Lawyers: Evidence shows Saudi Arabia aided 9/11 hijackers


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
By LARRY NEUMEISTER, Associated Press

NEW YORK — Lawyers for victims of the Sept. 11 attacks say they have new evidence that agents of Saudi Arabia "directly and knowingly" helped the hijackers, including sworn testimony from the so-called 20th hijacker and from three principals of the U.S. government's two primary probes of the attacks.

The Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Washington said in a statement Wednesday that Zacarias Moussaoui's claims come from a "deranged criminal" and that there is no evidence to support them. It said Saudi Arabia had nothing to do with the deadly 2001 attacks.

The lawyers filed documents in Manhattan federal court to buttress claims Saudi Arabia supported al-Qaida and its leader at the time, Osama bin Laden, prior to the attacks. They have always said "the Saudi government directly and knowingly assisted the 9/11 hijackers," but now say facts and evidence supporting the assertion "are compelling."


They said an "expansive volume" of new evidence — including U.S. and foreign intelligence reports, government reports and testimony from al-Qaida members — support lawsuits seeking billions of dollars from countries, companies and organizations that aided al-Qaida and other terrorist groups.


So did the Bushes.

Nothing we can do about it except gloat that they couldn't protect bin Laden from President Obama.

Well if dimocrat lawyers say must be true eh?
Before drawing conclusions on the basis of political orientation let's wait and see what the evidence reveals -- if it ever is revealed to us.

Do you feel that 9/11 collusion on the part of these obviously corrupt elitist sonsabitches is beyond credibility?
Well if dimocrat lawyers say must be true eh?
Before drawing conclusions on the basis of political orientation let's wait and see what the evidence reveals -- if it ever is revealed to us.

Do you feel that 9/11 collusion on the part of these obviously corrupt elitist sonsabitches is beyond credibility?

After reading all the ridiculous speculation about how Bush planned it and the buildings were detonated from within...I find it hard to believe anything new about 9-11...going on 14 years after the fact.
After reading all the ridiculous speculation about how Bush planned it and the buildings were detonated from within...I find it hard to believe anything new about 9-11...going on 14 years after the fact.
I don't believe any of that "inside job" nonsense. But I do believe there was some level of indirect collusion and awareness between the Saudis and George W. Bush.

I don't believe Bush knew specifically what was going to happen, but I do believe he knew something was coming, which is why he carefully avoided reading the infamous Presidential Daily Briefing which Condoleeza Rice lied under oath to cover his ass about, and why he ignored very specific information and warnings by Colleen Rowley, an FBI agent who had intelligence on a terrorist cell ( Coleen Rowley Americans Who Tell The Truth ), and why he ignored specific information from a flight school instructor who was uneasy about some Muslims who were learning to fly passenger jets but weren't interested in learning how to take off and land.

Bush knew something was coming that would facilitate his very suspicious determination to invade Iraq and he went well out of his way to ignore all the information that was being laid at his feet.

After reading all the ridiculous speculation about how Bush planned it and the buildings were detonated from within...I find it hard to believe anything new about 9-11...going on 14 years after the fact.
I don't believe any of that "inside job" nonsense. But I do believe there was some level of indirect collusion and awareness between the Saudis and George W. Bush.

I don't believe Bush knew specifically what was going to happen, but I do believe he knew something was coming, which is why he carefully avoided reading the infamous Presidential Daily Briefing which Condoleeza Rice lied under oath to cover his ass about, and why he ignored very specific information and warnings by Colleen Rowley, an FBI agent who had intelligence on a terrorist cell ( Coleen Rowley Americans Who Tell The Truth ), and why he ignored specific information from a flight school instructor who was uneasy about some Muslims who were learning to fly passenger jets but weren't interested in learning how to take off and land.

Bush knew something was coming that would facilitate his very suspicious determination to invade Iraq and he went well out of his way to ignore all the information that was being laid at his feet.


You seem to have all the information that sounds as if it came directly from the presses of the DNC. Hell, most of us KNEW something was going to happen. That's why the CIA was after bin-Laden's sorry ass for the 6 or 7 years before they had "at least 10 different opportunities" to kill the SoB in 1998 and 1999....which Clinton and his crack administration failed to allow in all ten instances. This, according to the man in charge of hunting down the sorry bastard, CIA bin-Laden desk supervisor, Michael Scheuer, who has related his claims numerous times since 9-11 happened 14 years ago.

