Lets replace the ACA with Universal healthcare!!!


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Lets replace the ACA with Universal healthcare! Everyone deserves never to have to suffer without healthcare and worry about having their lives destroyed by the debt.

It is the moral choice and it is right. Anyone that calls themselves christian should agree with me.
Universal Health Care: Cheaper and Better | The Agonist
First, public health is cheaper. The Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development studied the health expenses of all member countries – 29 in all including the United States. The median amount of GDP spent on health care of 29 countries has fluctuated between 7.9 and 8.4 for 2000-2003. For 2000-2003, US health expense as a percentage of GDP was 13.1%, 13.8%, 14.6% and 15% respectively – by far the highest total of all countries. Germany was the next most expensive country and their totals for the same years (2000-2003) were 10.6%, 10.8%, 10.9%, 11.1%, respectively. So, as a percentage of GDP basis, the US spends between 34% and 75% more as a percentage of GDP than countries that rely primarily on public funds to provide health service.

The OECD also breaks health expenses down into amount spent per capita. For the last four years (2000-2003), the median per capital expense for 29 OECD countries ranged from $2010 to 2248. Over the same years, the US once again spent more than any other OECD country, with figures for 2000-2003 of $4539, $4888, $5287 and $5635. Over the same time, Switzerland ranked second in per capita expenditures and Germany third. It’s important to notice that the US’s private health care system routinely spends at least twice as much per person than other countries with public health systems.

The fastest way to fix our debt problem is to go from corporate healthcare to universal.
Lets replace the ACA with Universal healthcare! Everyone deserves never to have to suffer without healthcare and worry about having their lives destroyed by the debt.

It is the moral choice and it is right. Anyone that calls themselves christian should agree with me.
Universal Health Care: Cheaper and Better | The Agonist
First, public health is cheaper. The Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development studied the health expenses of all member countries – 29 in all including the United States. The median amount of GDP spent on health care of 29 countries has fluctuated between 7.9 and 8.4 for 2000-2003. For 2000-2003, US health expense as a percentage of GDP was 13.1%, 13.8%, 14.6% and 15% respectively – by far the highest total of all countries. Germany was the next most expensive country and their totals for the same years (2000-2003) were 10.6%, 10.8%, 10.9%, 11.1%, respectively. So, as a percentage of GDP basis, the US spends between 34% and 75% more as a percentage of GDP than countries that rely primarily on public funds to provide health service.

The OECD also breaks health expenses down into amount spent per capita. For the last four years (2000-2003), the median per capital expense for 29 OECD countries ranged from $2010 to 2248. Over the same years, the US once again spent more than any other OECD country, with figures for 2000-2003 of $4539, $4888, $5287 and $5635. Over the same time, Switzerland ranked second in per capita expenditures and Germany third. It’s important to notice that the US’s private health care system routinely spends at least twice as much per person than other countries with public health systems.

The fastest way to fix our debt problem is to go from corporate healthcare to universal.

Lets replace the ACA with Universal healthcare! Everyone deserves never to have to suffer without healthcare and worry about having their lives destroyed by the debt.

It is the moral choice and it is right. Anyone that calls themselves christian should agree with me.
Universal Health Care: Cheaper and Better | The Agonist
First, public health is cheaper. The Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development studied the health expenses of all member countries – 29 in all including the United States. The median amount of GDP spent on health care of 29 countries has fluctuated between 7.9 and 8.4 for 2000-2003. For 2000-2003, US health expense as a percentage of GDP was 13.1%, 13.8%, 14.6% and 15% respectively – by far the highest total of all countries. Germany was the next most expensive country and their totals for the same years (2000-2003) were 10.6%, 10.8%, 10.9%, 11.1%, respectively. So, as a percentage of GDP basis, the US spends between 34% and 75% more as a percentage of GDP than countries that rely primarily on public funds to provide health service.

The OECD also breaks health expenses down into amount spent per capita. For the last four years (2000-2003), the median per capital expense for 29 OECD countries ranged from $2010 to 2248. Over the same years, the US once again spent more than any other OECD country, with figures for 2000-2003 of $4539, $4888, $5287 and $5635. Over the same time, Switzerland ranked second in per capita expenditures and Germany third. It’s important to notice that the US’s private health care system routinely spends at least twice as much per person than other countries with public health systems.

The fastest way to fix our debt problem is to go from corporate healthcare to universal.

What they are going to do is keep the requirement to buy insurance because that funnels unending money to insurance companies. They will just do away with subsidies for poor people.

Tantamount to forced servitude.

And no one should have any illusions, tens of millions are going to tell these fucktards to stick it up their ass. The streets will run red because of this and the other pile of crap the leper colony has in mind.
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It's going to be a big scam. Sorry, I don't have much faith in Trump on this one (at this point). If he gets a symbolic bitch slap or two on Obama, I'll have to settle for that.
Lets replace the ACA with Universal healthcare! Everyone deserves never to have to suffer without healthcare and worry about having their lives destroyed by the debt.

