Kamala complains about Voter ID


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
In her first interview on the topic since becoming vice president, Kamala Harris pushed back against Republican-backed laws that she said will restrict access to voting.
"Because in some peoples' minds, that means, well, you're going to have to Xerox or photocopy your ID to send it in to prove you are who you are. Well, there are a whole lot of people —especially people who live in rural communities — that there's no Kinkos, there's no Office Max, near them."
"Of course people have to prove who they are," Harris said. "But not in a way that makes it almost impossible for them to prove who they are."

Harris is a despicable racist demagogue and a big fat liar.
It is a lie that Democrats do not have access to Voter IDs.
The truth is that these dirty corrupt Democrat Politicians know that Voter ID prevents voter fraud and election stealing.
Here is an idea, help the Dem voters get an ID if they need one, or STFU.
I have some serious, major reservations about the integrity of ANYONE that shows resistance to (or complains about) voter ID.

What do they have to hide? what do they think they'll lose?

It plays right into Trumps hands regards a stolen election and they can't even see that.
"Because in some peoples' minds, that means, well, you're going to have to Xerox or photocopy your ID to send it in to prove you are who you are. Well, there are a whole lot of people —especially people who live in rural communities — that there's no Kinkos, there's no Office Max, near them."

A): Most people in rural communities are WHITE.

B): Few people in rural communities want to vote by paper mail in ballot.

C). People in the country have drivers licenses for ID because they have to drive 10 miles for a gallon of milk.

D). People in the country have cameras, computers and printers like everyone else and don't need a Kinkos or Office Max.
"Of course people have to prove who they are," Harris said. "But not in a way that makes it almost impossible for them to prove who they are."

She failed to mention how she thinks anyone should prove who they are without a voter ID. And I don't think a Utility Bill cuts the mustard; last time I looked, my Bill doesn't have my picture on it. Look - if the democrats want to ensure there is suppression then put together programs to get anyone who wants one a voter ID if they don't have any other means of ID. These days, you gotta have an ID for EVERYTHING, and that sure as hell oughta include voting.

Wow, that Lt Gov tells like it is IMHO. I hope he runs for national office one day.

I have no idea where the current election reform laws being passed are anything close to voter suppression or are racist in any way. And certainly the idea that the federal gov't should determine the election rules in every state is wrong. And unconstitutional, I cannot imagine that the Supreme Court would allow the inappropriately named For the People Act to stand. It oughta be renamed to the For the Democratic Party Act. Our system of gov't is intentionally layered, so that that the problems that should be solved at the local and state level are not federalized. One size does not fit all states and localities.

Wow, that Lt Gov tells like it is IMHO. I hope he runs for national office one day.

I have no idea where the current election reform laws being passed are anything close to voter suppression or are racist in any way. And certainly the idea that the federal gov't should determine the election rules in every state is wrong. And unconstitutional, I cannot imagine that the Supreme Court would allow the inappropriately named For the People Act to stand. It oughta be renamed to the For the Democratic Party Act. Our system of gov't is intentionally layered, so that that the problems that should be solved at the local and state level are not federalized. One size does not fit all states and localities.

At least 16 mail voting restrictions in 12 states will make it more difficult for voters to cast mail ballots that count.
Six laws shorten the timeframe for voters to request a mail ballot, including a Georgia law that will reduce that window by more than one-half.
Five laws make it more difficult for voters to automatically receive their ballot or ballot application — either by making it harder to stay on absentee voting lists or by prohibiting officials from sending applications or ballots without the voter’s affirmative request.
Nine laws in eight states make it more difficult for voters to deliver their mail ballots, including a law in Arkansas that makes the in-person ballot delivery deadline earlier, six laws that restrict assistance to voters in returning their mail ballots, and four laws that limit the availability of mail ballot drop boxes.
Three laws impose stricter signature requirements for mail voting,
while three others impose stricter or new voter ID laws for mail voting.

At least 8 states have enacted 11 laws that make in-person voting more difficult. Three states have enacted four laws that impose new or harsher voter ID requirements for in-person voting.
Four laws make faulty voter roll purges more likely, risking confusion and disenfranchisement when voters show up at the polls.
Montana eliminated Election Day registration and moved up its registration deadline to the day before Election Day.
Three states have limited the availability of polling places: Montana permitted more locations to qualify for reduced polling place hours; Iowa reduced its Election Day hours, shortened the early voting period, and limited election officials’ discretion to offer additional early voting locations; and Georgia reduced early voting in many counties by standardizing early voting days and hours.

In her first interview on the topic since becoming vice president, Kamala Harris pushed back against Republican-backed laws that she said will restrict access to voting.
"Because in some peoples' minds, that means, well, you're going to have to Xerox or photocopy your ID to send it in to prove you are who you are. Well, there are a whole lot of people —especially people who live in rural communities — that there's no Kinkos, there's no Office Max, near them."
"Of course people have to prove who they are," Harris said. "But not in a way that makes it almost impossible for them to prove who they are."

Harris is a despicable racist demagogue and a big fat liar.
It is a lie that Democrats do not have access to Voter IDs.
The truth is that these dirty corrupt Democrat Politicians know that Voter ID prevents voter fraud and election stealing.
Here is an idea, help the Dem voters get an ID if they need one, or STFU.

She is LYING, it is EASY to get Voter ID done, here is the proof at Ballotpedia:

Voter identification laws by state

Click on your state to see how to get one.

You don't need a copier machine at all.
I have some serious, major reservations about the integrity of ANYONE that shows resistance to (or complains about) voter ID.

What do they have to hide? what do they think they'll lose?

It plays right into Trumps hands regards a stolen election and they can't even see that.
They don't care. There are never any consequences. Democrats do what they want . They don't care about rules or laws . They are never held accountable. Its bullshit.
@dudmuch...i think you just showed why it is necessary. but is it FOR voter id or FOR no voter id?? heh? I know how you dems work.
"Of course people have to prove who they are," Harris said. "But not in a way that makes it almost impossible for them to prove who they are."
Above quote from Harris in OP- Huh?
Lol what a airhead that one! Obviously Harris has earned her reputation! A great case for sometimes it’s better to say nothing. Why didn’t DNC consider either HI’s or MN’s female Dem candidates to be a more qualified running mate? Oh right, DNC needed the far left vote to win. What a hot mess.

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