Leftist politicians are still trying to push the MMGW Hoax. It's a political scam to redistribute wealth.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019

In short, our liberal politicians in the US and around the world are running the biggest scam in history in order to bankrupt the US and transfer wealth to "developing" countries like China.

That's right, the biggest polluter on the planet by far, China, qualifies for the latest handout Biden announced this week. Please tell me the science behind that.

Please look at the MMGW Cult track record:

4 Catastrophic Climate Predictions That Never Came True

Current climate predictions can be terrifying if you don't know about the previous dire climate claims that amounted to nothing.

If you’re under 50, there’s a good chance you’re expecting to see climate change create chaos and death in your lifetime. Scientists and pundits seem so certain we’re headed for global collapse and their predictions can be terrifying—especially if you’re young enough not to remember the last dozen times they predicted imminent collapse and were wrong. In each case, claims of impending environmental disaster were backed by allegedly irrefutable data and policymakers were encouraged to act before it was too late.

Global Cooling​

The Prediction: Top climate specialists and environmental activists predicted that “global cooling trends” observed between WWII and 1970 would result in a world “eleven degrees colder in the year 2000 ... about twice what it would take to put us into an ice age.” Bitter winters and floods from “delayed typhoons” would trigger massive drops in food production, followed by widespread famine.

The Prophecies:

  • Newsweek Magazine’s "The Cooling World" Peter Gwynne April 28, 1975
  • Time Magazine’s “A New Ice Age?” April 28, 1974
  • BBC’s Nigel Calder International Wildlife magazine, 1975
  • Betty Friedan in Harper’s magazine, 1958
  • University of California at Davis professor Kenneth Watt, Earth Day 1974
What Actually Happened: Global cooling trends didn’t continue unabated, and temperatures stabilized. Within a few years, the same alarmists were predicting a life-threatening rise in temperatures, presaging many of the same dire effects on plant and animal life. Those new predictions were continually revised as their “near certainty” collided with the truth year after year, but prophets seem unchastened by their abysmal historical accuracy. Newsweek issued a correction to the 1975 article in 2006.

The Great Die-Off​

The Prediction: More women having babies in the developing world was expected to exceed the “carrying capacity” of the earth, experts were certain. “Population will inevitably and completely outstrip whatever small increases in food supply we make,” Ehrlich said. “The death rate will increase until at least 100-200 million people per year will be starving to death during the next ten years [1970-1980].” Ehrlich predicted that between 1980 and 1989, some 4 billion people, including 65 million Americans, would perish in the “Great Die-Off.” This would lead to “an utter breakdown of the capacity of the planet to support humanity.”

The Prophecies:

What Actually Happened: Motivated by the urgent call for population control and fears of famine, India and China performed millions of forced abortions and sterilizations. But the number of people at risk of starvation dropped from 25 percent to 10 percent globally as genetically modified seeds and advances in irrigation improved crop yields. Far from the Great Die-Off, the global population nearly doubled while agricultural capacity soared and rates of starvation plummeted. Ehrlich’s star has continued to rise, though his signature predictions were nonsense, and now holds an endowed chair in Population Studies at Stanford. The millions scapegoated by his fear-mongering have not fared as well.

Pollution Particle Clouds​

The Prediction: Ecologists and environmentalists claimed that the buildup of nitrogen, dust, fumes, and other forms of pollution would make the air unbreathable by the mid-1980s. They predicted all urban dwellers would have to don gas masks to survive, that particle clouds would block the majority of sunlight from reaching earth, and that farm yields would drop as dust blotted out the sun.

The Prophecies:

What Actually Happened: When these doomsayers were pronouncing the imminent death of our atmosphere, the rate of air pollution had already been falling for most of the world, usually in the absence of dedicated policy changes. Developments like air filtration, as well as an overall decline in household pollutants (like the smoke from cooking with coal or wood) greatly reduced the health risks of the particles that remained. Increased adoption of fossil fuels and electricity grids, rather than traditional stoves, accelerated the improvements.

75 Percent of Species Will Go Extinct​

The Prediction: Alleged experts in biology and zoology predicted that of all species of animals alive in 1970, at least 75 percent would be extinct by 1995. They blamed human activities like hunting and farming for shrinking wild habitats and cited pollution and climate change as key drivers of the new extinctions. Paul Ehrlich claimed “[By 1985] all important animal life in the sea will be extinct."

