Lib Journalists Promote Condemnation of Presenting Both Sides


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017

only a fool would welcome this. if you're so insecure in your values and mannerisms that you would want to prevent alternative views from being discussed and presented, you are the problem.

this is one the journalism industry must fix on their own. Gov intervention would simply kill it with the final death nail.

in my own history of politics, i've seen the media go after the gov time and again. but it wasn't until obama did i see gov "fight back" and call out news sources as liars or biased. the gov has zero business dictating to our media what they should and should not print and even less business telling me who i must believe.

find your own examples on your own sites. that's who we are now. one site says something you don't like, keep moving. sooner or later you'll find that validation for your emotional stability. at that point we declare that writer genius and the rest fools.

we win. we simply say the other site is fake news and ours is real because im emotionally validated. that's whats important anymore. being told it's ok to feel this way.

frankly, it is. pretty much ok to feel any way you want to. however, the reasons that make you feel that way may or may not be true. those too weak minded to dig past their own walls are the ones who build them higher and attack more when threatened.

they come up with articles that say both sides should not be equally presented.

NEWSFLASH NEWSLADY - they don't have to be. but those are editorials and opinions. not news and certainly not factual. that's what makes them opinions, you see.

but the mindset today is far too strong that we simply silence those who are saying things that find ways to cause us pain. i'll admit i want to silence idiots, and i do. i move on and ignore them.

that's how you do it.

the platform of American culture is that we all have a right to speak out and that is under such heavy fire these days, illustrated beautifully by this article from a blogger.

that's all you are when this is what you do; a blogger. certainly not a journalist. those people dig for facts before presenting them. or at least they used to. now just scream a lot and declare the other side idiots and you've somehow won the day.

those cheering this article and what it represents, well that is in fact your right to do so. i will fight for your right to speak out as strongly as i fight to tell you this opinion is wrong and contrary who who we've been for almost 250 years.

the problem is, will this be who we are tomorrow?

gonna be a lot of fighting between those times as those who call bullshit can and will speak out. if denied their own rights, expect escalation.

the left has justified their attacks on gov as being ignored for too long. if that is the stance and qualifier, great. i disgree but great. lets play it out that way.

silencing the other side is ignoring them and since the left has validated violence as a means to an end, expect more violence.

that's how human nature works whether you're intelligent enough to see the road you are on or not.
1/6/21 proved that.
and here we have you pull the usual fucking bullshit and denounce one side and ignore what the other does.

you can't ever simply speak to a topic, can you? gotta use every post and every opportunity to be a a fucking snark-dick.
You have no obligation to present both sides when one side is a lie
and here we have you pull the usual fucking bullshit and denounce one side and ignore what the other does.

you can't ever simply speak to a topic, can you? gotta use every post and every opportunity to be a a fucking snark-dick.
I like to be ironic and tell the tale that is opposite what the OP tells...Some people would call that debate.
You have no obligation to present both sides when one side is a lie
you not liking it makes it a lie.

not your call to make but thank you for your usual worthless bullshit that proves my point all too well.

if only you were smart enough to see how stupid you are.

btw - RUSSIA was a lie. musta missed your condemnation of the coverage.
you not liking it makes it a lie.

not your call to make but thank you for your usual worthless bullshit that proves my point all too well.

if only you were smart enough to see how stupid you are.

btw - RUSSIA was a lie. musta missed your condemnation of the coverage.
No, being an alternate reality makes it a lie

The media has no obligation to give Conservative fantasies equal time
silencing the other side is ignoring them and since the left has validated violence as a means to an end, expect more violence.
Absolutely! And we're ready. We have not quite been pushed far enough but the day is coming.

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