Despite Clinton s Many Chances to Kill Bin Laden Media Love Obama Using Him to Imply Romney Wouldn t Have

Excerpt...from article

Shortly after Clinton's blowup with Wallace, Scheuer went on CBS's Early Show and had this exchange with Harry Smith:

HARRY SMITH, CBS: Let's talk about what President Clinton had to say on Fox yesterday. He basically laid blame at the feet of the CIA and the FBI for not being able to certify or verify that Osama bin Laden was responsible for a number of different attacks. Does that ring true to you?

MICHAEL SCHEUER: No, sir, I don't think so. The president seems to be able, the former president seems to be able to deny facts with impugnity. Bin Laden is alive today because Mr. Clinton, Mr. Sandy Berger, and Mr. Richard Clarke refused to kill him. That's the bottom line. And every time he says what he said to Chris Wallace on Fox, he defames the CIA especially, and the men and women who risk their lives to give his administration repeated chances to kill bin Laden.

Less than two weeks later, Scheuer went on Fox News Sunday himself offering the following:

SCHEUER: Mr. Wallace, my opinion is not all that important. I went to a little Jesuit school in Buffalo called Canicius, and the priests taught us never to lie, but if you had to lie, never lie about facts. Mr. Richard Clarke, Mr. Sandy Berger, President Clinton are lying about the opportunities they had to kill Osama bin Laden. That's the plain truth, the exact truth.

Men and women at the CIA risked their lives to provide occasions to kill a man we knew had declared war and had attacked America four or five times before 1998. We had plans that had been approved by the Joint Operations Command at Fort Bragg. We had opportunities, many opportunities to kill him.

But that's the president's decision. That's absolutely the case. It's not a simple, dumb bureaucrat like me; that's not my decision. It's his. But for him to get on the television and say to the American people he did all he could is a flat lie, sir.
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You seem to have all the information that sounds as if it came directly from the presses of the DNC. Hell, most of us KNEW something was going to happen. That's why the CIA was after bin-Laden's sorry ass for the 6 or 7 years before they had "at least 10 different opportunities" to kill the SoB in 1998 and 1999....which Clinton and his crack administration failed to allow in all ten instances. This, according to the man in charge of hunting down the sorry bastard, CIA bin-Laden desk supervisor, Michael Scheuer, who has related his claims numerous times since 9-11 happened 14 years ago.
I don't disagree with your reference to Clinton's numerous failures but I'm not commenting from a partisan perspective. I have as much contempt for Bill Clinton as you obviously have, but the information I've cited is quite factual and does not derive from exclusive Democrat sources. If you wish to make the effort of researching it you'll find that to be true.

Clinton did not have the kind of specific information about the flight school Muslims that Bush had. If he did have the kind of information Coleen Rowley persistently tried to get Bush to acknowledge I would be focusing blame for the success of the 9/11 attack on Clinton as well as Bush, but he didn't.

The information Clinton (along with the rest of us) had was vague and more general in nature. It was not as specific nor did it present the immediacy as the information Bush went out of his way to ignore -- mainly the Muslims at the flight school. Even the flight school instructor who repeatedly and urgently reported it was clearly aware of its significance and the threat it represented.

My entire premise is rooted in that single element. Why did Bush not investigate that glaringly suspicious circumstance? There was nothing vague or ambiguous about it. Rather, it fit perfectly into what already was known about bin Laden's expressed intentions.

But Bush actively ignored it.
You seem to have all the information that sounds as if it came directly from the presses of the DNC. Hell, most of us KNEW something was going to happen. That's why the CIA was after bin-Laden's sorry ass for the 6 or 7 years before they had "at least 10 different opportunities" to kill the SoB in 1998 and 1999....which Clinton and his crack administration failed to allow in all ten instances. This, according to the man in charge of hunting down the sorry bastard, CIA bin-Laden desk supervisor, Michael Scheuer, who has related his claims numerous times since 9-11 happened 14 years ago.
I don't disagree with your reference to Clinton's numerous failures but I'm not commenting from a partisan perspective. I have as much contempt for Bill Clinton as you obviously have, but the information I've cited is quite factual and does not derive from exclusive Democrat sources. If you wish to make the effort of researching it you'll find that to be true.

Clinton did not have the kind of specific information about the flight school Muslims that Bush had. If he did have the kind of information Coleen Rowley persistently tried to get Bush to acknowledge I would be focusing blame for the success of the 9/11 attack on Clinton as well as Bush, but he didn't.

