Kasich Should Run For U.S. Senate!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Former Ohio governor John Kasich should run for the Senate seat made open in 2022 by Rob Portman's retirement! The country needs a person like John Kasich in the Senate that seriously will reach across the aisle to Democrats and make agreements that will move the country forward in a smart way. Many politicians talk a good line about how they will be bipartisan but they don't walk the line Kasich will be a good one not one just full of rhetoric. The Federal government needs to spend more money to make America better but shouldn't do it the manner that progressive Democrats want where there is no restraint, no accountability and with their plan in eight years we're going to be talking about doing the same thing over again, Kasich understands this pitfall and will help America avoid it! Governor Kasich should give up on his goal to be President, he would be at least a very good one but he will never make it cause he doesn't have the charisma or for lack of a better word the coolness. The American people don't want in their President Billy Graham they want Billy Idol, people that understand government know that you need a Billy Graham to get the government to operate properly and succeed but that is beside the point. On the issue of electability, the American people want to be dazzled and charmed maybe because their desperate or maybe because there is that little kid in all or us that wants to believe in magic that this presidential candidate can dramatically transform America into what it should be; in any event Kasich just doesn't have the right stuff! Governor Kasich has just one drawback that I see to being a great Senator is his policy position on globalization; Kasich still believes in complete free trade that the entire world is just one big competitive zone where every business should expect competition from anywhere in the world and American businesses can succeed under this arrangement. These naive foolish views were okay for good politicians to believe pre-2000 but the jury is now in, this globalization model does not work. This cloud of globalization has brought devastation across America with countless small and big towns across the nation losing key companies to their communities to this flawed economic model and most importantly losing good middle class jobs these companies provided. The American people need to be done with the talk from politicians that we just need to get other countries to compete fairly if we do this it can be turned around the country has already paid too much of a price waiting for this empty promise, time has been up for a while on this issue. What we have today is like parents every day going to a casino and gambling the deed to their house sometimes they win, sometimes they lose but always it is incredibly foolish to make this gamble. To be a fully good politicians means that you stand with fully protecting the vast majority of domestic manufacturing and production industries in the United States; America's laws need to be such that America's executives can know that if they spend the large amount of money to build a business in America in the process creating good paying jobs it won't be wasted by foreign competition making the business unprofitable! To be a fully good politicians means that you believe that dramatic trade imbalance matters big time because those large amounts of money if government policies were prudent would be revenue for domestic companies in America providing good middle class incomes to Americans.

One could write a book about how this globalization economic model has abused America but two points come to mind about how America is losing in this deal. Man-made activity is damaging the climate causing weather pattern changes causing great harm to Americans. In the state of Florida home insurers are abandoning the industry or increasing the premiums they charge Floridians in a skyrocketing matter because the insurers have been taking a financial bath paying claims from the high number of bad hurricanes occurring. Washington politicians wisely are trying to reduce CO2 emissions from the power industry, the principal destroyer of the world's climate, by planning to spend a significant amount of money on solar energy. Now that should be great for American workers because someones got to make those solar panels and solar panel assemblies and America invented that technology so one would think America would have a robust solar panel industry. But no the solar panel industry in "China" provides eighty percent of America's solar panels; America could have had a robust solar panel industry GE a few years back wanted to make a big solar panel manufacturing plant, a big capital expenditure, but these stupid free trade agreements Washington politicians got the country into they allowed the authoritative Chinese government to manipulate things so Chinese solar panel manufacturers were able to dominate the solar panel manufacturing industries throughout the world. Early in the Covid 19 pandemic, the first half of 2020, it was repeatedly publicly mentioned how foreign countries made the raw material in many medicines the country would or could need to fight the pandemic and made many other vital medical products the country needed and might need to fight the pandemic and an abundance of politicians declared never again would America be unprepared and vulnerable like this. The pandemic is now coming to an end has anyone heard of legislation being prepared in Congress to insure these vital things are produced in America so future generations don't have to face such a crisis in the future that is right top executives and their lobbyists are not going to let this happen their money which globalization protects is more important than the American people's interests. If Governor Kasich wants to get on team America and help stop these stupid globalization policies emanating from Washington so the country can reliably permanently build a strong middle class and protect its interests he would make a star Senate player!
