Krauthammer: Obama Will Be Seen As Someone Who ‘Destroyed His Presidency With Liberal Overreach


Gold Member
Aug 5, 2016
Krauthammer: Obama Will Be Seen As Someone Who 'Destroyed His Presidency With Liberal Overreach' - Breitbart

His mission was to weaken America, and he succeeded in a hundred different ways. He did it because he hates America.
And he eventually lost.

I voted against this RACIST MARXIST traitor. His legacy is how a fraudulent huckster, Saul Alinsky cult member took advantage of the good will of the American people to get elected and how he attempted to destroy America. His legacy is the horror of a generation of brainwashed millennials who are possibly even worse than the pampered baby boomers.
Krauthammer: Obama Will Be Seen As Someone Who 'Destroyed His Presidency With Liberal Overreach' - Breitbart

His mission was to weaken America, and he succeeded in a hundred different ways. He did it because he hates America.
And he eventually lost.

I voted against this RACIST MARXIST traitor. His legacy is how a fraudulent huckster, Saul Alinsky cult member took advantage of the good will of the American people to get elected and how he attempted to destroy America. His legacy is the horror of a generation of brainwashed millennials who are possibly even worse than the pampered baby boomers.

Obama is our greatest President since JFK and he will be sorely missed. As dishonest Repug idiots like Krauthammer conveniently forget, Bush left a flaming pile of shit on Obama's doorstep in January 2009 when Obama took office and Obama saved this country from financial calamity. ObamaCare and the killing of bin Laden are also two other historically significant accomplishments.
"Krauthammer said, [relevant remarks begin around 4:30] that while his party is “losing its mind,” President Obama is “concentrated” on “a smooth transition.”

He later added that Obama is “in denial.” He continued that President-Elect Donald Trump’s election is “the demolition of eight years.” Krauthammer continued Obama saw himself as a liberal version of Ronald Reagan and would bring about a “new liberal era, and it is falling apart. … [H]e decimated his party.”

Krauthammer concluded, “[H]istorians are going to see him as a textbook definition of a guy who won on hope and change, who won with a wave of goodwill, and who completely destroyed his presidency with liberal overreach, beginning with Obamacare. And this is a rejection of ideology.” He further warned that if the Democratic Party goes further left, it won’t survive."

I'm glad that Obama is committed to making a smooth transition. I agree with pretty much everything else Chuck said, especially the last part. If the Democrats do not learn from this defeat and go harder to the left, they will have missed a very important lesson.
Krauthammer: Obama Will Be Seen As Someone Who 'Destroyed His Presidency With Liberal Overreach' - Breitbart

His mission was to weaken America, and he succeeded in a hundred different ways. He did it because he hates America.
And he eventually lost.

I voted against this RACIST MARXIST traitor. His legacy is how a fraudulent huckster, Saul Alinsky cult member took advantage of the good will of the American people to get elected and how he attempted to destroy America. His legacy is the horror of a generation of brainwashed millennials who are possibly even worse than the pampered baby boomers.

Obama is our greatest President since JFK and he will be sorely missed. As dishonest Repug idiots like Krauthammer conveniently forget, Bush left a flaming pile of shit on Obama's doorstep in January 2009 when Obama took office and Obama saved this country from financial calamity. ObamaCare and the killing of bin Laden are also two other historically significant accomplishments.

Obama was Bizarro-American. Not recognizable as American by any standard.
Krauthammer: Obama Will Be Seen As Someone Who 'Destroyed His Presidency With Liberal Overreach' - Breitbart

His mission was to weaken America, and he succeeded in a hundred different ways. He did it because he hates America.
And he eventually lost.

I voted against this RACIST MARXIST traitor. His legacy is how a fraudulent huckster, Saul Alinsky cult member took advantage of the good will of the American people to get elected and how he attempted to destroy America. His legacy is the horror of a generation of brainwashed millennials who are possibly even worse than the pampered baby boomers.

Obama is our greatest President since JFK and he will be sorely missed. As dishonest Repug idiots like Krauthammer conveniently forget, Bush left a flaming pile of shit on Obama's doorstep in January 2009 when Obama took office and Obama saved this country from financial calamity. ObamaCare and the killing of bin Laden are also two other historically significant accomplishments.

Obama was Bizarro-American. Not recognizable as American by any standard.

Well, to be are an ignorant, unsophisticated racist piece of shit goober. I think that might affect your impartiality when evaluating Obama's presidency. Just saying.
Krauthammer: Obama Will Be Seen As Someone Who 'Destroyed His Presidency With Liberal Overreach' - Breitbart

His mission was to weaken America, and he succeeded in a hundred different ways. He did it because he hates America.
And he eventually lost.