The Prophecies:

What Actually Happened: You may have noticed that earth has not lost three-quarters of its 8.7 million species, and indeed total biomass continues to grow. 99 percent of all species that have ever existed are already extinct, and natural rates of extinction predict we might lose anywhere from 200 to 2,000 species per year without any human intervention. Since 2000, we’ve identified fewer than 20.

The language surrounding these various environmental disasters sounds much like Wednesday night’s town hall, and yet each thesis has faded from public consciousness, and the fear-mongers faced no accountability for their misplaced alarmism. Before we make unprecedented sacrifices to fight a climate phantom, let’s review the credibility of claims that the end is near—but really, this time.

Now for a prediction that will come true, leftists will come into this thread whining and crying about the source without being able to refute any of the facts contained in this OP.

More to come........

50 years of predictions that the climate apocalypse is nigh​

Apocalypse . . . now?

For the past two weeks in Glasgow, Scotland, world leaders have gathered at COP 26, the United Nations Climate Change Conference, to listen to the same message: Disaster is just around the corner.

“The world has to step up, and it has to step up now,” former President Barack Obama said. “When it comes to climate, time really is running out.”

Professional yeller Greta Thunberg demanded the United Nations declare a “systemwide climate emergency,” and force countries to take action.

Press accounts were similarly Chicken Little-esque. If developed nations don’t phase out oil and gas and give $100 billion in “climate financing,” Paul Behrens, professor in environmental change, told Politico that “the only fact about the future I can declare with certainty is that the world as we know it is coming to an end.”

If it all sounds slightly familiar, consider this news story from 1972:

“We have ten years to stop the catastrophe,” said the UN’s environmental protection boss. That’s one of the headlines collected by Bjorn Lomberg, author of “False Alarm: How Climate Change Panic Costs Us Trillions, Hurts the Poor, and Fails to Fix the Planet.”

Lomberg notes that, for more than 50 years, the United Nations and the media have regularly predicted we’re on the verge of calamity. And they always seem to forget about the last warning.

In 1982, after the catastrophe failed to materialize, the New York Times covered the second UN conference on the environment, which opened “amid gloom”:

The piece quotes Mostafa K. Tolba, executive director of the United Nations environmental program, as saying that if things aren’t fixed by the turn of the century — the year 2000 — the world would face “an environmental catastrophe which will witness devastation as complete, as irreversible, as any nuclear holocaust.’’

In 1989, a senior UN environmental official shaved a year off that dire prediction, saying that if we didn’t fix climate change by 1999, we would have “Global disaster, nations wiped off the face of the earth, crop failures”:

Tolba was back in 1990 to say that “We shall win — or lose — the climate struggle in the first years of the 1990s.”

The 1990s passed without the arrival of the End Times (unless you count Vanilla Ice), but that only turned up the volume. In 2004, the Guardian newspaper said a “secret report” from the Pentagon to President George W. Bush said climate change would “destroy us.”

Among the predictions:

* Major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas

* Britain is plunged into a “Siberian” climate by 2020

* Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts, famine and widespread rioting will erupt across the world

The Guardian described this as “humiliating to the Bush administration” because they weren’t doing enough to tackle climate change. No word on whether the Pentagon or the Guardian are humiliated now that it’s 2021 and Britain is still experiencing summer.

But then, another dire prediction came and went in the meantime. In 2007, Rajendra Pachauri, head of the UN climate panel, said, “If there is no action before 2012, that’s too late”:


That year did bring disaster in the form of the movie “2012,” but besides John Cusack’s career, the rest of us survived.

But don’t fret, the goalposts have been moved again. As of 2019, the UN said “only 11 years left to prevent irreversible damage from climate change”:

That gives us until 2030 — or 58 years after the warnings of 1972. Advocates for change believe if they just scream louder, or write more like the Book of Revelations, they’ll get the world to agree to a complete upheaval of modern life and trillions in spending. But after decades of alarmism, they sound like the boy who cried warming. People have tuned them out.

Climate change is real, but adapting to it, mitigating it with technology is the most realistic solution. Will China and India just give up on coal, gas and oil overnight? No, and neither will the United States. But emissions already are falling in Western countries, the world is innovating.

We predict things are going to get better. Ten years. Twenty years, tops. Maybe 30.
It will be hard for MMGW Cultists to go after the source when this source posts the actual articles from the MMGW Cult.

Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions


Modern doomsayers have been predicting climate and environmental disaster since the 1960s. They continue to do so today.

None of the apocalyptic predictions with due dates as of today have come true.

What follows is a collection of notably wild predictions from notable people in government and science.