Former Ohio governor John Kasich should run for the Senate seat made open in 2022 by Rob Portman's retirement! The country needs a person like John Kasich in the Senate that seriously will reach across the aisle to Democrats and make agreements that will move the country forward in a smart way. Many politicians talk a good line about how they will be bipartisan but they don't walk the line Kasich will be a good one not one just full of rhetoric. The Federal government needs to spend more money to make America better but shouldn't do it the manner that progressive Democrats want where there is no restraint, no accountability and with their plan in eight years we're going to be talking about doing the same thing over again, Kasich understands this pitfall and will help America avoid it! Governor Kasich should give up on his goal to be President, he would be at least a very good one but he will never make it cause he doesn't have the charisma or for lack of a better word the coolness. The American people don't want in their President Billy Graham they want Billy Idol, people that understand government know that you need a Billy Graham to get the government to operate properly and succeed but that is beside the point. On the issue of electability, the American people want to be dazzled and charmed maybe because their desperate or maybe because there is that little kid in all or us that wants to believe in magic that this presidential candidate can dramatically transform America into what it should be; in any event Kasich just doesn't have the right stuff! Governor Kasich has just one drawback that I see to being a great Senator is his policy position on globalization; Kasich still believes in complete free trade that the entire world is just one big competitive zone where every business should expect competition from anywhere in the world and American businesses can succeed under this arrangement. These naive foolish views were okay for good politicians to believe pre-2000 but the jury is now in, this globalization model does not work. This cloud of globalization has brought devastation across America with countless small and big towns across the nation losing key companies to their communities to this flawed economic model and most importantly losing good middle class jobs these companies provided. The American people need to be done with the talk from politicians that we just need to get other countries to compete fairly if we do this it can be turned around the country has already paid too much of a price waiting for this empty promise, time has been up for a while on this issue. What we have today is like parents every day going to a casino and gambling the deed to their house sometimes they win, sometimes they lose but always it is incredibly foolish to make this gamble. To be a fully good politicians means that you stand with fully protecting the vast majority of domestic manufacturing and production industries in the United States; America's laws need to be such that America's executives can know that if they spend the large amount of money to build a business in America in the process creating good paying jobs it won't be wasted by foreign competition making the business unprofitable! To be a fully good politicians means that you believe that dramatic trade imbalance matters big time because those large amounts of money if government policies were prudent would be revenue for domestic companies in America providing good middle class incomes to Americans.

One could write a book about how this globalization economic model has abused America but two points come to mind about how America is losing in this deal. Man-made activity is damaging the climate causing weather pattern changes causing great harm to Americans. In the state of Florida home insurers are abandoning the industry or increasing the premiums they charge Floridians in a skyrocketing matter because the insurers have been taking a financial bath paying claims from the high number of bad hurricanes occurring. Washington politicians wisely are trying to reduce CO2 emissions from the power industry, the principal destroyer of the world's climate, by planning to spend a significant amount of money on solar energy. Now that should be great for American workers because someones got to make those solar panels and solar panel assemblies and America invented that technology so one would think America would have a robust solar panel industry. But no the solar panel industry in "China" provides eighty percent of America's solar panels; America could have had a robust solar panel industry GE a few years back wanted to make a big solar panel manufacturing plant, a big capital expenditure, but these stupid free trade agreements Washington politicians got the country into they allowed the authoritative Chinese government to manipulate things so Chinese solar panel manufacturers were able to dominate the solar panel manufacturing industries throughout the world. Early in the Covid 19 pandemic, the first half of 2020, it was repeatedly publicly mentioned how foreign countries made the raw material in many medicines the country would or could need to fight the pandemic and made many other vital medical products the country needed and might need to fight the pandemic and an abundance of politicians declared never again would America be unprepared and vulnerable like this. The pandemic is now coming to an end has anyone heard of legislation being prepared in Congress to insure these vital things are produced in America so future generations don't have to face such a crisis in the future that is right top executives and their lobbyists are not going to let this happen their money which globalization protects is more important than the American people's interests. If Governor Kasich wants to get on team America and help stop these stupid globalization policies emanating from Washington so the country can reliably permanently build a strong middle class and protect its interests he would make a star Senate player!
