Let's continue the two party system, but leave republicans out of it


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Yeah, that's right. We need to kick republicans out of office. They are ruining this country. They have absolutely nothing to offer it besides making rich people happy. Their actual agenda (or lack thereof) supports this.

The debate on climate change is over. The vast majority of peer-reviewed studies around the world on the subject agree it is man made.

Sure, I get it - democrats aren't that great either. Many are corrupt and hypocritical. However, liberal policies need to take over this country. They must be the law of the land. They are the only policies that benefit this country. Notice how I said "liberal" not "socialist". There is a difference whether you cons understand that or not. I do not want socialism. I sure as hell don't want to abolish capitalism or our government system. Our market needs be moderately regulated however. The private sector must follow rules to protect both consumers and the environment. We certainly need a strong, wealthy class to invest in our economy. Their must be reasonable caps to their power, however. We also need a strong, thriving middle class. Republicans refuse to empower it however even though it is shrinking. They won't even address the issue of income inequality. Poverty is inevitable, but we can help to reduce it with the right policies.

In the next election, don't vote democrat if you do not like the candidate, but don't go full retard and vote republican for any reason. It's better just not to vote in that scenario.
Gee another Billy troll thread.
Hey, Billy. Democrats have run this country for 6+ years. Republicans have had nothing to do with it. Remind us how today's shitty economy and disasterous foreign policy are the GOP's fault.
Yeah, that's right. We need to kick republicans out of office. They are ruining this country. They have absolutely nothing to offer it besides making rich people happy. Their actual agenda (or lack thereof) supports this.

The debate on climate change is over. The vast majority of peer-reviewed studies around the world on the subject agree it is man made.

Sure, I get it - democrats aren't that great either. Many are corrupt and hypocritical. However, liberal policies need to take over this country. They must be the law of the land. They are the only policies that benefit this country. Notice how I said "liberal" not "socialist". There is a difference whether you cons understand that or not. I do not want socialism. I sure as hell don't want to abolish capitalism or our government system. Our market needs be moderately regulated however. The private sector must follow rules to protect both consumers and the environment. We certainly need a strong, wealthy class to invest in our economy. Their must be reasonable caps to their power, however. We also need a strong, thriving middle class. Republicans refuse to empower it however even though it is shrinking. They won't even address the issue of income inequality. Poverty is inevitable, but we can help to reduce it with the right policies.

In the next election, don't vote democrat if you do not like the candidate, but don't go full retard and vote republican for any reason. It's better just not to vote in that scenario.

Good advice. I encourage all Democrats not to vote.
Yeah, that's right. We need to kick republicans out of office. They are ruining this country. They have absolutely nothing to offer it besides making rich people happy. Their actual agenda (or lack thereof) supports this.

The debate on climate change is over. The vast majority of peer-reviewed studies around the world on the subject agree it is man made.

Sure, I get it - democrats aren't that great either. Many are corrupt and hypocritical. However, liberal policies need to take over this country. They must be the law of the land. They are the only policies that benefit this country. Notice how I said "liberal" not "socialist". There is a difference whether you cons understand that or not. I do not want socialism. I sure as hell don't want to abolish capitalism or our government system. Our market needs be moderately regulated however. The private sector must follow rules to protect both consumers and the environment. We certainly need a strong, wealthy class to invest in our economy. Their must be reasonable caps to their power, however. We also need a strong, thriving middle class. Republicans refuse to empower it however even though it is shrinking. They won't even address the issue of income inequality. Poverty is inevitable, but we can help to reduce it with the right policies.

In the next election, don't vote democrat if you do not like the candidate, but don't go full retard and vote republican for any reason. It's better just not to vote in that scenario.
billy doesn't even know that he supports the party and ideals that will destroy the world and put the money elites in charge of us all.

moderate regulations choke out the little guy, but billy is to fucking dumb to learn that

taxing the rich leads them to pass the buck down to us, but billy is to fucking dumb to learn that

he still thinks he's a liberal, billy is just fucking dumb

keep the gop out of it, that's against fundamentals of America, and billy voted for that shit

billy thinks making wealthy people, middle class will work b/c he government took their money, like all leftist morons, math is hard for him
Yeah, that's right. We need to kick republicans out of office. They are ruining this country. They have absolutely nothing to offer it besides making rich people happy. Their actual agenda (or lack thereof) supports this.

