Kimberly Strassle, the only real reporter explains Ukraine and Impeachment, the cover up...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
On the Andrew Klavan podcast over at dailywire, he interviewed one of the only remaining real journalists in the country, Kimberly Strassle, she has a new book out. During the interview she explained that one of the goals of the impeachment hoax is to smear the I.G. report and the Barr investigation into the obama administration spying on the Trump campaign....

The interview begins at the 24 minute mark...but the rest of the show is great too.......

Did she bring up all of the other times a sitting President personally asked the leader of another country to investigate a private citizen? I’m sure she didn’t because it’s likely never happened.

To save you the trouble…no I didn’t watch the video but since you did…I’m sure you can tell us why it happened in the past (POTUS asking another leader to investigate a political rival) and why all of the sudden the rules are different for your blob. Right?

Oh wait…you can’t can you little man?

Thats what I thought.
Did she bring up all of the other times a sitting President personally asked the leader of another country to investigate a private citizen? I’m sure she didn’t because it’s likely never happened.

To save you the trouble…no I didn’t watch the video but since you did…I’m sure you can tell us why it happened in the past (POTUS asking another leader to investigate a political rival) and why all of the sudden the rules are different for your blob. Right?

Oh wait…you can’t can you little man?

Thats what I thought.

You mean obama...who used British intelligence, the Australian Ambassador and russian assets to attack the Trump mean that?
Did she bring up all of the other times a sitting President personally asked the leader of another country to investigate a private citizen? I’m sure she didn’t because it’s likely never happened.

To save you the trouble…no I didn’t watch the video but since you did…I’m sure you can tell us why it happened in the past (POTUS asking another leader to investigate a political rival) and why all of the sudden the rules are different for your blob. Right?

Oh wait…you can’t can you little man?

Thats what I thought.

You mean obama...who used British intelligence, the Australian Ambassador and russian assets to attack the Trump mean that?

Did she bring up all of the other times a sitting President personally asked the leader of another country to investigate a private citizen? I’m sure she didn’t because it’s likely never happened.

To save you the trouble…no I didn’t watch the video but since you did…I’m sure you can tell us why it happened in the past (POTUS asking another leader to investigate a political rival) and why all of the sudden the rules are different for your blob. Right?

Oh wait…you can’t can you little man?

Thats what I thought.

You mean obama...who used British intelligence, the Australian Ambassador and russian assets to attack the Trump mean that?


I will link to the Barr report when it is released..........she talks about the upcoming report in the video interview...
Did she bring up all of the other times a sitting President personally asked the leader of another country to investigate a private citizen? I’m sure she didn’t because it’s likely never happened.

To save you the trouble…no I didn’t watch the video but since you did…I’m sure you can tell us why it happened in the past (POTUS asking another leader to investigate a political rival) and why all of the sudden the rules are different for your blob. Right?

Oh wait…you can’t can you little man?

Thats what I thought.

Did you mean the democrat senators who threatened the Ukraine long before Trump's call? Durbin and the other two....or when Ted Kennedy wrote to the Soviet Union and told them he wanted to help them beat Reagan...did you mean that....?

Democrats Had No Problem Asking Ukraine To Investigate Political Opponents When The Target Was Trump

Democrats in Congress previously pressured Ukraine to continue investigations into President Donald Trump or risk losing U.S. aid, despite current cries of impeachment over the president’s similar actions.

In 2018, Democratic Sens. Bob Menendez of New Jersey, Dick Durbin of Illinois, and Pat Leahy of Vermont sent a letter to the Ukrainian general prosecutor accusing him of trying to “impede cooperation” with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into collusion by the Trump campaign.

“On May 2, the New York Times reported that your office effectively froze investigations into four open cases in Ukraine in April, thereby eliminating scope for cooperation with the Mueller probe into related issues,” the senators wrote to General Prosecutor Yuriy Lutsenko. “The article notes that your office considered these cases as too politically sensitive and potentially jeopardizing U.S. financial and military aid to Ukraine.”