More than merely spotlighting the failed predictions, this collection shows that the makers of failed apocalyptic predictions often are individuals holding respected positions in government and science.

While such predictions have been and continue to be enthusiastically reported by a media eager for sensational headlines, the failures are typically not revisited.

1967: ‘Dire famine by 1975.’


Source: Salt Lake Tribune, November 17, 1967

1969: ‘Everyone will disappear in a cloud of blue steam by 1989.’


Source: New York Times, August 10 1969

1970: Ice age by 2000


Source: Boston Globe, April 16, 1970

1970: ‘America subject to water rationing by 1974 and food rationing by 1980.’


Source: Redlands Daily Facts, October 6, 1970

1971: ‘New Ice Age Coming’


Source: Washington Post, July 9, 1971

1972: New ice age by 2070



Source: NOAA, October 2015

1974: ‘New Ice Age Coming Fast’


Source: The Guardian, January 29, 1974
1974: ‘Another Ice Age?’

Source: TIME, June 24, 1974
1974: Ozone Depletion a ‘Great Peril to Life’

But no such ‘great peril to life’ has been observed as the so-called ‘ozone hole’ remains:

Sources: Headline
NASA Data | Graph
1976: ‘The Cooling’

Source: New York Times Book Review, July 18, 1976

1980: ‘Acid Rain Kills Life in Lakes’


Noblesville Ledger (Noblesville, IN) April 9, 1980

But 10 years later, the US government program formed to study acid rain concluded:


Associated Press, September 6, 1990

1978: ‘No End in Sight’ to 30-Year Cooling Trend


Source: New York Times, January 5, 1978

But according to NASA satellite data there is a slight warming trend since 1979.


Source: DrRoySpencer.com

1988: James Hansen forecasts increase regional drought in 1990s


But the last really dry year in the Midwest was 1988, and recent years have been record wet.


Source: RealClimateScience.com

1988: Washington DC days over 90F to from 35 to 85


But the number of hot days in the DC area peaked in 1911, and have been declining ever since.


Source: RealClimateScience.com

1988: Maldives completely under water in 30 years


Source: Agence France Press, September 26, 1988

1989: Rising seas to ‘obliterate’ nations by 2000


Source: Associated Press, June 30, 1989

1989: New York City’s West Side Highway underwater by 2019

1995 to Present: Climate Model Failure


Source: CEI.org

2000: ‘Children won’t know what snow is.’



Source: The Independent, March 20, 2000

2002: Famine in 10 years


Source: The Guardian, December 23, 2002

2004: Britain to have Siberian climate by 2020


Source: The Guardian, February 21, 2004

2008: Arctic will be ice-free by 2018


Source: Associated Press, June 24, 2008

2008: Al Gore warns of ice-free Arctic by 2013


But… it’s still there:


Source: WattsUpWithThat.com, December 16, 2018

2009: Prince Charles says only 8 years to save the planet


Source: The Independent, July 9, 2009

2009: UK prime minister says 50 days to ‘save the planet from catastrophe’


Source: The Independent: October 20, 2009

2009: Arctic ice-free by 2014


Source: USA Today, December 14, 2009

2013: Arctic ice-free by 2015


Source: The Guardian, July 24, 2013

The paper: Gas hydrate dissociation off Svalbard induced by isostatic rebound rather than global warming - Nature Communications (open access)

Gas hydrate dissociation off Svalbard induced by isostatic rebound rather than global warming


Methane seepage from the upper continental slopes of Western Svalbard has previously been attributed to gas hydrate dissociation induced by anthropogenic warming of ambient bottom waters. Here we show that sediment cores drilled off Prins Karls Foreland contain freshwater from dissociating hydrates. However, our modeling indicates that the observed pore water freshening began around 8 ka BP when the rate of isostatic uplift outpaced eustatic sea-level rise. The resultant local shallowing and lowering of hydrostatic pressure forced gas hydrate dissociation and dissolved chloride depletions consistent with our geochemical analysis. Hence, we propose that hydrate dissociation was triggered by postglacial isostatic rebound rather than anthropogenic warming. Furthermore, we show that methane fluxes from dissociating hydrates were considerably smaller than present methane seepage rates implying that gas hydrates were not a major source of methane to the oceans, but rather acted as a dynamic seal, regulating methane release from deep geological reservoirs.

2013: Arctic ice-free by 2016


Source: The Guardian, December 9, 2013

In short, our liberal politicians in the US and around the world are running the biggest scam in history in order to bankrupt the US and transfer wealth to "developing" countries like China.

