Keystone Kops Versus Islamic Terrorism

In other words you wanna tell us you are an Islamophobe.
Who has been killing millions, occupying nations, exterminating indigenous people all over the world, starting world wars, creating terrorist groups, stealing natural resources, enslaving people and starting regional conflicts for the last 500 years again?

Why would I need 'in other words'?

I'm articulate enough to post exactly what I want to say....whether or not you are remains to be seen.

Now....if you'd like to quote anything I've said, here, or in any post, do so.

I'd be happy to defend any of my words.

Perhaps this will inspire you to a thought.

“New York Mufti says, Muslims cannot integrate: ‘Muslims should hate non-Muslims’ “The general principle… is to love and to hate for the sake of Allah,” New York Mufti says, Muslims cannot integrate: 'Muslims should hate non-Muslims' · Caldron Pool

Compare that to this, from three millennia ago….Lest any imagine that all religions are the same, Leviticus 19:34

34 The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.

1. "So you wanna convince me with a false narrative."
Nothing I post is is always 100% true, accurate, and correct.

You've proven that by neglecting to post any examples of 'false.'

Sampling the extreme is a false example.

2. "Muslims cant integrate and must hate non muslims ?"
Those aren't my words, they are from a Muslim leader.
“New York Mufti says, Muslims cannot integrate: ‘Muslims should hate non-Muslims’ “The general principle… is to love and to hate for the sake of Allah,” New York Mufti says, Muslims cannot integrate: 'Muslims should hate non-Muslims' · Caldron Pool

And 'integrate'????

Is this new population compatible with our basic beliefs, our Constitution?

Democrat/Muslim activist: “Linda Sarsour Asks Muslims To Form "Jihad" Against Trump, Not To Assimilate” Linda Sarsour Asks Muslims To Form "Jihad" Against Trump, Not To Assimilate

Muslim leader, than no one heard of ? Lol girl you need take a pill and chill. All I see around me muslims are doctors, policemen, engineers, politicians, athletes, businessmen, teachers....are there bad ones ? Of course, just like Any other religious group.

3." I must not be muslim for been .married to a christian, and have friends and relatives that I would die defending."
You said it, not I.

You have two strikes, you've been shown to be wrong twice, and this is close to becoming a third: the plural of anecdote....your life not data.

Stick your false data if it makes you feel better.

4. If all Muslims were as you claim to be, there would not be daily headlines of Muslim atrocities.

All I see in the news is women and kids getting kidnapped, president bullying a 16 years old kid, father killing his entire family, no muslim crimes to be found where I live or in the US.

5. According to Tawfik Hamid, in his book, “Inside Jihad,” it is imperative to ask if a prospective Muslim immigrant supports the following:

A) Killing of Apostates, those who decide to leave the religion...

The Koran says:" "Let there be no compulsion inreligion: Truth stands out clear from Error" (Quran 2:256)

B) Beating of women, and stoning them to death for infractions

There is no such thing in islam, is merely tribal and cultural like genital mutilation

C) Calling Jews Pigs and Monkeys

Is that why the Muslims welcomed the jews when the. Christians slaughtered them throughout history ? Or is this when muslims rush to donate to jewish synagogues after the latest mass shootings by right wing Christians?

D) Declaring war on non-Muslims either to convert them, or to have them pay a second-class citizen tax.

Sure. Muslims declared war on Iraq, Vietnam, lybia, afghanistan, occupied africa, Asia, the Americas and has hundreds of bases all over the world.

E) Enslave and rape female war prisoners, as in Darfur

The US president did and is willing to pardon those who committed war crimes...why go all the way to Darfur?

F) Fight and kill Jews as preparation for the end days

That's more like what evangelicals think.
G) Kill gays

Where? There are 56 muslim countries.
Gays get harassed and killed in the US as well.

"Stick your false data if it makes you feel better."

The terms 'false' and 'data' don't belong together.

Please try to find any data that supports the drivel that you've been trained to accept.

Currently, you are our best source of greenhouse gases.
"Police turned a blind eye to Islamic grooming gangs for fear of ‘inciting racial hatred’

Police in Britain reportedly turned a blind eye to almost 100 Muslim pedophiles of Pakistani heritage for fear of inciting racial hatred, a report commissioned by Greater Manchester mayor Andy Burnham has revealed.

At least 57 children described as “young white females” were identified as being involved in some way with sexual exploitation carried out by grooming gangs, which hooked their victims on drugs, groomed and sexually abused them.

The report, which followed the airing of a BBC documentary, The Betrayed Girls, documented repeated failures by the authorities to end the child sexual exploitation in Greater Manchester which appeared to be operating in “plain sight”.

Police turned a blind eye to Islamic grooming gangs for fear of 'inciting racial hatred' · Caldron Pool

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