Kamala Harris tweets opposition to the power of Pardon's.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
Let me begin by saying that I don't think that Sheriff Arapio should be pardoned. Not because it's Trump who appears ready to issue the Pardon. But because I think that the Police should be held accountable for their actions instead of given a pass.

Now, that does not mean I want to abolish the power of the Pardon, nor do I want to create some sort of Congressional Panel to oversee the use to make sure that Presidents in the future do not pardon someone I like. It means that I'm not going to agree with anyone 100% of the time.

Dem 2020 hopeful: Convicts shouldn't get pardons, or something - Hot Air

Kamala Harris was the Attorney General of California. She was there while the Governor issued pardons for Holidays and for whatever reason he wanted. If the Constitution grants them the power, the State Constitution for California, cool. But Kamala has come out in opposition to Pardons now, not this one, all of them through an asinine Tweet.


Um yeah. People who have not committed a crime rarely get a Pardon.

This is the kind of thing you do when you exist solely to oppose the other side. You have no core beliefs, no guiding principles, and it shows. The Democratic Party, that I once voted for exclusively, has become a parody. They exist merely to oppose Republicans. They don't stand for anything, except that they are opposed to the Republicans, and especially Trump.

That's the problem when you don't have a core belief. All you have is perpetual outrage. I've said before that anything Trump does is wrong as far as the Democrats and Left Wing are concerned. He could come out and say that he is in favor of Legalizing Marijuana, and the Left that was for it last week, would be opposed.

Without those core beliefs, without that decision made long ago that you believe in this or that, you end up like Kamala Harris just showing your ignorance and stupidity and hatred instead of suggesting that Trump pardon someone else with the ass, or in lieu of the former Sheriff.

Now, to be a Democrat, thanks to Harris, you have to be tough on crime, because you can't pardon criminals. Kamala stop trying to show how much you hate Trump, and instead show us what you believe. Tweet that you're glad that Trump has seen the usefulness of compassion and suggest he Pardon some woman who was convicted of holding her boyfriends drugs. There are a couple thousand of those serving time in Prison. Suggest that he pardon anyone who comes to mind, but arguing that he can't Pardon a convicted criminal just shows how vapid you are.

Democrats, for the love of all that is good in the world. Stop existing just to oppose Republicans. Find the core beliefs that you once had.
Let me begin by saying that I don't think that Sheriff Arapio should be pardoned. Not because it's Trump who appears ready to issue the Pardon. But because I think that the Police should be held accountable for their actions instead of given a pass.

Now, that does not mean I want to abolish the power of the Pardon, nor do I want to create some sort of Congressional Panel to oversee the use to make sure that Presidents in the future do not pardon someone I like. It means that I'm not going to agree with anyone 100% of the time.

Dem 2020 hopeful: Convicts shouldn't get pardons, or something - Hot Air

Kamala Harris was the Attorney General of California. She was there while the Governor issued pardons for Holidays and for whatever reason he wanted. If the Constitution grants them the power, the State Constitution for California, cool. But Kamala has come out in opposition to Pardons now, not this one, all of them through an asinine Tweet.

View attachment 145819

Um yeah. People who have not committed a crime rarely get a Pardon.

This is the kind of thing you do when you exist solely to oppose the other side. You have no core beliefs, no guiding principles, and it shows. The Democratic Party, that I once voted for exclusively, has become a parody. They exist merely to oppose Republicans. They don't stand for anything, except that they are opposed to the Republicans, and especially Trump.

That's the problem when you don't have a core belief. All you have is perpetual outrage. I've said before that anything Trump does is wrong as far as the Democrats and Left Wing are concerned. He could come out and say that he is in favor of Legalizing Marijuana, and the Left that was for it last week, would be opposed.

Without those core beliefs, without that decision made long ago that you believe in this or that, you end up like Kamala Harris just showing your ignorance and stupidity and hatred instead of suggesting that Trump pardon someone else with the ass, or in lieu of the former Sheriff.

