Zone1 Let's Take A Look at What Racism is DEFINED to Be

Cutting in here with a very interesting website that addresses systemic racism and recent studies: I especially liked the video.
Although, I'm sure there will be many who won't.

From Ben and Jerry!? Anti-Israel, self-loathing Radical leftists.
Cutting in here with a very interesting website that addresses systemic racism and recent studies: I especially liked the video.
Although, I'm sure there will be many who won't.

It's the same bullcrap IM2 posts. None of it is racism, much of it is the result of the behavior of blacks or economic realities.
It's the same bullcrap IM2 posts. None of it is racism, much of it is the result of the behavior of blacks or economic realities.
Yes, and much of it is tied to the shamefully high rate of out-of-wedlock births, which correlate to poverty and crime.

And that is the big flaw with “equity” as a goal. If people have unequal outcomes because of their own behavior, choices, whatever, and then we “hand out equity” without them correcting for the behavior that led to the inequity, nothing is really accomplished.

An analogy would if a teacher decided to give all kids a B, regardless of how hard they studied, how disciplined they were, how smart they were, etc.. The C students wouldn’t bother to study and improve their grades, since they are guaranteed a B regardless, and the A students won’t bother to put in all the effort that got them an A because they’re going to end up with the same B that the average kids get.
Yes, and much of it is tied to the shamefully high rate of out-of-wedlock births, which correlate to poverty and crime.

And that is the big flaw with “equity” as a goal. If people have unequal outcomes because of their own behavior, choices, whatever, and then we “hand out equity” without them correcting for the behavior that led to the inequity, nothing is really accomplished.

An analogy would if a teacher decided to give all kids a B, regardless of how hard they studied, how disciplined they were, how smart they were, etc.. The C students wouldn’t bother to study and improve their grades, since they are guaranteed a B regardless, and the A students won’t bother to put in all the effort that got them an A because they’re going to end up with the same B that the average kids get.
equity: to each according to their race
That's not the dictionary definition. It is only the right wing extremist definition and that definiton doesn't count. Especially when the people who make up that particular definition fit the original agreed to and accepted definition of the term.
That is the best definition. A word definition should accurately reflect how a word is conventionally used. What I defined is by far and away the most common usage of "racism."

A common dictionary definition of racism is "discrimination against a person or group because of their race." There is no such thing as an "official" definition. Ten dictionaries make up ten different definitions. You choose a leftwing definition intentionally.

Your Leftist dictionaries source only added numbers 2 and 3 after 2020 for political reasons. 'Wokesters' added them with two political intentions: One, to try to support black people's contention that they can't be racist (which is hogwash — look in a mirror). Two, to try to support the false, made-up black claim of 'systemic racism.'

So, those definitions and how they've been recently altered is itself an example of racism.
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Definition of racism

1: a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.

Ladino elites used racism to justify the displacement and enslavement of the indigenous population, and these beliefs, along with the resentment created by the continued exploitation of indigenous land and labor, culminated in the Guatemalan Civil War (1960-1996).— Mariana Calvo…

how do we begin undoing the processes of internalized hatred and internalized racism?— bell hooks

also : behavior or attitudes that reflect and foster this belief : racial discrimination or prejudice

The kind of trenchant racism to which black people have persistently been subjected can never be defeated by making its victims more respectable. The essence of American racism is disrespect.— Imani Perry

From racist graffiti in schools to daily microaggressions and police profiling, rally testimonials highlighted that issues surrounding racism are still very much local issues.— Ryan J. Degan

The War on Drugs, cloaked in race-neutral language, offered whites opposed to racial reform a unique opportunity to express their hostility toward blacks and black progress, without being exposed to the charge of racism.— Michelle Alexander

2a: the systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another
specifically : WHITE SUPREMACY sense 2 institutional racism

One of the many ruses racism achieves is the virtual erasure of historical contributions by people of color.— Angela Y. Davis

