Junkyard Tornado Fallacy. "Long odds" of life/complex life

Possibly but would such life be intelligent or just bacteria?
That would seem to be a function of time. Our consciousness through time and among our close relatives is a matter of degree. If an event like Chixiclub had happened 100,000 years ago, an observer of present day earth would likely be concluding that no intelligent life had developed here....yet. Not that it never will or would.
Let us say we will deal with facts. Let us say we live in a reality where ice floats. Why is reality so difficult to accept?

The question is if the reality in this universe is fine tuned for our existence. I personally feel it is.
Correct! A wayward asteroid, global thermonuclear war, a deadly, novel virus, global economic collapse, a solar event, etc etc

Every thinking person knows this. You have a crisis of cognitive dissonance in light of these simple ideas, because you think we are god's special little pets and cannot fall victim to such things. You think only god has the power to create or destroy us. This fetish is your albatross to bear, and nobody else's.
I can tell you now that an asteroid will not destroy this world of ours in my lifetime in accordance with the Bible. Wormwood is on its way and will hit once the CHURCH (body of ALL believing CHRISTIANS) have been raptured. That is prophesied in the Bible. So, I have no fear of such things.
The universe is not fine-tuned to life in it. The life in it is fine-tuned to the universe. This gives the illusion of design. But once one understands the concept of selection, that illusion disappears.
A few very minor changes in this universe and we would not exist today. For example what if earth had no moon?

Would we recognize such life and would it reconize us? Could we even co-exist in that universe?
You are over-thinking it. If ice sank, the molecular structure of H2O would be different. Our bodies contain lots of water. The bonds between oxygen and carbon in proteins, amino acids, etc would not work in the same way. So, no; we could not exist in our current form.
The question is if the reality in this universe is fine tuned for our existence. I personally feel it is.
Which is an artifact of your sentience. Of course you think you are special. Of course the transient flash that is your existence is hard to swallow.
The problem is that yearly, monthly, weekly, daily, hourly, minute to minute -------- the sticks are being thrown again and again and again.... Anything could happen, anything could go wrong.GOD is dependable. The Universe is quite dependent. Someone may actually believe that mankind is the end result of an accident. The problem is that an accident that could change everything is just as likely at any second. GOD isn't an accident and neither are we. I find this scenario comforting. Any other I find extraordinarily unlikely ----- if not altogether impossible...
For someone who believes in the imaginary, you have no imagination.
There could be many more forms of life (pick up sticks), all talking about how 'lucky' they are all over the universe, having NOTHING to do with "humankind."
an infinite amount of throws (and still throwing) could have yielded an infinite amount of life forms.
There could be an infinite number of living things based on other chemical compositions both less and more developed than we are.
The stupider/close-minded ones (like here) all thinking they were the only one in the universe AND even funnier, thinking the god they created did it all.. even as others on this planet believer another one did it. (all with no evidence)

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For someone who believes in the imaginary, you have no imagination.
There could be many more forms of life (pick up sticks), all talking about how 'lucky' they are all over the universe, having NOTHING to do with "humankind."
an infinite amount of throws (and still throwing) could have yielded an infinite amount of life forms.
There could be an infinite number of living things based on other chemical compositions both less and more developed than we are.
The stupider/close-minded ones (like here) all thinking they were the only one in the universe AND even funnier, thinking the god they created did it all.. even as others on this planet believer another one did it. (all with no evidence)

The only life that exists apart from that on planet earth or came from planet earth is spirit in nature. Only evolutionists believe there must be life on other planets somewhere because if there isn't, there would have to be a CREATOR, and life would be proven incapable of evolving as purely the result of natural influences.
The only life that exists apart from that on planet earth or came from planet earth is spirit in nature. Only evolutionists believe there must be life on other planets somewhere because if there isn't, there would have to be a CREATOR, and life would be proven incapable of evolving as purely the result of natural influences.
You do NOT belong here.
Religious pronouncements are not debate/science/coherent answers, they are your indemonstrable fantasies.

Also called 'Hoyle's Fallacy.'
"Long odds of life"
Molecular combos which does Not take into account the natural tendencies of molecules to form long chain complex structures, even ie, amino acids, and even self-replicate without life.

ChemEngineer said:
I will now create a new thread, viz., "Original Science." We'll see what the Hollies, boys and girls, can present there. Don't hold your breath. - (From Religion Thread) In the 1960's, a very fine math teacher, whose name is inconsequential, told his classes, "If you put all the monkeys in the world in a big room with all the typewriters in the world, they would eventually type all the books in the world."

