Leave Our Kids Alone.


Gold Member
Jan 9, 2020
The hysterical left continue to attack our children. Why? It has been shown that the Seasonal flu is just as, or even more deadly to children than Covid
Kids aren't Spreaders - They belong in school, unmasked, so leave the Kids alone, they halready had a year and a hplf of being unjustly treated. The Cure Worse than the Disease!
Schools should open. The science shows that COVID doesn't spread amongst kids. If the Left says we should listen to science, then let's listen to all the science and not just the science that is politically convenient.

However, same for the Right. The Right should listen to science too. Adults should get vaccinated so this thing doesn't mutate to the point that it does start attacking kids.
Last week, two new reports confirmed the catastrophic damage caused by a year of remote schooling. Not only did American schoolchildren fall dramatically behind in the school year, the damage was substantially greater for low-income and minority schoolchildren, whose families tended to lack the resources to navigate the perils of turning their home into a virtual classroom.​
The mere possibility that some schools may be forced to haggle once again with their unions to reopen school in the face of incontrovertible evidence of the need to do so is maddening enough. But the cherry on top of this sundae of public dysfunction is the fact that the national teachers unions have refused to support a vaccine mandate for teachers. “Vaccinations must be negotiated between employers and workers, not coerced,” says Weingarten. The National Education Association supports allowing an option for weekly testing for teachers instead of requiring a vaccine. New York’s state United Teachers union likewise opposes a vaccine mandate.​
So the Delta variant supposedly presents a medical threat so dire that it could potentially limit schooling for the third year in a row. But it’s not serious enough to justify a vaccine requirement for teachers.​
This bizarre combination of positions is the product not only of the narrow self-interest that union leaders can advocate on behalf of their members, but also an ideological hothouse they have fostered. A cadre of activists in and around the unions inhabit an alternate reality nearly as paranoid as the one constructed by the pandemic deniers on the right.​

The hysterical left continue to attack our children. Why? It has been shown that the Seasonal flu is just as, or even more deadly to children than Covid
Kids aren't Spreaders - They belong in school, unmasked, so leave the Kids alone, they halready had a year and a hplf of being unjustly treated. The Cure Worse than the Disease!
Make everyone happy. Homeschool
COVID doesn't spread amongst kids. If the Left says we should listen to science, then let's listen to all the science and not just the science that is politically convenient.
Send the kids to school without the face diapers.
However, same for the Right. The Right should listen to science too. Adults should get vaccinated so this thing doesn't mutate to the point that it does start attacking kids.
That veterinarian is so hard at work castrating bulls on the farm, people are wondering why the cows moo so mournfully all day and all night.
The hysterical left continue to attack our children. Why? It has been shown that the Seasonal flu is just as, or even more deadly to children than Covid
Kids aren't Spreaders - They belong in school, unmasked, so leave the Kids alone, they halready had a year and a hplf of being unjustly treated. The Cure Worse than the Disease!

"Kids aren't Spreaders"..... they totally are, but making things up and passing them off as the truth is such a common thing now.
The hysterical left continue to attack our children. Why? It has been shown that the Seasonal flu is just as, or even more deadly to children than Covid
Kids aren't Spreaders - They belong in school, unmasked, so leave the Kids alone, they halready had a year and a hplf of being unjustly treated. The Cure Worse than the Disease!
So I guess those 73,000 cases diagnosed of kids under 12 did not spread to someone else.

I, on one hand believe masks should be optional but on the other hand why should someone be allowed to spread a virus such as Covid. But I guess parents like you are teaching your kids to only care for themselves and if you just happen to kill another for your selfishness so be it. That's it, it's teaching them young to not care about humanity.
This is war.

The fascist left is engaged in mass propaganda, mass lies, and mass murder.
Schools should open. The science shows that COVID doesn't spread amongst kids. If the Left says we should listen to science, then let's listen to all the science and not just the science that is politically convenient.

However, same for the Right. The Right should listen to science too. Adults should get vaccinated so this thing doesn't mutate to the point that it does start attacking kids.
Do you think all the viruses get together on Twitter and decide to mutate? You are funny!

Stay in your own lane and stop spreading BS.
So I guess those 73,000 cases diagnosed of kids under 12 did not spread to someone else.

I, on one hand believe masks should be optional but on the other hand why should someone be allowed to spread a virus such as Covid. But I guess parents like you are teaching your kids to only care for themselves and if you just happen to kill another for your selfishness so be it. That's it, it's teaching them young to not care about humanity.
They usually caught it from Mom and Dad!

Those cases are usually asymptomatic or very mild symptoms.
They usually caught it from Mom and Dad!

Those cases are usually asymptomatic or very mild symptoms.
So, can they not spread it? That is and was very true with the alpha and beta variants, but what about Delta?

Major children’s hospitals in Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Florida—states that have been battling a broader increase in hospitalizations—all said this week they have more children in their care than at any other point in the pandemic.
Coronavirus-linked hospitalizations are up 50% from their previous peak at the Arkansas Children’s hospitals in Little Rock and Springdale, the hospitals’ chief clinical officer told CNN, deeming the 24 total pediatric patients housed at their facilities as of Wednesday (which includes seven in intensive care and two on ventilators) the “worst we’ve ever seen it for kids.”


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