Not a chance! Republicans have jumped the shark, and do not accept his kind..... You have to kneel before the King with no Clothes and tell him, how beautiful they are....to be a republican now a days... Kasich is too honest to do that....
Former Ohio governor John Kasich should run for the Senate seat made open in 2022 by Rob Portman's retirement! The country needs a person like John Kasich in the Senate that seriously will reach across the aisle to Democrats and make agreements that will move the country forward in a smart way. Many politicians talk a good line about how they will be bipartisan but they don't walk the line Kasich will be a good one not one just full of rhetoric. The Federal government needs to spend more money to make America better but shouldn't do it the manner that progressive Democrats want where there is no restraint, no accountability and with their plan in eight years we're going to be talking about doing the same thing over again, Kasich understands this pitfall and will help America avoid it! Governor Kasich should give up on his goal to be President, he would be at least a very good one but he will never make it cause he doesn't have the charisma or for lack of a better word the coolness. The American people don't want in their President Billy Graham they want Billy Idol, people that understand government know that you need a Billy Graham to get the government to operate properly and succeed but that is beside the point. On the issue of electability, the American people want to be dazzled and charmed maybe because their desperate or maybe because there is that little kid in all or us that wants to believe in magic that this presidential candidate can dramatically transform America into what it should be; in any event Kasich just doesn't have the right stuff! Governor Kasich has just one drawback that I see to being a great Senator is his policy position on globalization; Kasich still believes in complete free trade that the entire world is just one big competitive zone where every business should expect competition from anywhere in the world and American businesses can succeed under this arrangement. These naive foolish views were okay for good politicians to believe pre-2000 but the jury is now in, this globalization model does not work. This cloud of globalization has brought devastation across America with countless small and big towns across the nation losing key companies to their communities to this flawed economic model and most importantly losing good middle class jobs these companies provided. The American people need to be done with the talk from politicians that we just need to get other countries to compete fairly if we do this it can be turned around the country has already paid too much of a price waiting for this empty promise, time has been up for a while on this issue. What we have today is like parents every day going to a casino and gambling the deed to their house sometimes they win, sometimes they lose but always it is incredibly foolish to make this gamble. To be a fully good politicians means that you stand with fully protecting the vast majority of domestic manufacturing and production industries in the United States; America's laws need to be such that America's executives can know that if they spend the large amount of money to build a business in America in the process creating good paying jobs it won't be wasted by foreign competition making the business unprofitable! To be a fully good politicians means that you believe that dramatic trade imbalance matters big time because those large amounts of money if government policies were prudent would be revenue for domestic companies in America providing good middle class incomes to Americans.

