Korean fusion reactor achieves record plasma


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Korean fusion reactor achieves record plasma
The Korean Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) tokamak-type fusion reactor has achieved a world record of 70 seconds in high-performance plasma operation, South Korea's National Fusion Research Institute (NFRI) has announced

The institute, based at Daejeon, 160 km south of Seoul, said a fully non-inductive operation mode - called a "high poloidal beta scenario" - has been used to achieve this long and steady state of operation using high-power neutral beam. It said various techniques, including a rotating 3D field, have been applied to alleviate the accumulated heat fluxes on the plasma-facing components.
"The world record for high-performance plasma for more than a minute demonstrated that the KSTAR is the forefront in steady-state plasma operation technology in a superconducting device," NFRI said in a statement today. "This is a huge step forward for realization of the fusion reactor."
In addition, the institute said, KSTAR researchers also succeeded in achieving an alternative advanced plasma operation mode with the internal transport barrier (ITB). This is a steep pressure gradient in the core of the plasmas due to the enhanced core plasma confinement. NFRI said this is the first ITB operation achieved in the superconducting device at the lowest heating power.
"With the progress of the Iter project, the KSTAR research will focus on the mission essential for the fusion reactor beyond Iter," the institute said. "They are new efficient mode of operation and a new divertor concept suitable for the Korean fusion demonstration reactor, the K-DEMO device, which will be the first runner in worldwide fusion energy development plan."
NFRI president Keeman Kim said, "We will exert efforts for KSTAR to continuously produce world-class results, and to promote international joint research among nuclear fusion researchers."

I am glad to see other countries making real progress in fusion...sadly, America won't be making any under a perry energy department.
You have zero basis for that comment except for your irrational fear of republicans and conservatives. How did obama do ya on fusion? That's what I thought
LOL Nothing irrational about fearing the embracement of Lysenkoism by the GOP. No, President Obama was not able to further fusion research in this nation. Had he tried, the GOP would have fought that just as they fought everything else that he tried. And now that the orange clown has his cabinet of incompetants selected, the future of science in America is in peril. Not that of the scientists, however. There are many nations that would welcome and pay well our scientists. And then we get to watch the US become a second tier nation as they go right past us on technology.

Consider this. We are arguing about free tuition for junior college. Yet in South Korea, China, and virtually all the other first world nations, if you show talent, and work hard, you get a free ride through college. The result being that even little South Korea graduates more engineers than we do. Not only that, MIT lost it's prestigeous position as the premier engineering school in the world to a university in Bejing this year.
America should provide scientific progress like it did in the past. But now maybe little countries like Korea will do it instead. America is consolidated and they are not. You go Korea, yay! What is by the way super hot fusion good for? Is it for trash processing like the Swedish do it?
Great news for the continuation of centralized power and control.
Great news for the continuation of centralized power and control.

Communism to liberterianism...Same shit just opposites. The idea that we don't need government is really dumb.
And in so many ways, so similiar. The suppression of science in the name of ideology is a theme common to both.
...implying that religion, which has historically often done this, is related?
Government of some kind, in some form, may be necessary. The dream that mankind could live together without external enforcement of laws is attractive, and we would like to believe in it. If the individual were really raised and educated to value peace utmost, things would certainly be pleasant for all. We can imagine such a state, even if we cannot find a historical precedent on any large scale. Christianity should have achieved that, based upon the precepts of whom it was based. If that didn't work, what would?
Korean fusion reactor achieves record plasma
The Korean Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) tokamak-type fusion reactor has achieved a world record of 70 seconds in high-performance plasma operation, South Korea's National Fusion Research Institute (NFRI) has announced

The institute, based at Daejeon, 160 km south of Seoul, said a fully non-inductive operation mode - called a "high poloidal beta scenario" - has been used to achieve this long and steady state of operation using high-power neutral beam. It said various techniques, including a rotating 3D field, have been applied to alleviate the accumulated heat fluxes on the plasma-facing components.
"The world record for high-performance plasma for more than a minute demonstrated that the KSTAR is the forefront in steady-state plasma operation technology in a superconducting device," NFRI said in a statement today. "This is a huge step forward for realization of the fusion reactor."
In addition, the institute said, KSTAR researchers also succeeded in achieving an alternative advanced plasma operation mode with the internal transport barrier (ITB). This is a steep pressure gradient in the core of the plasmas due to the enhanced core plasma confinement. NFRI said this is the first ITB operation achieved in the superconducting device at the lowest heating power.
"With the progress of the Iter project, the KSTAR research will focus on the mission essential for the fusion reactor beyond Iter," the institute said. "They are new efficient mode of operation and a new divertor concept suitable for the Korean fusion demonstration reactor, the K-DEMO device, which will be the first runner in worldwide fusion energy development plan."
NFRI president Keeman Kim said, "We will exert efforts for KSTAR to continuously produce world-class results, and to promote international joint research among nuclear fusion researchers."

