Keep in mind folks: Romney won independents by 5% in 2012

Given that self-proclaimed "independents" tend to be Republicans who are too cowardly to admit being Republicans, of course Republicans do better with them.

Romney still lost big.
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That says it all don't you think?
Not really. Blacks went for Obama at higher rate than going for Clinton,Latino's went for Obama at higher rate than going for Clinton,young people went for Obama than going for Hillary,people WANTED to vote for Obama,this time they just hate Trump. So no not even close.
My question is where are all those ardent supporters when she makes an infrequent campaign appearance? Where is that HUGE throng of supporters just itching to catch a glimpse of her?

They only exist in the minds of the teeny tiny leftard clown posse and the lamestream media because she isn't any kind of a "draw" and who could blame them for passing her appearances by? Hitlery is like a rock from atop Stonehenge that the leftard sponsored lamestream media is trying to lug over the finish line and convince the unwashed masses that she is the "choice of the people". fail....she is the "Monty Burns" of the Simpsons fame trying to pass herself off as a lovable doofus that doesn't even know how to work a computer that can't remember how all of those e-mails that she didn't turn in were "acid washed" and just to be sure, she had her assistants take hammers to her devices....seriously?????? ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Clinton WILL NOT get the voter turnout that Obama had and it will sink her........bigly. The exit polls are going to freak out all the dopey sheep who believed the MSM narrative.

New voters, people who haven't voted in years, independents, Reagan democrats, "shy" Trump voters (blacks, hispanics, women) are going to crash the polls tomorrow night and cast their vote for Trump.

Hit the laugh button on this post while you can because tomorrow you aint gonna be laughing :lol: :lol:

Believe me
Clinton WILL NOT get the voter turnout that Obama had and it will sink her........bigly. The exit polls are going to freak out all the dopey sheep who believed the MSM narrative.

New voters, people who haven't voted in years, independents, Reagan democrats, "shy" Trump voters (blacks, hispanics, women) are going to crash the polls tomorrow night and cast their vote for Trump.

Hit the laugh button on this post while you can because tomorrow you aint gonna be laughing :lol: :lol:

Believe me
I hope you are correct.
Clinton WILL NOT get the voter turnout that Obama had and it will sink her........bigly. The exit polls are going to freak out all the dopey sheep who believed the MSM narrative.

New voters, people who haven't voted in years, independents, Reagan democrats, "shy" Trump voters (blacks, hispanics, women) are going to crash the polls tomorrow night and cast their vote for Trump.

Hit the laugh button on this post while you can because tomorrow you aint gonna be laughing :lol: :lol:

Believe me
Lol your opinion is based on no facts whatsoever.
Hillary Clinton is winning moderates by double digits in every recent poll that measures that vote.

That's how she wins.
Moderate Democrats don't exist anymore.

Obama won moderates by 20 points in 2008.
I voted twice for Obama and he wound up being another Globalist scumbag.

You must have drastically changed your ideology then. Not too many people who voted for Obama are going to throw around the word globalist the way you do.

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