One could write a book about how this globalization economic model has abused America but two points come to mind about how America is losing in this deal. Man-made activity is damaging the climate causing weather pattern changes causing great harm to Americans. In the state of Florida home insurers are abandoning the industry or increasing the premiums they charge Floridians in a skyrocketing matter because the insurers have been taking a financial bath paying claims from the high number of bad hurricanes occurring. Washington politicians wisely are trying to reduce CO2 emissions from the power industry, the principal destroyer of the world's climate, by planning to spend a significant amount of money on solar energy. Now that should be great for American workers because someones got to make those solar panels and solar panel assemblies and America invented that technology so one would think America would have a robust solar panel industry. But no the solar panel industry in "China" provides eighty percent of America's solar panels; America could have had a robust solar panel industry GE a few years back wanted to make a big solar panel manufacturing plant, a big capital expenditure, but these stupid free trade agreements Washington politicians got the country into they allowed the authoritative Chinese government to manipulate things so Chinese solar panel manufacturers were able to dominate the solar panel manufacturing industries throughout the world. Early in the Covid 19 pandemic, the first half of 2020, it was repeatedly publicly mentioned how foreign countries made the raw material in many medicines the country would or could need to fight the pandemic and made many other vital medical products the country needed and might need to fight the pandemic and an abundance of politicians declared never again would America be unprepared and vulnerable like this. The pandemic is now coming to an end has anyone heard of legislation being prepared in Congress to insure these vital things are produced in America so future generations don't have to face such a crisis in the future that is right top executives and their lobbyists are not going to let this happen their money which globalization protects is more important than the American people's interests. If Governor Kasich wants to get on team America and help stop these stupid globalization policies emanating from Washington so the country can reliably permanently build a strong middle class and protect its interests he would make a star Senate player!

Reach across the aisle to Democrats? He is a Democrat for all intents and purposes.
Former Ohio governor John Kasich should run for the Senate seat made open in 2022 by Rob Portman's retirement! The country needs a person like John Kasich in the Senate that seriously will reach across the aisle to Democrats and make agreements that will move the country forward in a smart way. Many politicians talk a good line about how they will be bipartisan but they don't walk the line Kasich will be a good one not one just full of rhetoric. The Federal government needs to spend more money to make America better but shouldn't do it the manner that progressive Democrats want where there is no restraint, no accountability and with their plan in eight years we're going to be talking about doing the same thing over again, Kasich understands this pitfall and will help America avoid it! Governor Kasich should give up on his goal to be President, he would be at least a very good one but he will never make it cause he doesn't have the charisma or for lack of a better word the coolness. The American people don't want in their President Billy Graham they want Billy Idol, people that understand government know that you need a Billy Graham to get the government to operate properly and succeed but that is beside the point. On the issue of electability, the American people want to be dazzled and charmed maybe because their desperate or maybe because there is that little kid in all or us that wants to believe in magic that this presidential candidate can dramatically transform America into what it should be; in any event Kasich just doesn't have the right stuff! Governor Kasich has just one drawback that I see to being a great Senator is his policy position on globalization; Kasich still believes in complete free trade that the entire world is just one big competitive zone where every business should expect competition from anywhere in the world and American businesses can succeed under this arrangement. These naive foolish views were okay for good politicians to believe pre-2000 but the jury is now in, this globalization model does not work. This cloud of globalization has brought devastation across America with countless small and big towns across the nation losing key companies to their communities to this flawed economic model and most importantly losing good middle class jobs these companies provided. The American people need to be done with the talk from politicians that we just need to get other countries to compete fairly if we do this it can be turned around the country has already paid too much of a price waiting for this empty promise, time has been up for a while on this issue. What we have today is like parents every day going to a casino and gambling the deed to their house sometimes they win, sometimes they lose but always it is incredibly foolish to make this gamble. To be a fully good politicians means that you stand with fully protecting the vast majority of domestic manufacturing and production industries in the United States; America's laws need to be such that America's executives can know that if they spend the large amount of money to build a business in America in the process creating good paying jobs it won't be wasted by foreign competition making the business unprofitable! To be a fully good politicians means that you believe that dramatic trade imbalance matters big time because those large amounts of money if government policies were prudent would be revenue for domestic companies in America providing good middle class incomes to Americans.

