...let's do a BOGO on all those National Guard troops.....


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2021
This was posted in a nearby thread:

Even the so called insurrection at the Capital. News is out that Nancy Pelosi REFUSED the 10,000 National Guard troops for the Capital in the days prior to November 6th. The excuse given was the optics however, given that everything else in the election was gamed, I guess we'll see.
Which seems worrisome, in my opinion.
However, there is a bit more nuance and, umm, 'fact check' that can be applied.

For example let's hoist up Don Trump's remarks in this opening post as sort of an instructive. OK?
And then, in the second follow-along post....let's hoist up Jim Jordan's remarks. OK?

Here, is what was reported today:

"Trump falsely claims he ‘requested’ 10,000 troops rejected by Pelosi"

"The Pinocchio Test"

"On the day before the Jan. 6 rally, Trump appears to have mentioned 10,000 National Guard troops at a White House meeting on an unrelated matter. Contrary to his statement, he did not make a request or any sort of order to dispatch the troops. Otherwise, his comment would not have been regarded as typical Trump hype. Presumably if he had issued an order, he would have followed up to make sure it was carried out.

Trump goes further afield when he claims that his number was raised with the Capitol Police and that Pelosi, in “a big mistake,” rejected the offer of so many troops. That’s just fantasy.

Like many of Trump’s falsehoods, there’s a seed of reality here. But then the former president nurtures it into a bush of fictions as part of his continuing effort to evade responsibility for how his own actions led to the Capitol Hill riot. "

"He earns Four Pinocchios."

And then, on to Representative Jim Jordan--------
And then, the 'Get One Free' part of this BOGO post, Jim Jordan.

A Fact Check reported yesterday:

“Rep. Jim Jordan’s false claim that Pelosi denied a request for National Guard troops”

" The Pinocchio Test
Without evidence, Jordan asserted that House Speaker Pelosi had denied a request for National Guard troops two days before the insurrection. Instead, public testimony shows she did not even hear about the request until two days later. Jordan also tried to pin the blame on the House sergeant-at-arms, but testimony shows the Senate sergeant-at-arms also was not keen about the idea.

We will keep an eye on this issue in case new information emerges that would result in a new rating. But for the moment, Jordan earns Four Pinocchios for his tweet. Speculation is not the same as evidence."

Four Pinocchios
Trump and his supporters lie about everything all the time. Why he is no longer in the White House.
This was posted in a nearby thread:

Even the so called insurrection at the Capital. News is out that Nancy Pelosi REFUSED the 10,000 National Guard troops for the Capital in the days prior to November 6th. The excuse given was the optics however, given that everything else in the election was gamed, I guess we'll see.
Which seems worrisome, in my opinion.
However, there is a bit more nuance and, umm, 'fact check' that can be applied.

For example let's hoist up Don Trump's remarks in this opening post as sort of an instructive. OK?
And then, in the second follow-along post....let's hoist up Jim Jordan's remarks. OK?

Here, is what was reported today:

"Trump falsely claims he ‘requested’ 10,000 troops rejected by Pelosi"

"The Pinocchio Test"

"On the day before the Jan. 6 rally, Trump appears to have mentioned 10,000 National Guard troops at a White House meeting on an unrelated matter. Contrary to his statement, he did not make a request or any sort of order to dispatch the troops. Otherwise, his comment would not have been regarded as typical Trump hype. Presumably if he had issued an order, he would have followed up to make sure it was carried out.

Trump goes further afield when he claims that his number was raised with the Capitol Police and that Pelosi, in “a big mistake,” rejected the offer of so many troops. That’s just fantasy.

Like many of Trump’s falsehoods, there’s a seed of reality here. But then the former president nurtures it into a bush of fictions as part of his continuing effort to evade responsibility for how his own actions led to the Capitol Hill riot. "

"He earns Four Pinocchios."

And then, on to Representative Jim Jordan--------
Sorry....but anyone who uses the Washington Compost as a reference isn't worthy of discussion.

So....move on to the next fake story.......
This was posted in a nearby thread:

Even the so called insurrection at the Capital. News is out that Nancy Pelosi REFUSED the 10,000 National Guard troops for the Capital in the days prior to November 6th. The excuse given was the optics however, given that everything else in the election was gamed, I guess we'll see.
Which seems worrisome, in my opinion.
However, there is a bit more nuance and, umm, 'fact check' that can be applied.

For example let's hoist up Don Trump's remarks in this opening post as sort of an instructive. OK?
And then, in the second follow-along post....let's hoist up Jim Jordan's remarks. OK?

Here, is what was reported today:

"Trump falsely claims he ‘requested’ 10,000 troops rejected by Pelosi"

"The Pinocchio Test"

"On the day before the Jan. 6 rally, Trump appears to have mentioned 10,000 National Guard troops at a White House meeting on an unrelated matter. Contrary to his statement, he did not make a request or any sort of order to dispatch the troops. Otherwise, his comment would not have been regarded as typical Trump hype. Presumably if he had issued an order, he would have followed up to make sure it was carried out.