Discriminatory housing practices, redlining neighborhoods, underfunded education, lack of access to healthcare, racial profiling, police brutality and mass incarceration are just a few examples of cage wires that all together contribute to structural racism.— Sylvia Luetmer

Our nation faces a fork in the road and a decision to either continue down the same path of systemic racism or to confront our past honestly.— Bree Newsome

"People of color, low-income people, and Indigenous peoples have been made especially vulnerable through decades of environmental racism: policies that intentionally concentrate pollution and toxic hazards in our communities."— Michele Roberts

b: a political or social system founded on racism and designed to execute its principles
In 1913 the Natives Land Act reserved 90% of the country for whites, who then made up 21% of the population.
Under the formalised racism of apartheid 3.5m blacks were forcibly moved to isolated reservations called "homelands."— The Economist

Notice what is not included in the definitions or the examples- The claim that somebody who talks about legitimate racial issues is practicing racism. Posting about systemic racism is not racism. Discussing the American record of racism is not racism. There is a difference between saying whites are racists than saying whites who pracice racism, white racists, white right wingers, or white right wing extremists. Each of these things describe a subculture inside of the white race.

Definition of subculture

1a: a culture (as of bacteria) derived from another culture
b: an act or instance of producing a subculture
2: an ethnic, regional, economic, or social group exhibiting characteristic patterns of behavior sufficient to distinguish it from others within an embracing culture or society.
a: criminal subculture

Blacks and other people of color have not been blaiming everybody white for racism. While all whites are not racists, there is a subculture that is. Unfortunately some of that subculture exists here. And they are the one whining and compaining about black racism or anti white racism or discrimination. Now you guys can do your whataboutisms and claim there is a black racist subculture. You are welcome to provide evidence of how that black racist subculture is supported by public policy, law enforcement/criminal justice, business, education and politics. Find me the political party thal party that supports black extremists and show me a report where members of groups like the NBPP are infiltrating law enforcement. Show me the history of policies made by blacks that have denied whites of opportunity. Blacks calling a white person the h word or whatever is not the same thing.

"The term gaslighting, as you might already know, refers to a particular type of emotional abuse where someone is made to question the validity of their experiences, feelings, and beliefs.

When this form of manipulation is used specifically to undermine or minimize someone’s experiences of racism, it’s called racial gaslighting."

Examples of racial gaslighting

“Yes, slavery happened, but that’s in the past,” or “We shouldn’t focus on just the faults of [problematic historical figure].”

“Stop playing the race card.”

“I don’t see color.”

"The “All Lives Matter” movement. This racist rebuttal to the Black Lives Matter movement effectively dismisses the issue of racism, even prompting some Black Lives Matter supporters to reconsider their beliefs."

“Racial gaslighting allows white groups to assuage their guilt and shirk responsibility while continually laying blame at the feet of those their privilege harms the most.”

This is what we see exhibited here. It's primarily done by the right although at least 2 who claim to be liberal, JoeB and Sealybobo do it also.
Negroes in the US are not destructive because of their race.

It is their culture that is destructive. A ghetto culture.
So, your source is Ben & Jerry's ice cream? 😄
Yes. They are a successful business which believes in using their platform and name recognition to speak out on issues of importance. They shared the video featuring author and speaker Heather McGhee who has spent years researching and examining racism. So, just because they sell great ice cream means they can't have anything meaningful to share?
Yes, and much of it is tied to the shamefully high rate of out-of-wedlock births, which correlate to poverty and crime.

And that is the big flaw with “equity” as a goal. If people have unequal outcomes because of their own behavior, choices, whatever, and then we “hand out equity” without them correcting for the behavior that led to the inequity, nothing is really accomplished.