One could write a book about how this globalization economic model has abused America but two points come to mind about how America is losing in this deal. Man-made activity is damaging the climate causing weather pattern changes causing great harm to Americans. In the state of Florida home insurers are abandoning the industry or increasing the premiums they charge Floridians in a skyrocketing matter because the insurers have been taking a financial bath paying claims from the high number of bad hurricanes occurring. Washington politicians wisely are trying to reduce CO2 emissions from the power industry, the principal destroyer of the world's climate, by planning to spend a significant amount of money on solar energy. Now that should be great for American workers because someones got to make those solar panels and solar panel assemblies and America invented that technology so one would think America would have a robust solar panel industry. But no the solar panel industry in "China" provides eighty percent of America's solar panels; America could have had a robust solar panel industry GE a few years back wanted to make a big solar panel manufacturing plant, a big capital expenditure, but these stupid free trade agreements Washington politicians got the country into they allowed the authoritative Chinese government to manipulate things so Chinese solar panel manufacturers were able to dominate the solar panel manufacturing industries throughout the world. Early in the Covid 19 pandemic, the first half of 2020, it was repeatedly publicly mentioned how foreign countries made the raw material in many medicines the country would or could need to fight the pandemic and made many other vital medical products the country needed and might need to fight the pandemic and an abundance of politicians declared never again would America be unprepared and vulnerable like this. The pandemic is now coming to an end has anyone heard of legislation being prepared in Congress to insure these vital things are produced in America so future generations don't have to face such a crisis in the future that is right top executives and their lobbyists are not going to let this happen their money which globalization protects is more important than the American people's interests. If Governor Kasich wants to get on team America and help stop these stupid globalization policies emanating from Washington so the country can reliably permanently build a strong middle class and protect its interests he would make a star Senate player!

Reach across the aisle to Democrats? He is a Democrat for all intents and purposes.
Kasich even spoke at the DNC convention against Trump! Who had the US more divided, Trump or Biden? I'm starting a new thread/poll on that topic.

During his speech at the 2020 Democratic National Convention, former Ohio Gov. John Kasich, a Republican, says President Trump has lead America down the path of division which is why he's supporting Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election.
I can't see Ohio D's nominating Kasich under any circumstance. Democrats don't trust turncoats, and who can blame them. Further, if the GOP nominated the Son of a Mailman, the Democrats would schlong him in the general election. If you want Sleepy Joe's agenda pushed forward, why not just vote for the Democrat? If you don't, there is no reason to vote for Kasich.
John Kasich has no political future in anything. Like many other politicians, a single thoughtless act has destroyed his political career. Dan Quayle had his potatoes. Howard Dean had a scream. John Kasich has an unfortunate image of talking with his mouth full, spitting food all over the interviewer.

He is done never tovreturn.
Former Ohio governor John Kasich should run for the Senate seat made open in 2022 by Rob Portman's retirement! The country needs a person like John Kasich in the Senate that seriously will reach across the aisle to Democrats and make agreements that will move the country forward in a smart way. Many politicians talk a good line about how they will be bipartisan but they don't walk the line Kasich will be a good one not one just full of rhetoric. The Federal government needs to spend more money to make America better but shouldn't do it the manner that progressive Democrats want where there is no restraint, no accountability and with their plan in eight years we're going to be talking about doing the same thing over again, Kasich understands this pitfall and will help America avoid it! Governor Kasich should give up on his goal to be President, he would be at least a very good one but he will never make it cause he doesn't have the charisma or for lack of a better word the coolness. The American people don't want in their President Billy Graham they want Billy Idol, people that understand government know that you need a Billy Graham to get the government to operate properly and succeed but that is beside the point. On the issue of electability, the American people want to be dazzled and charmed maybe because their desperate or maybe because there is that little kid in all or us that wants to believe in magic that this presidential candidate can dramatically transform America into what it should be; in any event Kasich just doesn't have the right stuff! Governor Kasich has just one drawback that I see to being a great Senator is his policy position on globalization; Kasich still believes in complete free trade that the entire world is just one big competitive zone where every business should expect competition from anywhere in the world and American businesses can succeed under this arrangement. These naive foolish views were okay for good politicians to believe pre-2000 but the jury is now in, this globalization model does not work. This cloud of globalization has brought devastation across America with countless small and big towns across the nation losing key companies to their communities to this flawed economic model and most importantly losing good middle class jobs these companies provided. The American people need to be done with the talk from politicians that we just need to get other countries to compete fairly if we do this it can be turned around the country has already paid too much of a price waiting for this empty promise, time has been up for a while on this issue. What we have today is like parents every day going to a casino and gambling the deed to their house sometimes they win, sometimes they lose but always it is incredibly foolish to make this gamble. To be a fully good politicians means that you stand with fully protecting the vast majority of domestic manufacturing and production industries in the United States; America's laws need to be such that America's executives can know that if they spend the large amount of money to build a business in America in the process creating good paying jobs it won't be wasted by foreign competition making the business unprofitable! To be a fully good politicians means that you believe that dramatic trade imbalance matters big time because those large amounts of money if government policies were prudent would be revenue for domestic companies in America providing good middle class incomes to Americans.

