Lets see of anyone says anything


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020
China declares homosexuality a mental illness? Where's LeBron? Where's Disney? - American Thinker

Between the virus and dominion software the demrat/left wing loons owe the Chinese communists a great deal. Now a Chinese court says homosexuality is a mental illness. Where is the outrage?????????????

This puts China's defenders, nearly all leftists, in an increasingly untenable position.

Where's LeBron James, whose claim to fame beyond basketball is defending China? He's got business interests there, and he's said nothing.

Where's Disney, whose family fare these days is more than a little gay-friendly? They too have got business interests in China, and worse still, they made a movie on a Chinese theme complete with Xinjiang's laogai forced labor camps accidentally appearing in the background. They may be indifferent to the laogai, but let's hear their reaction to this news from China.

Hollywood in general is co-opted by China; China has bought up major shares in nearly every major studio. And Hollywood is also quick to jump for causes that can be called gay. Weren't West Hollywood's denizens responsible for blacklisting people who opposed a gay "marriage" initiative? Didn't this bunch boycott the Beverly Wilshire over the Sultan of Brunei's purchase of a share of it, the Sultan instituting anti-gay policies back in his satrapy? Suddenly, we don't hear much from Hollywood about this classification of gayness as a mental illness.

There's also the Chamber of Commerce, the charmers who engaged in the "conspiracy" to "save the 2020 election," as Time magazine reported. They're big China-boosters.

And where's Michael Bloomberg? Bloomberg has famously refused to call China's leader a "dictator," giving a Clintonian dodge of "it's a question of what is a dictator" to a town hall audience during his ill fated 2020 presidential run. More disgusting still, he's tried to ruin people who've spoken out about the hellhole. Remember this, from The Intercept?

I AM ONE of the many women Mike Bloomberg's company tried to silence through nondisclosure agreements. The funny thing is, I never even worked for Bloomberg.
But my story shows the lengths that the Bloomberg machine will go to in order to avoid offending Beijing. Bloomberg's company, Bloomberg LP, is so dependent on the vast China market for its business that its lawyers threatened to devastate my family financially if I didn't sign an NDA silencing me about how Bloomberg News killed a story critical of Chinese Communist Party leaders. It was only when I hired Edward Snowden's lawyers in Hong Kong that Bloomberg LP eventually called off their hounds after many attempts to intimidate me.
China declares homosexuality a mental illness? Where's LeBron? Where's Disney? - American Thinker

Between the virus and dominion software the demrat/left wing loons owe the Chinese communists a great deal. Now a Chinese court says homosexuality is a mental illness. Where is the outrage?????????????

This puts China's defenders, nearly all leftists, in an increasingly untenable position.

Where's LeBron James, whose claim to fame beyond basketball is defending China? He's got business interests there, and he's said nothing.

Where's Disney, whose family fare these days is more than a little gay-friendly? They too have got business interests in China, and worse still, they made a movie on a Chinese theme complete with Xinjiang's laogai forced labor camps accidentally appearing in the background. They may be indifferent to the laogai, but let's hear their reaction to this news from China.

Hollywood in general is co-opted by China; China has bought up major shares in nearly every major studio. And Hollywood is also quick to jump for causes that can be called gay. Weren't West Hollywood's denizens responsible for blacklisting people who opposed a gay "marriage" initiative? Didn't this bunch boycott the Beverly Wilshire over the Sultan of Brunei's purchase of a share of it, the Sultan instituting anti-gay policies back in his satrapy? Suddenly, we don't hear much from Hollywood about this classification of gayness as a mental illness.

There's also the Chamber of Commerce, the charmers who engaged in the "conspiracy" to "save the 2020 election," as Time magazine reported. They're big China-boosters.

And where's Michael Bloomberg? Bloomberg has famously refused to call China's leader a "dictator," giving a Clintonian dodge of "it's a question of what is a dictator" to a town hall audience during his ill fated 2020 presidential run. More disgusting still, he's tried to ruin people who've spoken out about the hellhole. Remember this, from The Intercept?