Trump goes further afield when he claims that his number was raised with the Capitol Police and that Pelosi, in “a big mistake,” rejected the offer of so many troops. That’s just fantasy.

Like many of Trump’s falsehoods, there’s a seed of reality here. But then the former president nurtures it into a bush of fictions as part of his continuing effort to evade responsibility for how his own actions led to the Capitol Hill riot. "

"He earns Four Pinocchios."

And then, on to Representative Jim Jordan--------
Cite a credible source next time. There were multiple reports that National Guard was requested and denied. This report from January for example: Ex-Capitol Police Chief Says Requests For National Guard Denied 6 Times In Riots : Capitol Insurrection Updates : NPR

This information has also been out there. It seems to have been over looked in Pelosi's rush to get her impeachment out there. I think we'll find as time passes that this entire deal was a cover to stop people from looking to deeply into the 2020 election and to encourage elected officials to stop their challenges. It worked too. Former Capitol Police chief seeks to 'set record straight' about insurrection in letter to Pelosi, others | Fox News
Y'all STILL believing whatever lame stream media reports, are ya?

THIS 'lame stream media'.....the Washington Post?
Don Trump?
or Jim Jordan?

That's an affirmative!

This was posted in a nearby thread:

Even the so called insurrection at the Capital. News is out that Nancy Pelosi REFUSED the 10,000 National Guard troops for the Capital in the days prior to November 6th. The excuse given was the optics however, given that everything else in the election was gamed, I guess we'll see.
Which seems worrisome, in my opinion.
However, there is a bit more nuance and, umm, 'fact check' that can be applied.

For example let's hoist up Don Trump's remarks in this opening post as sort of an instructive. OK?
And then, in the second follow-along post....let's hoist up Jim Jordan's remarks. OK?

Here, is what was reported today:

"Trump falsely claims he ‘requested’ 10,000 troops rejected by Pelosi"

"The Pinocchio Test"

"On the day before the Jan. 6 rally, Trump appears to have mentioned 10,000 National Guard troops at a White House meeting on an unrelated matter. Contrary to his statement, he did not make a request or any sort of order to dispatch the troops. Otherwise, his comment would not have been regarded as typical Trump hype. Presumably if he had issued an order, he would have followed up to make sure it was carried out.

Trump goes further afield when he claims that his number was raised with the Capitol Police and that Pelosi, in “a big mistake,” rejected the offer of so many troops. That’s just fantasy.

Like many of Trump’s falsehoods, there’s a seed of reality here. But then the former president nurtures it into a bush of fictions as part of his continuing effort to evade responsibility for how his own actions led to the Capitol Hill riot. "

"He earns Four Pinocchios."

And then, on to Representative Jim Jordan--------
Sorry....but anyone who uses the Washington Compost as a reference isn't worthy of discussion.

So....move on to the next fake story.......

They pass off fake news like farts pass stink!
There were multiple reports that National Guard was requested and denied. This report from January for example: Ex-Capitol Police Chief Says Requests For National Guard Denied 6 Times In Riots : Capitol Insurrection Updates : NPR

Per poster "Vel's" source, this was reported:
" Senior Army official Lt. Gen. Walter E. Piatt, director of the Army Staff, said on the call he couldn't recommend that Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy authorize deployment, Sund and others on the call told the Post. Piatt reportedly said, "I don't like the visual of the National Guard standing a police line with the Capitol in the background....."

And per that report, the folks who were most concerned with "visuals".....were folks reporting to Don Trump's Administration. Army guys.

In my opinion, the concept of unsatisfactory "visuals", or 'optics' was aired out by somebody. The Insurrection 'lovefest' (Trump's word, not mine) apologists are feverishly trying to get it to come out of Nancy Pelosi's mouth.

And it's not fitting there.
Somebody said it. I think.
But it was either the Army guys, or it was one of the Sergeants at Arms.

Or so it appears, at this time.
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They pass off fake news like farts pass stink!

Putting aside the precious scatological-grade humor of the poster, the question must be asked: When was the last time the poster, "B.Kidd" was a regular reader of the Post?
And then, the 'Get One Free' part of this BOGO post, Jim Jordan.

A Fact Check reported yesterday:

“Rep. Jim Jordan’s false claim that Pelosi denied a request for National Guard troops”

" The Pinocchio Test
Without evidence, Jordan asserted that House Speaker Pelosi had denied a request for National Guard troops two days before the insurrection. Instead, public testimony shows she did not even hear about the request until two days later. Jordan also tried to pin the blame on the House sergeant-at-arms, but testimony shows the Senate sergeant-at-arms also was not keen about the idea.

We will keep an eye on this issue in case new information emerges that would result in a new rating. But for the moment, Jordan earns Four Pinocchios for his tweet. Speculation is not the same as evidence."

Four Pinocchios
and the little bo-peeps only repeat what they are told...demonRATS...try looking into the TRUTH...it may set you free
"I think we'll find as time passes that this entire deal was a cover to stop people from looking to deeply into the 2020 election....."