Now, to be a Democrat, thanks to Harris, you have to be tough on crime, because you can't pardon criminals. Kamala stop trying to show how much you hate Trump, and instead show us what you believe. Tweet that you're glad that Trump has seen the usefulness of compassion and suggest he Pardon some woman who was convicted of holding her boyfriends drugs. There are a couple thousand of those serving time in Prison. Suggest that he pardon anyone who comes to mind, but arguing that he can't Pardon a convicted criminal just shows how vapid you are.

Democrats, for the love of all that is good in the world. Stop existing just to oppose Republicans. Find the core beliefs that you once had.
Being a black woman and presumably an ally of Maxine Waters, Kamala should choose her words carefully.
She is free not to exercise that power should she acguire it at the State or Fed level. No need to remove it simply because Obama and Clinton abused it
LOL at LIBS talking about THE LAW while running ILLEGAL SANCTUARY CITIES.
And of course there is Hillary Clinton......and of course, all the wiretapping, unmasking, and treasonous leaking of classified information by Obama and his clan of thugs.
But Sheriff Joe, was actually enforcing Federal Law which BTW, any CITIZEN can do, and is normally protected under Good Samaritan Laws and Laws governing Citizen Arrests.

Kamala Harris should assassinate her political career, resign, and go move to CUBA, where she can tweet out mean tweets about how much she hates Capitalist America.
Let me begin by saying that I don't think that Sheriff Arapio should be pardoned. Not because it's Trump who appears ready to issue the Pardon. But because I think that the Police should be held accountable for their actions instead of given a pass.

Now, that does not mean I want to abolish the power of the Pardon, nor do I want to create some sort of Congressional Panel to oversee the use to make sure that Presidents in the future do not pardon someone I like. It means that I'm not going to agree with anyone 100% of the time.

Dem 2020 hopeful: Convicts shouldn't get pardons, or something - Hot Air

Kamala Harris was the Attorney General of California. She was there while the Governor issued pardons for Holidays and for whatever reason he wanted. If the Constitution grants them the power, the State Constitution for California, cool. But Kamala has come out in opposition to Pardons now, not this one, all of them through an asinine Tweet.

View attachment 145819

Um yeah. People who have not committed a crime rarely get a Pardon.

This is the kind of thing you do when you exist solely to oppose the other side. You have no core beliefs, no guiding principles, and it shows. The Democratic Party, that I once voted for exclusively, has become a parody. They exist merely to oppose Republicans. They don't stand for anything, except that they are opposed to the Republicans, and especially Trump.

That's the problem when you don't have a core belief. All you have is perpetual outrage. I've said before that anything Trump does is wrong as far as the Democrats and Left Wing are concerned. He could come out and say that he is in favor of Legalizing Marijuana, and the Left that was for it last week, would be opposed.

Without those core beliefs, without that decision made long ago that you believe in this or that, you end up like Kamala Harris just showing your ignorance and stupidity and hatred instead of suggesting that Trump pardon someone else with the ass, or in lieu of the former Sheriff.

Now, to be a Democrat, thanks to Harris, you have to be tough on crime, because you can't pardon criminals. Kamala stop trying to show how much you hate Trump, and instead show us what you believe. Tweet that you're glad that Trump has seen the usefulness of compassion and suggest he Pardon some woman who was convicted of holding her boyfriends drugs. There are a couple thousand of those serving time in Prison. Suggest that he pardon anyone who comes to mind, but arguing that he can't Pardon a convicted criminal just shows how vapid you are.

Democrats, for the love of all that is good in the world. Stop existing just to oppose Republicans. Find the core beliefs that you once had.
sheriff joe is a national treasure.
But because I think that the Police should be held accountable for their actions instead of given a pass.

Is that so. Okay illegals have killed thousands of American citizens, illegals have raped, assaulted, robbed, American citizens. Should politicians who blatantly refuse to enforce our immigration laws get a pass? Should politicians who blatantly give sanctuary to illegals get a pass? The sheriff isn't responsible for American citizens being killed and raped and he's going to prison, so what should the politicians punishment be?
Let me begin by saying that I don't think that Sheriff Arapio should be pardoned. Not because it's Trump who appears ready to issue the Pardon. But because I think that the Police should be held accountable for their actions instead of given a pass.

