Justice Department launches antitrust suit against Google.


Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2012
WASHINGTON — The Justice Department plans to accuse Google of maintaining an illegal monopoly over search and search advertising in a lawsuit to be filed on Tuesday, the government’s most significant legal challenge to a tech company’s market power in a generation, according to officials at the agency.

In its suit, to be filed in a federal court in Washington, D.C., the agency will accuse Google, a unit of Alphabet, of illegally maintaining its monopoly over search through several exclusive business contracts and agreements that lock out competition, said the officials, who were not authorized to speak on the record. Such contracts include Google’s payment of billions of dollars to Apple to place the Google search engine as the default for iPhones.

This may just be the beginning of these suits against internet giants no matter who is in office. I don't necessarily have an issue with this. Some of these companies are too powerful and stifle competition.

One of Google's defenses will obviously be this is all political coming just weeks before the election. They would probably have a very good point.

What say you?
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WASHINGTON — The Justice Department plans to accuse Google of maintaining an illegal monopoly over search and search advertising in a lawsuit to be filed on Tuesday, the government’s most significant legal challenge to a tech company’s market power in a generation, according to officials at the agency.

In its suit, to be filed in a federal court in Washington, D.C., the agency will accuse Google, a unit of Alphabet, of illegally maintaining its monopoly over search through several exclusive business contracts and agreements that lock out competition, said the officials, who were not authorized to speak on the record. Such contracts include Google’s payment of billions of dollars to Apple to place the Google search engine as the default for iPhones.

This just the beginning of these suits against internet giants no matter who may be in office. I don't necessarily have an issue with this. Some of these companies are too powerful and stifle competition.

What say you?

I use different sites to search all the time. Seems like the monopoly argument is not applicable.
WASHINGTON — The Justice Department plans to accuse Google of maintaining an illegal monopoly over search and search advertising in a lawsuit to be filed on Tuesday, the government’s most significant legal challenge to a tech company’s market power in a generation, according to officials at the agency.

In its suit, to be filed in a federal court in Washington, D.C., the agency will accuse Google, a unit of Alphabet, of illegally maintaining its monopoly over search through several exclusive business contracts and agreements that lock out competition, said the officials, who were not authorized to speak on the record. Such contracts include Google’s payment of billions of dollars to Apple to place the Google search engine as the default for iPhones.

This just the beginning of these suits against internet giants no matter who may be in office. I don't necessarily have an issue with this. Some of these companies are too powerful and stifle competition.

What say you?

I use different sites to search all the time. Seems like the monopoly argument is not applicable.
but the antitrust argument is applicable,,,
WASHINGTON — The Justice Department plans to accuse Google of maintaining an illegal monopoly over search and search advertising in a lawsuit to be filed on Tuesday, the government’s most significant legal challenge to a tech company’s market power in a generation, according to officials at the agency.

In its suit, to be filed in a federal court in Washington, D.C., the agency will accuse Google, a unit of Alphabet, of illegally maintaining its monopoly over search through several exclusive business contracts and agreements that lock out competition, said the officials, who were not authorized to speak on the record. Such contracts include Google’s payment of billions of dollars to Apple to place the Google search engine as the default for iPhones.

This just the beginning of these suits against internet giants no matter who may be in office. I don't necessarily have an issue with this. Some of these companies are too powerful and stifle competition.

What say you?

I use different sites to search all the time. Seems like the monopoly argument is not applicable.
That is true. The question is one of market share.

Of course, Microsoft was sued for anti-trust violations before Google knocked them off their perch.
WASHINGTON — The Justice Department plans to accuse Google of maintaining an illegal monopoly over search and search advertising in a lawsuit to be filed on Tuesday, the government’s most significant legal challenge to a tech company’s market power in a generation, according to officials at the agency.

In its suit, to be filed in a federal court in Washington, D.C., the agency will accuse Google, a unit of Alphabet, of illegally maintaining its monopoly over search through several exclusive business contracts and agreements that lock out competition, said the officials, who were not authorized to speak on the record. Such contracts include Google’s payment of billions of dollars to Apple to place the Google search engine as the default for iPhones.

This just the beginning of these suits against internet giants no matter who may be in office. I don't necessarily have an issue with this. Some of these companies are too powerful and stifle competition.

One of Google's defenses will obviously be this is all political coming just weeks before the election. They would probably have a very good point.

