Just What Is Hillary Clinton's Executive Accomplishments Compared To Governor Sarah Palins?


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
If Hillary Clinton wants to be president, she needs to have a record of positive executive accomplishments. As we all know, Barack 'Hussein' Obama, a non-natural born Citizen constitutionally ineligible president, was elected with zero executive experience and our country has been in decline since. With Governor Palins list of executive accomplishments on her record, what is Hillary's compared to hers?

Governor Palin s Executive Accomplishments - Conservatives4Palin

Governor Sarah Palin’s Executive Accomplishments

Executive Authority and Success

Sarah Palin was the first female and youngest governor ever elected in Alaskan history.Alaska is tied for the second most powerful governorship in the United States.

t turns out that the Governor’s office in Alaska is one of the country’s most powerful. For more than two decades Thad Beyle, a political scientist at the University of North Carolina, has maintained an index of "institutional powers" in state offices. He rates governorships on potential length of service, budgetary and appointment authority, veto power and other factors. Mr. Beyle’s findings for 2008 rate Alaska at 4.1 on a scale of 5. The national average is 3.5.”
Sigma Beta Delta Honor Society at Alaska Pacific University

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she campaigned for her Senate seat. THAT'S IT after she rode in to that on her hubby President hound dog coat tails. Sec. of State we BESTOWED on her if she would fall on sword for Obambam

None of these people are anything more but CAREER politicians. they never run anything like a state or a business. the only thing they run is their campaign and their mouths

this is why we and our country is in the crapper. they don't care if these people have the experience of not to RUN OUR COUNTRY

Gawd, if she actually runs, this is gonna be brutal.


this is why an average American citizen doesn't run for President . If they aren't spewing they are going to stop the sea rising and heal the planet. then they are "worthy" I guess
If you whine about how we should slice funding for infrastructure, science, r&d investment or education this election. Well, Hilliary clinton is going to be your NEXT PRESIDENT.

I'll hate it but stupid is as stupid does.
Matthew, Palin would open up federal lands and ANWR for increased oil and gas drilling and use that revenue for upgrading infrastructure and technology/science programs. Think man, think.
It doesn't matter anymore. the dem base don't care if someone has any experience in anything and all we have running are CAREER POLITICIANS

face it we just so screwed by these poeple
Gawd, if she actually runs, this is gonna be brutal.
this is why an average American citizen doesn't run for President . If they aren't spewing they are going to stop the sea rising and heal the planet. then they are "worthy" I guess
Well, I'd guess the average American looks at the bullshit a candidate has to put up with and decides they'd rather stick a screwdriver in their eye.

Gawd, if she actually runs, this is gonna be brutal.
this is why an average American citizen doesn't run for President . If they aren't spewing they are going to stop the sea rising and heal the planet. then they are "worthy" I guess
Well, I'd guess the average American looks at the bullshit a candidate has to put up with and decides they'd rather stick a screwdriver in their eye.


the average American has become lazy to even know about the people running. Look how they got duped so bad by Obama. They finally woke up but it took them six years and a lot of damage done to them and us
Steve_McGarrett said:
If Hillary Clinton wants to be president, she needs to have a record of positive executive accomplishments. As we all know, Barack 'Hussein' Obama, a non-natural born Citizen constitutionally ineligible president, was elected with zero executive experience

You defeated your own argument, numbnuts. If Obama was elected with no executive experience, then Hillary can also be elected. Holy batshit, batman, you're a fucking idiot. :rofl:
Palin never had her husband given a blow job in the oval office. She is under qualified.

Palin made her own way to mayor, governor and Candidate to Vice President of our country. that makes her unqualified and branded, a DOPE by the geniuses on the left who got duped by a man called Barak and now after kicking Hillary around for Barak they are now bowing at her feet

this is the people we are fighting against for OUR LIVES
Palin never had her husband given a blow job in the oval office. She is under qualified.

Palin made her own way to mayor, governor and Candidate to Vice President of our country. that makes her unqualified and branded, a DOPE by the geniuses on the left who got duped by a man called Barak and now after kicking Hillary around for Barak they are now bowing at her feet

this is the people we are fighting against for OUR LIVES
Yes, and yet Hillary is such a self-made woman. After all, how may women have their husbands given a blow job in the Oval Office?
Palin never had her husband given a blow job in the oval office. She is under qualified.

Palin made her own way to mayor, governor and Candidate to Vice President of our country. that makes her unqualified and branded, a DOPE by the geniuses on the left who got duped by a man called Barak and now after kicking Hillary around for Barak they are now bowing at her feet

this is the people we are fighting against for OUR LIVES
Yes, and yet Hillary is such a self-made woman. After all, how may women have their husbands given a blow job in the Oval Office?

Yeah, she was some hero. She stood by her hound dog serial adulterer. All for the sake of her political career. nothing more
If Hillary Clinton wants to be president, she needs to have a record of positive executive accomplishmentsy

Actually both Hilary and Sarah have something in common.

Both quit after being elected by voters to office.

Sarah quit to become a paid TV commentator
Hilary quit to become Secretary of State.

Hard to tell the difference.
If Hillary Clinton wants to be president, she needs to have a record of positive executive accomplishmentsy

Actually both Hilary and Sarah have something in common.

Both quit after being elected by voters to office.

Sarah quit to become a paid TV commentator
Hilary quit to become Secretary of State.

Hard to tell the difference.

oh boy, this is what I was talking about:tinfoil:
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