I AM ONE of the many women Mike Bloomberg's company tried to silence through nondisclosure agreements. The funny thing is, I never even worked for Bloomberg.
But my story shows the lengths that the Bloomberg machine will go to in order to avoid offending Beijing. Bloomberg's company, Bloomberg LP, is so dependent on the vast China market for its business that its lawyers threatened to devastate my family financially if I didn't sign an NDA silencing me about how Bloomberg News killed a story critical of Chinese Communist Party leaders. It was only when I hired Edward Snowden's lawyers in Hong Kong that Bloomberg LP eventually called off their hounds after many attempts to intimidate me.

What if salmon fought raging rivers, leapt waterfalls, and braved hungry bears to get upstream and Ghey off?

No salmon.

No bears.
China declares homosexuality a mental illness? Where's LeBron? Where's Disney? - American Thinker

Between the virus and dominion software the demrat/left wing loons owe the Chinese communists a great deal. Now a Chinese court says homosexuality is a mental illness. Where is the outrage?????????????

This puts China's defenders, nearly all leftists, in an increasingly untenable position.

Where's LeBron James, whose claim to fame beyond basketball is defending China? He's got business interests there, and he's said nothing.

Where's Disney, whose family fare these days is more than a little gay-friendly? They too have got business interests in China, and worse still, they made a movie on a Chinese theme complete with Xinjiang's laogai forced labor camps accidentally appearing in the background. They may be indifferent to the laogai, but let's hear their reaction to this news from China.

Hollywood in general is co-opted by China; China has bought up major shares in nearly every major studio. And Hollywood is also quick to jump for causes that can be called gay. Weren't West Hollywood's denizens responsible for blacklisting people who opposed a gay "marriage" initiative? Didn't this bunch boycott the Beverly Wilshire over the Sultan of Brunei's purchase of a share of it, the Sultan instituting anti-gay policies back in his satrapy? Suddenly, we don't hear much from Hollywood about this classification of gayness as a mental illness.

There's also the Chamber of Commerce, the charmers who engaged in the "conspiracy" to "save the 2020 election," as Time magazine reported. They're big China-boosters.

And where's Michael Bloomberg? Bloomberg has famously refused to call China's leader a "dictator," giving a Clintonian dodge of "it's a question of what is a dictator" to a town hall audience during his ill fated 2020 presidential run. More disgusting still, he's tried to ruin people who've spoken out about the hellhole. Remember this, from The Intercept?

I AM ONE of the many women Mike Bloomberg's company tried to silence through nondisclosure agreements. The funny thing is, I never even worked for Bloomberg.
But my story shows the lengths that the Bloomberg machine will go to in order to avoid offending Beijing. Bloomberg's company, Bloomberg LP, is so dependent on the vast China market for its business that its lawyers threatened to devastate my family financially if I didn't sign an NDA silencing me about how Bloomberg News killed a story critical of Chinese Communist Party leaders. It was only when I hired Edward Snowden's lawyers in Hong Kong that Bloomberg LP eventually called off their hounds after many attempts to intimidate me.
I agree with China on this one. Up till 1973 a man putting his dick in another man's ass was mentally ill. With a lot of pressure from Hollyweird and Barnicle Frank (D) they pressured the APA into changing their minds. How can you just vote that crazy people, arent crazy people? That is just crazy...
When Homosexuality Stopped Being a Mental Disorder | Psychology Today
In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) asked all members attending its convention to vote on whether they believed homosexuality to be a mental disorder. 5,854 psychiatrists voted to remove homosexuality from the DSM, and 3,810 to retain it.
China declares homosexuality a mental illness? Where's LeBron? Where's Disney? - American Thinker

Between the virus and dominion software the demrat/left wing loons owe the Chinese communists a great deal. Now a Chinese court says homosexuality is a mental illness. Where is the outrage?????????????

This puts China's defenders, nearly all leftists, in an increasingly untenable position.

Where's LeBron James, whose claim to fame beyond basketball is defending China? He's got business interests there, and he's said nothing.

Where's Disney, whose family fare these days is more than a little gay-friendly? They too have got business interests in China, and worse still, they made a movie on a Chinese theme complete with Xinjiang's laogai forced labor camps accidentally appearing in the background. They may be indifferent to the laogai, but let's hear their reaction to this news from China.