What say you?
Hmm, does the DOJ head know how to operate a computer we all know that Trump is ignorant of computer functions. The case will fail because each person gets to choose which operations they want performed by each company that provides it.
WASHINGTON — The Justice Department plans to accuse Google of maintaining an illegal monopoly over search and search advertising in a lawsuit to be filed on Tuesday, the government’s most significant legal challenge to a tech company’s market power in a generation, according to officials at the agency.

In its suit, to be filed in a federal court in Washington, D.C., the agency will accuse Google, a unit of Alphabet, of illegally maintaining its monopoly over search through several exclusive business contracts and agreements that lock out competition, said the officials, who were not authorized to speak on the record. Such contracts include Google’s payment of billions of dollars to Apple to place the Google search engine as the default for iPhones.

This just the beginning of these suits against internet giants no matter who may be in office. I don't necessarily have an issue with this. Some of these companies are too powerful and stifle competition.

What say you?

I use different sites to search all the time. Seems like the monopoly argument is not applicable.
That is true. The question is one of market share.

Of course, Microsoft was sued for anti-trust violations before Google knocked them ff their perch.
That was due to computers coming with Windows installed and you had to pay for it whether you wanted it or not.
Whats the matter.....Tic Toc was too hard for you?
WASHINGTON — The Justice Department plans to accuse Google of maintaining an illegal monopoly over search and search advertising in a lawsuit to be filed on Tuesday, the government’s most significant legal challenge to a tech company’s market power in a generation, according to officials at the agency.

In its suit, to be filed in a federal court in Washington, D.C., the agency will accuse Google, a unit of Alphabet, of illegally maintaining its monopoly over search through several exclusive business contracts and agreements that lock out competition, said the officials, who were not authorized to speak on the record. Such contracts include Google’s payment of billions of dollars to Apple to place the Google search engine as the default for iPhones.

This just the beginning of these suits against internet giants no matter who may be in office. I don't necessarily have an issue with this. Some of these companies are too powerful and stifle competition.

What say you?

I use different sites to search all the time. Seems like the monopoly argument is not applicable.

I agree. I don't use google for a search.

I use Bing. I sometimes use Yahoo.

There are a lot of searches to use. Google is just the best known.
One of Google's defenses will obviously be this is all political coming just weeks before the election. They would probably have a very good point.
Google, of course, is seriously disingenuous. It's like the old joke about the guy who kills his parents and
then wants the court to give an orphan mercy. It is out of control so action by the Justice Department
is warranted and needed.

Is Google guilty of what is charged against it? That seems to be the only thing worth considering.
The motives of the Justice Dept. are irrelevant. And it seems like Google is admitting there is a political component to what it does and who it punishes and protects based on who is trying to contain them.

Who else is capable of taking on the tech giants? Might as well repeal the Sherman Anti Trust act because
T.R. acted in a "political" manner.
Look at all the democrat left wing critters getting triggered lol This is so enjoyable to watch
The Justice Department has a good case. The issue is Google makes it's self difficult to go around the Google services. First it is the search engine, also how the search engine favors putting their products out front of consumer from their own search engine. It is a capitalist dream come true, those are usually ruled against.
WASHINGTON — The Justice Department plans to accuse Google of maintaining an illegal monopoly over search and search advertising in a lawsuit to be filed on Tuesday, the government’s most significant legal challenge to a tech company’s market power in a generation, according to officials at the agency.

In its suit, to be filed in a federal court in Washington, D.C., the agency will accuse Google, a unit of Alphabet, of illegally maintaining its monopoly over search through several exclusive business contracts and agreements that lock out competition, said the officials, who were not authorized to speak on the record. Such contracts include Google’s payment of billions of dollars to Apple to place the Google search engine as the default for iPhones.

This just the beginning of these suits against internet giants no matter who may be in office. I don't necessarily have an issue with this. Some of these companies are too powerful and stifle competition.

What say you?

I use different sites to search all the time. Seems like the monopoly argument is not applicable.

The notion that something can be a ‘monopoly’ on the infinite internet is ridiculous.

This is more about partisan politics than a warranted application of anti-trust law.
WASHINGTON — The Justice Department plans to accuse Google of maintaining an illegal monopoly over search and search advertising in a lawsuit to be filed on Tuesday, the government’s most significant legal challenge to a tech company’s market power in a generation, according to officials at the agency.

