Kochroaches, aka "Oh, waaaah"


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
According to Forbes, the Koch brothers have seen their wealth rise $11 billion in recent years, making the Koch brother among the richest in the country by being worth around $22.5 billion each. Much of those profits, however, are due to soaring gas prices and the fact Koch Industries has avoided compensating the public for hundred million tons of carbon pollution the company produces each year. Other Koch companies also receive significant taxpayer subsidies, despite Koch’s supposed opposition to government spending. This company is among the country’s top sources of carcinogenic chemicals and air pollutants.

America has been good to Charles Koch, providing an environment where his family has made billions. But Koch doesn’t want to give back, especially through more taxation. His charitable foundation, which gives largely to right-wing organizations that support his politics and Koch Industries’ business interests, still only donates about $12 million a year — 0.05 percent of Koch’s net worth. If higher rates were imposed on the super-rich, would Koch retreat to the family’s fabulous mansions, like this one in the Hamptons, aboard its fleet of private jets in a John Galt-inspired temper tantrum? Or would they act like any respectable businessman, and continue to make a profit without complaining?

Koch Responds To Buffet: ‘My Business And Non-Profit Investments Are Much More Beneficial To Society’ | ThinkProgress

Whiny, selfish little Scrooge.
Can you give me one thing that is stopping all these rich people who think they should pay more in taxes like Obama and Buffet from giving all their money to the government and stop using the tax loopholes they speak of when filing their taxes, if they want to help so much?
According to Forbes, the Koch brothers have seen their wealth rise $11 billion in recent years, making the Koch brother among the richest in the country by being worth around $22.5 billion each. Much of those profits, however, are due to soaring gas prices and the fact Koch Industries has avoided compensating the public for hundred million tons of carbon pollution the company produces each year. Other Koch companies also receive significant taxpayer subsidies, despite Koch’s supposed opposition to government spending. This company is among the country’s top sources of carcinogenic chemicals and air pollutants.

America has been good to Charles Koch, providing an environment where his family has made billions. But Koch doesn’t want to give back, especially through more taxation. His charitable foundation, which gives largely to right-wing organizations that support his politics and Koch Industries’ business interests, still only donates about $12 million a year — 0.05 percent of Koch’s net worth. If higher rates were imposed on the super-rich, would Koch retreat to the family’s fabulous mansions, like this one in the Hamptons, aboard its fleet of private jets in a John Galt-inspired temper tantrum? Or would they act like any respectable businessman, and continue to make a profit without complaining?

Koch Responds To Buffet: ‘My Business And Non-Profit Investments Are Much More Beneficial To Society’ | ThinkProgress

Whiny, selfish little Scrooge.

Why do you have to post so many post. I counted at least 6 for today only.. Do you have a life other then posting. Just wondering

Six??!??? That Ding-Dong packing trailer park queen is good for at least 15/day.

She starts as many threads as she inhales jelly-filled Chrispy Creams.

Your Food Stamps hard at work !
There are billionares all over the world. George Soros, the Kennedys and Rockefellers included. I wonder if the fact that the Koch brothers are Jews is what gets bettyboop in a spittle flying angry tirade.
All gray lines.

Thanks for the thread bumps!

God your so fucking stupid. Thread bumps are as pointless as the content of the op. You act as though its a competition. The only prize you win is idiot of the day.

Ps. Read the lyrics to the song I posted. They describe you perfectly.

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