League of Anarchy: Alas and the Lords of Darkness [9/11]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a TrumpUSA philosophy-vignette which I wrote in honor of 9/11, since this is my last day of USMB posting and I wanted to leave on a patriotic note.

Thanks for everything my awesome USMB friends/peers,



"I've summoned each of you figurheads of darkness from the Leviathan Pit of Hell to evaluate the philosophical impact and sociological symbolism of 9/11, when anti-capitalism terrorists destroyed the iconic World Trade Center in NYC. My name is Alas, and I'm an Internet-blogging democracy-critic and 'vigilante' and big fan of Captain America (Marvel Comics). When I noticed that Hollywood (USA) released the Occultism-film Ouija: Origin of Evil, I wondered if such darkness-contemplation would evoke forces from hell and the netherworld, so I began blogging about censorship in the age of media and using ancient-world avatars such as Medusa (demon-deity of hypnosis). I'd like each of your input today on the 'gravity' of 9/11 and what it might mean for TrumpUSA." -ALAS


"Thank you Alas for this strange but intriguing invitation. I notice immediately that your clever and attention-grabbing 'remarkable' vigilante-costume/outfit for your Internet blogs and your photo-poster drawing/rendering of Medusa in the background reveals you to be indeed a 'modernism-critic' or maybe you're a modern-day (21st Century Facebook-culture rendition of Thomas Nast). My name is Darth Maul, and I'm a Lord of the Sith, a legion of darkness-warriors who meditate on the 'reality' of evil and sin in the universe. I study the fragile relationship between violence and anger, which is why I might resemble the 'Devil' (Satan) to your fellow-humans on Earth. My opinion of 9/11 is that it was a terrorist-trauma that highlighted the West's neglect of global angst and the Middle East's focus on Western apathy and naivete." -DARTH MAUL


"Yes, thanks for this invite Alas, and I assure you there's no 'requisite payment' required for this invocation of dark-spirits for your concern about the release of the Occult film Ouija: Origin of Evil. My name is Menace, and I'm an androgynous witch and gate-keeper of monsters of Leviathan or the realm of Chaos. My perspective on 9/11 is that it suggested to the world, both to politicians and citizens, that anti-capitalism sentiments can lead to species-shocking turbulence. Americans might ask themselves if the 'flowery' of TrumpUSA (since Donald Trump was a capitalism-baron and casino-mogul) is a reflection of humanity's jovial attitude towards ornamentation as a 'patriotism-justified' political bravado (which is what might have prompted the anti-Western terrorism of 9/11)." -MENACE


"Alas, my name is Cyclonus and I consider myself to be a 'mirror-image' of you, since you and I both contemplate the deep complexity of the contouring of nature and nurture. As you can see, I'm a wolfen robot and I represent imaginations about subversion and revolution, which is why I might be very intriguing to any human being studying the intricacies of anarchy and darkness as they relate to the horror of 9/11. Obviously it was based on Israel-Palestine and the West's fixation on the economics-oriented justification of religious treatment of Islam. Perhaps if TrumpUSA focuses on the 'merits' of marketing (e.g., Jerry Maguire), there will be fewer anti-capitalism sentiments regarding the 'frailty' of fashion." -CYCLONUS


"My name is Doctor Doom. The first thing Americans need to do is focus on which traffic-symbolic targets would be chosen by anti-capitalism/anti-Western terrorists such as ISIS and Cobra. Such targets might include the Seattle Space Needle, the Rockefeller Center in NYC, the Library of Congress, and the Dallas Cowboys NFL stadium --- hubs of cultural value. The World Trade Center was chosen by Muslim terrorists from the Middle East, since there was a new millennium 'angst' regarding the valuation of commerce in regards to capitalism-theory, media biases, democracy-cynicism, and traffic-psychosis. Perhaps it was a sign of a prophetic and Great Tribulation." -DOCTOR DOOM


After Alas concluded his 'interview' with these 'figureheads' of darkness from the Netherworld of Leviathan, he put away his Ouija board (forever) and decided to trek to Rocky Center to do some much needed patriotic ice-skating for Christmas 2018. Alas considered what the figureheads suggested (regarding the sociocultural complexities that made 9/11 such a historic symbol of traffic-brooding and why historians compared the day to Pearl Harbor) and wondered if commerce under TrumpUSA held the illuminating potential to make consumerism a 'beacon' for more 'constructive' ornamentation (e.g., Home Shopping Network). Perhaps America would become the prophesied land of 'many peoples' coming together in peace that the Book of Revelation described.


TRUMP: I feel good about the rebuilt World Trade Center.
CARTER: I feel good about Christmastime in Rocky Center, Mr. President!
TRUMP: Are you a fan of Hollywood-culture?
CARTER: I like Tom Cruise movies...
TRUMP: Maybe 9/11 will remind us all of the social value of open communication.
CARTER: Yes, like Pearl Harbor, it just might inspire film-makers of tomorrow!


The Love and Peace Examination

This post-script addendum was inspired by my love of Model UN student conferences and the film The Interpreter.

Cheers (Merry Christmas!),


After Alas concluded his intriguing exchange with the Lords of Darkness, he was given a special 'reward' --- the hand of a beautiful maiden named Pamela who was currently entrenched in eco-terrorism rhetoric. Alas's posed challenge (by the Lords of Darkness) was to convince this lovely and complex young woman that love was more powerful than politics, even though 'technically' Alas was as intrigued by eco-terrorism literature as Pamela, since he was still studying censorship-issues in modern media. Alas decided to take Pamela to a Model UN student-conference about eco-activism.