The letter also appears to dangle U.S. support for Ukraine as a reason for the country to continue cooperating with the investigation, stating, “In four short years, Ukraine has made significant progress in building [democratic] institutions despite ongoing military, economic and political pressure from Moscow. We have supported that capacity-building process and are disappointed that some in Kyiv appear to have cast aside these principles.”
Did she bring up all of the other times a sitting President personally asked the leader of another country to investigate a private citizen? I’m sure she didn’t because it’s likely never happened.

To save you the trouble…no I didn’t watch the video but since you did…I’m sure you can tell us why it happened in the past (POTUS asking another leader to investigate a political rival) and why all of the sudden the rules are different for your blob. Right?

Oh wait…you can’t can you little man?

Thats what I thought.
Christopher Steele ring a bell, the British spy Hillary hired to get dirt on Trump?
Did she bring up all of the other times a sitting President personally asked the leader of another country to investigate a private citizen? I’m sure she didn’t because it’s likely never happened.

To save you the trouble…no I didn’t watch the video but since you did…I’m sure you can tell us why it happened in the past (POTUS asking another leader to investigate a political rival) and why all of the sudden the rules are different for your blob. Right?

Oh wait…you can’t can you little man?

Thats what I thought.
Christopher Steele ring a bell, the British spy Hillary hired to get dirt on Trump?

And he used Russians to make up the dossier.....then obama used the Australian ambassador to set up that doofus and apparently even the Italians may have been used by obama.......Barr is looking into all of it...
This was nothing but a smear campaign from the start, that's why its being conducted like a smear campaign. Blast impeachment 24/7 through the liberal media while never actually voting on impeachment. Trump never gets his day in court to tell his side. Due process out the window.
Did she bring up all of the other times a sitting President personally asked the leader of another country to investigate a private citizen? I’m sure she didn’t because it’s likely never happened.

To save you the trouble…no I didn’t watch the video but since you did…I’m sure you can tell us why it happened in the past (POTUS asking another leader to investigate a political rival) and why all of the sudden the rules are different for your blob. Right?

Oh wait…you can’t can you little man?

Thats what I thought.

Did you mean the democrat senators who threatened the Ukraine long before Trump's call? Durbin and the other two....or when Ted Kennedy wrote to the Soviet Union and told them he wanted to help them beat Reagan...did you mean that....?

Democrats Had No Problem Asking Ukraine To Investigate Political Opponents When The Target Was Trump

Democrats in Congress previously pressured Ukraine to continue investigations into President Donald Trump or risk losing U.S. aid, despite current cries of impeachment over the president’s similar actions.

In 2018, Democratic Sens. Bob Menendez of New Jersey, Dick Durbin of Illinois, and Pat Leahy of Vermont sent a letter to the Ukrainian general prosecutor accusing him of trying to “impede cooperation” with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into collusion by the Trump campaign.

“On May 2, the New York Times reported that your office effectively froze investigations into four open cases in Ukraine in April, thereby eliminating scope for cooperation with the Mueller probe into related issues,” the senators wrote to General Prosecutor Yuriy Lutsenko. “The article notes that your office considered these cases as too politically sensitive and potentially jeopardizing U.S. financial and military aid to Ukraine.”

The letter also appears to dangle U.S. support for Ukraine as a reason for the country to continue cooperating with the investigation, stating, “In four short years, Ukraine has made significant progress in building [democratic] institutions despite ongoing military, economic and political pressure from Moscow. We have supported that capacity-building process and are disappointed that some in Kyiv appear to have cast aside these principles.”

legitimate source please
Did she bring up all of the other times a sitting President personally asked the leader of another country to investigate a private citizen? I’m sure she didn’t because it’s likely never happened.

