Libbs own hate speech ...


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
with the recent outburst of hate and division from the left [Waters,Biden,Hoffa,] and so has become obvious that the left is ratcheting up hatred to anger and inspire a big turnout from their voting base ...they are pulling out all stops to lie and blame the right for their failed leadership !!The upcoming insane request for hundreds of billions in spending and taxes is a set up, and a pathetic attempt at a frame job to accuse the right of obstruction !! and if the right were spewing the same violent rhetoric that leaders of the left have been using the mainstream media would be screaming hate speech at the top of their lungs !! so I guess the left owns the definition of what is and isn't hate in America .... I know many on the left accuse me of hate speech and that i have no moral standing to give my opinion on the issue ,but I am not an elected leader and my views do not effect the future of this country ...if you want to insult me or neg rep me that is ok with me ..but to try to deny that the left is spouting hatred and division is hypocrisy in it's rawest form ..
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well done ass speluker, you now have ur own hate speech
usually I would destroy your faggot ass with a barrage of insulting punishment !! But this time I shall refrain from stooping to your adolescent level ..It is evident from your avatar mooning everyone how childish and rude you are !! Instead of refuting my claims in a civil manner you resort to hate speech !! .........I will turn the other cheek one time !! be civil or i shall be forced to embarrass you once again !!:eusa_eh:
IF libs "own" hate speech, then Randi, you MUST be a lib.

The vile, putrid, hateful shit you say about black people proves that your malignant heart is full of the hate you spew.

By the way, why haven't you toddled off to go fuck yourself?

You've been asked politely many times.
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Absolutely yidner. Maybe Michael Savage was right when he said "liberalism is a mental illness". Liberal Hollywood hated President Bush so much that they promoted a movie showing his (fictional) assassination while he was still in office. Cindy Sheehan's mob was over the top with anti-Bush anti-war rhetoric and they quit as soon as a democrat won the election while the war is still going on. Democrats snickered at a hate speech full page ad in the NY Times at $10,000 a pop calling the Military leader in Iraq "betray-us". Left wing hate speech even trumps racism. Dr. Condie Rice was attacked viciously by the left with depraved cartoons showing her as a slave mammy.
with the recent outburst of hate and division from the left ...but to try to deny that the left is spouting hatred and division is hypocrisy in it's rawest form ..
We need you to take out some of these bad guys.”
-Moochele Bachmann (R) Min April 15, 2010

Let’s beat that other side to a pulp! Let’s take them out. Let’s chase them down. There’s going to be a reckoning!
-Steve King (R) Iowa March 21, 2010
with the recent outburst of hate and division from the left ...but to try to deny that the left is spouting hatred and division is hypocrisy in it's rawest form ..
We need you to take out some of these bad guys.”
-Moochele Bachmann (R) Min April 15, 2010

Let’s beat that other side to a pulp! Let’s take them out. Let’s chase them down. There’s going to be a reckoning!
-Steve King (R) Iowa March 21, 2010
I will not deny that there is an occasional gaff committed by the right and even down right hatred but it is like comparing a trickle to a flash flood when it comes to the hatred the left is spouting !!
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IF libs "own" hate speech, then Randi, you MUST be a lib.

The vile, putrid, hateful shit you say about blacks people proves that your malignant heart is full of the hate you spew.

By the way, why haven't you toddled off to go fuck yourself?

You've been asked politely many times.
you are also a glutton for punishment ....I will turn the other cheek on you also ....but be civil next time or you will be punished :eusa_angel:
with the recent outburst of hate and division from the left ...but to try to deny that the left is spouting hatred and division is hypocrisy in it's rawest form ..
We need you to take out some of these bad guys.”
-Moochele Bachmann (R) Min April 15, 2010

Let’s beat that other side to a pulp! Let’s take them out. Let’s chase them down. There’s going to be a reckoning!
-Steve King (R) Iowa March 21, 2010
I will not deny that there is an occasional gaff committed by the right and even down right hatred bet it is like comparing a trickle to a flash flood when it comes to the hatred the left is spouting !!

I will not deny that there is an occasional gaffe committed by the left, but it is like comparing a trickle to what Noah experienced when it comes to the hatred that the right plies, on a daily basis, on this very board and all over Fox News.

Sorry, your version was too tame to cover how much the right hates.
We need you to take out some of these bad guys.”
-Moochele Bachmann (R) Min April 15, 2010

Let’s beat that other side to a pulp! Let’s take them out. Let’s chase them down. There’s going to be a reckoning!
-Steve King (R) Iowa March 21, 2010
I will not deny that there is an occasional gaff committed by the right and even down right hatred bet it is like comparing a trickle to a flash flood when it comes to the hatred the left is spouting !!

