Left wing village idiots immigration plan.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Left wing village idiots immigration plan.

Left wing village idiots plan to stop illegal immigration is giving those that are here amnesty and THEN stop businesses from hiring illegal aliens. Putting the horse before the buggy. That means they 25 million, not 11 million, will be able to take jobs away from American citizens legally and then those 25 million will be able to bring their relatives into this county bring those 25 million to 250 million and that is not “realistic.” It is not “unrealistic” to expect those here to pack up and go home. No matter how long you lived in my home, it is not your home. Americans who have been living in their home for more than a decade have lost their homes to foreclosure and had to move out, but to expect illegal who have been here a decade to leave in not “realistic”? a bucket full of s***.

Where in the hell are jobs going to come from for those 250 million people? We are exporting job and importing workers? That’s really brilliant.

Those that are here are not going to leave? If they cannot work they will leave and when our economy has left them jobless, they have gone home. Why do leftist not want illegal aliens to go home? What is in it for them if they stay?

How in the hell is making those here legal going to stop illegal immigration? The American people want enforcement without amnesty. Another word for a “path to citizenship”

In a decade our illegal immigrants population will grow to a billion and no way in hell do we have the resources to support that.

There is a direct correlation between illegal aliens and gang activity, drug dealing, identity thief, robbery, murder and rape.
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LilOLady, you seem a bit hysterical. Fix your OP with your first posting, because together, they (and the numbers) are very confusing.

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