I voted against this RACIST MARXIST traitor. His legacy is how a fraudulent huckster, Saul Alinsky cult member took advantage of the good will of the American people to get elected and how he attempted to destroy America. His legacy is the horror of a generation of brainwashed millennials who are possibly even worse than the pampered baby boomers.

Obama is our greatest President since JFK and he will be sorely missed. As dishonest Repug idiots like Krauthammer conveniently forget, Bush left a flaming pile of shit on Obama's doorstep in January 2009 when Obama took office and Obama saved this country from financial calamity. ObamaCare and the killing of bin Laden are also two other historically significant accomplishments.

Obama was Bizarro-American. Not recognizable as American by any standard.

Well, to be are an ignorant, unsophisticated racist piece of shit goober. I think that might affect your impartiality when evaluating Obama's presidency. Just saying.

Actually I use history, cause and effect, and common sense in evaluating his nonsensical behavior. The Jesuits drilled that shit into me. :laugh:

It's finished, ya know. By the end of February, it will be as if much of it never happened.
Krauthammer: Obama Will Be Seen As Someone Who 'Destroyed His Presidency With Liberal Overreach' - Breitbart

His mission was to weaken America, and he succeeded in a hundred different ways. He did it because he hates America.
And he eventually lost.

I voted against this RACIST MARXIST traitor. His legacy is how a fraudulent huckster, Saul Alinsky cult member took advantage of the good will of the American people to get elected and how he attempted to destroy America. His legacy is the horror of a generation of brainwashed millennials who are possibly even worse than the pampered baby boomers.

Obama is our greatest President since JFK and he will be sorely missed. As dishonest Repug idiots like Krauthammer conveniently forget, Bush left a flaming pile of shit on Obama's doorstep in January 2009 when Obama took office and Obama saved this country from financial calamity. ObamaCare and the killing of bin Laden are also two other historically significant accomplishments.

Obama was Bizarro-American. Not recognizable as American by any standard.

Well, to be are an ignorant, unsophisticated racist piece of shit goober. I think that might affect your impartiality when evaluating Obama's presidency. Just saying.

Actually I use history, cause and effect, and common sense in evaluating his nonsensical behavior. The Jesuits drilled that shit into me. :laugh:

It's finished, ya know. By the end of February, it will be as if much of it never happened.

Kind of like your worthless existence, I guess.

Oh well, at least Obama tried. It's difficult for one man to overcome 50 million+ racist assholes such as yourself, even when he's President.
Krauthammer: Obama Will Be Seen As Someone Who 'Destroyed His Presidency With Liberal Overreach' - Breitbart

His mission was to weaken America, and he succeeded in a hundred different ways. He did it because he hates America.
And he eventually lost.

I voted against this RACIST MARXIST traitor. His legacy is how a fraudulent huckster, Saul Alinsky cult member took advantage of the good will of the American people to get elected and how he attempted to destroy America. His legacy is the horror of a generation of brainwashed millennials who are possibly even worse than the pampered baby boomers.

Obama is our greatest President since JFK and he will be sorely missed. As dishonest Repug idiots like Krauthammer conveniently forget, Bush left a flaming pile of shit on Obama's doorstep in January 2009 when Obama took office and Obama saved this country from financial calamity. ObamaCare and the killing of bin Laden are also two other historically significant accomplishments.

Obama was Bizarro-American. Not recognizable as American by any standard.

Well, to be are an ignorant, unsophisticated racist piece of shit goober. I think that might affect your impartiality when evaluating Obama's presidency. Just saying.

Actually I use history, cause and effect, and common sense in evaluating his nonsensical behavior. The Jesuits drilled that shit into me. :laugh:

It's finished, ya know. By the end of February, it will be as if much of it never happened.

Kind of like your worthless existence, I guess.

Oh well, at least Obama tried. It's difficult for one man to overcome 50 million+ racist assholes such as yourself, even when he's President.

His presidency was an aberration.
Obama is our greatest President since JFK and he will be sorely missed. As dishonest Repug idiots like Krauthammer conveniently forget, Bush left a flaming pile of shit on Obama's doorstep in January 2009 when Obama took office and Obama saved this country from financial calamity. ObamaCare and the killing of bin Laden are also two other historically significant accomplishments.

Obama was Bizarro-American. Not recognizable as American by any standard.

Well, to be are an ignorant, unsophisticated racist piece of shit goober. I think that might affect your impartiality when evaluating Obama's presidency. Just saying.

Actually I use history, cause and effect, and common sense in evaluating his nonsensical behavior. The Jesuits drilled that shit into me. :laugh:

It's finished, ya know. By the end of February, it will be as if much of it never happened.

Kind of like your worthless existence, I guess.

