I wanted to start this topic because I, personally, have heard many arguments in favor of legalizing marijuana.
I do not think that it should be legalized because I think that while it may not cause as many health problems as "harder" drugs, it still impairs your perception and judgment just as much. Though there is one question that nags me-- Alcohol is a cause of many deaths (especially through drunk driving) and has similar effects on judgment as most drugs; why is it fair for that to be legal and not marijuana? I know prohibition didn't work, but still, allowing alcohol to be legal contradicts the illegality of many drugs.
I will say, though, for medicinal purposes I think that any drug (including marijuana) should be allowed.
I do not think that it should be legalized because I think that while it may not cause as many health problems as "harder" drugs, it still impairs your perception and judgment just as much. Though there is one question that nags me-- Alcohol is a cause of many deaths (especially through drunk driving) and has similar effects on judgment as most drugs; why is it fair for that to be legal and not marijuana? I know prohibition didn't work, but still, allowing alcohol to be legal contradicts the illegality of many drugs.
I will say, though, for medicinal purposes I think that any drug (including marijuana) should be allowed.