Let's Play Jeopardy!


Senior Member
Aug 13, 2004
This could get good if done right.

Come up with an answer of ANY kind.
The next person to post will reply with a funny answer (in question form)
and post an answer of their own.
5stringJeff said:
What is an inept 20-year-old technician?

"Lava lamps, Crisco, and four 2 ft. lengths of satin."
What are the proper materials needed for a de-LUX wedding anniversary.

"Sugar tits"
Semper Fi said:
What is the response given by a liberal when a conservative adds 2+2 and gets 4.

you are supposed to leave an answer for us to give the question to when you answer:p
Semper Fi said:
"I dont know how it happened!"

What is Ted Kennedy's explanation for how a woman drowned in his car without him reporting it?

Al Gore
Semper Fi said:
What is the arab phrase for why certain TV shows are rated PG-13?

Poppyseed muffins.

Who is Bill Clinton's favorate stripper at the club?

A good start
What is the newest sexual possition to be entered into the Kama Sutra

Pinto Beans

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