One could write a book about how this globalization economic model has abused America but two points come to mind about how America is losing in this deal. Man-made activity is damaging the climate causing weather pattern changes causing great harm to Americans. In the state of Florida home insurers are abandoning the industry or increasing the premiums they charge Floridians in a skyrocketing matter because the insurers have been taking a financial bath paying claims from the high number of bad hurricanes occurring. Washington politicians wisely are trying to reduce CO2 emissions from the power industry, the principal destroyer of the world's climate, by planning to spend a significant amount of money on solar energy. Now that should be great for American workers because someones got to make those solar panels and solar panel assemblies and America invented that technology so one would think America would have a robust solar panel industry. But no the solar panel industry in "China" provides eighty percent of America's solar panels; America could have had a robust solar panel industry GE a few years back wanted to make a big solar panel manufacturing plant, a big capital expenditure, but these stupid free trade agreements Washington politicians got the country into they allowed the authoritative Chinese government to manipulate things so Chinese solar panel manufacturers were able to dominate the solar panel manufacturing industries throughout the world. Early in the Covid 19 pandemic, the first half of 2020, it was repeatedly publicly mentioned how foreign countries made the raw material in many medicines the country would or could need to fight the pandemic and made many other vital medical products the country needed and might need to fight the pandemic and an abundance of politicians declared never again would America be unprepared and vulnerable like this. The pandemic is now coming to an end has anyone heard of legislation being prepared in Congress to insure these vital things are produced in America so future generations don't have to face such a crisis in the future that is right top executives and their lobbyists are not going to let this happen their money which globalization protects is more important than the American people's interests. If Governor Kasich wants to get on team America and help stop these stupid globalization policies emanating from Washington so the country can reliably permanently build a strong middle class and protect its interests he would make a star Senate player!

He would be running as a Democrat because his addressing the DNC was a bridge he burned that will not be rebuilt. He is persona non grata in the Republican Party.