Hollywood in general is co-opted by China; China has bought up major shares in nearly every major studio. And Hollywood is also quick to jump for causes that can be called gay. Weren't West Hollywood's denizens responsible for blacklisting people who opposed a gay "marriage" initiative? Didn't this bunch boycott the Beverly Wilshire over the Sultan of Brunei's purchase of a share of it, the Sultan instituting anti-gay policies back in his satrapy? Suddenly, we don't hear much from Hollywood about this classification of gayness as a mental illness.

There's also the Chamber of Commerce, the charmers who engaged in the "conspiracy" to "save the 2020 election," as Time magazine reported. They're big China-boosters.

And where's Michael Bloomberg? Bloomberg has famously refused to call China's leader a "dictator," giving a Clintonian dodge of "it's a question of what is a dictator" to a town hall audience during his ill fated 2020 presidential run. More disgusting still, he's tried to ruin people who've spoken out about the hellhole. Remember this, from The Intercept?

I AM ONE of the many women Mike Bloomberg's company tried to silence through nondisclosure agreements. The funny thing is, I never even worked for Bloomberg.
But my story shows the lengths that the Bloomberg machine will go to in order to avoid offending Beijing. Bloomberg's company, Bloomberg LP, is so dependent on the vast China market for its business that its lawyers threatened to devastate my family financially if I didn't sign an NDA silencing me about how Bloomberg News killed a story critical of Chinese Communist Party leaders. It was only when I hired Edward Snowden's lawyers in Hong Kong that Bloomberg LP eventually called off their hounds after many attempts to intimidate me.
I agree with China on this one. Up till 1973 a man putting his dick in another man's ass was mentally ill. With a lot of pressure from Hollyweird and Barnicle Frank (D) they pressured the APA into changing their minds. How can you just vote that crazy people, arent crazy people? That is just crazy...
When Homosexuality Stopped Being a Mental Disorder | Psychology Today
In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) asked all members attending its convention to vote on whether they believed homosexuality to be a mental disorder. 5,854 psychiatrists voted to remove homosexuality from the DSM, and 3,810 to retain it.
Since the lefties have a political crush on China right now this smacks in the face of of left wing believes. Bet we hear crickets.
China declares homosexuality a mental illness? Where's LeBron? Where's Disney? - American Thinker

Between the virus and dominion software the demrat/left wing loons owe the Chinese communists a great deal. Now a Chinese court says homosexuality is a mental illness. Where is the outrage?????????????

This puts China's defenders, nearly all leftists, in an increasingly untenable position.

Where's LeBron James, whose claim to fame beyond basketball is defending China? He's got business interests there, and he's said nothing.

Where's Disney, whose family fare these days is more than a little gay-friendly? They too have got business interests in China, and worse still, they made a movie on a Chinese theme complete with Xinjiang's laogai forced labor camps accidentally appearing in the background. They may be indifferent to the laogai, but let's hear their reaction to this news from China.

Hollywood in general is co-opted by China; China has bought up major shares in nearly every major studio. And Hollywood is also quick to jump for causes that can be called gay. Weren't West Hollywood's denizens responsible for blacklisting people who opposed a gay "marriage" initiative? Didn't this bunch boycott the Beverly Wilshire over the Sultan of Brunei's purchase of a share of it, the Sultan instituting anti-gay policies back in his satrapy? Suddenly, we don't hear much from Hollywood about this classification of gayness as a mental illness.

There's also the Chamber of Commerce, the charmers who engaged in the "conspiracy" to "save the 2020 election," as Time magazine reported. They're big China-boosters.

And where's Michael Bloomberg? Bloomberg has famously refused to call China's leader a "dictator," giving a Clintonian dodge of "it's a question of what is a dictator" to a town hall audience during his ill fated 2020 presidential run. More disgusting still, he's tried to ruin people who've spoken out about the hellhole. Remember this, from The Intercept?

