Kids in Cages under Obama, Trump, and Biden


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2011

These facilities and policies were established under Obama-Biden. Trump got blamed for them. Now it’s back to being OK since Biden is in charge.

Bullshit. The same arguments being made by the Biden team were Trump’s and Obama’s. Articles and OpEds like this one from NPR are a waste of bits and bytes. They are pathetic, weak attempts to show how this is acceptable under Biden but deplorable under Trump. It’s the same goddamn policy. Stop splitting hairs just to make your guy and gal look good in what was their overall policy in the first place under Obama.

These facilities and policies were established under Obama-Biden. Trump got blamed for them. Now it’s back to being OK since Biden is in charge.
I think Trump got blamed for ripping children from their parents in the cages and deporting them. Obama was blamed for the initial cages.

These facilities and policies were established under Obama-Biden. Trump got blamed for them. Now it’s back to being OK since Biden is in charge.
I think Trump got blamed for ripping children from their parents in the cages and deporting them. Obama was blamed for the initial cages.

A big problem is that criminals use children who are not theirs to get in; or, worse, traffic children for sex trade. For any President, regardless of stripes, how do you solve that problem to protect the children?

These facilities and policies were established under Obama-Biden. Trump got blamed for them. Now it’s back to being OK since Biden is in charge.
I think Trump got blamed for ripping children from their parents in the cages and deporting them. Obama was blamed for the initial cages.

A big problem is that criminals use children who are not theirs to get in; or, worse, traffic children for sex trade. For any President, regardless of stripes, how do you solve that problem to protect the children?
Even if the children belong to the parents, they know its an illegal act they are committing and the consequences. Its not the enforcer of existing law that is in the wrong.

These facilities and policies were established under Obama-Biden. Trump got blamed for them. Now it’s back to being OK since Biden is in charge.
I think Trump got blamed for ripping children from their parents in the cages and deporting them. Obama was blamed for the initial cages.

A big problem is that criminals use children who are not theirs to get in; or, worse, traffic children for sex trade. For any President, regardless of stripes, how do you solve that problem to protect the children?
Don't let any of them in, ever. That way, the kids will know not to come to the border. Problem solved.

These facilities and policies were established under Obama-Biden. Trump got blamed for them. Now it’s back to being OK since Biden is in charge.

Bullshit. The same arguments being made by the Biden team were Trump’s and Obama’s. Articles and OpEds like this one from NPR are a waste of bits and bytes. They are pathetic, weak attempts to show how this is acceptable under Biden but deplorable under Trump. It’s the same goddamn policy. Stop splitting hairs just to make your guy and gal look good in what was their overall policy in the first place under Obama.
Obama-Biden did this?

These facilities and policies were established under Obama-Biden. Trump got blamed for them. Now it’s back to being OK since Biden is in charge.
I think Trump got blamed for ripping children from their parents in the cages and deporting them. Obama was blamed for the initial cages.
Barry Hussein left the kids with sex traffickers.

These facilities and policies were established under Obama-Biden. Trump got blamed for them. Now it’s back to being OK since Biden is in charge.

Bullshit. The same arguments being made by the Biden team were Trump’s and Obama’s. Articles and OpEds like this one from NPR are a waste of bits and bytes. They are pathetic, weak attempts to show how this is acceptable under Biden but deplorable under Trump. It’s the same goddamn policy. Stop splitting hairs just to make your guy and gal look good in what was their overall policy in the first place under Obama.
Take a number and stay in Mexico until it is called.

These facilities and policies were established under Obama-Biden. Trump got blamed for them. Now it’s back to being OK since Biden is in charge.

Bullshit. The same arguments being made by the Biden team were Trump’s and Obama’s. Articles and OpEds like this one from NPR are a waste of bits and bytes. They are pathetic, weak attempts to show how this is acceptable under Biden but deplorable under Trump. It’s the same goddamn policy. Stop splitting hairs just to make your guy and gal look good in what was their overall policy in the first place under Obama.
Obama-Biden did this?

Yes. You might want to find out when that picture was taken. Further, why build them if you have no intention of putting kids in cages?

These facilities and policies were established under Obama-Biden. Trump got blamed for them. Now it’s back to being OK since Biden is in charge.

Bullshit. The same arguments being made by the Biden team were Trump’s and Obama’s. Articles and OpEds like this one from NPR are a waste of bits and bytes. They are pathetic, weak attempts to show how this is acceptable under Biden but deplorable under Trump. It’s the same goddamn policy. Stop splitting hairs just to make your guy and gal look good in what was their overall policy in the first place under Obama.
Obama-Biden did this?