An analogy would if a teacher decided to give all kids a B, regardless of how hard they studied, how disciplined they were, how smart they were, etc.. The C students wouldn’t bother to study and improve their grades, since they are guaranteed a B regardless, and the A students won’t bother to put in all the effort that got them an A because they’re going to end up with the same B that the average kids get.
I believe there is a difference between equality of opportunity and equity. Speaking about teachers and students, each student should be given equal opportunity to excel. In too many places, the schools lack supplies, technology, excellent facilities in which to learn. I don't believe that most folks expect for everyone everywhere to reach the exact same financial status but I believe most folks believe they should not be denied opportunities for advancement because of their skin color.
Yes. They are a successful business which believes in using their platform and name recognition to speak out on issues of importance. They shared the video featuring author and speaker Heather McGhee who has spent years researching and examining racism. So, just because they sell great ice cream means they can't have anything meaningful to share?
In their case, I know for certain they have nothing meaningful to share. They're blooming idiots. It is because of their racism and ignorance that I stopped buying their product altogether quite a long time ago now. It's one thing to be racist but quite another to flaunt it as they do.
Definition of racism

1: a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.
Race is not a fundamental determinant of human traits and capabilities. Gene alleles are. However, gene alleles for various human traits and capabilities exist in different proportions in the different races. This leads to racial differences in average intelligence, and criminal and sexual behavior.
Negroes in the US are not destructive because of their race.

It is their culture that is destructive. A ghetto culture.
Gene alleles determine culture, which determine behavior.

Jews and Orientals create thriving cultures everywhere in the world that they live, even when they are poor and persecuted.
Now define Race. I have yet since 1970 found a definition that will hold up under scrutiny. It's long past time to get rid of the idea of Race and Racism out of our vocabulary and use Bigotry and Prejudice instead.

I had a college English professor give me the best definition I have ever heard. She said that your race is on your birth certificate. There is no hue test to determine if your color is dark enough to be considered black or not black. It cannot be codified into law. However, checking someone’s birth certificate is the only way to determine what race someone belongs to and it is up to the mother to decide. There is no person in the world with the authority to change your race classification. If your momma said you were white then you will be white the rest of your life even if your skin is dark as chocolate syrup. If I was a good mother I’d classify all my children as black no matter how white they are. Any college denying special privilege to the “white” kid that is legally black could possibly win in the lower courts but the Supreme Court would be forced to accept the race on the birth certificate. There is no law that can define a person’s race solely on skin color. It is impossible to define in writing.
I do not think being a Negro causes social pathology. It obviously correlates with it.
Agree. And when he calls decent people making valid points “white supremacists” simply because he disagrees with them, he comes across as nothing more than an angry black man lashing out at whites - and he is actually driving the racism he purports to hate.
Why are you accusing him of doing the very things you do constantly. Just today your first comment to me was a false accusation of me attacking you simply because I didn't agree with some bs you were trying to pass off as the truth.

You keep pretending to be so fragile as to be hurt by someone disagreeing with you. You're not much different than Amy Cooper calling the police because she felt threatened in the presence of a 'black man' and putting on that dramatic act of fear.

Do you have a better word for someone who resents the presence of "too many black people...." in a variety of places where you encounter them and apparently you don't believe they should be?
When, by legal requirement, you select a person for a job or for a college admission based on race, then you are in the very same act also denying a person that job or admission based on race. Inscribe it in law and you have legalized racism.

Not that old de facto stuff which is bad enough. But de jure.
EVERYONE who gets selected, displaces someone else. And college admissions are not based SOLELY on race, at least not since the landmark SCOTUS decision of Brown v Board of Education in 1954 when college admissions were by law all white under the doctrine of "separate but equal".
Complete and utter nonsense. You are once again trying to conflate Systemic Racism with Individual Racism and I'm not going to let you get away with it. Provide a concrete example of the existence of Systemic Racism and what entity or organization is practicing Systemic Racism TODAY. Not 200 years ago. Not 100 years ago. Not 60 years ago. TODAY.