Now, that does not mean I want to abolish the power of the Pardon, nor do I want to create some sort of Congressional Panel to oversee the use to make sure that Presidents in the future do not pardon someone I like. It means that I'm not going to agree with anyone 100% of the time.

Dem 2020 hopeful: Convicts shouldn't get pardons, or something - Hot Air

Kamala Harris was the Attorney General of California. She was there while the Governor issued pardons for Holidays and for whatever reason he wanted. If the Constitution grants them the power, the State Constitution for California, cool. But Kamala has come out in opposition to Pardons now, not this one, all of them through an asinine Tweet.

View attachment 145819

Um yeah. People who have not committed a crime rarely get a Pardon.

This is the kind of thing you do when you exist solely to oppose the other side. You have no core beliefs, no guiding principles, and it shows. The Democratic Party, that I once voted for exclusively, has become a parody. They exist merely to oppose Republicans. They don't stand for anything, except that they are opposed to the Republicans, and especially Trump.

That's the problem when you don't have a core belief. All you have is perpetual outrage. I've said before that anything Trump does is wrong as far as the Democrats and Left Wing are concerned. He could come out and say that he is in favor of Legalizing Marijuana, and the Left that was for it last week, would be opposed.

Without those core beliefs, without that decision made long ago that you believe in this or that, you end up like Kamala Harris just showing your ignorance and stupidity and hatred instead of suggesting that Trump pardon someone else with the ass, or in lieu of the former Sheriff.

Now, to be a Democrat, thanks to Harris, you have to be tough on crime, because you can't pardon criminals. Kamala stop trying to show how much you hate Trump, and instead show us what you believe. Tweet that you're glad that Trump has seen the usefulness of compassion and suggest he Pardon some woman who was convicted of holding her boyfriends drugs. There are a couple thousand of those serving time in Prison. Suggest that he pardon anyone who comes to mind, but arguing that he can't Pardon a convicted criminal just shows how vapid you are.

Democrats, for the love of all that is good in the world. Stop existing just to oppose Republicans. Find the core beliefs that you once had.

He was just doing his job. They had set him up by telling him that he cannot check the status on any illegals for their citizenship anymore. Because they said that it is unconstitutional. .But it is okay for them to violated our constitution by coming into this country illegal. And they hasn't been sworn in that they will uphold the constitution.

PARDONS GRANTED BY PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA (2009-2017) Pardons Granted by President Barack Obama (2009-2017) | PARDON | Department of Justice

But because I think that the Police should be held accountable for their actions instead of given a pass.

Is that so. Okay illegals have killed thousands of American citizens, illegals have raped, assaulted, robbed, American citizens. Should politicians who blatantly refuse to enforce our immigration laws get a pass? Should politicians who blatantly give sanctuary to illegals get a pass? The sheriff isn't responsible for American citizens being killed and raped and he's going to prison, so what should the politicians punishment be?

The word sanctuary is misused. The cities, and states that are no cooperating with Federal Immigration officials are not hiding the illegal's, they are just not helping catch them.

Let's say we are neighbors, I know, a nightmare for me too, anyway, let's pretend. You are going away and leaving your teenaged daughter at home. You tell me this and ask me to call you if I see anything going on like parties or boys hanging out with her. I say no. Your house, is yours. Your family, is yours. I won't be the hall monitor of your house, and what goes on. If I see armed men rushing it, I'll do something, but otherwise, it's none of my business. You can get mad, but what else can you do?

The "sanctuary" cities and states are saying much the same. They are not preventing the Immigration and Customs Enforcement people from arresting folks. They are just not helping. They are saying that it is the Immigration people's problem, nothing to do with them.

As for the rapes, robberies, and murders, those folks do get processed through the criminal justice system. That is why Illegals are doing time right now. BOP Statistics: Inmate Citizenship
Let me begin by saying that I don't think that Sheriff Arapio should be pardoned. Not because it's Trump who appears ready to issue the Pardon. But because I think that the Police should be held accountable for their actions instead of given a pass.

Now, that does not mean I want to abolish the power of the Pardon, nor do I want to create some sort of Congressional Panel to oversee the use to make sure that Presidents in the future do not pardon someone I like. It means that I'm not going to agree with anyone 100% of the time.

