Letter to the editor


Active Member
Apr 20, 2007
I sent this in to a local newspaper, but they have yet to print it. It was for the open letter section for citizens to write in. This newspaper is a hotbed for liberalism so I wasn't surprised they didnt print it.

"Liberalism: A Mental Disorder

I've looked at the data on the internet and found that liberalism shows many signs shared by mental illness. One is welfare and dependancy on others. Another is delusions, which is common in a liberal. Liberals many times like to think that the world is different than what it is. For instance, they think that man on man sex is normal. Nature has proven them wrong. Another thing is after Kerry lost the election, liberals went to see shrinks. This is a real example of liberalism causing a mental problem. Liberals also believe in conspiracies. They also ignore other ones that have been proven.

For instance, in 1992, it has been documented on the internet that Al Gore/Koffi Annan/etc met with a few UN leaders to invent something to further leftist ideas. A few ideas circulated, but they eventually set on global warming. Research was done on how to make this happen. I'm not a scientist, but basically they invented a chemical that would change the climate. They then released it somewhere around America. Many internet sources claim area 51, or near the canadian border, I don't know myself. Any seem likely. But the documentation is there if anyone can use google. This is why Al Gore needed to win the presidency, or else his plans were for nothing. This is why he has done the recent push for global warming with his book and all that. It's also to set up his liberal regime that he wants to impose on America, that is being aided by the liberal media. My point is that liberals say Bush planned 911 when something like this happened, although this could be just a rumor but again check the internet, it's all there. So liberals have conspiracy delusions.

I suggest liberals seek treatment. I'm sure they have medicine to cure it. Not all psychos are liberals, so if you hear voices you might not be a liberal. But if you are a liberal, then you definitely have a mental disorder."
I sent this in to a local newspaper, but they have yet to print it. It was for the open letter section for citizens to write in. This newspaper is a hotbed for liberalism so I wasn't surprised they didnt print it.

"Liberalism: A Mental Disorder

I've looked at the data on the internet and found that liberalism shows many signs shared by mental illness. One is welfare and dependancy on others. Another is delusions, which is common in a liberal. Liberals many times like to think that the world is different than what it is. For instance, they think that man on man sex is normal. Nature has proven them wrong. Another thing is after Kerry lost the election, liberals went to see shrinks. This is a real example of liberalism causing a mental problem. Liberals also believe in conspiracies. They also ignore other ones that have been proven.

For instance, in 1992, it has been documented on the internet that Al Gore/Koffi Annan/etc met with a few UN leaders to invent something to further leftist ideas. A few ideas circulated, but they eventually set on global warming. Research was done on how to make this happen. I'm not a scientist, but basically they invented a chemical that would change the climate. They then released it somewhere around America. Many internet sources claim area 51, or near the canadian border, I don't know myself. Any seem likely. But the documentation is there if anyone can use google. This is why Al Gore needed to win the presidency, or else his plans were for nothing. This is why he has done the recent push for global warming with his book and all that. It's also to set up his liberal regime that he wants to impose on America, that is being aided by the liberal media. My point is that liberals say Bush planned 911 when something like this happened, although this could be just a rumor but again check the internet, it's all there. So liberals have conspiracy delusions.

I suggest liberals seek treatment. I'm sure they have medicine to cure it. Not all psychos are liberals, so if you hear voices you might not be a liberal. But if you are a liberal, then you definitely have a mental disorder."

If I were you I would cross my fingers that your letter doesn't get printed. If I were the paper I would print just so people had something funny to read.

Unfortunately it seems baseless drivel and conspiracy theories is not relegated just to the left.
If I were you I would cross my fingers that your letter doesn't get printed. If I were the paper I would print just so people had something funny to read.

Unfortunately it seems baseless drivel and conspiracy theories is not relegated just to the left.

Yup, the left believes in conspiracy theories and as proof I will provide you with MY own conspiracy theory , one concocted by "gasp" the left.
What's funny about it Bern? The fact that it exposes some liberal lies and disorders? Do some google searches and find out the truth.
What's funny about it Bern? The fact that it exposes some liberal lies and disorders? Do some google searches and find out the truth.

Well where to start. Your first paragraph is rife with unproven assumptions

Another is delusions, which is common in a liberal. Liberals many times like to think that the world is different than what it is. For instance, they think that man on man sex is normal. Nature has proven them wrong. Another thing is after Kerry lost the election, liberals went to see shrinks.

delusions is a baseless statement, what evidenve is there taht they suffer from delusions? Delusions of what exactley. Thinking that man on man sex is normal? Probably not. more appropriately not condemmable. Went to see shrinks. As a pure guess I would imagine maybe a few hear or there did. That is sligtly logical in that liberalism is more based in emotion than reason. still I have seen little evidence that psychologists were racking up the billable hours in the days following the election.

Your second paragraph is more conspiracy theory oriented in nature. I happen to believe that Al Gore truly does believe in the man made global warming theory. Your accussation also makes no sense because if you are one who doesn't beleive in the man made theory what you then probably believe is that man is haveing no measureable impact on the climate, thus how could whatever chemical Gore released into the air cause anything. But I will check anyway.

Also finding a source that claims something does not neccessarily make the claim so.

As a conservative a responded to you as I did because if your letter is not printed it won't be because the paper is afraid of you exposing readers to some great truth. They will print it to show the mindless unobjective reasoning of a member of the right. I woudl just as soon they didn't print it so as not to discredit me as a conservative.

If you are conservative I strongly suggest you brush up on the topic yourself. A, if not the, cornerstone of conservativism is reason. the opposite of the liberals emotion. Being objective, the ability to step back and observe something without bias to me is what makes conservatism better than liberalism. There are very, very few people who call themselves Republican or even conservatives who are truly conservative in an objectively thinking sense. Your little rant there is completely void of reason and objectivity.
so i see the libs have already gotten to you. ive spent hours researching area 51, freemasonry, etc. the truth is out there. conservatives sometimes plan the biggest conspiracies. liberalism though is just a disease. and i dont need to be objective, i have the facts on my side. do a google search for liberal conspiracies and then for conservative ones. probably the same number of results. the thing is the media is run by liberals so we never see the truth.
Yup, the left believes in conspiracy theories and as proof I will provide you with MY own conspiracy theory , one concocted by "gasp" the left.

So you agree with the assertion above that Liberalism is analogous to a mental illness?

I'm not a Liberal, but that idea is absolutely ridiculous.
so i see the libs have already gotten to you. ive spent hours researching area 51, freemasonry, etc. the truth is out there. conservatives sometimes plan the biggest conspiracies. liberalism though is just a disease. and i dont need to be objective, i have the facts on my side. do a google search for liberal conspiracies and then for conservative ones. probably the same number of results. the thing is the media is run by liberals so we never see the truth.

Again just because something is printed doesn't make it so. I can probaly find somehting that says pigs actually can fly on the internet. I am conservative through and through. Liberalism will never get to me, though I understand that is what you need to believe.
So you agree with the assertion above that Liberalism is analogous to a mental illness?

I'm not a Liberal, but that idea is absolutely ridiculous.

I suggest you reread what I said. Then think about it. If you STILL come to that conclusion, well I don't know what to tell ya.

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