just a question, liberals know taxes is not charity right?

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Charity equals giving from ones heart.

Taxes equals redistribution of some one else wealth, whom you deem to take from (but you pay your fair so it is all yours)

  1. 1.
    the voluntary giving of help, typically in the form of money, to those in need.
    synonyms: financial assistance, aid,welfare, relief, financial relief

    noun: taxation
    1. the levying of tax.
      • money paid as tax.

  2. Redistribution of wealth

Just posting this thread because the past 20 years I have been on the net, some liberal posters get confused and think taxation is the same as charity for some reason
Hey bear, taxation is the cost to be paid for living in the most successful form of society, government and economy that has ever been devised.

You seem to think everything should just be "free". What the fuck is up with that kind of thinking?

You know there are places you could move to that don't tax as high as we do. Why don't you move there?
ZIRP is a tax, too. So is QE Infinity.

They are government gifts to bankers, paid for by savers and retirees and everyone who invests their money.

Your mortgage interest deduction is a government gift, too. As is your child tax credit. As is your tax exempt employer sponsored health insurance. All paid for by higher tax rates on all taxpayers and by borrowing from China.

So if you are going to whine about wealth redistribution, you better take that humongous beam out of your own eye first.
I did move away from Chicago to South Carolina , 10 years ago.
All money is the governments.....what they allow us to have is because they are kind and love us.........all hail the Borg Collective....
Just posting this thread because the past 20 years I have been on the net, some liberal posters get confused and think taxation is the same as charity for some reason
Taxation is the Liberal pukes personal slush fund.

His grammar and spelling are beyond hope. I have tried. He makes so much money that good communication skills mean nothing to him. They are a hindrance to his brilliance. .LMAO..
No shit i am beyond hope in the grammer And spelling department ,why do you always think this is a high school english class ? That I always blew off and was tinkering around in the shop lab, computer room,reading a newspaper, out smoking a joint, or hitting on a girl , it was useless to me beyond the 6th grade. Reading , reading between the lines, comprehending was the most important thing.
Liberals feel righteous about themselves because they push for other people to contribute money to causes they think are important.
Liberals are the biggest fucking hypocrites to walk the earth.
Btw , zeke I write this way to make you think. So you remember my posts.
ZIRP is a tax, too. So is QE Infinity.

They are government gifts to bankers, paid for by savers and retirees and everyone who invests their money.

Your mortgage interest deduction is a government gift, too. As is your child tax credit. As is your tax exempt employer sponsored health insurance. All paid for by higher tax rates on all taxpayers and by borrowing from China.

So if you are going to whine about wealth redistribution, you better take that humongous beam out of your own eye first.
Well you just fucked up, I always read Europe not china owns most of the US IOUs
It amuses me there are some people in this topic who think wealth redistribution is done exclusively by the liberals.

I can guarantee some of them would scream like welfare queens if you tried to take away their tax deductions, credits and exemptions which are paid for by higher tax rates and borrowing (deficit spending) to the tune of $1.2 trillion in such gifts EVERY YEAR.

Not per decade. Every year.

$1.2 trillion.

That is one giant government nipple they are sucking on. The biggest one of all.
It amuses me there are some people in this topic who think wealth redistribution is done exclusively by the liberals.

I can guarantee some of them would scream like welfare queens if you tried to take away their tax deductions, credits and exemptions which are paid for by higher tax rates and borrowing (deficit spending) to the tune of $1.2 trillion in such gifts EVERY YEAR.

Not per decade. Every year.
Actually those people believe in getting rid of deductions and lowering rates across the board. Extending the income tax to cover everyone, not just the top earners would also be a great idea.
So your moral equivalence claim goes down in flames. You're really having a bad week here.
It amuses me there are some people in this topic who think wealth redistribution is done exclusively by the liberals.

I can guarantee some of them would scream like welfare queens if you tried to take away their tax deductions, credits and exemptions which are paid for by higher tax rates and borrowing (deficit spending) to the tune of $1.2 trillion in such gifts EVERY YEAR.