I will not deny that there is an occasional gaffe committed by the left, but it is like comparing a trickle to what Noah experienced when it comes to the hatred that the right plies, on a daily basis, on this very board and all over Fox News.

Sorry, your version was too tame to cover how much the right hates.
oh i don't deny that the majority of the right attack things like our muslim enemies ,abortion,crime ect..almost as much as the left attacks business, Christianity,law enforcement, the right to bare arms ect...but the difference is we don't try to use hatred and lies to energise our voting base on the level that the left does !! and that is a fact !! and if someone on the right said something like all the dems can go to hell and i'll help them get there !! the media storm would be devastating on the character of the person that said it !!
Oh great...another astonishing thread by the member with ZERO Rep power. :rolleyes:
You are crazed. Pub dupes are ALWAYS talking about what pussies and cowards liberals are. Which is it? And the full quotes would show you to also be LIARS.
Oh great...another astonishing thread by the member with ZERO Rep power. :rolleyes:
thats because neggers like you neg rep me when they don't like what i am saying !! there is nothing good about vile ,filthy neggers that run around in negger flash mobs neg repping people they don't like !!It's neggers like you that would love to silence people you disagree with !! but if someone treated a negger the same way a negger treated someone they didn't like they would cry foul and run to the mods !!
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It's amazing Dems would get frustrated with Pubs who've blocked EVERYTHING since 1/2010, lie and fear monger about everything, etc etc etc. How dumb can you dupes get anyway? The world is aghast...
It's amazing Dems would get frustrated with Pubs who've blocked EVERYTHING since 1/2010, lie and fear monger about everything, etc etc etc. How dumb can you dupes get anyway? The world is aghast...
Obama got trillions of dollars to fund his programs what more do you want ?? and the topic of the thread is hate speech from LEFT WING LEADERS !! not hate speech from average Americans on the left or right venting on line!!
well done ass speluker, you now have ur own hate speech
usually I would destroy your faggot ass with a barrage of insulting punishment !! But this time I shall refrain from stooping to your adolescent level ..It is evident from your avatar mooning everyone how childish and rude you are !! Instead of refuting my claims in a civil manner you resort to hate speech !! .........I will turn the other cheek one time !! be civil or i shall be forced to embarrass you once again !!:eusa_eh:

kettle meet pot.
the hatefull faggot coonblow loves pain !! he likes to set himself on fire and tries to make to make it to the creek !! this self mutilation stems from the hatred he has for himself because he has a small penis!!
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with the recent outburst of hate and division from the left [Waters,Biden,Hoffa,] and so has become obvious that the left is ratcheting up hatred to anger and inspire a big turnout from their voting base ...they are pulling out all stops to lie and blame the right for their failed leadership !!The upcoming insane request for hundreds of billions in spending and taxes is a set up, and a pathetic attempt at a frame job to accuse the right of obstruction !! and if the right were spewing the same violent rhetoric that leaders of the left have been using the mainstream media would be screaming hate speech at the top of their lungs !! so I guess the left owns the definition of what is and isn't hate in America .... I know many on the left accuse me of hate speech and that i have no moral standing to give my opinion on the issue ,but I am not an elected leader and my views do not effect the future of this country ...if you want to insult me or neg rep me that is ok with me ..but to try to deny that the left is spouting hatred and division is hypocrisy in it's rawest form ..

Pot calling the kettle black...
with the recent outburst of hate and division from the left [Waters,Biden,Hoffa,] and so has become obvious that the left is ratcheting up hatred to anger and inspire a big turnout from their voting base ...they are pulling out all stops to lie and blame the right for their failed leadership !!The upcoming insane request for hundreds of billions in spending and taxes is a set up, and a pathetic attempt at a frame job to accuse the right of obstruction !! and if the right were spewing the same violent rhetoric that leaders of the left have been using the mainstream media would be screaming hate speech at the top of their lungs !! so I guess the left owns the definition of what is and isn't hate in America .... I know many on the left accuse me of hate speech and that i have no moral standing to give my opinion on the issue ,but I am not an elected leader and my views do not effect the future of this country ...if you want to insult me or neg rep me that is ok with me ..but to try to deny that the left is spouting hatred and division is hypocrisy in it's rawest form ..

Pot calling the kettle black...
thats it ???:lol::lol::lol:
the hatefull faggot coonblow loves pain !! he likes to set himself on fire and tries to make to make it to the creek !! this self mutilation stems from the hatred he has for himself because he has a small penis!!

yes it is small, at one time it was huge, but after many years of sowing my seed in many ladies it was worn down to a smaller size..

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