Yeah, you only build them if you are going to fill them you moron. So, yeah, the people who built them ARE the guilty ones you clown.
Endlessly DEBUNKED Skippy. Trump made toddler separation a policy. It was called Zero Tolerance.
Thankfully Biden is beginning to reunite the kids Donald lost track of.

This is what happens when you basically have had an open borders policy since the 1980s. Both parties are responsible for this and few if any seem to have any real interest in solving it they will give lip service to the problem in an election year but that is it.

These facilities and policies were established under Obama-Biden. Trump got blamed for them. Now it’s back to being OK since Biden is in charge.
I think Trump got blamed for ripping children from their parents in the cages and deporting them. Obama was blamed for the initial cages.

A big problem is that criminals use children who are not theirs to get in; or, worse, traffic children for sex trade. For any President, regardless of stripes, how do you solve that problem to protect the children?
You don’t use a 100% enforcement rate that mandates taking children away regardless of the situation. You let trained border control agents make determinations if there should be concern in a case by case basis.

These facilities and policies were established under Obama-Biden. Trump got blamed for them. Now it’s back to being OK since Biden is in charge.
I think Trump got blamed for ripping children from their parents in the cages and deporting them. Obama was blamed for the initial cages.

A big problem is that criminals use children who are not theirs to get in; or, worse, traffic children for sex trade. For any President, regardless of stripes, how do you solve that problem to protect the children?
You don’t use a 100% enforcement rate that mandates taking children away regardless of the situation. You let trained border control agents make determinations if there should be concern in a case by case basis.
so when the parents are arrested you want the children to be put in an adult jail with them?? thats stupid and abusive

These facilities and policies were established under Obama-Biden. Trump got blamed for them. Now it’s back to being OK since Biden is in charge.

Bullshit. The same arguments being made by the Biden team were Trump’s and Obama’s. Articles and OpEds like this one from NPR are a waste of bits and bytes. They are pathetic, weak attempts to show how this is acceptable under Biden but deplorable under Trump. It’s the same goddamn policy. Stop splitting hairs just to make your guy and gal look good in what was their overall policy in the first place under Obama.
Obama-Biden did this?

Yes. You might want to find out when that picture was taken. Further, why build them if you have no intention of putting kids in cages?

The problem with stuff like this is it is taken out of context. It occurred when we had that huge influx of unaccompanied minors and no where safe to put them while located better shelters, families or sponsors. If I recall, the law strictly limits how long they can be held in those places (72 hours?). It is not good but I am not sure what else they could have done under the circumstances. Unacompanied minors represent pretty substantial number of those crossing the borders, and you can’t put them in with adults, and you have to be careful who they go with (under the Obama administration, some actually did end up with traffickers, despite efforts to prevent that). It is a huge difference between and a created situation of thousands of children, taken from their parents under zero tolerance, with no facilities set up, no coordination, parents unable to find their children, or deported with out their children.

These facilities and policies were established under Obama-Biden. Trump got blamed for them. Now it’s back to being OK since Biden is in charge.
I think Trump got blamed for ripping children from their parents in the cages and deporting them. Obama was blamed for the initial cages.

A big problem is that criminals use children who are not theirs to get in; or, worse, traffic children for sex trade. For any President, regardless of stripes, how do you solve that problem to protect the children?
You don’t use a 100% enforcement rate that mandates taking children away regardless of the situation. You let trained border control agents make determinations if there should be concern in a case by case basis.
so when the parents are arrested you want the children to be put in an adult jail with them?? thats stupid and abusive
Your post is retarded and not what I said, but I am sure nuance escapes you, troll.

It is illegal to put children in with adults and the only thing that created the situation was a new Trump Administration Policy, put out with the express purpose of separating families in order to deter illegal immigration.

These facilities and policies were established under Obama-Biden. Trump got blamed for them. Now it’s back to being OK since Biden is in charge.
I think Trump got blamed for ripping children from their parents in the cages and deporting them. Obama was blamed for the initial cages.

A big problem is that criminals use children who are not theirs to get in; or, worse, traffic children for sex trade. For any President, regardless of stripes, how do you solve that problem to protect the children?
You don’t use a 100% enforcement rate that mandates taking children away regardless of the situation. You let trained border control agents make determinations if there should be concern in a case by case basis.
so when the parents are arrested you want the children to be put in an adult jail with them?? thats stupid and abusive
Your post is retarded and not what I said, but I am sure nuance escapes you, troll.

It is illegal to put children in with adults and the only thing that created the situation was a new Trump Administration Policy, put out with the express purpose of separating families in order to deter illegal immigration.
how is it a trump policy when it was started under obama,,,

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