?

Oh, you mean the Federal Marshals / Officers sent to cities to protect FEDERAL Buildings where PROVEN Democrat-City-Govt Supported Soros/China-Funded Domestic Terrorists looted burned, murdered, and set fire to Federal Buildings while attempting to barricade the officers inside to ensure they died.....

Foreign-Funded Democrat-Politician / Govt-supported Domestic Terrorists ravaged Democrat-run cities all over the country, and, as shown, you and the other POS radical snowflakes on this board support them as well.

Thanks for reminding us of another HUGE difference between Biden and Trump: Biden supports Soros/China-funded domestic terrorists and supports replacing Law Enforcement Officers with therapists and social workers and Biden has told Americans, 'If you want the violence to end, vote for me'. Everyone knows about the Left's vow that if Trump wins there will be much, much more violence.
Oh god, just stop with this. LOL.

225K+ dead. Over 8 million infections and rising, 7.5% unemployment down from a high of 20% after being handed a growing economy from his predecessor and promptly fumbling it. A tax cut that benefited the wealthy and corporations by in large. An endless war on immigrants and people of color without once addressing the underlying issues of immigration and race relations, tilting the highest court in the land so conservatives can enforce their will on the majority for years to come....C'mon Man!!

This man by any reasonable analysis will be remembered by history as the worst President this country ever backed in...erm....elected. :)
You guys are permanent chaos.
Oh god, just stop with this. LOL.

225K+ dead. Over 8 million infections and rising, 7.5% unemployment down from a high of 20% after being handed a growing economy from his predecessor and promptly fumbling it. A tax cut that benefited the wealthy and corporations by in large. An endless war on immigrants and people of color without once addressing the underlying issues of immigration and race relations, tilting the highest court in the land so conservatives can enforce their will on the majority for years to come....C'mon Man!!

This man by any reasonable analysis will be remembered by history as the worst President this country ever backed in...erm....elected. :)

I looked
I can't find a single accurate thought in that nonsense.

That's because you're a true believer. I wouldn't expect you to.
This man can do no wrong in your eyes. He walks on water for you.
For the rest of us, He and the rest of the Republicans offer nothing but
incompetence and the same old, same old...
Oh god, just stop with this. LOL.

225K+ dead. Over 8 million infections and rising, 7.5% unemployment down from a high of 20% after being handed a growing economy from his predecessor and promptly fumbling it. A tax cut that benefited the wealthy and corporations by in large. An endless war on immigrants and people of color without once addressing the underlying issues of immigration and race relations, tilting the highest court in the land so conservatives can enforce their will on the majority for years to come....C'mon Man!!

This man by any reasonable analysis will be remembered by history as the worst President this country ever backed in...erm....elected. :)

I looked
I can't find a single accurate thought in that nonsense.

That's because you're a true believer. I wouldn't expect you to.
This man can do no wrong in your eyes. He walks on water for you.
For the rest of us, He and the rest of the Republicans offer nothing but
incompetence and the same old, same old...

Or, you just lie
Yeah, that's it.
Just to name one, The Portland Police Chief wants him gone. And just about everywhere Rump sent his Brown Shirts unasked.
'Brown Shirts'?

Oh, you mean the Federal Marshals / Officers sent to cities to protect FEDERAL Buildings where PROVEN Democrat-City-Govt Supported Soros/China-Funded Domestic Terrorists looted burned, murdered, and set fire to Federal Buildings while attempting to barricade the officers inside to ensure they died.....

Foreign-Funded Democrat-Politician / Govt-supported Domestic Terrorists ravaged Democrat-run cities all over the country, and, as shown, you and the other POS radical snowflakes on this board support them as well.

Thanks for reminding us of another HUGE difference between Biden and Trump: Biden supports Soros/China-funded domestic terrorists and supports replacing Law Enforcement Officers with therapists and social workers and Biden has told Americans, 'If you want the violence to end, vote for me'. Everyone knows about the Left's vow that if Trump wins there will be much, much more violence.

Yah, the ones that were a mile or more fron those federal buildings. Had they confined themselves to just the Federal Building I doubt if anyone would have noticed. But running around the streets in rental SUVs and Vans dragging citizens into them is NOT legal in any way. But since when did the word "Legal" ever come into play with anything else Rump does. You seem to leave that part out.
Yah, the ones that were a mile or more from those federal buildings.

Don't you ever get tired of being proven to be a LYING, PROPAGANDA-SPREADING POS?

PORTLAND, OREGON - JULY 22: A protester throws flaming trash toward the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse after breaking through a newly-reinforced perimeter fence on July 22, 2020 in Portland, Oregon. The night marked 56 days of protests in Portland following the death of George Floyd in police custody. (Photo …

Foreign-funded, Democrat politician/leader-supported domestic terrorists barricaded federal officers in a federal building and torched it, attempting to murder the federal law enforcement officers inside. This is not a one-time occurrence.

These terrorist criminal pieces of fecal matter - enemies of the state - burned federal office buildings in Seattle, Portland, and other locations. They have attacked and burned down police stations in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, and other Democrat-run cities all over the US...

And you have been exposed as a worthless, lying, terrorist-supporting POS who has no credibility whatsoever. Thank you for demonstrating there is no reason to talk / listen to you.


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