That's right, the biggest polluter on the planet by far, China, qualifies for the latest handout Biden announced this week. Please tell me the science behind that.

Please look at the MMGW Cult track record:

4 Catastrophic Climate Predictions That Never Came True

Current climate predictions can be terrifying if you don't know about the previous dire climate claims that amounted to nothing.

If you’re under 50, there’s a good chance you’re expecting to see climate change create chaos and death in your lifetime. Scientists and pundits seem so certain we’re headed for global collapse and their predictions can be terrifying—especially if you’re young enough not to remember the last dozen times they predicted imminent collapse and were wrong. In each case, claims of impending environmental disaster were backed by allegedly irrefutable data and policymakers were encouraged to act before it was too late.

Global Cooling​

The Prediction: Top climate specialists and environmental activists predicted that “global cooling trends” observed between WWII and 1970 would result in a world “eleven degrees colder in the year 2000 ... about twice what it would take to put us into an ice age.” Bitter winters and floods from “delayed typhoons” would trigger massive drops in food production, followed by widespread famine.

The Prophecies:

  • Newsweek Magazine’s "The Cooling World" Peter Gwynne April 28, 1975
  • Time Magazine’s “A New Ice Age?” April 28, 1974
  • BBC’s Nigel Calder International Wildlife magazine, 1975
  • Betty Friedan in Harper’s magazine, 1958
  • University of California at Davis professor Kenneth Watt, Earth Day 1974
What Actually Happened: Global cooling trends didn’t continue unabated, and temperatures stabilized. Within a few years, the same alarmists were predicting a life-threatening rise in temperatures, presaging many of the same dire effects on plant and animal life. Those new predictions were continually revised as their “near certainty” collided with the truth year after year, but prophets seem unchastened by their abysmal historical accuracy. Newsweek issued a correction to the 1975 article in 2006.

The Great Die-Off​

The Prediction: More women having babies in the developing world was expected to exceed the “carrying capacity” of the earth, experts were certain. “Population will inevitably and completely outstrip whatever small increases in food supply we make,” Ehrlich said. “The death rate will increase until at least 100-200 million people per year will be starving to death during the next ten years [1970-1980].” Ehrlich predicted that between 1980 and 1989, some 4 billion people, including 65 million Americans, would perish in the “Great Die-Off.” This would lead to “an utter breakdown of the capacity of the planet to support humanity.”

The Prophecies:

What Actually Happened: Motivated by the urgent call for population control and fears of famine, India and China performed millions of forced abortions and sterilizations. But the number of people at risk of starvation dropped from 25 percent to 10 percent globally as genetically modified seeds and advances in irrigation improved crop yields. Far from the Great Die-Off, the global population nearly doubled while agricultural capacity soared and rates of starvation plummeted. Ehrlich’s star has continued to rise, though his signature predictions were nonsense, and now holds an endowed chair in Population Studies at Stanford. The millions scapegoated by his fear-mongering have not fared as well.

Pollution Particle Clouds​

The Prediction: Ecologists and environmentalists claimed that the buildup of nitrogen, dust, fumes, and other forms of pollution would make the air unbreathable by the mid-1980s. They predicted all urban dwellers would have to don gas masks to survive, that particle clouds would block the majority of sunlight from reaching earth, and that farm yields would drop as dust blotted out the sun.

The Prophecies:

What Actually Happened: When these doomsayers were pronouncing the imminent death of our atmosphere, the rate of air pollution had already been falling for most of the world, usually in the absence of dedicated policy changes. Developments like air filtration, as well as an overall decline in household pollutants (like the smoke from cooking with coal or wood) greatly reduced the health risks of the particles that remained. Increased adoption of fossil fuels and electricity grids, rather than traditional stoves, accelerated the improvements.

75 Percent of Species Will Go Extinct​

The Prediction: Alleged experts in biology and zoology predicted that of all species of animals alive in 1970, at least 75 percent would be extinct by 1995. They blamed human activities like hunting and farming for shrinking wild habitats and cited pollution and climate change as key drivers of the new extinctions. Paul Ehrlich claimed “[By 1985] all important animal life in the sea will be extinct."

The Prophecies:

What Actually Happened: You may have noticed that earth has not lost three-quarters of its 8.7 million species, and indeed total biomass continues to grow. 99 percent of all species that have ever existed are already extinct, and natural rates of extinction predict we might lose anywhere from 200 to 2,000 species per year without any human intervention. Since 2000, we’ve identified fewer than 20.