Not per decade. Every year.
Actually those people believe in getting rid of deductions and lowering rates across the board. Extending the income tax to cover everyone, not just the top earners would also be a great idea.
So your moral equivalence claim goes down in flames. You're really having a bad week here.
Nope. I've had a lot of alleged right wingers on this forum scream like welfare queens at the idea of eliminating all deductions, credits, and exemptions.

If the Right believed in getting rid of them, why isn't the GOP Congress putting such legislation on the table right now? They've voted over 50 times to repeal ObamaCare.

No, Rabbi, I am quite right on this one. The faux Right has a giant beam in their eye.
Special interests pay a lot of campaign cash to keep those $1.2 trillion in annual deductions, credits, and exemptions alive. And I can guarantee they aren't low income blacks on food stamps paying that campaign cash.

It's time to wake up to who the real leeches are.

The ginormous fat ones bleeding us dry.
It amuses me there are some people in this topic who think wealth redistribution is done exclusively by the liberals.

I can guarantee some of them would scream like welfare queens if you tried to take away their tax deductions, credits and exemptions which are paid for by higher tax rates and borrowing (deficit spending) to the tune of $1.2 trillion in such gifts EVERY YEAR.

Not per decade. Every year.
Actually those people believe in getting rid of deductions and lowering rates across the board. Extending the income tax to cover everyone, not just the top earners would also be a great idea.
So your moral equivalence claim goes down in flames. You're really having a bad week here.
Nope. I've had a lot of alleged right wingers on this forum scream like welfare queens at the idea of eliminating all deductions, credits, and exemptions.

If the Right believed in getting rid of them, why isn't the GOP Congress putting such legislation on the table right now? They've voted over 50 times to repeal ObamaCare.

No, Rabbi, I am quite right on this one. The faux Right has a giant beam in their eye.
Bullshit. All of it
And the GOP is preparing big tax reform legislation along those lines. Democrats and Obama re the biggest impediment to getting it done.
Hey bear, taxation is the cost to be paid for living in the most successful form of society, government and economy that has ever been devised.

You seem to think everything should just be "free". What the fuck is up with that kind of thinking?

You know there are places you could move to that don't tax as high as we do. Why don't you move there?

Then why aren't the almost half that don't pay income taxes doing their part for living in the most successful form of society? If income tax is the cost to be paid, they should pay a portion, otherwise, you argument is invalid.
It amuses me there are some people in this topic who think wealth redistribution is done exclusively by the liberals.

I can guarantee some of them would scream like welfare queens if you tried to take away their tax deductions, credits and exemptions which are paid for by higher tax rates and borrowing (deficit spending) to the tune of $1.2 trillion in such gifts EVERY YEAR.

Not per decade. Every year.
Actually those people believe in getting rid of deductions and lowering rates across the board. Extending the income tax to cover everyone, not just the top earners would also be a great idea.
So your moral equivalence claim goes down in flames. You're really having a bad week here.
Nope. I've had a lot of alleged right wingers on this forum scream like welfare queens at the idea of eliminating all deductions, credits, and exemptions.

If the Right believed in getting rid of them, why isn't the GOP Congress putting such legislation on the table right now? They've voted over 50 times to repeal ObamaCare.

No, Rabbi, I am quite right on this one. The faux Right has a giant beam in their eye.
Bullshit. All of it
And the GOP is preparing big tax reform legislation along those lines. Democrats and Obama re the biggest impediment to getting it done.
The GOP is not preparing tax reform along those lines.

In fact, they are making it easier to suck on the tit: "Allow roughly 95 percent of filers to get the lowest possible tax rate by simply claiming the standard deduction (no more need to itemize and track receipts)."

"Lower Rates, Increase the Standard Deduction".

"providing a significantly more generous standard deduction of $11,000 for individuals and $22,000 for married couples"


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