The debate on climate change is over. The vast majority of peer-reviewed studies around the world on the subject agree it is man made.

Sure, I get it - democrats aren't that great either. Many are corrupt and hypocritical. However, liberal policies need to take over this country. They must be the law of the land. They are the only policies that benefit this country. Notice how I said "liberal" not "socialist". There is a difference whether you cons understand that or not. I do not want socialism. I sure as hell don't want to abolish capitalism or our government system. Our market needs be moderately regulated however. The private sector must follow rules to protect both consumers and the environment. We certainly need a strong, wealthy class to invest in our economy. Their must be reasonable caps to their power, however. We also need a strong, thriving middle class. Republicans refuse to empower it however even though it is shrinking. They won't even address the issue of income inequality. Poverty is inevitable, but we can help to reduce it with the right policies.

In the next election, don't vote democrat if you do not like the candidate, but don't go full retard and vote republican for any reason. It's better just not to vote in that scenario.

We have record numbers on welfare and unemployed under O over the last 6 years.
Yeah, that's right. We need to kick republicans out of office. They are ruining this country. They have absolutely nothing to offer it besides making rich people happy. Their actual agenda (or lack thereof) supports this.

The debate on climate change is over. The vast majority of peer-reviewed studies around the world on the subject agree it is man made.

Sure, I get it - democrats aren't that great either. Many are corrupt and hypocritical. However, liberal policies need to take over this country. They must be the law of the land. They are the only policies that benefit this country. Notice how I said "liberal" not "socialist". There is a difference whether you cons understand that or not. I do not want socialism. I sure as hell don't want to abolish capitalism or our government system. Our market needs be moderately regulated however. The private sector must follow rules to protect both consumers and the environment. We certainly need a strong, wealthy class to invest in our economy. Their must be reasonable caps to their power, however. We also need a strong, thriving middle class. Republicans refuse to empower it however even though it is shrinking. They won't even address the issue of income inequality. Poverty is inevitable, but we can help to reduce it with the right policies.

In the next election, don't vote democrat if you do not like the candidate, but don't go full retard and vote republican for any reason. It's better just not to vote in that scenario.

We have record numbers on welfare and unemployed under O over the last 6 years.
that's part of the Cloward-Piven strategy.

leftist think getting people on welfare is a success while cons think getting people off is a success

it's a difference between us
Just when you think someone posted the stupidest thing I ever heard from a Liberal, we get a new Billy000 thread
Yeah, that's right. We need to kick republicans out of office. They are ruining this country. They have absolutely nothing to offer it besides making rich people happy. Their actual agenda (or lack thereof) supports this.

The debate on climate change is over. The vast majority of peer-reviewed studies around the world on the subject agree it is man made.

Sure, I get it - democrats aren't that great either. Many are corrupt and hypocritical. However, liberal policies need to take over this country. They must be the law of the land. They are the only policies that benefit this country. Notice how I said "liberal" not "socialist". There is a difference whether you cons understand that or not. I do not want socialism. I sure as hell don't want to abolish capitalism or our government system. Our market needs be moderately regulated however. The private sector must follow rules to protect both consumers and the environment. We certainly need a strong, wealthy class to invest in our economy. Their must be reasonable caps to their power, however. We also need a strong, thriving middle class. Republicans refuse to empower it however even though it is shrinking. They won't even address the issue of income inequality. Poverty is inevitable, but we can help to reduce it with the right policies.

In the next election, don't vote democrat if you do not like the candidate, but don't go full retard and vote republican for any reason. It's better just not to vote in that scenario.
That chance came and went just recently,how did that work for you?
Republicans have four parties of their own ..

Tea Party

they're short timers anyway, sooner or later they'll kill each other off and the country won't have to leave them out.

united they stand, divided they fall.

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