Former Ohio governor John Kasich should run for the Senate seat made open in 2022 by Rob Portman's retirement! The country needs a person like John Kasich in the Senate that seriously will reach across the aisle to Democrats and make agreements that will move the country forward in a smart way. Many politicians talk a good line about how they will be bipartisan but they don't walk the line Kasich will be a good one not one just full of rhetoric. The Federal government needs to spend more money to make America better but shouldn't do it the manner that progressive Democrats want where there is no restraint, no accountability and with their plan in eight years we're going to be talking about doing the same thing over again, Kasich understands this pitfall and will help America avoid it! Governor Kasich should give up on his goal to be President, he would be at least a very good one but he will never make it cause he doesn't have the charisma or for lack of a better word the coolness. The American people don't want in their President Billy Graham they want Billy Idol, people that understand government know that you need a Billy Graham to get the government to operate properly and succeed but that is beside the point. On the issue of electability, the American people want to be dazzled and charmed maybe because their desperate or maybe because there is that little kid in all or us that wants to believe in magic that this presidential candidate can dramatically transform America into what it should be; in any event Kasich just doesn't have the right stuff! Governor Kasich has just one drawback that I see to being a great Senator is his policy position on globalization; Kasich still believes in complete free trade that the entire world is just one big competitive zone where every business should expect competition from anywhere in the world and American businesses can succeed under this arrangement. These naive foolish views were okay for good politicians to believe pre-2000 but the jury is now in, this globalization model does not work. This cloud of globalization has brought devastation across America with countless small and big towns across the nation losing key companies to their communities to this flawed economic model and most importantly losing good middle class jobs these companies provided. The American people need to be done with the talk from politicians that we just need to get other countries to compete fairly if we do this it can be turned around the country has already paid too much of a price waiting for this empty promise, time has been up for a while on this issue. What we have today is like parents every day going to a casino and gambling the deed to their house sometimes they win, sometimes they lose but always it is incredibly foolish to make this gamble. To be a fully good politicians means that you stand with fully protecting the vast majority of domestic manufacturing and production industries in the United States; America's laws need to be such that America's executives can know that if they spend the large amount of money to build a business in America in the process creating good paying jobs it won't be wasted by foreign competition making the business unprofitable! To be a fully good politicians means that you believe that dramatic trade imbalance matters big time because those large amounts of money if government policies were prudent would be revenue for domestic companies in America providing good middle class incomes to Americans.

One could write a book about how this globalization economic model has abused America but two points come to mind about how America is losing in this deal. Man-made activity is damaging the climate causing weather pattern changes causing great harm to Americans. In the state of Florida home insurers are abandoning the industry or increasing the premiums they charge Floridians in a skyrocketing matter because the insurers have been taking a financial bath paying claims from the high number of bad hurricanes occurring. Washington politicians wisely are trying to reduce CO2 emissions from the power industry, the principal destroyer of the world's climate, by planning to spend a significant amount of money on solar energy. Now that should be great for American workers because someones got to make those solar panels and solar panel assemblies and America invented that technology so one would think America would have a robust solar panel industry. But no the solar panel industry in "China" provides eighty percent of America's solar panels; America could have had a robust solar panel industry GE a few years back wanted to make a big solar panel manufacturing plant, a big capital expenditure, but these stupid free trade agreements Washington politicians got the country into they allowed the authoritative Chinese government to manipulate things so Chinese solar panel manufacturers were able to dominate the solar panel manufacturing industries throughout the world. Early in the Covid 19 pandemic, the first half of 2020, it was repeatedly publicly mentioned how foreign countries made the raw material in many medicines the country would or could need to fight the pandemic and made many other vital medical products the country needed and might need to fight the pandemic and an abundance of politicians declared never again would America be unprepared and vulnerable like this. The pandemic is now coming to an end has anyone heard of legislation being prepared in Congress to insure these vital things are produced in America so future generations don't have to face such a crisis in the future that is right top executives and their lobbyists are not going to let this happen their money which globalization protects is more important than the American people's interests. If Governor Kasich wants to get on team America and help stop these stupid globalization policies emanating from Washington so the country can reliably permanently build a strong middle class and protect its interests he would make a star Senate player!
I kinda liked the guy even before he endorsed Biden. But the more I listen to his act I've come to realize that Kasich is a stroker & a first class bullshit artist.
