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I give you....the TRUTH
Feb 9, 2011
The United States
This point of view is not for everyone, and most will recoil at the thought, but here it goes. All I ask is that you keep an open mind and be as objective as you can. I belong to a group of friends who like to discuss moral topics. Sarah Palins child, Trig, has brought up some good topics, as it was for this discussion. It works like this, someone makes a statement and then must defend the position for as long as possible. It's kinda like posting here, which is good practice.

The statement was made, "Sarah Palin is probably the most selfish person on the planet, and should have Trig taken from her for child exploitation, and cruelty."

Look at the situation from this point of view. As an ex-health care worker, working with the developementally disabled for several years, and having such people in my own family. If you step back and look at the system we have it is amazing at what we let go on. The developmentally disabled, the ones that are known to be mentally defficient before birth should be mercifully euthanized. They are allowed to be born because the parents believe they are doing a good thing by keeping the child. The life the child has comming is cruel to say the least, and is capable of, but not always, of destroying whole families without anyone seeing it comming.

here is what happens to the thousands in the system right now. When the institutions closed down these people were turned out into the streets. Those people who worked for the state taking care of them now went into business for themselves taking care of them and getting paid by the state to do it. You take six clients and put them in one home, these six are of various conditions and ages. They have been brought here when their family can no longer take care of them. Can you imagine how that must feel, with your limited intellect and underdeveloped emotional state, your loving family drops you off with complete strangers and then does not come back for you, but for visits. The things you are subject to in these new conditions by other clients and the staff themselves is a shocking turn of events. You no longer have any privacy of any kind for the rest of your life. The the visits over time get to be fewer and fewer until one day there done.

The ones that avoid that fate are the most sad. The parents take care of them until they die and then they either go into a home like above or their siblings take care of them. The siblings did not ask to take care of their disabled brother or sister, and that was not a responsibility they decided for their lives, it was their parents. So now the guilt of providing care for the sibling and realizing that your normal life could return if you would just turn them over to the state. If the sibling is already married what must they be thinking...They had plans of traveling in their retirement but now it will be spent taking care of a disabled sibling in law. The strain on these marriages must be great.

So the parents make the "sacrifice" of raising a special needs child. Thats BS, they do it to make themselves look good. If they would just look at the life of the child down the road, hopefully they would spare them that life. It is what Sarah Palin is doing now, and what happens to Trig when the Palins can no longer take care of Trig? Let's hope it's not a home, and the sister hopes Trig dies before it gets to the point she has to "sacrifice" just like mom did. So now the Parent has made a selfish descision to keep a special needs child, they have made the same descion for their other children as well, and if they don't choose that way the guilt will tear them apart.

The life of the developementally disabled when broken down looks like this. They are compareable to the homeless because they are incapable of living on their own. We all know how we feel about the homeless. They are compareable to lifetime welfare recipients because they spend their lives on medicade and medicare. They will never contribute more than a normal person yet they have better medical benefits than the majority of working families. They recieve food assistance for their entire lives and then eat generic as the owners of the homes eat steak. The best they can ever hope for is to work in a fast food establishment making minimum wage or slightly better. The wages they make can't even scratch the surface of what is spent on trying to get them to be independant, not just to mention their care. Those that are less functioning go to a place called a workshop where they sort nuts and bolts, cut rags, and other pointless activity for eight hours a day five days a week. There must also be trained staff their to provide direction and care.

In a time of economic uncertainy like we are in, when you look at the system, we are spending billions on an industry that produces nothing yet devours extreme quantities of resources that could be better used elsewhere. This system is where all the waste, and fraud is. All that money wated just so we can feel better about ourselves at the expense of suffering of the develpoementally disabled. It is understood that these examples are not every case, and there are those scenario's where this is untrue. However, it is the vast majority of cases. Sarrah Palin is using Trig to make herself look good and has no regard for Trigs feelings as he gets thrust in front of crowd after crowd. So I say again:

The statement was made, "Sarah Palin is probably the most selfish person on the planet, and should have Trig taken from her for child exploitation, and cruelty."

Let's play a game...rebuttle?
I am no fan of Sarah Palin, but I respect her as a parent. I admire any parent who is raising a special needs child.

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