Let's Behonest: All the Recent Wars For Muslims Have Been a JOKE!


Apr 22, 2007
Afghanistan vs the Soviets:
We stopped the Soviets from taking over Afghanistan. Regardless of what leftist say, if the Afghanis didn't receive US stinger missiles, the Soviets would have easily won. They were slaughtering whole villages from the air. It wasn't until those helicopters and fighter jets started to get knocked out of the air by the US stinger missiles, that the war became too expensive for the Soviets.

What did we get: An Islamist regime. On of the most brutal of the 21st century. We got 9/11 and a decade and counting endless war over there. There will be no change when we leave.

Desert Storm:
Sadam invades Kuwait. We beat up Sadam and save Kuwait from genocide.

What did we get: An oil rich country that refuses to sell us oil. A ginormous anti-American country and yet another hotbed from Islamofacists.

The Fictitious State of Kosovo:
The Albanian Muslims were invading and ethnically cleansing the native Serbs from their heartland of Kosovo. Finally the Serbs said enough was enough and attacked. They responded with brutality. There methods were harsh, but their cause was just. Clinton bombed Serbia into the stone-ages.

What did we get: An anti-American, anti-Western Islamofacist hotbed. A country so corrupt it's run in a manfesto fashion. Go job Slick Willie.

Afghanistan War:
We should have gone in blow up the entire country. We should have kicked their asses like Russia kicked Georgia's ass. Level the place in weeks and leave. Yet we go in an are their for a decade trying to built a country that never had any infrastructure, progress, modernization or HOPE!!! We will leave and they will revert back to the Islamic America hating shit-hole they were before.

Reagan brought troops into help ease the fighting in Lebanon. After 299 US soldiers were killed. We left and Hezbollah took over. The Iran allied terrorist regime!

It amazes me how people can support this decision, esp when the same people are criticizing Libya. First, Sadam was a bad dude, but at least he was a polarizing force to Iran. We did Iran a favor. Now Iran has the Iran friendly Shias in charge of Iraq and their enemy Sadam out of power. The violence might be less, but it's still a hotbed of secular violence. I predict a few weeks after we leave, the fighting picks up. The Sunni and Shia will be slaughtering each other. To complicate things Kurdistan will declare it's independence, which will be followed by a Turkish invasion of Kurdistan. It will be a mess.

Not really our fault, but here was a pro-Western government now in the hands of Islamic Radicals.

Obama turned his back on our ally Murbarak. If he would have given Murbarak confidence that Obama would back his moves to suppress a rebellion, then Murbarak would have remained in power and he could have shifted power to his son. Instead Obama rejected Murbarak. Condemned him. Emboldened the protesters. Now we are months away from seeing the father of Al Qaeda - The Muslim Brotherhood - take over the government of the most populous and arguably the most important Arab country!

Gaddiff is gone hurray. Wait a minute! The guys taking over resemble Islamic radicals. The Regime has fallen, hurray, wait a minute. The Libya used to be a stable country that wasn't a threat to America. Now it's a HIGHLY unstable country which will no doubt be a HUGE threat to America.

Why do we keep fighting to help these people. Even when we stop them from being "victims" of a genocide, like in the case of Afghanistan, Kosovo and Kuwait, they turn against us and become hotbeds for antiamerican Islamic extremism!
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The two that are going to blow up in our faces the worst are GWB Iraq and Libya! When we leave Iraq, the secular fighting will pick up with no one there to intervene, except Iran. We did Iran a HUGE favor by taking out Sadam. Sadam was many things, but a the very least he was a polarizing force against the real enemies in Iran. Then what happens when in the northern Kurdistan region when the Shia and Sunnis are emenced in a bloody secular war? I mean they already have their own government, police force, parliament, set of laws, borders and border partol, currency, act as an independent nation and have strong justified aspirations for an independent state. Iraq won't be happy if they do a Kosovo style break away and MORE IMPORTANTLY they genocidal hypocrites in Turkey won't play nice when Kurdistan annouces it's independence!

With Libya. Gadhafi gave up his WMD voluntarily, yet that still didn't save him from the West siding against him. Why would any other dictator give up their WMDs now? That could have some very negative ramnifactions. On top of that Libya was stable non-terrorist haven, non-threat to the US, Europe or Israel and believe it or not the highest standard of living in all of Africa (does that say something about Libya or something about Africa)! Now they are in disorder. The stable country is highly unstable. Sharia law is being imposed. It's becoming a terrorist haven.

In five short years it will be apparent to Dems and Reps how BAD these situations had become!
It's first happening in Tunsia (just voted in the Islamic party). Sharia law is being imposed in Libya. The Muslim Brotherhood will win in the elections in Egypt. If (or when) ASSSSad gets tossed out Islamist will take over. Islamist already run Iran and Saudi Arabia. Jordan is on the verge of the Palestinians taking over and it won't be a moderate Palestinian state. Hezbollah runs Lebanon. When we leave Iraq sometime next year, democracy will crumble and radicals will take over. When we leave Afghanistan sometime next year, it will be a matter of months before the Taliban takes over.

The leftist that cherish the spring are not going to like the winter!

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