It is the moral choice and it is right. Anyone that calls themselves christian should agree with me.
Universal Health Care: Cheaper and Better | The Agonist
First, public health is cheaper. The Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development studied the health expenses of all member countries – 29 in all including the United States. The median amount of GDP spent on health care of 29 countries has fluctuated between 7.9 and 8.4 for 2000-2003. For 2000-2003, US health expense as a percentage of GDP was 13.1%, 13.8%, 14.6% and 15% respectively – by far the highest total of all countries. Germany was the next most expensive country and their totals for the same years (2000-2003) were 10.6%, 10.8%, 10.9%, 11.1%, respectively. So, as a percentage of GDP basis, the US spends between 34% and 75% more as a percentage of GDP than countries that rely primarily on public funds to provide health service.

The OECD also breaks health expenses down into amount spent per capita. For the last four years (2000-2003), the median per capital expense for 29 OECD countries ranged from $2010 to 2248. Over the same years, the US once again spent more than any other OECD country, with figures for 2000-2003 of $4539, $4888, $5287 and $5635. Over the same time, Switzerland ranked second in per capita expenditures and Germany third. It’s important to notice that the US’s private health care system routinely spends at least twice as much per person than other countries with public health systems.

The fastest way to fix our debt problem is to go from corporate healthcare to universal.

You may get your wish with Trump in office.
Trump Pushes Single Payer Healthcare, Tax Increase on Wealthy - Breitbart
You should definitely do this. You need a candidate who will educate the people, just the same way the Trump-right does. Say it like it is for a change. Tell them what Australia and Canada have with our healthcare.

Just tell the truth for a change.
It's going to be a big scam. Sorry, I don't have much faith in Trump on this one (at this point). If he gets a symbolic bitch slap or two on Obama, I'll have to settle for that.

Trump's already flipped on Obamacare--there won't be any repeal of it. He can't repeal it. You got Obamcare with a sitting Democrat President and super majorities in both houses. The only way to get rid of it, is with a Republican President and super majorities in both houses, and Republicans aren't anywhere close to that. They lost 6 seats in the house and 2 senate seats last Tuesday. We'll see if Ted Cruz threatens to shut down the government or defund Obamacare now--LOL

So the best they can do is tweek it and hopefully make it more affordable. The mandate stays, everyone is required to purchase medical insurance, pre-existing conditions are covered, and kids being allowed to stay on their parents medical insurance until they're 27 years old will remain.
You should definitely do this. You need a candidate who will educate the people, just the same way the Trump-right does. Say it like it is for a change. Tell them what Australia and Canada have with our healthcare.

Just tell the truth for a change.

Yeah!! Why don't you do that?

Tell them what Australia and Canada have for healthcare.

By the way, why don't you tell them what it's done for Greece, Germany, and most of the rest of the EU?

Let's get it all out there ....
Lets replace the ACA with Universal healthcare! Everyone deserves never to have to suffer without healthcare and worry about having their lives destroyed by the debt.

It is the moral choice and it is right. Anyone that calls themselves christian should agree with me.
Universal Health Care: Cheaper and Better | The Agonist
First, public health is cheaper. The Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development studied the health expenses of all member countries – 29 in all including the United States. The median amount of GDP spent on health care of 29 countries has fluctuated between 7.9 and 8.4 for 2000-2003. For 2000-2003, US health expense as a percentage of GDP was 13.1%, 13.8%, 14.6% and 15% respectively – by far the highest total of all countries. Germany was the next most expensive country and their totals for the same years (2000-2003) were 10.6%, 10.8%, 10.9%, 11.1%, respectively. So, as a percentage of GDP basis, the US spends between 34% and 75% more as a percentage of GDP than countries that rely primarily on public funds to provide health service.

The OECD also breaks health expenses down into amount spent per capita. For the last four years (2000-2003), the median per capital expense for 29 OECD countries ranged from $2010 to 2248. Over the same years, the US once again spent more than any other OECD country, with figures for 2000-2003 of $4539, $4888, $5287 and $5635. Over the same time, Switzerland ranked second in per capita expenditures and Germany third. It’s important to notice that the US’s private health care system routinely spends at least twice as much per person than other countries with public health systems.

The fastest way to fix our debt problem is to go from corporate healthcare to universal.
That was Obama's plan all along.

He knew he couldn't do GOVERNMENT healthcare during his administration do he designed Obamacare to fail.

He thought then the socialists among us would DEMAND government healthcare.

You guys are so easily led by your government masters!
It's going to be a big scam. Sorry, I don't have much faith in Trump on this one (at this point). If he gets a symbolic bitch slap or two on Obama, I'll have to settle for that.

Trump's already flipped on Obamacare--there won't be any repeal of it. He can't repeal it. You got Obamcare with a sitting Democrat President and super majorities in both houses. The only way to get rid of it, is with a Republican President and super majorities in both houses, and Republicans aren't anywhere close to that. They lost 6 seats in the house and 2 senate seats last Tuesday. We'll see if Ted Cruz threatens to shut down the government or defund Obamacare now--LOL

So the best they can do is tweek it and hopefully make it more affordable. The mandate stays, everyone is required to purchase medical insurance, pre-existing conditions are covered, and kids being allowed to stay on their parents medical insurance until they're 27 years old will remain.

