Just imagine how different these past few months could have been

Nosmo King

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2009
Buckle of the Rust Belt
In August, Donald Trump began sowing seeds of doubt about the upcoming election, just as he had abou t the election he won four years before. His poll numbers had never topped 49% and were foundering since the protests during the summer and devistating pandemic response.

A few factors must be considered. He has an unsettling perpensity to exaggerate, prevaricate and brag about himself and his abilities. I know more about the science than the scientists, war than the generals, the economy than the economists just to cite a few examples. He has never run for office so he had never experienced the lessons of political lose.

So, strapped with a massive, yet fragile ego, he was never accepting a possible lose and rejection of his policies or personality. He framed such losses with the lie that losing is not only a character flaw, but only as a conspiracy.

He promoted this lie to his supporters whom he nurtured by appealing to their own grievences and paranoia. And the crowd lapped this grievences politics up. A conspiracy against Trump was, by extension, became a conspiracy against them.

He never said he would accept a peaceful transfer of power, one of the hallmarks of the electoral process in a healthy democracy.

Had he had that modicum of humility and responsibility, he would had recognized the legitimacy off the election. Instead, he and his hamhanded legal team alleged widespread fraud. No proof was proffered and over 60 appeals were filed in and rejected by courts as baseless and false.

Trump called governors, Secretaries of State and other state election official to throw out valid results in his favor. He summoned a crowd to assemble in Washington for a rally, "Its going to be Wild

And at that rally, Trump and his sycophants urged them to fight like hell, kick ass and take names and engage in trial by combat. Then the worst insurrection since Ft. Sumter befell our nation. The whole country has to suffer due to this man's attutudes.

The inauguration ceremonies, for the first time ever, are tainted by fear and the need for military protection. All this division because we elected someone who never learned the ssbbw simple lessons we all learned during childhood.

Imagine if Fred and Mary had raised a man from their baby boy.
In August, Donald Trump began sowing seeds of doubt about the upcoming election, just as he had abou t the election he won four years before. His poll numbers had never topped 49% and were foundering since the protests during the summer and devistating pandemic response.

A few factors must be considered. He has an unsettling perpensity to exaggerate, prevaricate and brag about himself and his abilities. I know more about the science than the scientists, war than the generals, the economy than the economists just to cite a few examples. He has never run for office so he had never experienced the lessons of political lose.

So, strapped with a massive, yet fragile ego, he was never accepting a possible lose and rejection of his policies or personality. He framed such losses with the lie that losing is not only a character flaw, but only as a conspiracy.

He promoted this lie to his supporters whom he nurtured by appealing to their own grievences and paranoia. And the crowd lapped this grievences politics up. A conspiracy against Trump was, by extension, became a conspiracy against them.

He never said he would accept a peaceful transfer of power, one of the hallmarks of the electoral process in a healthy democracy.

Had he had that modicum of humility and responsibility, he would had recognized the legitimacy off the election. Instead, he and his hamhanded legal team alleged widespread fraud. No proof was proffered and over 60 appeals were filed in and rejected by courts as baseless and false.

Trump called governors, Secretaries of State and other state election official to throw out valid results in his favor. He summoned a crowd to assemble in Washington for a rally, "Its going to be Wild

And at that rally, Trump and his sycophants urged them to fight like hell, kick ass and take names and engage in trial by combat. Then the worst insurrection since Ft. Sumter befell our nation. The whole country has to suffer due to this man's attutudes.

The inauguration ceremonies, for the first time ever, are tainted by fear and the need for military protection. All this division because we elected someone who never learned the ssbbw simple lessons we all learned during childhood.

Imagine if Fred and Mary had raised a man from their baby boy.
Very true.

And let's not forget, while this was going on, he was completely failing to lead during the COVID crisis. How many have died because of that?

And now, we're seeing how his lack of national leadership on vaccine distribution has botched its rollout. How many MORE have died because of that?

A fucking disgrace. A fucking disaster. Get the fuck out.
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And your point is, all those people at the rallies helped spread covid to what it is today.