In its suit, to be filed in a federal court in Washington, D.C., the agency will accuse Google, a unit of Alphabet, of illegally maintaining its monopoly over search through several exclusive business contracts and agreements that lock out competition, said the officials, who were not authorized to speak on the record. Such contracts include Google’s payment of billions of dollars to Apple to place the Google search engine as the default for iPhones.

This just the beginning of these suits against internet giants no matter who may be in office. I don't necessarily have an issue with this. Some of these companies are too powerful and stifle competition.

What say you?

I use different sites to search all the time. Seems like the monopoly argument is not applicable.

The notion that something can be a ‘monopoly’ on the infinite internet is ridiculous.

This is more about partisan politics than a warranted application of anti-trust law.

There’s reasons to police big data companies but alleging it is a monopoly is silly
WASHINGTON — The Justice Department plans to accuse Google of maintaining an illegal monopoly over search and search advertising in a lawsuit to be filed on Tuesday, the government’s most significant legal challenge to a tech company’s market power in a generation, according to officials at the agency.

In its suit, to be filed in a federal court in Washington, D.C., the agency will accuse Google, a unit of Alphabet, of illegally maintaining its monopoly over search through several exclusive business contracts and agreements that lock out competition, said the officials, who were not authorized to speak on the record. Such contracts include Google’s payment of billions of dollars to Apple to place the Google search engine as the default for iPhones.

This just the beginning of these suits against internet giants no matter who may be in office. I don't necessarily have an issue with this. Some of these companies are too powerful and stifle competition.

What say you?

I use different sites to search all the time. Seems like the monopoly argument is not applicable.

The notion that something can be a ‘monopoly’ on the infinite internet is ridiculous.

This is more about partisan politics than a warranted application of anti-trust law.

Funny because the article stated that no matter who wins the election Democrats or Republicans, the anti-trust suit would continue. What part of that is partisan?
WASHINGTON — The Justice Department plans to accuse Google of maintaining an illegal monopoly over search and search advertising in a lawsuit to be filed on Tuesday, the government’s most significant legal challenge to a tech company’s market power in a generation, according to officials at the agency.

In its suit, to be filed in a federal court in Washington, D.C., the agency will accuse Google, a unit of Alphabet, of illegally maintaining its monopoly over search through several exclusive business contracts and agreements that lock out competition, said the officials, who were not authorized to speak on the record. Such contracts include Google’s payment of billions of dollars to Apple to place the Google search engine as the default for iPhones.

This just the beginning of these suits against internet giants no matter who may be in office. I don't necessarily have an issue with this. Some of these companies are too powerful and stifle competition.

What say you?

I use different sites to search all the time. Seems like the monopoly argument is not applicable.

The notion that something can be a ‘monopoly’ on the infinite internet is ridiculous.

This is more about partisan politics than a warranted application of anti-trust law.

Funny because the article stated that no matter who wins the election Democrats or Republicans, the anti-trust suit would continue. What part of that is partisan?

Investigations will continue sure. Calling something a monopoly that clearly isn't won't hold water.

Now, there is plenty of other things they can go after; like the way the Bell System was broken up, Standard Oil etc... But the search engine monopoly doesn't exist.

Getting back to the politics of this...one thing we learned about the last 4 years is that the President pretty much has carte blanche when it comes to doing whatever they want and, when investigated, just refuse to be deposed and dangle pardons to whomever may be thinking about flipping. It's a crazy way to do business but that is what our Constitution has become... it spells out the loopholes that you can exploit--not the laws by which you must conduct yourself.
WASHINGTON — The Justice Department plans to accuse Google of maintaining an illegal monopoly over search and search advertising in a lawsuit to be filed on Tuesday, the government’s most significant legal challenge to a tech company’s market power in a generation, according to officials at the agency.

In its suit, to be filed in a federal court in Washington, D.C., the agency will accuse Google, a unit of Alphabet, of illegally maintaining its monopoly over search through several exclusive business contracts and agreements that lock out competition, said the officials, who were not authorized to speak on the record. Such contracts include Google’s payment of billions of dollars to Apple to place the Google search engine as the default for iPhones.

This may just be the beginning of these suits against internet giants no matter who is in office. I don't necessarily have an issue with this. Some of these companies are too powerful and stifle competition.

One of Google's defenses will obviously be this is all political coming just weeks before the election. They would probably have a very good point.

What say you?
These lawsuits are so much bullshit. They are not monopolies. This is harassment and both sides are responsible.

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