Keep It Simple, Stud.


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
Disenchanted with T.E.A. and seeing O.W.S. as reactionary and misguided, The K.I.S.S. Party emerges at the dawn of the 2nd decade of the 21st Century.

Transparency in government is the goal? Keep it simple, stupid.

Complexity is the tool of those requiring favoritism to maintain the lifestyle they've become accustomed to. This applies to ALL classes and contractors who suck a government tit. Favoritism and corruption is THE problem with our economy. Favoritism and paperwork are killing us.

Keep it simple:


9% tax on all income, payroll is the only deduction.

9% consumption tax on all sales to the end user.

A budget balanced by law.​


Board members of corporations are personally liable for fucking up the environment or killing people and are at the mercy of The People of The State(s) affected. "Accidents" should be judged on the response.​

Campaign finance reform:
Term limits.​

War on terror:
It's over. We won. Bring the troops home now with as much shit as they can carry. If the Iraqis or the Afghans want to kill themselves over their tribal religious differences at this point in history so be it. Death is the primary tool of Evolution.​
The problem with that crap about the Iraq and Afghani's killing each other... is that they don't. Without someone keeping them in line, they allow terrorist groups into their countries... and those terrorists come out of those countries to murder us. We either fight them there, or we fight them here. I say 'there'. Works for me.

We should be more intelligent and less emotional in forming our opinions.
The problem with that crap about the Iraq and Afghani's killing each other... is that they don't. Without someone keeping them in line, they allow terrorist groups into their countries... and those terrorists come out of those countries to murder us. We either fight them there, or we fight them here. I say 'there'. Works for me.

We should be more intelligent and less emotional in forming our opinions.

That might make sense to someone who thinks murdering staerted on 911 and with Americans.
Disenchanted with T.E.A. and seeing O.W.S. as reactionary and misguided, The K.I.S.S. Party emerges at the dawn of the 2nd decade of the 21st Century.

Transparency in government is the goal? Keep it simple, stupid.

Complexity is the tool of those requiring favoritism to maintain the lifestyle they've become accustomed to. This applies to ALL classes and contractors who suck a government tit. Favoritism and corruption is THE problem with our economy. Favoritism and paperwork are killing us.

Keep it simple:


9% tax on all income, payroll is the only deduction.

9% consumption tax on all sales to the end user.

A budget balanced by law.​


Board members of corporations are personally liable for fucking up the environment or killing people and are at the mercy of The People of The State(s) affected. "Accidents" should be judged on the response.​

Campaign finance reform:
Term limits.​

War on terror:
It's over. We won. Bring the troops home now with as much shit as they can carry. If the Iraqis or the Afghans want to kill themselves over their tribal religious differences at this point in history so be it. Death is the primary tool of Evolution.​

you will never get politicians to go for term limits.
The problem with that crap about the Iraq and Afghani's killing each other... is that they don't. Without someone keeping them in line, they allow terrorist groups into their countries... and those terrorists come out of those countries to murder us. We either fight them there, or we fight them here. I say 'there'. Works for me.

We should be more intelligent and less emotional in forming our opinions.

That would have more merit if we actually didnt fight civilly, If such a thing can be said.

We didnt form this country to have a policeman on every corner of the world.
The problem with that crap about the Iraq and Afghani's killing each other... is that they don't. Without someone keeping them in line, they allow terrorist groups into their countries... and those terrorists come out of those countries to murder us. We either fight them there, or we fight them here. I say 'there'. Works for me.

We should be more intelligent and less emotional in forming our opinions.

Perhaps the next time a bunch of Saudi Nationals launch an attack from Afghanistan we can respond differently but this one is done. 10 years of contractor corruption is enough.

If either even looks like they're going to spill over their borders, I say we flatten them from the air, but THIS campaign is over.
The problem with that crap about the Iraq and Afghani's killing each other... is that they don't. Without someone keeping them in line, they allow terrorist groups into their countries... and those terrorists come out of those countries to murder us. We either fight them there, or we fight them here. I say 'there'. Works for me.

We should be more intelligent and less emotional in forming our opinions.

If we became more intelligent and less emotional then its doubtfull anyone would share your points of view.
Disenchanted with T.E.A. and seeing O.W.S. as reactionary and misguided, The K.I.S.S. Party emerges at the dawn of the 2nd decade of the 21st Century.

Transparency in government is the goal? Keep it simple, stupid.

Complexity is the tool of those requiring favoritism to maintain the lifestyle they've become accustomed to. This applies to ALL classes and contractors who suck a government tit. Favoritism and corruption is THE problem with our economy. Favoritism and paperwork are killing us.

Keep it simple:


9% tax on all income, payroll is the only deduction.

9% consumption tax on all sales to the end user.

A budget balanced by law.​


Board members of corporations are personally liable for fucking up the environment or killing people and are at the mercy of The People of The State(s) affected. "Accidents" should be judged on the response.​

Campaign finance reform:
Term limits.​

War on terror:
It's over. We won. Bring the troops home now with as much shit as they can carry. If the Iraqis or the Afghans want to kill themselves over their tribal religious differences at this point in history so be it. Death is the primary tool of Evolution.​

you will never get politicians to go for term limits.

Then We, The People must demand them.

You can demand them by writing in "AVG-JOE" or "K.I.S.S." on your ballot next year.
Disenchanted with T.E.A. and seeing O.W.S. as reactionary and misguided, The K.I.S.S. Party emerges at the dawn of the 2nd decade of the 21st Century.

Transparency in government is the goal? Keep it simple, stupid.

Complexity is the tool of those requiring favoritism to maintain the lifestyle they've become accustomed to. This applies to ALL classes and contractors who suck a government tit. Favoritism and corruption is THE problem with our economy. Favoritism and paperwork are killing us.

Keep it simple:


9% tax on all income, payroll is the only deduction.

9% consumption tax on all sales to the end user.

A budget balanced by law.​


Board members of corporations are personally liable for fucking up the environment or killing people and are at the mercy of The People of The State(s) affected. "Accidents" should be judged on the response.​

Campaign finance reform:
Term limits.​

War on terror:
It's over. We won. Bring the troops home now with as much shit as they can carry. If the Iraqis or the Afghans want to kill themselves over their tribal religious differences at this point in history so be it. Death is the primary tool of Evolution.​

you will never get politicians to go for term limits.

Then We, The People must demand them.

You can demand them by writing in "AVG-JOE" or "K.I.S.S." on your ballot next year.

A decision to adopt term limits is a decision to never elect anyone past term X, regardless of how loved by the people, regarless of circumstances. It is a blanket mandate that deny's the population the right to choose.

And that sir, is not what free country's do. Its what chicken shit country's do that think they need government to manage everything.
you will never get politicians to go for term limits.

Then We, The People must demand them.

You can demand them by writing in "AVG-JOE" or "K.I.S.S." on your ballot next year.

A decision to adopt term limits is a decision to never elect anyone past term X, regardless of how loved by the people, regarless of circumstances. It is a blanket mandate that deny's the population the right to choose.

And that sir, is not what free country's do. Its what chicken shit country's do that think they need government to manage everything.

The same could be said for the presidency also, but O.k.

What do you suggest for campaign corruption reform? Term limits is not my favorite answer either, but it is simple. Public financing of campaigns leaves almost as bad a taste in my free market mouth as somehow limiting how much political free speech an American is allowed to spend his hard earned money on. Somehow we need to force the price of winning an election into the reasonable range and figure out a way to keep it there. Spending enough on elections to pay for the budgets of a couple of states bothers me. It takes a LOT of favoritism to generate those kind of campaign contributions.

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