Former Ohio governor John Kasich should run for the Senate seat made open in 2022 by Rob Portman's retirement! The country needs a person like John Kasich in the Senate that seriously will reach across the aisle to Democrats and make agreements that will move the country forward in a smart way. Many politicians talk a good line about how they will be bipartisan but they don't walk the line Kasich will be a good one not one just full of rhetoric. The Federal government needs to spend more money to make America better but shouldn't do it the manner that progressive Democrats want where there is no restraint, no accountability and with their plan in eight years we're going to be talking about doing the same thing over again, Kasich understands this pitfall and will help America avoid it! Governor Kasich should give up on his goal to be President, he would be at least a very good one but he will never make it cause he doesn't have the charisma or for lack of a better word the coolness. The American people don't want in their President Billy Graham they want Billy Idol, people that understand government know that you need a Billy Graham to get the government to operate properly and succeed but that is beside the point. On the issue of electability, the American people want to be dazzled and charmed maybe because their desperate or maybe because there is that little kid in all or us that wants to believe in magic that this presidential candidate can dramatically transform America into what it should be; in any event Kasich just doesn't have the right stuff! Governor Kasich has just one drawback that I see to being a great Senator is his policy position on globalization; Kasich still believes in complete free trade that the entire world is just one big competitive zone where every business should expect competition from anywhere in the world and American businesses can succeed under this arrangement. These naive foolish views were okay for good politicians to believe pre-2000 but the jury is now in, this globalization model does not work. This cloud of globalization has brought devastation across America with countless small and big towns across the nation losing key companies to their communities to this flawed economic model and most importantly losing good middle class jobs these companies provided. The American people need to be done with the talk from politicians that we just need to get other countries to compete fairly if we do this it can be turned around the country has already paid too much of a price waiting for this empty promise, time has been up for a while on this issue. What we have today is like parents every day going to a casino and gambling the deed to their house sometimes they win, sometimes they lose but always it is incredibly foolish to make this gamble. To be a fully good politicians means that you stand with fully protecting the vast majority of domestic manufacturing and production industries in the United States; America's laws need to be such that America's executives can know that if they spend the large amount of money to build a business in America in the process creating good paying jobs it won't be wasted by foreign competition making the business unprofitable! To be a fully good politicians means that you believe that dramatic trade imbalance matters big time because those large amounts of money if government policies were prudent would be revenue for domestic companies in America providing good middle class incomes to Americans.

One could write a book about how this globalization economic model has abused America but two points come to mind about how America is losing in this deal. Man-made activity is damaging the climate causing weather pattern changes causing great harm to Americans. In the state of Florida home insurers are abandoning the industry or increasing the premiums they charge Floridians in a skyrocketing matter because the insurers have been taking a financial bath paying claims from the high number of bad hurricanes occurring. Washington politicians wisely are trying to reduce CO2 emissions from the power industry, the principal destroyer of the world's climate, by planning to spend a significant amount of money on solar energy. Now that should be great for American workers because someones got to make those solar panels and solar panel assemblies and America invented that technology so one would think America would have a robust solar panel industry. But no the solar panel industry in "China" provides eighty percent of America's solar panels; America could have had a robust solar panel industry GE a few years back wanted to make a big solar panel manufacturing plant, a big capital expenditure, but these stupid free trade agreements Washington politicians got the country into they allowed the authoritative Chinese government to manipulate things so Chinese solar panel manufacturers were able to dominate the solar panel manufacturing industries throughout the world. Early in the Covid 19 pandemic, the first half of 2020, it was repeatedly publicly mentioned how foreign countries made the raw material in many medicines the country would or could need to fight the pandemic and made many other vital medical products the country needed and might need to fight the pandemic and an abundance of politicians declared never again would America be unprepared and vulnerable like this. The pandemic is now coming to an end has anyone heard of legislation being prepared in Congress to insure these vital things are produced in America so future generations don't have to face such a crisis in the future that is right top executives and their lobbyists are not going to let this happen their money which globalization protects is more important than the American people's interests. If Governor Kasich wants to get on team America and help stop these stupid globalization policies emanating from Washington so the country can reliably permanently build a strong middle class and protect its interests he would make a star Senate player!
Well plagairised. He hasn't a chance.
If he could make it through the GOP primary he would stand a good shot at winning. However it's Ohio so the Republican candidate probably has the advantage anyway.

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