The language surrounding these various environmental disasters sounds much like Wednesday night’s town hall, and yet each thesis has faded from public consciousness, and the fear-mongers faced no accountability for their misplaced alarmism. Before we make unprecedented sacrifices to fight a climate phantom, let’s review the credibility of claims that the end is near—but really, this time.

Now for a prediction that will come true, leftists will come into this thread whining and crying about the source without being able to refute any of the facts contained in this OP.

More to come........
You guys are so stupid.

Is global warming as bad as we originally predicted? No. Why? We've gone green of course. So has China. Not enough but some.

According to China's National Bureau of Statistics, coal accounted for 56% of the country's total energy consumption in 2021. The ratio signifies a continuous decline from more than 70% in the mid-2000s.

In short, our liberal politicians in the US and around the world are running the biggest scam in history in order to bankrupt the US and transfer wealth to "developing" countries like China.

That's right, the biggest polluter on the planet by far, China, qualifies for the latest handout Biden announced this week. Please tell me the science behind that.

Please look at the MMGW Cult track record:

4 Catastrophic Climate Predictions That Never Came True

Current climate predictions can be terrifying if you don't know about the previous dire climate claims that amounted to nothing.

If you’re under 50, there’s a good chance you’re expecting to see climate change create chaos and death in your lifetime. Scientists and pundits seem so certain we’re headed for global collapse and their predictions can be terrifying—especially if you’re young enough not to remember the last dozen times they predicted imminent collapse and were wrong. In each case, claims of impending environmental disaster were backed by allegedly irrefutable data and policymakers were encouraged to act before it was too late.

Global Cooling​

The Prediction: Top climate specialists and environmental activists predicted that “global cooling trends” observed between WWII and 1970 would result in a world “eleven degrees colder in the year 2000 ... about twice what it would take to put us into an ice age.” Bitter winters and floods from “delayed typhoons” would trigger massive drops in food production, followed by widespread famine.

The Prophecies:

  • Newsweek Magazine’s "The Cooling World" Peter Gwynne April 28, 1975
  • Time Magazine’s “A New Ice Age?” April 28, 1974
  • BBC’s Nigel Calder International Wildlife magazine, 1975
  • Betty Friedan in Harper’s magazine, 1958
  • University of California at Davis professor Kenneth Watt, Earth Day 1974
What Actually Happened: Global cooling trends didn’t continue unabated, and temperatures stabilized. Within a few years, the same alarmists were predicting a life-threatening rise in temperatures, presaging many of the same dire effects on plant and animal life. Those new predictions were continually revised as their “near certainty” collided with the truth year after year, but prophets seem unchastened by their abysmal historical accuracy. Newsweek issued a correction to the 1975 article in 2006.

The Great Die-Off​

The Prediction: More women having babies in the developing world was expected to exceed the “carrying capacity” of the earth, experts were certain. “Population will inevitably and completely outstrip whatever small increases in food supply we make,” Ehrlich said. “The death rate will increase until at least 100-200 million people per year will be starving to death during the next ten years [1970-1980].” Ehrlich predicted that between 1980 and 1989, some 4 billion people, including 65 million Americans, would perish in the “Great Die-Off.” This would lead to “an utter breakdown of the capacity of the planet to support humanity.”

The Prophecies:

What Actually Happened: Motivated by the urgent call for population control and fears of famine, India and China performed millions of forced abortions and sterilizations. But the number of people at risk of starvation dropped from 25 percent to 10 percent globally as genetically modified seeds and advances in irrigation improved crop yields. Far from the Great Die-Off, the global population nearly doubled while agricultural capacity soared and rates of starvation plummeted. Ehrlich’s star has continued to rise, though his signature predictions were nonsense, and now holds an endowed chair in Population Studies at Stanford. The millions scapegoated by his fear-mongering have not fared as well.

Pollution Particle Clouds​

The Prediction: Ecologists and environmentalists claimed that the buildup of nitrogen, dust, fumes, and other forms of pollution would make the air unbreathable by the mid-1980s. They predicted all urban dwellers would have to don gas masks to survive, that particle clouds would block the majority of sunlight from reaching earth, and that farm yields would drop as dust blotted out the sun.

The Prophecies:

What Actually Happened: When these doomsayers were pronouncing the imminent death of our atmosphere, the rate of air pollution had already been falling for most of the world, usually in the absence of dedicated policy changes. Developments like air filtration, as well as an overall decline in household pollutants (like the smoke from cooking with coal or wood) greatly reduced the health risks of the particles that remained. Increased adoption of fossil fuels and electricity grids, rather than traditional stoves, accelerated the improvements.