"If an army of monkeys were strumming on typewriters they might write all the books in the British Museum." – Physicist Arthur Eddington, The Nature of the Physical World, 1928

This seemed plausible then and still does today for those who have not examined it carefully.

In point of statistical certainty, monkeys could never type one single page of any book.

Typewriter keyboards have approximately fifty different keys. Including upper case options, this makes roughly one hundred different characters, counting spacing, numbers, case, etc.

For a paragraph of only three hundred characters, the probability of a monkey typing a given text is 1/100 x 1/100 x 1/100... three hundred times. This is equal to 1 in 100 to the 300th power or 1 chance in 10 to the 600th power.

A prominent evolutionary biologist defines "impossible" as 1 chance in 10 to the 40th.

A reasonable definition of "impossible" is one chance in 10 to the 50th power. Ten to the fiftieth grains of sand would fill fifteen spheres the size of our solar system out to Pluto. Imagine putting on a space suit and climbing aboard a hypothetical sand submarine. Pick one of the spheres and travel around to select your choice of any grain anywhere, but you only get one pick! That is the definition of "one chance in" x number. None of us could pick the one unique grain in a small desert on the first try, let alone all the sand on earth.

Q.E.D. Quod Erat Demonstrandum


Our high school biology teacher repeated before the class a phrase which originated around 1854 and which has been erroneously perpetuated since that date, viz., "Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny." This is supposed to provide compelling evidence of Darwinian evolution.

Students in his biology class were incapable of challenging much less refuting that misinformation. We believed it. We embraced it.

From my website:

“To support his theory, however, Haeckel, whose knowledge of embryology was self-taught, faked some of his evidence. He not only altered his illustrations of embryos but also printed the same plate of an embryo three times, and labeled one a human, the second a dog and the third a rabbit ‘to show their similarity’” (Bowden 1977, 128).
Haeckel was exposed by professor L. Rutimeyer of Basle University. He was charged with fraud by five professors, and ultimately convicted in a university court. During the trial, Haeckel admitted that he had altered his drawings, but sought to defend himself by saying:

“I should feel utterly condemned and annihilated by the admission, were it not that hundreds of the best observers and biologists lie under the same charge. The great majority of all morphological, anatomical, histological, and embryological diagrams are not true to nature, but are more or less doctored, schematized and reconstructed” (Bowden, Malcolm. 1977. Ape-Men: Fact or Fallacy? Bromley, England: Sovereign Publications, p. 128)

Despite this conviction of fraud in 1874, Haeckel's drawings and quote have been reproduced into the twentieth century.

Haeckel, like Darwin, promoted scientific racism:

"The Caucasian, or Mediterranean man (Homo Mediterraneus), has from time immemorial been placed at the head of all the races of men, as the most highly developed and perfect." (The History of Creation, by Ernst Haeckel, 6th edition (1914), volume 2, page 429)


We will return to the elegance of mathematics to examine the long-standing fraud of humans descending from the Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA).

The human body contains at least 20,000 different proteins. The largest one of these is titin, in our muscles. It is composed of a long chain of twenty different amino acids, 33,450 in length.

To compute the probability of any naturalistic (materialistic) construction of the first titin molecule, you must "select" one of twenty amino acids, 33,450 consecutive times. Compute 1/20 to the 33,450th power please. Compare it to 1 in 10 to the 50th power, which is "impossible."

Oh but it gets worse, much, much worse. There are two types (chiralities) of most amino acids, D for "dextrorotary" and L for "levorotary." Our bodies are made of the L form. This compounds the impossibility by 1/2 to the 33,450th power.

There are two kinds of amino acid bonds, peptide and non-peptide. They have an approximately equal likelihood of forming, further compounding the impossibility by 1/2 to the 33,450th power.

There is also the complicating factor of folding the protein. How is this decided?

Multiply this impossible sequence by the more than 20,000 proteins in the human body and compare this science with the "A>B>C>D" you read in biology books describing Darwinian evolution. Science is not alphabeticization as Darwinists like to pretend.


150 Years of Misnamed "Periodic Table of Elements"

In 1869, Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev created what has erroneously called the "periodic table of elements". Adjectives modify the noun immediately following them. When someone gets hit in the eye, we say "The man's black eye," not "the black man's eye." This is the Table of Periodic elements, misnamed by schools, colleges, and scientists everywhere.
The elements are periodic, NOT the table.


Wood From Air
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