Knockout Game; A Black Thing!


Senior Member
Apr 19, 2012
The propensity for violent behavior by black males is clear; they are far more violent disprorportuanely than males of every other race. This latest "Game" which is really attempted murder, and murder in some cases - is but another example.

If this was predominately whites attacking blacks, all the loud mouth blacks would be in riot mode; outraged, but since it is the reverse, it is supressed! Liberals refuse to acknowledge color when the perpetrators are black, but embrace it as the theme for politics when the victim is black, and the offender white - they are really a sick, disingenuous, cult like bunch!

Anytime the perpetrartor is of a difference race, it should automatically be procecuted as a hate crime! This prosecutorial mechanism was conjured up soley to be used against the white man, or straight man by these fucked up liberals - to further ingratiate to the typical dumb ass black populous, and queers - so they can continue to exploit them! The coward ass police departments don't have the balls to call it what it is; in fear of the liberal reprisal!

Very harsh treatment needs to be exacted on these fools. Everyone with the attacker should be charged with a conspiracy hate crime. The parents faces, and public records should be promulgated so everyone can see what produces these predators, and so they will suffer maximum ignominy!

Come on libs, give me your famous one liners :lol:
What do you suppose would happen if whites start fighting back?
Well there are more ways to fight than one! When it is acknowledged for what it is, pressure can be put on elected officials. If you arn't screwing with someones votes, you arn't making headway. With these bozos ( Obama, Holder ) you are never going to get anywhere nationally! If whites fight fire with fire, it will get instant national attention, and they will be villified, and prosecuted - the liberals will have a frenzy. Sharpton, and Jackson will be front, and center.

There is a war against the straight white Christian. I suspect things will get worse. My advise would be to stay away from those who fit the profile, be prudent, carry protection! :salute:
Fortunately, this "game" as become so egregious that even the corporate media have been forced to give it some coverage. Note however that the only white person accused of it has been charged with a "hate crime" by Obama administration.
Fortunately, this "game" as become so egregious that even the corporate media have been forced to give it some coverage. Note however that the only white person accused of it has been charged with a "hate crime" by Obama administration.
Of course - what do you expect from racist blacks!
When I walk down the sidewalk, I am very nervous that I might be the next victim.

I try my best to scan ahead to see who is coming toward me. And I regularly check who is behind me.

I used to walk six days a week for exercise, but I now do so only three times a week.

It is so sad that those young men enjoy hurting other people.
This is a 3 year old troll thread.
When I walk down the sidewalk, I am very nervous that I might be the next victim.

I try my best to scan ahead to see who is coming toward me. And I regularly check who is behind me.

I used to walk six days a week for exercise, but I now do so only three times a week.

It is so sad that those young men enjoy hurting other people.
^ pussy
When I walk down the sidewalk, I am very nervous that I might be the next victim.

I try my best to scan ahead to see who is coming toward me. And I regularly check who is behind me.

I used to walk six days a week for exercise, but I now do so only three times a week.

It is so sad that those young men enjoy hurting other people.

Very prudent. I won't let a black person walk behind me. I check and if one is behind me, I put my back up against a building and wait for them to pass keeping my hand on a weapon at all times. Some of the know what I'm doing and glare as they pass but there is nothing they can do. When I see a group of black teens, cross the street. It's not worth it. I know several older people that have started walking with canes, whether they need them or not and taken cane fighting classes.

Be ready if not for yourself, then for someone else. We must start fighting for one another. That's someone's grandmother or grandfather that is being attacked. Stand up.
When I walk down the sidewalk, I am very nervous that I might be the next victim.

I try my best to scan ahead to see who is coming toward me. And I regularly check who is behind me.

I used to walk six days a week for exercise, but I now do so only three times a week.

It is so sad that those young men enjoy hurting other people.

Very prudent. I won't let a black person walk behind me. I check and if one is behind me, I put my back up against a building and wait for them to pass keeping my hand on a weapon at all times. Some of the know what I'm doing and glare as they pass but there is nothing they can do. When I see a group of black teens, cross the street. It's not worth it. I know several older people that have started walking with canes, whether they need them or not and taken cane fighting classes.

Be ready if not for yourself, then for someone else. We must start fighting for one another. That's someone's grandmother or grandfather that is being attacked. Stand up.

What are you fighting for bitch? You'd be better off defending yourself against those white boys what think they can take your pussy. Because your ass is at least 6 times more likely to be attacked by another white than anyone black. But you're a stupid ass racist ho, so just take it.

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