The information Clinton (along with the rest of us) had was vague and more general in nature. It was not as specific nor did it present the immediacy as the information Bush went out of his way to ignore -- mainly the Muslims at the flight school. Even the flight school instructor who repeatedly and urgently reported it was clearly aware of its significance and the threat it represented.

My entire premise is rooted in that single element. Why did Bush not investigate that glaringly suspicious circumstance? There was nothing vague or ambiguous about it. Rather, it fit perfectly into what already was known about bin Laden's expressed intentions.

But Bush actively ignored it.

YOU sir, are full of SHIT. The CIA didn't look for bin-Laden during Clinton's entire presidency for NO apparent REASON. They were trying to take him out period...for attacks he financed all over the middle east and the first failed attempt on the WTC. He had the opportunities and passed on them 10 goddamn times. Bush inherited the inevitable attack on 9-11 from Clinton's chicken-shit decisions not to become the president that "destroyed a little town called Kandahar", in that chickenshit Clinton's own words...bull freaking shit.

And Bush ignored information about assholes from the middle east learning to fly but not how to land at small airports all over the U.S? Bullshit. We didn't even have the TSA trained and active between Jan. 20, 2001 and September 11, 2001. So what was Bush supposed to do, make a decision to find and arrest these sneaky muslim bastards (can you say racist president accusations by the dimocrats) on the word of some small time flying instructor? And you or I or Coleen Rowley or anyone else could not possibly envision 9-11 happening because muslims were taking flying lessons in a Piper Cub.

That is just an excuse for the democrats poor judgement in using the intelligence the CIA had to kill bin-Laden and place some of the blame on Bush. Bullshit!

And Bush ignored information about assholes from the middle east learning to fly but not how to land at small airports all over the U.S? Bullshit. We didn't even have the TSA trained and active between Jan. 20, 2001 and September 11, 2001. So what was Bush supposed to do, make a decision to find and arrest these sneaky muslim bastards (can you say racist president accusations by the dimocrats) on the word of some small time flying instructor? And you or I or Coleen Rowley or anyone else could not possibly envision 9-11 happening because muslims were taking flying lessons in a Piper Cub.

I understand how painful it is for you Conservative partisans to learn you've been lied to by those whom you are proud to serve as water-carriers and propaganda monkeys. But closing your eyes to the facts does not alter history or reality. Sooner or later you will be forced to face the truth about those whom you worship.

So in the way of a gentle introduction to that truth I submit the following references to get you started. But in the event your delusion is too deeply rooted to allow any credible criticism, these reports will be helpful to any who might otherwise be swayed by the same lies you hold on so tightly to.

FBI Was Warned About Flight Schools - CBS News

Bush Warned of Hijackings Before 9-11 - ABC News

Evidence piles up that Bush administration got many pre-9 11 warnings - Investigations
Let's see....hmmmm

CBS News (Dan Rather)
N.Y. TIMES ....give me a damn break
ABC NEWS... " " " "
Unidentified (NBC NEWS) uh damned wonder you didn't identify that one.

It is quite clear that both Bush and Clinton were negligent. They both had a great deal of information proving something damaging to America was forthcoming and yet, they did little to prevent it. This failure could be because they were both incompetent boobs, which certainly is true.

Some think both men failed to do their duty to protect Americans, so that once the event occurred, government would have a free hand to impose whatever they wished. Based on the history of government's lies and deceptions, this theory also has credibility.
It is quite clear that both Bush and Clinton were negligent. They both had a great deal of information proving something damaging to America was forthcoming and yet, they did little to prevent it. This failure could be because they were both incompetent boobs, which certainly is true.

Some think both men failed to do their duty to protect Americans, so that once the event occurred, government would have a free hand to impose whatever they wished. Based on the history of government's lies and deceptions, this theory also has credibility.
I don't wish to mitigate for Clinton because Usama bin Laden did indeed issue retaliatory threats against the U.S. during the Clinton Presidency. However those threats were broadly general in nature with no indication of specific intent. So there was nothing specific for the Clinton Administration to focus on and it is presumptuous to assume the Clinton Administration would not have looked more closely at the persistent and urgent reports of suspicious Muslims learning how to control a passenger jet in flight.

