Let's do away with the misleading term "moderate"


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
The political term "moderate" is an invention of the Left to describe RINOs who vote with Democrats. In this context, it does not mean a reasonable alternative between two extremes. At best, it can be equated to a driver who, criticizing the advice of others as to which lane to drive in, choose to straddle both lanes. A more appropriate term would be "middle-of-the-road," a recipe for disaster.

The reason the Democrats extol the virtues of these "moderates" is that they prevent the implementation of conservative policies, which than shine a bad light on liberal policies such as Obamacare.

So let's stop giving these mealy-mouths the benefit of the doubt and start calling them out: Either get with the program or switch party affiliation and let us vote you out.
The hardliners of the parties are responsible for the moderates. Stop trying to make it a dirty word. It isn't.

What is the moderate position on a child's Constiutional rights beginning when their life does?

Constitutional rights do not apply to not-born, those that wrote it are pretty clear on that.

I'm a moderate because while I'm pro-choice I have no problem with late term restrictions, even criminal ones. This stems from my belief that person-hood is a function of minimal higher brain activity.
I have no problem with late term restrictions, even criminal ones. .


That's fucking "moderate" all right.

Just as was expected.

So much for "I consider moderate anyone willing to hear and seriously consider the other side's argument and be willing to settle for compromise."
I have no problem with late term restrictions, even criminal ones. .


That's fucking "moderate" all right.

Just as was expected.

So much for "I consider moderate anyone willing to hear and seriously consider the other side's argument and be willing to settle for compromise."

Extremists are not going to like a moderate position, so you not liking my moderate position is not surprising. Doesn't mean it's not moderate.

...what is it you don't think I'm unwilling to hear and consider from your pro-life side?

I heard you, I considered it and I agreed with you on some late term abortion stuff while rejecting the idea that this is a person:

I have no problem with late term restrictions, even criminal ones. .


That's fucking "moderate" all right.

Just as was expected.

So much for "I consider moderate anyone willing to hear and seriously consider the other side's argument and be willing to settle for compromise."

Extremists are not going to like a moderate position, so you not liking my moderate position is not surprising. Doesn't mean it's not moderate.

...what is it you don't think I'm unwilling to hear and consider from your pro-life side?

I heard you, I considered it and I rejected the idea that this is a person:


"I have no problem with late term restrictions, even criminal ones. ."

Show me the "COMPROMISE" in that.
I have no problem with late term restrictions, even criminal ones. .


That's fucking "moderate" all right.

Just as was expected.

So much for "I consider moderate anyone willing to hear and seriously consider the other side's argument and be willing to settle for compromise."

Extremists are not going to like a moderate position, so you not liking my moderate position is not surprising. Doesn't mean it's not moderate.

...what is it you don't think I'm unwilling to hear and consider from your pro-life side?

I heard you, I considered it and I rejected the idea that this is a person:


"I have no problem with late term restrictions, even criminal ones. ."

Show me the "COMPROMISE" in that.

Are you stupid or something? I just explained already.

Here, I'll spell it out for you

HARD LEFT - Abortion legal in all cases.
MODERATE LEFT - Abortion legal, but with some restrictions on late term.
MODERATE RIGHT- Abortion leagal, but only in very early term with some exceptions.
HARD RIGHT - No abortion for any reason.
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C'mon...."moderates" and "independents" are words from yesteryear. Borders have been drawn and there's nobody left sitting on the fence...they've all been dragged to one side or the other by now.
Care to cite any examples?

Sure, I'm a MODERATE on minimum wage.

I am pro-minimum wage but consider $15 minimum wage excessive.
I'll bet you think that is a compromise.


It's a position on the left, between two extremes of no minimum wage and $15-20 minimum wage some want.

You take the positions, line them up from left to right and mine will be close to center but on the left side.
I have no problem with late term restrictions, even criminal ones. .


That's fucking "moderate" all right.

Just as was expected.

So much for "I consider moderate anyone willing to hear and seriously consider the other side's argument and be willing to settle for compromise."

Extremists are not going to like a moderate position, so you not liking my moderate position is not surprising. Doesn't mean it's not moderate.

...what is it you don't think I'm unwilling to hear and consider from your pro-life side?

I heard you, I considered it and I rejected the idea that this is a person:


"I have no problem with late term restrictions, even criminal ones. ."

Show me the "COMPROMISE" in that.

Are you stupid or something? I just explained already.

Here, I'll spell it out for you

HARD LEFT - Abortion legal in all cases.
MODERATE LEFT - Abortion legal, but with some restrictions on late term.
MODERATE RIGHT- Abortion leagal, but only in very early term with some exceptions.
HARD RIGHT - No abortion for any reason.

Do you think a child's rights should begin when their life does?

Yes or no.

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