Dem 2020 hopeful: Convicts shouldn't get pardons, or something - Hot Air

Kamala Harris was the Attorney General of California. She was there while the Governor issued pardons for Holidays and for whatever reason he wanted. If the Constitution grants them the power, the State Constitution for California, cool. But Kamala has come out in opposition to Pardons now, not this one, all of them through an asinine Tweet.

View attachment 145819

Um yeah. People who have not committed a crime rarely get a Pardon.

This is the kind of thing you do when you exist solely to oppose the other side. You have no core beliefs, no guiding principles, and it shows. The Democratic Party, that I once voted for exclusively, has become a parody. They exist merely to oppose Republicans. They don't stand for anything, except that they are opposed to the Republicans, and especially Trump.

That's the problem when you don't have a core belief. All you have is perpetual outrage. I've said before that anything Trump does is wrong as far as the Democrats and Left Wing are concerned. He could come out and say that he is in favor of Legalizing Marijuana, and the Left that was for it last week, would be opposed.

Without those core beliefs, without that decision made long ago that you believe in this or that, you end up like Kamala Harris just showing your ignorance and stupidity and hatred instead of suggesting that Trump pardon someone else with the ass, or in lieu of the former Sheriff.

Now, to be a Democrat, thanks to Harris, you have to be tough on crime, because you can't pardon criminals. Kamala stop trying to show how much you hate Trump, and instead show us what you believe. Tweet that you're glad that Trump has seen the usefulness of compassion and suggest he Pardon some woman who was convicted of holding her boyfriends drugs. There are a couple thousand of those serving time in Prison. Suggest that he pardon anyone who comes to mind, but arguing that he can't Pardon a convicted criminal just shows how vapid you are.

Democrats, for the love of all that is good in the world. Stop existing just to oppose Republicans. Find the core beliefs that you once had.

He was just doing his job. They had set him up by telling him that he cannot check the status on any illegals for their citizenship anymore. Because they said that it is unconstitutional. .But it is okay for them to violated our constitution by coming into this country illegal. And they hasn't been sworn in that they will uphold the constitution.

PARDONS GRANTED BY PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA (2009-2017) Pardons Granted by President Barack Obama (2009-2017) | PARDON | Department of Justice


This may be hard for you to understand. But when a court issues an order, or decides that something is or isn't constitutional, then that is the law. The Sheriff doesn't get to ignore or decide the court is wrong, he has to appeal it to another court, until it eventually reaches the Supreme Court. Failing to obey a court order is called Contempt. That is what Sheriff Joe was convicted of. Contempt of Court. That is when you knowingly fail to obey the court orders.

Now, this means that cities like Washington DC have to allow people to own Guns, because the Court found that it was unconstitutional to ban them in the Heller case. Now, what would you suggest happen if a City Police Chief refused to allow the Heller decision and just kept arresting people for owning guns? The Chief would risk the same outcome as Joe. That is arrest and trial for contempt.

If you don't like the District Court's decision, you appeal it to the Appeals Court. If you don't like their decision, you appeal it to the Supremes. If you don't like their decision, you're pretty much out of luck. Because the appeal on that is pretty much limited to a Constitutional Amendment. Good luck on getting one of those through. It is not a perfect system, and I have disagreed with many decisions from the Supremes, but it is the system we have, and until someone comes up with a better one, there isn't much choice but to deal with what we have.
Governors have the power of pardon for state crimes.

Presidents have the power of pardon for federal crimes.

That's our system. That's the way it is.

Arpaio did not break any state law. obama sent an army of civil rights advocates to Arizona to find or make a violation. They made one and found a friendly judge to agree. That's a kangaroo court.

Joe will be pardoned because he should never have been charged.
Let me begin by saying that I don't think that Sheriff Arapio should be pardoned. Not because it's Trump who appears ready to issue the Pardon. But because I think that the Police should be held accountable for their actions instead of given a pass.

Now, that does not mean I want to abolish the power of the Pardon, nor do I want to create some sort of Congressional Panel to oversee the use to make sure that Presidents in the future do not pardon someone I like. It means that I'm not going to agree with anyone 100% of the time.