To save you the trouble…no I didn’t watch the video but since you did…I’m sure you can tell us why it happened in the past (POTUS asking another leader to investigate a political rival) and why all of the sudden the rules are different for your blob. Right?

Oh wait…you can’t can you little man?

Thats what I thought.
Christopher Steele ring a bell, the British spy Hillary hired to get dirt on Trump?

hillary was President?
This was nothing but a smear campaign from the start, that's why its being conducted like a smear campaign. Blast impeachment 24/7 through the liberal media while never actually voting on impeachment. Trump never gets his day in court to tell his side. Due process out the window.

She addresses this as well....Andrew Klavan asks her about republican senators going squishy and she states that she isn't seeing it, in fact, there is an anger building at the democrat tactics.....the behind closed door interrogations and then the leaks....
Did she bring up all of the other times a sitting President personally asked the leader of another country to investigate a private citizen? I’m sure she didn’t because it’s likely never happened.

To save you the trouble…no I didn’t watch the video but since you did…I’m sure you can tell us why it happened in the past (POTUS asking another leader to investigate a political rival) and why all of the sudden the rules are different for your blob. Right?

Oh wait…you can’t can you little man?

Thats what I thought.

Did you mean the democrat senators who threatened the Ukraine long before Trump's call? Durbin and the other two....or when Ted Kennedy wrote to the Soviet Union and told them he wanted to help them beat Reagan...did you mean that....?

Democrats Had No Problem Asking Ukraine To Investigate Political Opponents When The Target Was Trump

Democrats in Congress previously pressured Ukraine to continue investigations into President Donald Trump or risk losing U.S. aid, despite current cries of impeachment over the president’s similar actions.

In 2018, Democratic Sens. Bob Menendez of New Jersey, Dick Durbin of Illinois, and Pat Leahy of Vermont sent a letter to the Ukrainian general prosecutor accusing him of trying to “impede cooperation” with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into collusion by the Trump campaign.

“On May 2, the New York Times reported that your office effectively froze investigations into four open cases in Ukraine in April, thereby eliminating scope for cooperation with the Mueller probe into related issues,” the senators wrote to General Prosecutor Yuriy Lutsenko. “The article notes that your office considered these cases as too politically sensitive and potentially jeopardizing U.S. financial and military aid to Ukraine.”

The letter also appears to dangle U.S. support for Ukraine as a reason for the country to continue cooperating with the investigation, stating, “In four short years, Ukraine has made significant progress in building [democratic] institutions despite ongoing military, economic and political pressure from Moscow. We have supported that capacity-building process and are disappointed that some in Kyiv appear to have cast aside these principles.”

legitimate source please is an actual letter...they sent doofus.
Did she bring up all of the other times a sitting President personally asked the leader of another country to investigate a private citizen? I’m sure she didn’t because it’s likely never happened.

To save you the trouble…no I didn’t watch the video but since you did…I’m sure you can tell us why it happened in the past (POTUS asking another leader to investigate a political rival) and why all of the sudden the rules are different for your blob. Right?

Oh wait…you can’t can you little man?

Thats what I thought.
Christopher Steele ring a bell, the British spy Hillary hired to get dirt on Trump?

hillary was President?
Obama was also involved in it. Also tell me, were you against Obama influencing Israel's election?
Did she bring up all of the other times a sitting President personally asked the leader of another country to investigate a private citizen? I’m sure she didn’t because it’s likely never happened.

To save you the trouble…no I didn’t watch the video but since you did…I’m sure you can tell us why it happened in the past (POTUS asking another leader to investigate a political rival) and why all of the sudden the rules are different for your blob. Right?

Oh wait…you can’t can you little man?

Thats what I thought.

Did you mean the democrat senators who threatened the Ukraine long before Trump's call? Durbin and the other two....or when Ted Kennedy wrote to the Soviet Union and told them he wanted to help them beat Reagan...did you mean that....?

