Lets face it.....the masks are not about the virus they are about Trump....


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
The Masks which have universally been rejected by those who actually understand the nature of contagion are not about keeping people safe...they are about a public display of panic ( panic is an excellent control tool ) that has bee colored with politics. As the options to cheat at the polling places and steal votes are being diminished so are the chances that the Democrats will continue to win elections and they are damn well aware of that. In fact it's already beginning to show. What they have left is virtue signaling. The left has desperately tried to equivocate Conservatism with the virus and vaccination with Progressivism aided by a massive campaign of fraudulent statistics published by the new arm of the CCP here in North America known as the United States Government which now has as many people on Xi's payroll as there are those who are not ( IMO ). The reported numbers are most certainly doctored and cherry picked, the death certificates have been hijacked and the mask mandate has become a sign of political allegiance...... The left will continue to run scared in the face of a potential Trump return in 24 because their illegitimate incomes depend on keeping an America First POTUS out of the office. So the message here is this.... " Hurry up everybody get your Democratically correct shot and wear you Democratically correct masks to show allegiance to the Globalist movement.


I will understand if you wish to re-post this in Conspiracy Theories..... after all it is an opinion piece.

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Masks have not been universally rejected. What you are saying is those you believe have rejected masks. There are many opinions from "experts" on masks and it's nowhere near universal concerning any position.
The Masks which have universally been rejected by those who actually understand the nature of contagion are not about keeping people safe...they are about a public display of panic ( panic is an excellent control tool ) that has bee colored with politics. As the options to cheat at the polling places and steal votes are being diminished so are the chances that the Democrats will continue to win elections and they are damn well aware of that. In fact it's already beginning to show. What they have left is virtue signaling. The left has desperately tried to equivocate Conservatism with the virus and vaccination with Progressivism aided by a massive campaign of fraudulent statistics published by the new arm of the CCP here in North America known as the United States Government which now has as many people on Xi's payroll as there are those who are not ( IMO ). The reported numbers are most certainly doctored and cherry picked, the death certificates have been hijacked and the mask mandate has become a sign of political allegiance...... The left will continue to run scared in the face of a potential Trump return in 24 because they're illegitimate incomes depend on keeping an America First POTUS out of the office.
Covid in a presidential election year was the worst possible time for mankind.

These libturds used it for max political effect and harmed so many people for yrs to come to rid them of Trump.

These shit holes will use this as an excuse for mayhem.LOLOL

This is so much fun to watch from a safe space. If I had to live this, I'd put a pistol to my temple and blow my fucking brains out on City Hall steps. Living in Mogadishus is not life
This issue is bigger than the piece of shit which is Trump so, put away yer empty bag of marbles boys and tell us how to handle the pandemic since you know everything in the world.
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Lets face it

We were done with masks and well on our way to defeating COVID

But because of a massive misinformation campaign by those who oppose vaccines and COVID safety, COVID has been allowed to prosper.

The same people who hated the masks are now ensuring we will be back to wearing masks
Masks are about money. Does anyone really believe the politicians and bureaucrats calling for mask mandates haven't bought stock in the companies that make the masks?

Masks have not been universally rejected. What you are saying is those you believe have rejected masks. There are many opinions from "experts" on masks and it's nowhere near universal concerning any position.
No they have been embraced by a large gaggle of fools..... I say universally rejected by those who understand the true nature of contagion.....that is a different group that the left likes to marginalize by calling them anti-vaxxers as opposed to the right calling your guys Needle-puppets. From the outset the information was available about the n-95 which nobody at all that I know of wears because you cannot draw a full breath through the damn thing. The commercially available designer masks out there are the rough equivalent of a chicken wire fence trying to stop a hailstorm of Bibi pellets.
Lets face it

We were done with masks and well on our way to defeating COVID

But because of a massive misinformation campaign by those who oppose vaccines and COVID safety, COVID has been allowed to prosper.

The same people who hated the masks are now ensuring we will be back to wearing masks
We weren't nowhere close to being done. Get real...lol
The Masks which have universally been rejected by those who actually understand the nature of contagion are not about keeping people safe...they are about a public display of panic ( panic is an excellent control tool ) that has bee colored with politics. As the options to cheat at the polling places and steal votes are being diminished so are the chances that the Democrats will continue to win elections and they are damn well aware of that. In fact it's already beginning to show. What they have left is virtue signaling. The left has desperately tried to equivocate Conservatism with the virus and vaccination with Progressivism aided by a massive campaign of fraudulent statistics published by the new arm of the CCP here in North America known as the United States Government which now has as many people on Xi's payroll as there are those who are not ( IMO ). The reported numbers are most certainly doctored and cherry picked, the death certificates have been hijacked and the mask mandate has become a sign of political allegiance...... The left will continue to run scared in the face of a potential Trump return in 24 because their illegitimate incomes depend on keeping an America First POTUS out of the office. So the message here is this.... " Hurry up everybody get your Democratically correct shot and wear you Democratically correct masks to show allegiance to the Globalist movement.


I will understand if you wish to re-post this in Conspiracy Theories..... after all it is an opinion piece.

100% correct . Trump had to go . Did not matter how or how many people had to die. Cuomo and the gang killed thousands to get the death total up so people could be scared and controlled . Mail in ballots was the plan along with voting machine manipulation. Anything goes when it comes to hurting Trump. Anything! They were afraid to shoot him .so they devised this hoax . Make no mistake , just like the collusion hoax and impeachment hoaxes , hoaxes they were. .. this is the depths the deep state and the democrats will do to keep power and destroy America and Americans.
Masks are about money. Does anyone really believe the politicians and bureaucrats calling for mask mandates haven't bought stock in the companies that make the masks?

Yes I am very sure that our faithful and true Kleptocrats ( of both stripes ) are actively raking in the doe off of this pain.,
100% correct . Trump had to go . Did not matter how or how many people had to die. Cuomo and the gang killed thousands to get the death total up so people could be scared and controlled . Mail in ballots was the plan along with voting machine manipulation. Anything goes when it comes to hurting Trump. Anything! They were afraid to shoot him .so they devised this hoax . Make no mistake , just like the collusion hoax and impeachment hoaxes , hoaxes they were. .. this is the depths the deep state and the democrats will do to keep power and destroy America and Americans.
Apparently our beloved deep state has been at this for a while....this is the first time they have been so adeptly exposed.

Here's one way to fix that.


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