As I have stated numerous times there are still plenty of individuals of ALL SKIN COLORS who are Racists. Fortunately the majority of individuals today are not Racists. That was not the case 60 years ago but it is today.
This Cornell Law's definition:


Racism is the incitation of discrimination, hatred or violence towards a person or a group of persons because of their origin or their belonging, or not belonging, to a specific ethnic group or race. Such discrimination, hatred and violence are directed against minority groups.​
More broadly, racism can be defined as a set of theories and beliefs that establishes a hierarchy of races and ethnicities, based on misconceptions and stereotypes. Racism is a form of discrimination founded on the origin, or on the ethnic/racial background of the victim.​
Racism can be held in several forms; including, structural (systemic/institutional), interpersonal, or individual. According to Vermont’s Act 33: An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system, systemic (or structural) racism is defined as “the laws, policies, institutional practices, cultural representations, and other societal norms that often work together to deny equal opportunity…”.​
Similarly, the National Archive’s Archivist’s Taskforce on Racism Report states that institutional racism occurs within an organization and includes discriminatory treatment, unfair policies, and biased practices based on race that result in inequitable outcomes for white people over people of color and extends beyond prejudice”​
Interpersonal racism often involves slurs or hateful actions between individuals and individual racism is an embodiment of the beliefs, attitudes, and actions of individuals that “support or perpetuate racism in conscious and unconscious ways.”​
Racism uses prejudices to belittle people based on their physical appearance and it attributes character traits, values, aptitudes or physical or intellectual defects to them, that refer to clichés or stereotypes. Racism aims to incite hatred, encourage verbal or physical violence against minority groups and undermine personal dignity and honor. Hence, the term racism refers to any type of racial discrimination that occurs when an individual is victim of disparate treatment because of their actual or perceived race.​
The term "racism" is a modern concept: the word "racism" appears in the eighteenth Century in the European age of imperialism and the doctrine of discovery, more specifically in France and in the United-Kingdom. The term is then used more commonly to describe the Atlantic slave trade, the Nazi regime actions in Germany, the apartheid in South Africa, racial segregation in the United States in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.​
Racism has played a capital role in hate crimes and genocides throughout history, such as the holocaust, the Armenian genocide, or in times of colonization, such as the colonization of the Americas, of Africa and Asia. Indigenous people were direct victims of racism. Racism has also tinted many political systems, such as apartheid, but also is the root to racist ideologies such as nativism, xenophobia, segregation and supremacy.​
Racism can be expressed through different aspects:​
  • Behaviors: speech, attacks, threats, insults.
  • Crimes against Humanity: slavery, genocide, wars.
  • Ideologies: nativism, xenophobia, colonialism, white supremacy, otherness.
  • Policies: segregation, redlining, apartheid, State persecution, laws against mixed marriage, etc.
Racism built itself on scientific unfounded theories and disillusions that all turned out to be false, and was used to rationalize the politics of oppression. Indeed, racism was originally based on biology. Presupposing the existence of human groups called "races", it stipulates that the members of each "race" have a common genetic heritage that determines their intellectual and physical aptitudes and moral qualities. In the early 20th century, the biologists and scientific community used geneticists to warned that intermarriage between "widely separated" races could result in what they called genetic "disharmonies." This theory was common and quite popular, but quickly lost its credibility. Racism passed from a biological racism to a cultural racism, which has not yet been uprooted.​
Finally, ideological racism has developed since the 19th century, with apartheid in South Africa or the German Reich’s Nazism. “Race” is no longer used to justify inequality, replaced by “Ethnicity”, which refers to the division of human groups based on qualities assumed to be essential to a group. According to the United Nations International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, there is no distinction between the terms "racial" and "ethnic" discrimination. The UN Convention concludes that any superiority based on race is “scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust and dangerous”.​