75 Percent of Species Will Go Extinct​

The Prediction: Alleged experts in biology and zoology predicted that of all species of animals alive in 1970, at least 75 percent would be extinct by 1995. They blamed human activities like hunting and farming for shrinking wild habitats and cited pollution and climate change as key drivers of the new extinctions. Paul Ehrlich claimed “[By 1985] all important animal life in the sea will be extinct."

The Prophecies:

What Actually Happened: You may have noticed that earth has not lost three-quarters of its 8.7 million species, and indeed total biomass continues to grow. 99 percent of all species that have ever existed are already extinct, and natural rates of extinction predict we might lose anywhere from 200 to 2,000 species per year without any human intervention. Since 2000, we’ve identified fewer than 20.

The language surrounding these various environmental disasters sounds much like Wednesday night’s town hall, and yet each thesis has faded from public consciousness, and the fear-mongers faced no accountability for their misplaced alarmism. Before we make unprecedented sacrifices to fight a climate phantom, let’s review the credibility of claims that the end is near—but really, this time.

Now for a prediction that will come true, leftists will come into this thread whining and crying about the source without being able to refute any of the facts contained in this OP.

More to come........

But I'll say this - if MMGW is for real - Democrats are fucking us all by using it as an excuse for socialism, and giving Republicans a reason to oppose doing something about it. There are things we could do to address climate change that aren't fixated on "income disparity" or blaming the west. Just like there are solutions to many of our problems that both sides could agree on, but they never see the light of day because partisan twats want to duke it out.
You guys are so stupid.

Is global warming as bad as we originally predicted? No. Why? We've gone green of course. So has China. Not enough but some.

According to China's National Bureau of Statistics, coal accounted for 56% of the country's total energy consumption in 2021. The ratio signifies a continuous decline from more than 70% in the mid-2000s.

Yes, because the one thing we know we can trust is data from the Chinese government.....

AGW is merely a ploy to get us to accept lower standards of living while the elites continue on with their virtue signaling and working vehicles.
You guys are so stupid.

Is global warming as bad as we originally predicted? No. Why? We've gone green of course. So has China. Not enough but some.

According to China's National Bureau of Statistics, coal accounted for 56% of the country's total energy consumption in 2021. The ratio signifies a continuous decline from more than 70% in the mid-2000s.

50 years of missed predictions and that's how you try and explain it away? Stupid is actually BELIEVING that politicians and governments can control the climate in any shape or form the same way that a person controls the temperature of their house with a thermostat.
50 years of missed predictions and that's how you try and explain it away? Stupid is actually BELIEVING that politicians and governments can control the climate in any shape or form the same way that a person controls the temperature of their house with a thermostat.
Everyone in the world knows about it and believes except for the trolls and ignoramus rubes of the big oil GOP brainwashed base.
You guys are so stupid.

Is global warming as bad as we originally predicted? No. Why? We've gone green of course. So has China. Not enough but some.

According to China's National Bureau of Statistics, coal accounted for 56% of the country's total energy consumption in 2021. The ratio signifies a continuous decline from more than 70% in the mid-2000s.
China has gone green? What a colossal moron you are. The MMGW Cult has your tiny brain washed, and hung out to dry.

Democrats: "We're destroying the environment and making the planet unlivable! Socialism is the only answer!"
Republicans: "Uh, gotta go with 'NO' on the socialism, but tell us more about the problem."
Democrats: "It's a problem that only socialism can solve!"
Republicans: "Then it's a problem we're not going to solve."
You guys are so stupid.

Is global warming as bad as we originally predicted? No. Why? We've gone green of course. So has China. Not enough but some.

According to China's National Bureau of Statistics, coal accounted for 56% of the country's total energy consumption in 2021. The ratio signifies a continuous decline from more than 70% in the mid-2000s.

Everyone in the world knows about it and believes except for the trolls and ignoramus rubes of the big oil GOP brainwashed base.

Please keep your religion out of our politics
Democrats: "We're destroying the environment and making the planet unlivable! Socialism is the only answer!"
Republicans: "Uh, gotta go with 'NO' on the socialism, but tell us more about the problem."
Democrats: "It's a problem that only socialism can solve!"
Republicans: "Then it's a problem we're not going to solve."
The problem with the above, of course, is that climate change might be a real problem. A problem we could actually do something about. But both sides care more about their partisan ambitions than solving problems.

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