Democrats Had No Problem Asking Ukraine To Investigate Political Opponents When The Target Was Trump

Democrats in Congress previously pressured Ukraine to continue investigations into President Donald Trump or risk losing U.S. aid, despite current cries of impeachment over the president’s similar actions.

In 2018, Democratic Sens. Bob Menendez of New Jersey, Dick Durbin of Illinois, and Pat Leahy of Vermont sent a letter to the Ukrainian general prosecutor accusing him of trying to “impede cooperation” with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into collusion by the Trump campaign.

“On May 2, the New York Times reported that your office effectively froze investigations into four open cases in Ukraine in April, thereby eliminating scope for cooperation with the Mueller probe into related issues,” the senators wrote to General Prosecutor Yuriy Lutsenko. “The article notes that your office considered these cases as too politically sensitive and potentially jeopardizing U.S. financial and military aid to Ukraine.”

The letter also appears to dangle U.S. support for Ukraine as a reason for the country to continue cooperating with the investigation, stating, “In four short years, Ukraine has made significant progress in building [democratic] institutions despite ongoing military, economic and political pressure from Moscow. We have supported that capacity-building process and are disappointed that some in Kyiv appear to have cast aside these principles.”

legitimate source please
Exactly, Tucker Carlson's Daily Liar got caught paying women to lie about Sen Menendez, they have no credibility at all!
Did she bring up all of the other times a sitting President personally asked the leader of another country to investigate a private citizen? I’m sure she didn’t because it’s likely never happened.

To save you the trouble…no I didn’t watch the video but since you did…I’m sure you can tell us why it happened in the past (POTUS asking another leader to investigate a political rival) and why all of the sudden the rules are different for your blob. Right?

Oh wait…you can’t can you little man?

Thats what I thought.

Did you mean the democrat senators who threatened the Ukraine long before Trump's call? Durbin and the other two....or when Ted Kennedy wrote to the Soviet Union and told them he wanted to help them beat Reagan...did you mean that....?

Democrats Had No Problem Asking Ukraine To Investigate Political Opponents When The Target Was Trump

Democrats in Congress previously pressured Ukraine to continue investigations into President Donald Trump or risk losing U.S. aid, despite current cries of impeachment over the president’s similar actions.

In 2018, Democratic Sens. Bob Menendez of New Jersey, Dick Durbin of Illinois, and Pat Leahy of Vermont sent a letter to the Ukrainian general prosecutor accusing him of trying to “impede cooperation” with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into collusion by the Trump campaign.

“On May 2, the New York Times reported that your office effectively froze investigations into four open cases in Ukraine in April, thereby eliminating scope for cooperation with the Mueller probe into related issues,” the senators wrote to General Prosecutor Yuriy Lutsenko. “The article notes that your office considered these cases as too politically sensitive and potentially jeopardizing U.S. financial and military aid to Ukraine.”

The letter also appears to dangle U.S. support for Ukraine as a reason for the country to continue cooperating with the investigation, stating, “In four short years, Ukraine has made significant progress in building [democratic] institutions despite ongoing military, economic and political pressure from Moscow. We have supported that capacity-building process and are disappointed that some in Kyiv appear to have cast aside these principles.”

legitimate source please is an actual letter...they sent doofus.
But your source editorialised the letter with nothing but conspiracy theory lies, as in their habit.
Did she bring up all of the other times a sitting President personally asked the leader of another country to investigate a private citizen? I’m sure she didn’t because it’s likely never happened.

To save you the trouble…no I didn’t watch the video but since you did…I’m sure you can tell us why it happened in the past (POTUS asking another leader to investigate a political rival) and why all of the sudden the rules are different for your blob. Right?

Oh wait…you can’t can you little man?

Thats what I thought.
Christopher Steele ring a bell, the British spy Hillary hired to get dirt on Trump?

hillary was President?
Obama was also involved in it. Also tell me, were you against Obama influencing Israel's election?

so you’re creating a false equivalence why exactly?

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