Illustrations of Institutionalized Racism in the United States​

Racism in the Criminal Justice system:​

In its article titled “Racial Disparities in Criminal Justice”, the American Bar Association highlights that although Black people make up 13.4% of the population, statistics show that:​
  • 22% of fatal police shootings target Black people;
  • 47% of wrongful convictions are inflicted upon Black people;
  • 35% of individuals executed by the death penalty are Black people.
The American Civil Liberties Union states that Black men receive sentences that are on average 20% longer than White men.​

Hate Crimes:​

Hate crimes are a very violent manifestation of racism. The Covid-19 pandemic has further demonstrated that anti-Asian racism was very present in the U.S. The Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism reported:​
  • A 331% increase in hate crimes against Asian-Americans
  • Over 9,000 documented reports of hate crimes against Asian-American since the pandemic.
The most common type of manifestation of anti-Asian hate is verbal harassment, insults and physical assault. On March 16th, 2021, the Atlanta shooting where six women were killed for racial motives further demonstrates that Anti-Asian is extremely violent.​

Racial Discrimination in Healthcare:​

As an example of healthcare discrimination, the data relating to maternal mortality amongst Black and Native American mothers is a good example. Maternal mortality is higher for Black and Native women than it is for their white counterparts, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that:​
  • 700 women in the U.S. die from pregnancy-related complications;
  • Over 50,000 experience life endangering complications related to childbirth;
  • African-American women are 3.2 times more likely to die during labor than white women;
  • Per 100 000 births, 40.8 African-American women die, and in comparison per 100 000 births, 12.7 white women die;
  • Native women are 2.5 times more likely to die during labor than white women;
Over 60% of pregnancy-related deaths are found to be preventable.

Racial Discrimination in Housing (Redlining):​

Redlining can be defined as a discriminatory practice that consists in the systematic denial of services such as mortgages, insurance loans, and other financial services to residents of certain areas, based on their race or ethnicity.​
As an illustration of redlining, reporter Bill Dedman published a series of articles in the 1980s demonstrating that Atlanta banks would accept lending in lower-income white neighborhoods but would refuse to lend in middle-income or upper-income Black neighborhoods.​
For additional educational resources on racism visit the National Museum of African American History and the Zinn Education Project
Do you have a better word for someone who resents the presence of "too many black people...." in a variety of places where you encounter them and apparently you don't believe they should be?
Wherever you find a lot of blacks there will you find a lot of crime. This is not true for all "people of color." Orientals are safe to live with, even when they are poor. I know, because I have lived with poor Vietnamese war refugees. Even Hispanics are safer to be around than Negroes.
This Cornell Law's definition:


Racism built itself on scientific unfounded theories and disillusions that all turned out to be false, and was used to rationalize the politics of oppression. The UN Convention concludes that any superiority based on race is “scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust and dangerous”.​

The truth about average racial differences is not determined by UN Conventions, but by data like this:


and this:


It is wrong to hate someone simply because he is black. It is legitimate to evaluate a group of people because of average characteristics found in the group. No, I do not think whites are responsible for high black crime rates and low average black IQ's. What I do believe is that human evolution has not prepared most Negroes for characteristics important to civilization. Look at the data.

The problem is not racism against blacks. The problem is the black social pathology that generates the racism against blacks.
This Cornell Law's definition:


  • The UN Convention concludes that any superiority based on race is “scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust and dangerous”.

The American Civil Liberties Union states that Black men receive sentences that are on average 20% longer than White men.​


Because blacks have a crime rate that is about eight times the white rate, a criminal justice system that is effective for whites is insufficiently harsh for blacks. Before the civil rights movement this was understood in the United States, and especially in the South.

What is socially unjust and dangerous are the taboos and sanctions against discussing black social pathology.
This Cornell Law's definition:


Racism built itself on scientific unfounded theories and disillusions that all turned out to be false, and was used to rationalize the politics of oppression.​

They have not turned out to be false at all. Charles Murray and Professors Richard Herrnstein, Arthur Jensen, and J. Philippe Rushton have thoroughly documented them.

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