The fact that Bush ignored these reports borders on criminal incompetence. But is it fair to assume Clinton would have done the same?
After reading all the ridiculous speculation about how Bush planned it and the buildings were detonated from within...I find it hard to believe anything new about 9-11...going on 14 years after the fact.
I don't believe any of that "inside job" nonsense. But I do believe there was some level of indirect collusion and awareness between the Saudis and George W. Bush.

I don't believe Bush knew specifically what was going to happen, but I do believe he knew something was coming, which is why he carefully avoided reading the infamous Presidential Daily Briefing which Condoleeza Rice lied under oath to cover his ass about, and why he ignored very specific information and warnings by Colleen Rowley, an FBI agent who had intelligence on a terrorist cell ( Coleen Rowley Americans Who Tell The Truth ), and why he ignored specific information from a flight school instructor who was uneasy about some Muslims who were learning to fly passenger jets but weren't interested in learning how to take off and land.

Bush knew something was coming that would facilitate his very suspicious determination to invade Iraq and he went well out of his way to ignore all the information that was being laid at his feet.


then you need to read this book.It proves beyond a doubt it Was.Nobody has ever been able to debunk it.

Debunking 9 11 Debunking An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory David Ray Griffin 9781566566865 Books

also,this short humourous five minute video debunks the official conspiracy theory of the governments if you dont want to take the time to read the book or watch a couple of two hour videos i can show that also debunks

The only nonsense is that 19 muslims and Bin Laden were behind the attacks. Bin Laden said he didnt do it. I would believe him over our corrupt government anyday considering the amount of lies,deception and deciet they have spread over decades in our corrupt school system in our history classes and the fact that oswald said he didnt shoot anybody and the evidence proves he was telling the truth,that there was never a shread of evidence against him.Not to mention the fact that the FBI never even had him on their most wanted list after 9/
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By LARRY NEUMEISTER, Associated Press

NEW YORK — Lawyers for victims of the Sept. 11 attacks say they have new evidence that agents of Saudi Arabia "directly and knowingly" helped the hijackers, including sworn testimony from the so-called 20th hijacker and from three principals of the U.S. government's two primary probes of the attacks.

The Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Washington said in a statement Wednesday that Zacarias Moussaoui's claims come from a "deranged criminal" and that there is no evidence to support them. It said Saudi Arabia had nothing to do with the deadly 2001 attacks.

The lawyers filed documents in Manhattan federal court to buttress claims Saudi Arabia supported al-Qaida and its leader at the time, Osama bin Laden, prior to the attacks. They have always said "the Saudi government directly and knowingly assisted the 9/11 hijackers," but now say facts and evidence supporting the assertion "are compelling."


They said an "expansive volume" of new evidence — including U.S. and foreign intelligence reports, government reports and testimony from al-Qaida members — support lawsuits seeking billions of dollars from countries, companies and organizations that aided al-Qaida and other terrorist groups.



Irrelevent thread.what matters is that AL QUEADA was funded by the CIA as are practically all terrorists around the if al queada was behind the attacks,then that is admitting it was an inside
then you need to read this book.It proves beyond a doubt it Was.Nobody has ever been able to debunk it.

Debunking 9 11 Debunking An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory David Ray Griffin 9781566566865 Books

also,this short humourous five minute video debunks the official conspiracy theory of the governments if you dont want to take the time to read the book or watch a couple of two hour videos i can show that also debunks

The only nonsense is that 19 muslims and Bin Laden were behind the attacks. Bin Laden said he didnt do it. I would believe him over our corrupt government anyday considering the amount of lies,deception and deciet they have spread over decades in our corrupt school system in our history classes and the fact that oswald said he didnt shoot anybody and the evidence proves he was telling the truth,that there was never a shread of evidence against him.Not to mention the fact that the FBI never even had him on their most wanted list after 9/

This would be yours and David Ray Griffin's problem. What you actually mean is that you would believe bin-Laden over the Republican administration any day. I watched the planes hit the WTC live and in living color. At least the second plane was live and the first plane was only a few minutes before that. The fact of the matter is...bin-Laden (who was college educated in the United States and who HATED this country) was the leader of al Qaeda and the finance CEO/planner who approved the attack...and lived to do so because that inept sex maniac, Clinton, and his inept cabinet would NOT give the AUTHORIZATION to the CIA to wipe that bastard off the face of the earth even though Michael Scheuer (CIA agent in charge of hunting the bastard down and eliminating him) found him 10 different times and asked Clinton (the draft dodger) for permission to proceed and take him out. DENIED 10 TIMES.

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