Kenny Boy Lay and George W Bush are partially to blame for Texas FUBAR


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Governor Bushie, at Kenny Boy's urging - was the guy who signed onto deregulated the utilities in 1996. Deregulation and tiny government totally work - Until they do NOT!

Ken Lay, the former CEO of the energy and utility company Enron, was fond of writing letters to his friend George on stationery bearing his company’s famous crooked E.​
Crossing out the “Dear Governor Bush” typed by his secretary, and penciling in “Dear George” in its place, he wrote to invite Bush to musicals, commiserate over knee surgery, thank the governor for a Christmas gift — and lay out the “benefits of competition” that electricity deregulation would bring.​
“We have already glimpsed this energy future, and it works,” Lay, who died in 2006 shortly after being convicted of a massive securities fraud, wrote to Bush in 1996, a year after Texas lawmakers had started to dismantle the electric utility monopolies.​

I'm not one to defend a Bush....but Bush didn't put all of those stupid worthless frozen windmills and snow covered panels in Texas....
Mods are correct - My OP isn't Current Event material. Simply an observation (and a BUMP ;-)
Comments? - Time to start assigning responsibility for the death and suffering in TX.

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