Lame Stream Media boycotting Trump speech


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
President Donald J. Trump will be delivering an important and profound message to the American people this evening in the Tremendous city of Rio Rancho.

But the media is boycotting it, denying the President his right to speak Truth to Power-- yet are actually trash talking our President.

Why is MSNBC afraid to show the speech? How about CNN? ABC? CBS?

The networks are a disgrace, keeping their viewership ignorant.

New Mexico Democrats respond to President Trump's rally in Rio Rancho
I'm sure there will be reporters there, and if he says something that isn't a lie, they will report it. Don't hold your breath for that to happen though.
It doesn't really matter. People are going to come out to see the Trump extravaganza. Mucho people. And Trump is going to say things involving peoples lives. Not like Democrats whose only position is "Trump bad". Too effin crazy
I'm sure there will be reporters there, and if he says something that isn't a lie, they will report it. Don't hold your breath for that to happen though.

and if he says something that isn't a lie, they will report it.


they usually only report lies...

about anything he says

It's gotten much easier to keep up with his non lies. There are a whole lot less of them.

"Corn Pop"!

nothing new, same ole same ole divisive, lying crap.... he needs a new, less boring and less deceitful routine! He says the same hateful rhetoric day in and day out... he's never stopped campaigning since he took office, not for one second...
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Trump said no one loves Hispanics more than he does.....and that will definitely put many concerns to rest in the Hispanic community, because the libs have tried to make them believe Trump didn't love Hispanics
President Donald J. Trump will be delivering an important and profound message to the American people this evening in the Tremendous city of Rio Rancho.

But the media is boycotting it, denying the President his right to speak Truth to Power-- yet are actually trash talking our President.

Why is MSNBC afraid to show the speech? How about CNN? ABC? CBS?

The networks are a disgrace, keeping their viewership ignorant.

New Mexico Democrats respond to President Trump's rally in Rio Rancho

Good. No one cares what the Orange Virus has to say anymore.
nothing new, same ole same ole divisive, lying crap.... he needs a new, less boring and less deceitful routine! He says the same hateful rhetoric day in and day out... he's never stopped campaigning since he took office, not for one second...
That didn't stop the networks from slavishly following every syllable Obama uttered when he was in office. You can't defend an absurd partisan position without seeming absurd yourself.
Good. No one cares what the Orange Virus has to say anymore.
By "no one" you mean yourself and your socialist comrades, of course.

I mean no one important, fucktard. You just called me a socialist based on absolutely nothing, so keep up the lying. You're the kind of useless twat no one listens to anyway, so by all means keep your thumb up your ass, winger scum.
I mean no one important, fucktard.
Then SAY that, a-hole! Whose fault is it that can't communicate any better than a fourth grader?

You just called me a socialist based on absolutely nothing, so keep up the lying.
And who is surprised you can't read any better than you can write? No one. That's who! I called your ideological comrades socialists, you fucking moron, because that's what many of them call themselves. You're in real good company, dickhead.

You're the kind of useless twat no one listens to anyway, so by all means keep your thumb up your ass, winger scum.
Are you related to Assfuck Dave, by any chance? You both seem like angry, idiotic, vile clowns who have hair trigger tempers and double digit IQs....low double digits.
Thanks for the laughs, you sad pissed off clown.
Then SAY that, a-hole!

Fuck off. You don't get to tell me how to post.

I called your ideological comrades socialists

Your comment "yourself and your socialist comrades" implicates me as being a socialist, plain and simple. Don't try and weasel out of your own words, you fucking troll. You don't read minds, you useless twat. You don't know my ideology, you useless twat. So you don't know shit about me, and you should keep your cake hole shut about me before I wreck you.

Are you related to Assfuck Dave, by any chance?

No. Go play in traffic, you useless twat.
Fuck off. You don't get to tell me how to post.
I do when you whine and snivel about being misrepresented by your own words. Wake up, moron! Learn to write at a high school level.

Your comment "yourself and your socialist comrades" implicates me as being a socialist, plain and simple. Don't try and weasel out of your own words, you fucking troll. You don't read minds, you useless twat. You don't know my ideology, you useless twat. So you don't know shit about me, and you should keep your cake hole shut about me before I wreck you. frightening!
I'd be shaking in my shoes if you weren't so stupid.
Whether you consider yourself a socialist piece of shit or not there is absolutely NO DOUBT that many of your left wing friends self identify as socialists so stop screaming like a stuck pig trying to deny the truth.

Or maybe you are one of those liars who get triggered every time your overwhelmingly left wng commentary gets you labeled as a leftist. Boo fuckin' hoo! By your fruits ye shall be known.

I have zero sympathy for those fools who walk like a duck and quack like a duck but who bristle when they are called ducks.
Go f&ck yourself.
No. Go play in traffic, you useless twat. Assfuck Dave clone alright.
Whether you consider yourself a socialist piece of shit or not there is absolutely NO DOUBT that many of your left wing friends

What left wing friends, you unbelievable idiot? You don't even know, do you? I'm not a fan of any government entitlement programs, so, as usual, I don't even know what the fuck you're bloviating about. This is the level of mind numbing stupidity you contribute. Congratulations, mouth breather.

overwhelmingly left wng commentary

Where? Examples? Making shit up again, you useless twat? The only real differences are that you belong to a cult and I don't. You support a shitty Orange Virus with a loud and stupid minority base. I don't. You claim to be representatives of American values and/or conservatism. You aren't. I'm a pragmatist and you're a know nothing clown shoe.
What left wing friends, you unbelievable idiot? You don't even know, do you? I'm not a fan of any government entitlement programs, so, as usual, I don't even know what the fuck you're bloviating about. This is the level of mind numbing stupidity you contribute. Congratulations, mouth breather.
You strike back with anger, denial, insults and indignation just like every asshole leftist who pretends to be a centerist or conservative does. I wish I had a nickle for every prick exactly like you.
Where? Examples? Making shit up again, you useless twat? The only real differences are that you belong to a cult and I don't. You support a shitty Orange Virus with a loud and stupid minority base. I don't. You claim to be representatives of American values and/or conservatism. You aren't. I'm a pragmatist and you're a know nothing clown shoe.
Well you just were stupid enough to call Trump voters a "loud and stupid minority base" so on the one hand you deny and on the other you confirm what a shitbag you are.
Maybe you are the sort of conservative (quote, unquote) that Bill Kristol or Jeb Bush or Mitt Romney are. Or even Joe Scarborough.
That makes you about as useful as snowshoes on a rock climb.

I just have caught your act before and it stinks. You're the sort of "pragmatist" that sucks off the left as they flush our nation down the toilet. You are altogether unpleasant and obnoxious and stupid if you think your act fools anyone.
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Good. No one cares what the Orange Virus has to say anymore.
By "no one" you mean yourself and your socialist comrades, of course.

I mean no one important, fucktard. You just called me a socialist based on absolutely nothing, so keep up the lying. You're the kind of useless twat no one listens to anyway, so by all means keep your thumb up your ass, winger scum.

Yes everybody knows you and your ilk are not important. No need to remind us. Triggered and ranting so easily. The red flag may have to be used on you......
President Donald J. Trump will be delivering an important and profound message to the American people this evening in the Tremendous city of Rio Rancho.

But the media is boycotting it, denying the President his right to speak Truth to Power-- yet are actually trash talking our President.

Why is MSNBC afraid to show the speech? How about CNN? ABC? CBS?

The networks are a disgrace, keeping their viewership ignorant.

Nobody watches the alphabet-soup MSN anyway. Now-days they are reduced to preaching to their ever-shrinking choir

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