Oh well, at least Obama tried. It's difficult for one man to overcome 50 million+ racist assholes such as yourself, even when he's President.

His presidency was an aberration.

And of course a mentally ill racist buffoon like Trump is not an aberration.
Obama was Bizarro-American. Not recognizable as American by any standard.

Well, to be are an ignorant, unsophisticated racist piece of shit goober. I think that might affect your impartiality when evaluating Obama's presidency. Just saying.

Actually I use history, cause and effect, and common sense in evaluating his nonsensical behavior. The Jesuits drilled that shit into me. :laugh:

It's finished, ya know. By the end of February, it will be as if much of it never happened.

Kind of like your worthless existence, I guess.

Oh well, at least Obama tried. It's difficult for one man to overcome 50 million+ racist assholes such as yourself, even when he's President.

His presidency was an aberration.

And of course a mentally ill racist buffoon like Trump is not an aberration.

Nope. Only to aberrations such as yourself.
Well, to be are an ignorant, unsophisticated racist piece of shit goober. I think that might affect your impartiality when evaluating Obama's presidency. Just saying.

Actually I use history, cause and effect, and common sense in evaluating his nonsensical behavior. The Jesuits drilled that shit into me. :laugh:

It's finished, ya know. By the end of February, it will be as if much of it never happened.

Kind of like your worthless existence, I guess.

Oh well, at least Obama tried. It's difficult for one man to overcome 50 million+ racist assholes such as yourself, even when he's President.

His presidency was an aberration.

And of course a mentally ill racist buffoon like Trump is not an aberration.

Nope. Only to aberrations such as yourself.

I'm truly offended, mentally ill racist goober.
Actually I use history, cause and effect, and common sense in evaluating his nonsensical behavior. The Jesuits drilled that shit into me. :laugh:

It's finished, ya know. By the end of February, it will be as if much of it never happened.

Kind of like your worthless existence, I guess.

Oh well, at least Obama tried. It's difficult for one man to overcome 50 million+ racist assholes such as yourself, even when he's President.

His presidency was an aberration.

And of course a mentally ill racist buffoon like Trump is not an aberration.

Nope. Only to aberrations such as yourself.

I'm truly offended, mentally ill racist goober.

I'm glad. I shall go on offending you.
Krauthammer: Obama Will Be Seen As Someone Who 'Destroyed His Presidency With Liberal Overreach' - Breitbart

His mission was to weaken America, and he succeeded in a hundred different ways. He did it because he hates America.
And he eventually lost.

I voted against this RACIST MARXIST traitor. His legacy is how a fraudulent huckster, Saul Alinsky cult member took advantage of the good will of the American people to get elected and how he attempted to destroy America. His legacy is the horror of a generation of brainwashed millennials who are possibly even worse than the pampered baby boomers.

Dude, as we "progress" (no coincidence) generations have arguably been inferior since the beginning of the 20th centuryish Certainly we've shown inferiority since the greatest generation, and it's progressive.

Baby boomers

At least the hippies made GREAT music. They also helped capture civil rights for black people. They and Martin Luther King. He was all class. Imagine the shame he'd feel for us today. Especially what's demonstrated by "progress"ives.
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Obama was Bizarro-American. Not recognizable as American by any standard.

Well, to be are an ignorant, unsophisticated racist piece of shit goober. I think that might affect your impartiality when evaluating Obama's presidency. Just saying.

Actually I use history, cause and effect, and common sense in evaluating his nonsensical behavior. The Jesuits drilled that shit into me. :laugh:

It's finished, ya know. By the end of February, it will be as if much of it never happened.

Kind of like your worthless existence, I guess.

Oh well, at least Obama tried. It's difficult for one man to overcome 50 million+ racist assholes such as yourself, even when he's President.

His presidency was an aberration.

And of course a mentally ill racist buffoon like Trump is not an aberration.
if only everyone could demonstrate the racial tolerance that we see from you.
But to be honest, I think president goat herder could have been just a bit more effective had he actually spent time in the oval office instead of golf courses, family vacations and stroking communities after the police did their jobs by eliminating another pieces of shit worthless animal thug.
Krauthammer: Obama Will Be Seen As Someone Who 'Destroyed His Presidency With Liberal Overreach' - Breitbart

His mission was to weaken America, and he succeeded in a hundred different ways. He did it because he hates America.
And he eventually lost.

I voted against this RACIST MARXIST traitor. His legacy is how a fraudulent huckster, Saul Alinsky cult member took advantage of the good will of the American people to get elected and how he attempted to destroy America. His legacy is the horror of a generation of brainwashed millennials who are possibly even worse than the pampered baby boomers.[/QUOTE

ya, he overused his half blackness.

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