I am glad to see other countries making real progress in fusion...sadly, America won't be making any under a perry energy department.
It's progress. Still much much more to be made!
Korean fusion reactor achieves record plasma
The Korean Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) tokamak-type fusion reactor has achieved a world record of 70 seconds in high-performance plasma operation, South Korea's National Fusion Research Institute (NFRI) has announced

The institute, based at Daejeon, 160 km south of Seoul, said a fully non-inductive operation mode - called a "high poloidal beta scenario" - has been used to achieve this long and steady state of operation using high-power neutral beam. It said various techniques, including a rotating 3D field, have been applied to alleviate the accumulated heat fluxes on the plasma-facing components.
"The world record for high-performance plasma for more than a minute demonstrated that the KSTAR is the forefront in steady-state plasma operation technology in a superconducting device," NFRI said in a statement today. "This is a huge step forward for realization of the fusion reactor."
In addition, the institute said, KSTAR researchers also succeeded in achieving an alternative advanced plasma operation mode with the internal transport barrier (ITB). This is a steep pressure gradient in the core of the plasmas due to the enhanced core plasma confinement. NFRI said this is the first ITB operation achieved in the superconducting device at the lowest heating power.
"With the progress of the Iter project, the KSTAR research will focus on the mission essential for the fusion reactor beyond Iter," the institute said. "They are new efficient mode of operation and a new divertor concept suitable for the Korean fusion demonstration reactor, the K-DEMO device, which will be the first runner in worldwide fusion energy development plan."
NFRI president Keeman Kim said, "We will exert efforts for KSTAR to continuously produce world-class results, and to promote international joint research among nuclear fusion researchers."

I am glad to see other countries making real progress in fusion...sadly, America won't be making any under a perry energy department.
Won't be destroying rivers either.
Korean fusion reactor achieves record plasma
The Korean Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) tokamak-type fusion reactor has achieved a world record of 70 seconds in high-performance plasma operation, South Korea's National Fusion Research Institute (NFRI) has announced

The institute, based at Daejeon, 160 km south of Seoul, said a fully non-inductive operation mode - called a "high poloidal beta scenario" - has been used to achieve this long and steady state of operation using high-power neutral beam. It said various techniques, including a rotating 3D field, have been applied to alleviate the accumulated heat fluxes on the plasma-facing components.
"The world record for high-performance plasma for more than a minute demonstrated that the KSTAR is the forefront in steady-state plasma operation technology in a superconducting device," NFRI said in a statement today. "This is a huge step forward for realization of the fusion reactor."
In addition, the institute said, KSTAR researchers also succeeded in achieving an alternative advanced plasma operation mode with the internal transport barrier (ITB). This is a steep pressure gradient in the core of the plasmas due to the enhanced core plasma confinement. NFRI said this is the first ITB operation achieved in the superconducting device at the lowest heating power.
"With the progress of the Iter project, the KSTAR research will focus on the mission essential for the fusion reactor beyond Iter," the institute said. "They are new efficient mode of operation and a new divertor concept suitable for the Korean fusion demonstration reactor, the K-DEMO device, which will be the first runner in worldwide fusion energy development plan."
NFRI president Keeman Kim said, "We will exert efforts for KSTAR to continuously produce world-class results, and to promote international joint research among nuclear fusion researchers."

I am glad to see other countries making real progress in fusion...sadly, America won't be making any under a perry energy department.
We need fusion (an energy with a future), not a war on drugs.
Korean fusion reactor achieves record plasma
The Korean Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) tokamak-type fusion reactor has achieved a world record of 70 seconds in high-performance plasma operation, South Korea's National Fusion Research Institute (NFRI) has announced

The institute, based at Daejeon, 160 km south of Seoul, said a fully non-inductive operation mode - called a "high poloidal beta scenario" - has been used to achieve this long and steady state of operation using high-power neutral beam. It said various techniques, including a rotating 3D field, have been applied to alleviate the accumulated heat fluxes on the plasma-facing components.
"The world record for high-performance plasma for more than a minute demonstrated that the KSTAR is the forefront in steady-state plasma operation technology in a superconducting device," NFRI said in a statement today. "This is a huge step forward for realization of the fusion reactor."
In addition, the institute said, KSTAR researchers also succeeded in achieving an alternative advanced plasma operation mode with the internal transport barrier (ITB). This is a steep pressure gradient in the core of the plasmas due to the enhanced core plasma confinement. NFRI said this is the first ITB operation achieved in the superconducting device at the lowest heating power.
"With the progress of the Iter project, the KSTAR research will focus on the mission essential for the fusion reactor beyond Iter," the institute said. "They are new efficient mode of operation and a new divertor concept suitable for the Korean fusion demonstration reactor, the K-DEMO device, which will be the first runner in worldwide fusion energy development plan."
NFRI president Keeman Kim said, "We will exert efforts for KSTAR to continuously produce world-class results, and to promote international joint research among nuclear fusion researchers."

I am glad to see other countries making real progress in fusion...sadly, America won't be making any under a perry energy department.
We need fusion (an energy with a future), not a war on drugs.
One thing holding it back are the people whose energy we use now that could be hurt if Fusion comes around.

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