Let’s not lose count: 7 of Trump’s advisors have been indicted for crimes


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Let’s not lose count: 7 of Trump’s advisors have been indicted for crimes

LET'S NOT LOSE FOCUS: This actually proves that Trump's people are not part of the deep state, because if they WERE, like Obama's people, they'd all be walking free of their travails, like Hillary, never even charged much less prosecuted, often for petty shit, while Obama himself should probably be behind bars.

Amazing wonders what being corrupt can do for you, when you are a Democrat.
Let’s not lose count: 7 of Trump’s advisors have been indicted for crimes

LET'S NOT LOSE FOCUS: This actually proves that Trump's people are not part of the deep state, because if they WERE, like Obama's people, they'd all be walking free of their travails, like Hillary, never even charged much less prosecuted, often for petty shit, while Obama himself should probably be behind bars.

Amazing wonders what being corrupt can do for you, when you are a Democrat.
Trump and Barr could charge Hillary if they wanted too. They don’t because the evidence doesn’t support it. You really need to give up on your CDS. It’s all hot air
Let's not lose count, this is the 2nd TDS-inspired thread Billy has started within 30 minutes.

Billy has to post them as they come across his fax, marked: HOT. NEW TRUMP MATERIAL. GET OUT IMMEDIATELY
And yet what he posted was true. What do you think about 7 of Trumps advisors being indicted?
That's a few too many for there not to be a political witch hunt going on, led by corrupt people with authority and an agenda.
Let’s not lose count: 7 of Trump’s advisors have been indicted for crimes

LET'S NOT LOSE FOCUS: This actually proves that Trump's people are not part of the deep state, because if they WERE, like Obama's people, they'd all be walking free of their travails, like Hillary, never even charged much less prosecuted, often for petty shit, while Obama himself should probably be behind bars.

Amazing wonders what being corrupt can do for you, when you are a Democrat.
wishful thinking. Trump is a criminal surrounded by criminals. Even Kushner's dad is a criminal what that has to do with the deep state again?
Let's not lose count, this is the 2nd TDS-inspired thread Billy has started within 30 minutes.

Billy has to post them as they come across his fax, marked: HOT. NEW TRUMP MATERIAL. GET OUT IMMEDIATELY
And yet what he posted was true. What do you think about 7 of Trumps advisors being indicted?
That's a few too many for there not to be a political witch hunt going on, led by corrupt people with authority and an agenda.
Oh gee what a convenient explanation. Trump isn’t corrupt - everyone else is! You crybaby.
Let's not lose count, this is the 2nd TDS-inspired thread Billy has started within 30 minutes.

Billy has to post them as they come across his fax, marked: HOT. NEW TRUMP MATERIAL. GET OUT IMMEDIATELY
And yet what he posted was true. What do you think about 7 of Trumps advisors being indicted?
That's a few too many for there not to be a political witch hunt going on, led by corrupt people with authority and an agenda.
Oh gee what a convenient explanation. Trump isn’t corrupt - everyone else is! You crybaby.
I'm not crying ary a bit! :)
That's just an objective observation, bubba.
You however, seem to be crying about how bad Orange Man is daily/hourly.
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Let's not lose count, this is the 2nd TDS-inspired thread Billy has started within 30 minutes.

Billy has to post them as they come across his fax, marked: HOT. NEW TRUMP MATERIAL. GET OUT IMMEDIATELY
And yet what he posted was true. What do you think about 7 of Trumps advisors being indicted?
That's a few too many for there not to be a political witch hunt going on, led by corrupt people with authority and an agenda.
Oh gee what a convenient explanation. Trump isn’t corrupt - everyone else is! You crybaby.
Sorry Billy, those are more likely tears of laughter. You are honestly better than Buster Keaton, Amos and Andy, and the Little Rascals all combined.
Not this bullshit again it's getting damn old :icon_rolleyes: It's the same old shit from the Communist Democrats:puke:

Let's not lose count, this is the 2nd TDS-inspired thread Billy has started within 30 minutes.

Billy has to post them as they come across his fax, marked: HOT. NEW TRUMP MATERIAL. GET OUT IMMEDIATELY
And yet what he posted was true. What do you think about 7 of Trumps advisors being indicted?
That's a few too many for there not to be a political witch hunt going on, led by corrupt people with authority and an agenda.
Oh gee what a convenient explanation. Trump isn’t corrupt - everyone else is! You crybaby.
I'm not crying ary a bit! :)
That's just an objective observation, bubba.
You however, seem to be crying about how bad Orange Man is daily/hourly.
He's going to be real fun when President Trump is reelected :auiqs.jpg:
Let's not lose count, this is the 2nd TDS-inspired thread Billy has started within 30 minutes.

Billy has to post them as they come across his fax, marked: HOT. NEW TRUMP MATERIAL. GET OUT IMMEDIATELY
And yet what he posted was true. What do you think about 7 of Trumps advisors being indicted?
That's a few too many for there not to be a political witch hunt going on, led by corrupt people with authority and an agenda.
Oh gee what a convenient explanation. Trump isn’t corrupt - everyone else is! You crybaby.
Sorry Billy, those are more likely tears of laughter. You are honestly better than Buster Keaton, Amos and Andy, and the Little Rascals all combined.
Billy's not funny. Sad, not funny.
Let’s not lose count: 7 of Trump’s advisors have been indicted for crimes

LET'S NOT LOSE FOCUS: This actually proves that Trump's people are not part of the deep state, because if they WERE, like Obama's people, they'd all be walking free of their travails, like Hillary, never even charged much less prosecuted, often for petty shit, while Obama himself should probably be behind bars.

Amazing wonders what being corrupt can do for you, when you are a Democrat.
Durham interviewed Brennan for 8 hours, but said that he wasn't a target of any criminal investigation.

Criminals win
Let’s not lose count: 7 of Trump’s advisors have been indicted for crimes

LET'S NOT LOSE FOCUS: This actually proves that Trump's people are not part of the deep state, because if they WERE, like Obama's people, they'd all be walking free of their travails, like Hillary, never even charged much less prosecuted, often for petty shit, while Obama himself should probably be behind bars.

Amazing wonders what being corrupt can do for you, when you are a Democrat.
wishful thinking. Trump is a criminal surrounded by criminals. Even Kushner's dad is a criminal what that has to do with the deep state again?
And the Democrat's are what ? These clean little angels that never do no wrong ?? What ever happened to let's get these brilliant minds to working for us and not against us in life ??? Oh I know, it's because it's alledged corruption attacking alledged corruption in hopes for a better outcome. Never happen until the people decide to stop supporting corruption no matter where it is.

The Lord said "Who amongst you is without sin, then let him cast the first stone". They just dropped their stones and walked away.

Focus on the good in people, and we all win. Trump has done some great things since elected, but in the battle for power and greed, these demon-cratzi's won't admit to it for no amount of good that there is. In this we all lose as a nation.

It’s amazing how this isn’t enough for republicans just admit how insanely corrupt this idiot is.
Such is the blind partisan right.

If conservatives don’t care about Trump’s incessant lying, then they’re not going to care about how corrupt this administration truly is.

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