Legalize Marijuana?


Jan 15, 2006
I wanted to start this topic because I, personally, have heard many arguments in favor of legalizing marijuana.

I do not think that it should be legalized because I think that while it may not cause as many health problems as "harder" drugs, it still impairs your perception and judgment just as much. Though there is one question that nags me-- Alcohol is a cause of many deaths (especially through drunk driving) and has similar effects on judgment as most drugs; why is it fair for that to be legal and not marijuana? I know prohibition didn't work, but still, allowing alcohol to be legal contradicts the illegality of many drugs.

I will say, though, for medicinal purposes I think that any drug (including marijuana) should be allowed.
Legalize it and tax it and guarantee the buyer is getting what he's paying for.
I think that the trillions we have spent on the "War on Drugs" has been largely wasted. Almost as wasted as the trillions spent on the "War on Poverty"....

I think legalizing MJ would be a good first step towards recognizing the failures of such programs and beginning to look at the problem anew.
I feel it should be treated the same as Alcohol. Not only would the "Stagma" of the pothead be lessened, the coffers of the Government from the City to the Whitehouse would increase greatly just from the taxes but all so from all the people that would be suddenly removed from the Court systems because they had a roach in the butt tray and that seatbelt ticket just got worse. make it Legal and life would be lots better for users and non users alike.
Lol, the tax thing has crossed my mind-- that money can be used for good things. But at the same time, by legalizing it and making it accessible, that gives more people more opportunities to use it irresponsibly. Do you guys think that "harder" drugs should be legalized (and taxed) as well?
liberalogic said:
Lol, the tax thing has crossed my mind-- that money can be used for good things. But at the same time, by legalizing it and making it accessible, that gives more people more opportunities to use it irresponsibly. Do you guys think that "harder" drugs should be legalized (and taxed) as well?

For me, legalizing marijuana makes sense, as it could provide tax revenue and remove it from it's current use as a 'gateway drug.' I'm not in favor of 'widespread' drug use, like the Netherlands, though see a place for regulating addicts and drugs to take the field away from drug lords. Problem is, new users. So I guess jail is the best defense.
I say legalize it. It's officialy classified as a hallucinogen. It's effect mostly is that of time and space perception. One under the influence might think they're reacting to something faster, when in reality they're reacting slower.

In any case, I see pot as less damaging to someone than alcohol in the long run.

Legalize it and regulate it as best they can. Hell, I'd grow it if it were legal. What am I saying... I've grown it and it's illegal. :D
1. If we legalize pot we are socially condoning one MORE way of avoiding brainwork. It says something about us if we do that.

2. We now have many criminal minds working very hard to distrubute a product that most people say "doesn't harm anyone". Do you think that all these criminal minds are going to say " Damn--I gotta be a law abiding citizen now because the government swiped my gig." ? My guess is that they would find a NEW illegal arena to play in.
Kathianne said:
Legalize it and tax it and guarantee the buyer is getting what he's paying for.
That's exactly what I'm thinking.

Sin tax it (it does alter the person a little) and make sure it's the good stuff not being laced with other drugs.

No, I'm not a pot smoker, but I dated one and he talked about how the American dealers lace it with coke, PCP, etc. IF you make sure that we know what's in it, it'll probably be safer to smoke.
Legalize all drugs.
How you screw up your body is your business. Just don't ask me to pay for it please.

Tax it, regulate it use the money for something usefull.
I'm against drugs altogether. Here in Alaska, you can have 4 oz., if I'm not mistaken, in your house. I havent noticed any real difference from the time I moved here to the time that reg was passed.

I guess I see no reason not to have it legal, as long is it is controlled with heavy taxes and a hell of a punishment if you are using/under the influence in public, that includes bars and clubs.

However, count me out.
Avatar4321 said:
out of idle curiousty what does this have to do with religion or ethics?:)

I'd say it's an ethical decision, but it may be a stretch.

And I just have a question that maybe someone can answer:

Does the government ban drugs because they are harmful to our health or because it gives citizens more of an opportunity to act irresponsibly? Or both?
liberalogic said:
I'd say it's an ethical decision, but it may be a stretch.

And I just have a question that maybe someone can answer:

Does the government ban drugs because they are harmful to our health or because it gives citizens more of an opportunity to act irresponsibly? Or both?

I would say both, as well as not wanting to financially support international drug cartels.
i vote legalize it and tax it.....

the difference between dope and booze is i can have one beer and smoke 1 J and you are worthless....and with the weed now 1 hit and you are worthless....
Semper Fi said:
I guess I see no reason not to have it legal, as long is it is controlled with heavy taxes and a hell of a punishment if you are using/under the influence in public, that includes bars and clubs.

However, count me out.
Same here.
Everybody is saying to tax it. Good idea, seriously, but somehow I dont think a marijuana tax would last long. Eventually the ACLU would compare marijuana to alcohal and claim the intense tax difference is unconstitutional.
Semper Fi said:
Everybody is saying to tax it. Good idea, seriously, but somehow I dont think a marijuana tax would last long. Eventually the ACLU would compare marijuana to alcohal and claim the intense tax difference is unconstitutional.

Do you know what the tax rate is on alcohol and cigarettes?

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