Well, the poster does fudge a bit with "I think.....", so we can't hold his feet to the fire too diligently.

Still, his suggestion is intriguing. Meaning, 'entire deal was a cover'. ???
THAT sounds interesting. What 'deal'?
Why does the poster "think" that is the case?
Can he offer us some vetting or sourcing to his published 'thinking'?
and the little bo-peeps only repeat what they are told...demonRATS...try looking into the TRUTH...it may set you free

I'm a fan of metaphors, similes, allegories, and such, but.......but sometimes their meaning is so vague and unfocused it is hard to divine the meaning.

Accordingly, can the poster WTF10, please explain what it is that he is attempting convey?
Trump and his supporters lie about everything all the time. Why he is no longer in the White House.

He is not in the White House because the dems conspired with the CCP to unleash the Obama/Fauci funded bioweapon so that you could then cheat in the tens of millions of votes column
"He is not in the White House because the dems conspired with the CCP to unleash the Obama/Fauci funded bioweapon so that you could then cheat in the tens of millions of votes column"

A tad screechy and histrionic for my taste. But that's just me.

So, poster Crusader, to earn credibility on your assertions above, well......well, show us what you've got.
Back yourself up.
And prove it.

Batter up, Frank.
There were multiple reports that National Guard was requested and denied. This report from January for example: Ex-Capitol Police Chief Says Requests For National Guard Denied 6 Times In Riots : Capitol Insurrection Updates : NPR

Per poster "Vel's" source, this was reported:
" Senior Army official Lt. Gen. Walter E. Piatt, director of the Army Staff, said on the call he couldn't recommend that Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy authorize deployment, Sund and others on the call told the Post. Piatt reportedly said, "I don't like the visual of the National Guard standing a police line with the Capitol in the background....."

And per that report, the folks who were most concerned with "visuals".....were folks reporting to Don Trump's Administration. Army guys.

In my opinion, the concept of unsatisfactory "visuals", or 'optics' was aired out by somebody. The Insurrection 'lovefest' (Trump's word, not mine) apologists are feverishly trying to get it to come out of Nancy Pelosi's mouth.

And it's not fitting there.
Somebody said it. I think.
But it was either the Army guys, or it was one of the Sergeants at Arms.

Or so it appears, at this time.

In the aftermath of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, Former Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving recalled to House Admin how previous discussions with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her office factored in to his “blender of decision making,” according to three sources with direct knowledge of Irving’s talk with House Admin.

Pelosi’s office had previously impressed upon Irving that the National Guard was to remain off Capitol Grounds, Irving allegedly told House Admin. The discussions, which centered around “optics,” allegedly occurred in the months prior to the Jan. 6 riot, during a time when deployment of federal resources for civil unrest was unpopular with Democrats and many members of Congress.

The Sergeant at Arms (SAA) is selected by the Speaker of the House and takes its direction from the Speaker.

Sources: ‘Conversations’ Pelosi Had With Sgt At Arms About National Guard Presence Factored Into ‘Blender Of Decision Making’ That Led Up To Riot | The Daily Caller
“blender of decision making,

Ah, yes.
The 'blender'.
Always a killer piece of evidence.
It'll deadsolidperfectly nail poor Pelosi's hide to your door.

Or not.

But, we admire your effort.
Here......choose a trophy.
This was posted in a nearby thread:

Even the so called insurrection at the Capital. News is out that Nancy Pelosi REFUSED the 10,000 National Guard troops for the Capital in the days prior to November 6th. The excuse given was the optics however, given that everything else in the election was gamed, I guess we'll see.
Which seems worrisome, in my opinion.
However, there is a bit more nuance and, umm, 'fact check' that can be applied.

For example let's hoist up Don Trump's remarks in this opening post as sort of an instructive. OK?
And then, in the second follow-along post....let's hoist up Jim Jordan's remarks. OK?

Here, is what was reported today:

"Trump falsely claims he ‘requested’ 10,000 troops rejected by Pelosi"

"The Pinocchio Test"

"On the day before the Jan. 6 rally, Trump appears to have mentioned 10,000 National Guard troops at a White House meeting on an unrelated matter. Contrary to his statement, he did not make a request or any sort of order to dispatch the troops. Otherwise, his comment would not have been regarded as typical Trump hype. Presumably if he had issued an order, he would have followed up to make sure it was carried out.

Trump goes further afield when he claims that his number was raised with the Capitol Police and that Pelosi, in “a big mistake,” rejected the offer of so many troops. That’s just fantasy.

Like many of Trump’s falsehoods, there’s a seed of reality here. But then the former president nurtures it into a bush of fictions as part of his continuing effort to evade responsibility for how his own actions led to the Capitol Hill riot. "

"He earns Four Pinocchios."

And then, on to Representative Jim Jordan--------
Trump can't order the troops to capital grounds fool---------------PELOSI has the authority.

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