Killer storm about to hit Northeast will actually save lives.


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
The media always lies about this. Highway fatalities will drop enormously during this storm because people will drive much less and much slower and that will more than offset the numbers that die while shoveling snow or in the few highway crashes that will occur.
I have a friend who lives in New Hampster.....the governor came on TV and gave a press conference about all of the disaster preparations and such, shelters, Nat'l Guard on duty, closing highways, parking bans. And when that was over, she was taking questions.

First question: "Will the state liquor stores be open?"

I'd say they've got their priorities in order, wouldn't you?
I don't know about saving lives, but it will most definitely pad my bank account very nicely. I'm stuck here at work (utility company) for the next 4-5 days, doing 12-14 hour shifts at Overtime rates. If this thing goes all the way though the week I could walk away with $2500 in next week's paycheck.
I have a friend who lives in New Hampster.....the governor came on TV and gave a press conference about all of the disaster preparations and such, shelters, Nat'l Guard on duty, closing highways, parking bans. And when that was over, she was taking questions.

First question: "Will the state liquor stores be open?"

I'd say they've got their priorities in order, wouldn't you?
Stock up on beer! Running out of beer could be a major catastrophe! The Pilgrims knew this!

The ingredients of beer are boiled...therefore safe to drink. (Always open your own beer!)

Beer is food. (You gotta eat!)

With can barter for firewood. (Got heat?)

The one negative thing about this storm is the global warming it will cause. Al Gore (PBUH) warned us about this type of climate change.

I agree. The snow that is falling is only snow, not ice. So the snow will warm the ocean water which is still left over from the recently ended hottest summer on record, oh wait...did I say that backwards? Never mind.

I am wondering how Bostonians will survive: there is a serious shortage of parking spaces to begin with - and now nobody is supposed to be parking on the streets!

Boston Parking Spaces Downtown Boston Seaport Parking Space Shortage BostInno

Charlie Baker (new Gov) has been telling everyone we'll be back to 'business as usual' by about lunchtime on Weds....... I hope he's right about that.

The City of Boston has opened all public parking garages free of charge and the private garages are giving discounts overnight tonight and through the day tomorrow (until the parking ban ends, supposedly).
Daughter is in Boston. Thank goodness it's a small campus. Plus, they've closed down untl Wednesday a.m.
My son, his wife and two sons..with a third son on the way...are near enough to Boston to be called in it....not sure how close they are to the nearest tavern. They don't do alcohol they keep a stockpile of canned goods.
The media always lies about this. Highway fatalities will drop enormously during this storm because people will drive much less and much slower and that will more than offset the numbers that die while shoveling snow or in the few highway crashes that will occur.
A perfect way of thinking, buddy. Thus the Saudi ban for women driving saves the Arabic women first of all. There is so huge panic about this storm in America that I am afraid of our Pesident to claim a war to this storm spending some another billions of budget.
Daughter is in Boston. Thank goodness it's a small campus. Plus, they've closed down untl Wednesday a.m.
My son, his wife and two sons..with a third son on the way...are near enough to Boston to be called in it....not sure how close they are to the nearest tavern. They don't do alcohol they keep a stockpile of canned goods.
Might those canned goods include Sterno?

Alcohol in cans. It's what's for breakfast. :thup:
Daughter is in Boston. Thank goodness it's a small campus. Plus, they've closed down untl Wednesday a.m.
My son, his wife and two sons..with a third son on the way...are near enough to Boston to be called in it....not sure how close they are to the nearest tavern. They don't do alcohol they keep a stockpile of canned goods.
Might those canned goods include Sterno?

Alcohol in cans. It's what's for breakfast. :thup: a survival kit...along with a trunk full of camping equipment and -20deg parkas, pants and snowshoes! They be fixed!
Daughter is in Boston. Thank goodness it's a small campus. Plus, they've closed down untl Wednesday a.m.
My son, his wife and two sons..with a third son on the way...are near enough to Boston to be called in it....not sure how close they are to the nearest tavern. They don't do alcohol they keep a stockpile of canned goods.
Might those canned goods include Sterno?

Alcohol in cans. It's what's for breakfast. :thup: a survival kit...along with a trunk full of camping equipment and -20deg parkas, pants and snowshoes! They be fixed!
I find that rather informative.

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