Leftist Bigotry Is Getting More And More Extreme In America


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
This started before Obama, but now it's gotten much worse. Ask a Democrat if he or she would sit down and discuss political differences with a Republican, for the most part they will say no. Some will even accuse the Republican of aggressive behavior simply for asking to talk. Why is this? Where does this acute hatred come from? Because bigotry on the left has reached levels we once thought was dead in America.

If a Trump supporter tells a joke at a Democrat's expense, the left cannot tolerate it, will call it racist, even if it wasn't intended so, and they immediately try to ruin that person's life.
They figure whatever happens to them is justifiable. No apology is accepted. However, when a favored leftist says something that is even more overtly nasty or racist, well, it was just a joke......no harm done. Apology is accepted. Let's move on.

The hatred on full display by the left is so intense it borders on outright insanity. In this environment all bets are off. No act or crime will be condemned by the left if the target is a conservative. This is so extreme that it reminds me of the hatred Muslims have for Jews and the State Of Israel. This is just a 1200 year old blood feud that never seems to end. What a surprise that after a closet Muslim becomes president, he somehow is able breed so much animosity in America that Democrats, and Liberals, cannot even stand being in the same room as a conservative....yet somehow Obama remains blameless in the press after creating such hatred.

Muslims almost universally have no tolerance for anyone from Israel, even at the Olympics. They can't put their hatred aside for a couple of weeks for the sake of the unity and harmony at Olympic events. Where does this hatred come from? Most of us couldn't understand this level of hatred.....until now. Now we see it every day on the left. Yet they say WE'RE the ones that are violent and evil. All we are to them is a scapegoat.

For years they've been preaching tolerance, telling people to take anger management classes, tolerance of other races and religions, but they can't seem to bring themselves to practice what they preach.

In some Muslim countries they teach their kids to commit murder. They carry AK47s in kindergarten, and they glorify murdering Jews. I see the same kind of training coming in the near future from the left. They'll soon be training our kids to murder their fellow Americans. I know this sounds extreme, but this is how every despotic regime maintains order. Give the people under you a strawman to hate, then you can blame everything you're doing to them on that strawman. This is a typical leftist tactic. As it is.....Twitter, Facebook, and social media in general is guilty of Shadow Banning conservatives. This is acceptable in what used to be a free America. The left gets away with it because of the bigotry that the left has for them.


Why does this work so well on Hollywood liberals?
Probably because most of them either didn't finish H.S. or weren't paying attention.
Even college liberals seem to have problems remembering the Bill of Rights or even knows the 5 freedoms that are in the 1st Amendment.


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All I know is dissent is the highest form of patriotism

All I know is that is a really stupid comment.
Because 50 people ganging up on two people, throwing objects at them...racial slurs...and intimidation only because you don't agree with them is somhow "political dissent"??
That is stupid.
It is flat out bullying/assault and intimidation. Nothing less, nothing more.
This was not a political event. This was two people walking out of a restaurant minding their own business and were attacked.
They were openly referring to “ token negroes” on this board yesterday. Only a bigot does that!
All I know is dissent is the highest form of patriotism

All I know is that is a really stupid comment.
Because 50 people ganging up on two people, throwing objects at them...racial slurs...and intimidation only because you don't agree with them is somhow "political dissent"??
That is stupid.
It is flat out bullying/assault and intimidation. Nothing less, nothing more.
This was not a political event. This was two people walking out of a restaurant minding their own business and were attacked.
What the hell are you talking about...op was about left refuseal to debate the issues in public forum
The Cortez/Shapiro incident is a great example of the leftist groupthink.
Not only refusing to accept his accepting HERchallenge to "conversation", but she reverts to baseless accusations and insults in her response. Claiming White Male Privilege and misogyny at the same time. Oh....and he is a sexist also.

And that, is all you need to know about Miss Cortez.
All I know is dissent is the highest form of patriotism

All I know is that is a really stupid comment.
Because 50 people ganging up on two people, throwing objects at them...racial slurs...and intimidation only because you don't agree with them is somhow "political dissent"??
That is stupid.
It is flat out bullying/assault and intimidation. Nothing less, nothing more.
This was not a political event. This was two people walking out of a restaurant minding their own business and were attacked.
What the hell are you talking about...op was about left refuseal to debate the issues in public forum

What the hell are you talking about?
Perhaps I am misunderstanding your point.... but are you not comparing her action to political dissent?
All I know is dissent is the highest form of patriotism

All I know is that is a really stupid comment.
Because 50 people ganging up on two people, throwing objects at them...racial slurs...and intimidation only because you don't agree with them is somhow "political dissent"??
That is stupid.
It is flat out bullying/assault and intimidation. Nothing less, nothing more.
This was not a political event. This was two people walking out of a restaurant minding their own business and were attacked.
What the hell are you talking about...op was about left refuseal to debate the issues in public forum

What the hell are you talking about?
Perhaps I am misunderstanding your point.... but are you not comparing her action to political dissent?
Pointing out never ending hypocrisy of the left.
All I know is dissent is the highest form of patriotism

All I know is that is a really stupid comment.
Because 50 people ganging up on two people, throwing objects at them...racial slurs...and intimidation only because you don't agree with them is somhow "political dissent"??
That is stupid.
It is flat out bullying/assault and intimidation. Nothing less, nothing more.
This was not a political event. This was two people walking out of a restaurant minding their own business and were attacked.
What the hell are you talking about...op was about left refuseal to debate the issues in public forum

What the hell are you talking about?
Perhaps I am misunderstanding your point.... but are you not comparing her action to political dissent?
Pointing out never ending hypocrisy of the left.

Then perhaps you should be more descriptive....and my apologies for incorrect assumption in what you were saying.
This is nothing new the Ds were founded on the huge lies of genocide Jackson and have not materially changed in the last 200 years.
All I know is dissent is the highest form of patriotism

All I know is that is a really stupid comment.
Because 50 people ganging up on two people, throwing objects at them...racial slurs...and intimidation only because you don't agree with them is somhow "political dissent"??
That is stupid.
It is flat out bullying/assault and intimidation. Nothing less, nothing more.
This was not a political event. This was two people walking out of a restaurant minding their own business and were attacked.
What the hell are you talking about...op was about left refuseal to debate the issues in public forum

What the hell are you talking about?
Perhaps I am misunderstanding your point.... but are you not comparing her action to political dissent?
Pointing out never ending hypocrisy of the left.

Then perhaps you should be more descriptive....and my apologies for incorrect assumption in what you were saying.
So noted. Thought the quote and author of it was famous enough that the implication was clear.
Speaking of debate. The People need to take back the electoral process. Instead of candidates deciding when where and who they will debate...those parameters should be set by us and any candidate that fails to meet them forfeits......
The Cortez/Shapiro incident is a great example of the leftist groupthink.
Not only refusing to accept his accepting HERchallenge to "conversation", but she reverts to baseless accusations and insults in her response. Claiming White Male Privilege and misogyny at the same time. Oh....and he is a sexist also.

And that, is all you need to know about Miss Cortez.
Or all you need to know about the New York Times hiring a bigot to act as an editor, Sarah Jeong.
Apparently she hates white people, and white males in particular.
She doesn't know enough about her history that it's highly likely that she would be eating grass soup if it weren't for white males who came to her country's rescue during the Korean War.

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