I believe Trump can gut some waste to the Obama cronies and at least bring prices under some control. It won't be the fair system that Americans need. But it should be better than the current catastrophe.
Lets replace the ACA with Universal healthcare! Everyone deserves never to have to suffer without healthcare and worry about having their lives destroyed by the debt.

It is the moral choice and it is right. Anyone that calls themselves christian should agree with me.
Universal Health Care: Cheaper and Better | The Agonist
First, public health is cheaper. The Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development studied the health expenses of all member countries – 29 in all including the United States. The median amount of GDP spent on health care of 29 countries has fluctuated between 7.9 and 8.4 for 2000-2003. For 2000-2003, US health expense as a percentage of GDP was 13.1%, 13.8%, 14.6% and 15% respectively – by far the highest total of all countries. Germany was the next most expensive country and their totals for the same years (2000-2003) were 10.6%, 10.8%, 10.9%, 11.1%, respectively. So, as a percentage of GDP basis, the US spends between 34% and 75% more as a percentage of GDP than countries that rely primarily on public funds to provide health service.

The OECD also breaks health expenses down into amount spent per capita. For the last four years (2000-2003), the median per capital expense for 29 OECD countries ranged from $2010 to 2248. Over the same years, the US once again spent more than any other OECD country, with figures for 2000-2003 of $4539, $4888, $5287 and $5635. Over the same time, Switzerland ranked second in per capita expenditures and Germany third. It’s important to notice that the US’s private health care system routinely spends at least twice as much per person than other countries with public health systems.

The fastest way to fix our debt problem is to go from corporate healthcare to universal.
That was Obama's plan all along.

He knew he couldn't do GOVERNMENT healthcare during his administration do he designed Obamacare to fail.

He thought then the socialists among us would DEMAND government healthcare.

You guys are so easily led by your government masters!

He drove the competition out of the market and promoted the narrative that universal coverage is an expectation. Now, everyone pays for sh** whether they want it or not.
Let's not and say we did

How about we tell the rest of the world socialized healthcare sucks and it's OK to say so no matter what your nanny state says?

How about we say if the UK spent as much on the NHS as the US spends on healthcare, it'd be a great system.

It's ironic that the Tories say the UK spends too much on healthcare, but wants a US system.
How about we stop the intentional poisoning of our water, air and food that is causing people to be unhealthy? I think that would pay huge dividends. How about we allow holistic medicine to flourish instead of suppressing it because it cuts into the profits of big pharma?
Let's not and say we did

How about we tell the rest of the world socialized healthcare sucks and it's OK to say so no matter what your nanny state says?

How about we say if the UK spent as much on the NHS as the US spends on healthcare, it'd be a great system.

It's ironic that the Tories say the UK spends too much on healthcare, but wants a US system.

The Tories don't really want that... To say you want the US system in Europe is political suicide...

It is like modeling your law and order policy on Somalia....
We already have universal health care. There is virtually no county in America that doesn't have a "free clinic" aka: health department. Every emergency room in the country is subject to indigent care law and cannot refuse a patient on basis of ability to pay. Anyone on disability or public assistance is eligible for Medicaid or Medicare. Just in case someone fell through the cracks... we have over 20,000 various charity organizations, support groups, advocacy agents, etc.

What you want is universal health care coverage like what people get when they have jobs and a legitimate insurance plan. And that is a fantasy that cannot exist because it wouldn't be insurance anymore. Our government can't afford to subsidize a comprehensive health care insurance plan for everyone... we don't have enough rich people to do that. So what you want is something you can't have to address a problem we're already addressing.
Let's not and say we did

How about we tell the rest of the world socialized healthcare sucks and it's OK to say so no matter what your nanny state says?

How about we say if the UK spent as much on the NHS as the US spends on healthcare, it'd be a great system.

It's ironic that the Tories say the UK spends too much on healthcare, but wants a US system.

The Tories don't really want that... To say you want the US system in Europe is political suicide...

It is like modeling your law and order policy on Somalia....

Yes, to say it might be political suicide, to create the conditions where people would be willing to accept it has been Tory policy since 2010. Not sure how May will take it, but Cameron was moving towards this every day.
Yet, there is unlimited funding for endless military exploits and toys.
Let's not and say we did

How about we tell the rest of the world socialized healthcare sucks and it's OK to say so no matter what your nanny state says?

How about we say if the UK spent as much on the NHS as the US spends on healthcare, it'd be a great system.

It's ironic that the Tories say the UK spends too much on healthcare, but wants a US system.

The Tories don't really want that... To say you want the US system in Europe is political suicide...

It is like modeling your law and order policy on Somalia....
You are right in saying that they would never come out and saying we are getting rid of it though.

They are strangling the system by cutting the funding. And also selling off bits of it to the private sector. Its a creeping process.

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