Dem 2020 hopeful: Convicts shouldn't get pardons, or something - Hot Air

Kamala Harris was the Attorney General of California. She was there while the Governor issued pardons for Holidays and for whatever reason he wanted. If the Constitution grants them the power, the State Constitution for California, cool. But Kamala has come out in opposition to Pardons now, not this one, all of them through an asinine Tweet.

View attachment 145819

Um yeah. People who have not committed a crime rarely get a Pardon.

This is the kind of thing you do when you exist solely to oppose the other side. You have no core beliefs, no guiding principles, and it shows. The Democratic Party, that I once voted for exclusively, has become a parody. They exist merely to oppose Republicans. They don't stand for anything, except that they are opposed to the Republicans, and especially Trump.

That's the problem when you don't have a core belief. All you have is perpetual outrage. I've said before that anything Trump does is wrong as far as the Democrats and Left Wing are concerned. He could come out and say that he is in favor of Legalizing Marijuana, and the Left that was for it last week, would be opposed.

Without those core beliefs, without that decision made long ago that you believe in this or that, you end up like Kamala Harris just showing your ignorance and stupidity and hatred instead of suggesting that Trump pardon someone else with the ass, or in lieu of the former Sheriff.

Now, to be a Democrat, thanks to Harris, you have to be tough on crime, because you can't pardon criminals. Kamala stop trying to show how much you hate Trump, and instead show us what you believe. Tweet that you're glad that Trump has seen the usefulness of compassion and suggest he Pardon some woman who was convicted of holding her boyfriends drugs. There are a couple thousand of those serving time in Prison. Suggest that he pardon anyone who comes to mind, but arguing that he can't Pardon a convicted criminal just shows how vapid you are.

Democrats, for the love of all that is good in the world. Stop existing just to oppose Republicans. Find the core beliefs that you once had.

He was just doing his job. They had set him up by telling him that he cannot check the status on any illegals for their citizenship anymore. Because they said that it is unconstitutional. .But it is okay for them to violated our constitution by coming into this country illegal. And they hasn't been sworn in that they will uphold the constitution.

PARDONS GRANTED BY PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA (2009-2017) Pardons Granted by President Barack Obama (2009-2017) | PARDON | Department of Justice


This may be hard for you to understand. But when a court issues an order, or decides that something is or isn't constitutional, then that is the law. The Sheriff doesn't get to ignore or decide the court is wrong, he has to appeal it to another court, until it eventually reaches the Supreme Court. Failing to obey a court order is called Contempt. That is what Sheriff Joe was convicted of. Contempt of Court. That is when you knowingly fail to obey the court orders.

Now, this means that cities like Washington DC have to allow people to own Guns, because the Court found that it was unconstitutional to ban them in the Heller case. Now, what would you suggest happen if a City Police Chief refused to allow the Heller decision and just kept arresting people for owning guns? The Chief would risk the same outcome as Joe. That is arrest and trial for contempt.

If you don't like the District Court's decision, you appeal it to the Appeals Court. If you don't like their decision, you appeal it to the Supremes. If you don't like their decision, you're pretty much out of luck. Because the appeal on that is pretty much limited to a Constitutional Amendment. Good luck on getting one of those through. It is not a perfect system, and I have disagreed with many decisions from the Supremes, but it is the system we have, and until someone comes up with a better one, there isn't much choice but to deal with what we have.

No one that is not a citizen, cannot enter into this country without permission. And if law enforcement has probable cause, suspicion that if a person is here illegally, that they has the right to stop and frisk. And they were trying to give Sheriff Apraio a court without jurors. He has the right to request for a speedy or a jury trial, and it will be granted. What they had done was illegal, and they know it. That is why that they were trying to quietly put the Sheriff away without being noticed. They would of have him to sign his rights away, then sentenced him to the maximum sentences, for a first time offense. .

Federal judge: Obama immigration actions 'unconstitutional'

Law Office of Geoffrey M. Yaryan
| Geoffrey M. Yaryan
Police cannot search you car unless they have probable cause to do so.
Answer Applies to: California
Replied: 5/17/2011 Can a police search your car without permission? – 45 Legal Answers as of June 10, 2013 - LawQA.com


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