Remember we have a pandemic for the last year, and now over 3000 people are dying per day.

Have you thanked Xi and China yet?
There is no proof that it started there, remember we had the Army games at the end of OCT 2019.

You're an idiot. You actually believe that the US Army somehow mysteriously infected China, and then the world, with a virus we created?

Is rthis a rebuttal or an acknowledgement or irresponsibility during a deadly pandemic? You might do well to realize that 7,000,000 more voters turned out to reject Donald Trump. If your pictures are worth a thousand words, consider how many pictures are worth 7,000.000 votes.

Nobody "rejected" Trump. You committed election fraud, pure and simple. You cheated.

And your point is, all those people at the rallies helped spread covid to what it is today.

Remember we have a pandemic for the last year, and now over 3000 people are dying per day.

Have you thanked Xi and China yet?
There is no proof that it started there, remember we had the Army games at the end of OCT 2019.

You're an idiot. You actually believe that the US Army somehow mysteriously infected China, and then the world, with a virus we created?
Deflecting the OP does not serve your case at all.

Is rthis a rebuttal or an acknowledgement or irresponsibility during a deadly pandemic? You might do well to realize that 7,000,000 more voters turned out to reject Donald Trump. If your pictures are worth a thousand words, consider how many pictures are worth 7,000.000 votes.

Nobody "rejected" Trump. You committed election fraud, pure and simple. You cheated.
Allegation never proven. Move on from that lie you're clinging to.

Is rthis a rebuttal or an acknowledgement or irresponsibility during a deadly pandemic? You might do well to realize that 7,000,000 more voters turned out to reject Donald Trump. If your pictures are worth a thousand words, consider how many pictures are worth 7,000.000 votes.

Nobody "rejected" Trump. You committed election fraud, pure and simple. You cheated.
Allegation never proven. Move on from that lie you're clinging to.

Election thieves. You deserve to lose your right to vote in subsequent elections.
If we're playing wish-fulfillment I'd rather imagine what it would be like if Trump had been a better version of himself than what he turned out to be. I don't think anyone other than Trump could have captured the cultural zeitgeist of 2016 but I can't help but feel he squandered the last chance this country will ever have to right the ship and be great again.

And your point is, all those people at the rallies helped spread covid to what it is today.

Remember we have a pandemic for the last year, and now over 3000 people are dying per day.

Have you thanked Xi and China yet?

Viruses don't care about your skin color or nationality or political beliefs. Politicizing a virus is as stupid as politicizing a hurricane.

Is rthis a rebuttal or an acknowledgement or irresponsibility during a deadly pandemic? You might do well to realize that 7,000,000 more voters turned out to reject Donald Trump. If your pictures are worth a thousand words, consider how many pictures are worth 7,000.000 votes.

Nobody "rejected" Trump. You committed election fraud, pure and simple. You cheated.

There is still no evidence for election fraud.. The persistent lie is worthy of Adolph Hitler and unAmerican.

Is rthis a rebuttal or an acknowledgement or irresponsibility during a deadly pandemic? You might do well to realize that 7,000,000 more voters turned out to reject Donald Trump. If your pictures are worth a thousand words, consider how many pictures are worth 7,000.000 votes.

Nobody "rejected" Trump. You committed election fraud, pure and simple. You cheated.
Allegation never proven. Move on from that lie you're clinging to.

Election thieves. You deserve to lose your right to vote in subsequent elections.

If you are going to threaten voters PROVE that there was election fraud.
If we're playing wish-fulfillment I'd rather imagine what it would be like if Trump had been a better version of himself than what he turned out to be. I don't think anyone other than Trump could have captured the cultural zeitgeist of 2016 but I can't help but feel he squandered the last chance this country will ever have to right the ship and be great again.
it would be healthy if all we had to debate were his policies and how they effect us. Such debates are necessary from time to time.

You're right.

But his utterly flawed character, his embrace of division and appeal to our worst instincts have damaged our nation in ways it will take generations to overcome.

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