Alas drew a stick-figure doodle of a Christmastime consumerism avatar named Evil Elf who represented commerce values under TrumpUSA. Alas took the drawing to the Model UN student conference. Pamela liked the drawing too and was excited to accompany him to the eco-activism themed conference held at the UN headquarters in NYC. Pamela asked Alas if there was adequate Homeland Security protocols for the student conference, and Alas assured his lovely fiancee that Evil Elf would protect them.


Model UN conferences had become very symbolic in modern American education. Students from various high schools (private and public) competed in UN-like settings, representing nations and arguing for resolutions/reforms in internationally relevant topics such as disarmament, Third World debt, Red Cross funding, and eco-activism. Alas and Pamela noted there were numerous students from high schools around America attending that conference in NYC. It was a very poignant conference, but Alas began thinking more about Pamela than eco-terrorism related issues.


Also attending the conference was an eccentric wheelchaired Harvard professor named Dr. Hugh Glass who wanted to observe what today's students were discussing regarding eco-activism (and eco-terrorism). Alas immediately noticed the strange professor and wondered what his agenda was for the Model UN student conference and approached him to ask him what he was studying. To his amazement, Dr. Glass eerily told Alas, "I want to be a provocateur." Alas suddenly realized Dr. Glass was a terrorist with an agenda of violence.


Alas quickly ran up to Pamela who was wearing a green business suit and carrying a copy of the Edward Abbey book The Monkey Wrench Gang. He grabbed her and told her to go to their hotel room in Manhattan and hide there, since there was a possible terrorist-threat at the Model UN student conference. Alas then returned to the Model UN student conference and informed the security personnel that the attending Harvard professor Dr. Glass may have carried chemical weapons or explosives to the building to create some violence or trouble. The security officials began investigating and Alas quickly mingled with the students to avoid any suspicious monitoring by Dr. Glass. Alas began taking photos of the student-delegates with his iPhone.


Alas then asked the security personnel what they discovered about Dr. Glass, and apparently, Dr. Glass was involved in some strange high school incident in which two criminally-insane 11th grade students consulted with the Harvard professor before killing two high school teachers (in Boston) with guns they carried into the school after closing-bell. Alas suspected that Dr. Glass had somehow served as a 'consultant' to these two high-school shooters. He told his theory to the Model UN student conference security personnel who then began looking for any suspicious behaviors among the student-delegates who might potentially be 'in league' with the now-questionable wheelchaired Dr. Glass.


Dr. Glass then pulled out a megaphone from his hidden bag which someone placed inside the UN building that day (perhaps one of the student delegates or inside-employees/laborers) and declared to the student audience, "I'm here to tell you straight that all this 'mock-political dancing' is nothing more than a ruse to mask our psychological concern that modern networking is conducive to terrorism-catalyzing vanities. We see images of pornography on the Internet and then hold these hypocritical Model UN student conferences, which is why we need to understand why various terrorism-folklore/media such as G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra might be a signpost for anti-Western terrorists to 'demonize' as evidence of our immaturity. That's why I intend to blow up this building!"


Alas realized that the terrorism-folklore/media Dr. Glass referenced (Hasbro's G.I. Joe comics/cartoons/films) did indeed present images of gorgeous female terrorists engaged in seductive poses with American soldiers and daredevils which may influence today's youngsters and lead them to believe that anarchy is somehow 'sexy.' Dr. Glass was obviously a society fanatic who believed more terrorism was the best response to 'civilization corruption.' It seemed Dr. Glass insisted that 'homegrown terrorism' was preferable to imported terrorism (e.g., 9/11). However, Alas was a fan of G.I. Joe comics and didn't buy into Dr. Glass's brand of 'defeatism rhetoric.'


Miraculously, the security personnel at the Model UN student conference managed to grab Dr. Glass before he was able to detonate the explosives he hid behind the main UN conference-room podium. Alas and all the student-delegates were safe, and Dr. Glass was taken to prison for further questioning regarding his possible involvement in the Boston high school shootings that saw two teachers killed. Alas returned to his Manhattan hotel room and reunited with his fiancee Pamela and relayed the entire adventure to her. The two love-birds returned to their home in Virginia to recover from this crazy experience. Alas began writing a peace-promotional novel about the Environmental Protection Agency and asked Pamela to help him write it(!).


CYCLONUS: Alas has passed our little 'test.'
MENACE: Yes, he stayed level-headed and helped authorities nab Dr. Glass!
CYCLONUS: He didn't get distracted by love/sex (Pamela) and then maturely married her.
MENACE: Now, he's writing that EPA novel with Pamela...
CYCLONUS: It's a 'picture perfect story' of a philosopher becoming a 'modern man.'
MENACE: Modern America is quite 'complex.'
CYCLONUS: Perhaps American media is conducive to pro-democratic dialogue!
MENACE: Hopefully, much will be learned from the Model UN student conference.
CYCLONUS: Alas certainly learned the value of humility...and love.
MENACE: And peace!
CYCLONUS: I look forward to the book he's writing with Pamela!
MENACE: Apparently, Alas and Pamela are a terrific pair of dancers.
CYCLONUS: Yes, they're like a dancing-pair from White Christmas.
MENACE: Peace is always possible...
CYCLONUS: TrumpUSA is more 'complex' than even Ancient Rome.




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