I AM ONE of the many women Mike Bloomberg's company tried to silence through nondisclosure agreements. The funny thing is, I never even worked for Bloomberg.
But my story shows the lengths that the Bloomberg machine will go to in order to avoid offending Beijing. Bloomberg's company, Bloomberg LP, is so dependent on the vast China market for its business that its lawyers threatened to devastate my family financially if I didn't sign an NDA silencing me about how Bloomberg News killed a story critical of Chinese Communist Party leaders. It was only when I hired Edward Snowden's lawyers in Hong Kong that Bloomberg LP eventually called off their hounds after many attempts to intimidate me.
Homosexuality, in and of itself, is not a mental illness.
The need to flaunt it is a mental illness.
China declares homosexuality a mental illness? Where's LeBron? Where's Disney? - American Thinker

Between the virus and dominion software the demrat/left wing loons owe the Chinese communists a great deal. Now a Chinese court says homosexuality is a mental illness. Where is the outrage?????????????

This puts China's defenders, nearly all leftists, in an increasingly untenable position.

Where's LeBron James, whose claim to fame beyond basketball is defending China? He's got business interests there, and he's said nothing.

Where's Disney, whose family fare these days is more than a little gay-friendly? They too have got business interests in China, and worse still, they made a movie on a Chinese theme complete with Xinjiang's laogai forced labor camps accidentally appearing in the background. They may be indifferent to the laogai, but let's hear their reaction to this news from China.

Hollywood in general is co-opted by China; China has bought up major shares in nearly every major studio. And Hollywood is also quick to jump for causes that can be called gay. Weren't West Hollywood's denizens responsible for blacklisting people who opposed a gay "marriage" initiative? Didn't this bunch boycott the Beverly Wilshire over the Sultan of Brunei's purchase of a share of it, the Sultan instituting anti-gay policies back in his satrapy? Suddenly, we don't hear much from Hollywood about this classification of gayness as a mental illness.

There's also the Chamber of Commerce, the charmers who engaged in the "conspiracy" to "save the 2020 election," as Time magazine reported. They're big China-boosters.

And where's Michael Bloomberg? Bloomberg has famously refused to call China's leader a "dictator," giving a Clintonian dodge of "it's a question of what is a dictator" to a town hall audience during his ill fated 2020 presidential run. More disgusting still, he's tried to ruin people who've spoken out about the hellhole. Remember this, from The Intercept?

I AM ONE of the many women Mike Bloomberg's company tried to silence through nondisclosure agreements. The funny thing is, I never even worked for Bloomberg.
But my story shows the lengths that the Bloomberg machine will go to in order to avoid offending Beijing. Bloomberg's company, Bloomberg LP, is so dependent on the vast China market for its business that its lawyers threatened to devastate my family financially if I didn't sign an NDA silencing me about how Bloomberg News killed a story critical of Chinese Communist Party leaders. It was only when I hired Edward Snowden's lawyers in Hong Kong that Bloomberg LP eventually called off their hounds after many attempts to intimidate me.
Homosexuality, in and of itself, is not a mental illness.
The need to flaunt it is a mental illness.
Yes, man has been doing bad things to other people since the beginning of time, but doing bad things is crazy. You dont put something in an area full of diseases and NOT expect to get a disease.

Many common infections can spread by fecal–oral transmission in at least some cases, including:
  • Adenovirus
  • Campylobacter
  • Coxsackievirus (hand-foot-mouth disease)
  • Enteroviruses
  • E. coli infection
  • Giardia
  • Hepatitis A virus
  • Pinworms
  • Polio
  • Rotavirus Salmonella
More items...
Fecal-Oral Transmission: A-to-Z Guide from Diagnosis to Treatmen…

Yea good luck getting the NBA to say anything about it.

Libs say nothing about the horrific treatment of the Uyghurs either. Uyghurs are Muslims, btw. Liberals dare not criticize communist China or anything they do. They split infinitives and hairs and attack Trump and ban Gina Carano over differences of opinion. Don't criticize the puppet master over HUGE glaring obvious issues.
They look the other way when the Muslim world throws gays off of buildings.
Pretty sure that China will also get a pass.
Homosexuality, in and of itself, is not a mental illness.
The need to flaunt it is a mental illness.
I have to agree that homosexuality is not a mental illness. Romans Chapter 1 says that homosexuality is a penalty God imposed on those who do not acknowledge him.

Read from Ro 1:18 to the end of the chapter to see how this biblical principle is currently playing out.

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