Judge Sullivan Orders DOJ To Confirm Flynn Evidence Is Correct


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2019
Gold Coast
Sounds like the Federal Judge Emmet Sullivan wants the DOJ to confirm that the evidence against Mike Flynn is correct.
He doesn't think it's accurate. He wants the truth confirmed by the DOJ under penalty of perjury to be true and correct.

"The much-criticized federal judge presiding over the Michael Flynn case said in a lengthy minute order on Friday that he can no longer presume that the evidence the Department of Justice submits to the court is accurate."

The awkward order from Judge Emmet Sullivan follows a DOJ admission that it accidentally and erroneously produced altered exhibits of notes written by fired FBI agent Peter Strzok and fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

He's the judge, not the prosecutor.

Barr should tell him to pound sand up his ass.
The judge can throw out any statements no supported under penalty of perjury. If Barr won't swear to the accuracy of evidence presented to the court, the court can throw out that evidence.
He's the judge, not the prosecutor.

Barr should tell him to pound sand up his ass.
The judge can throw out any statements no supported under penalty of perjury. If Barr won't swear to the accuracy of evidence presented to the court, the court can throw out that evidence.
I repeat: Barr should tell him to pound sand up his ass.
He's the judge, not the prosecutor.

Barr should tell him to pound sand up his ass.
Barr's evidence supports Flynns innocence. If Barr won't back it up, it gets thrown out.

Leaving only Flynns guilty plea.

So let Barr ignore the judge.
Looks like the judge has had enough of Barr's crap.
After the DOJ swore that Flynn was guilty, a change of AG, and suddenly they are swearing the opposite is true.

The law isn't based on the desires of who is in charge.
Earth to Judge Emmet Sullivan ...the DOJ dropped the charges because EVIDENCE WAS FALSIFIED.

Judge Emmet Sullivan...are you fucking retarded?
The DOJ should simply not respond. Leave sullivan twist in the wind.

Since the judge is the one who will decide what to do with Flynn, with or without a response from Barr, Trump's buddy might not get off if they do that.
"Federal prosecutors need to provide detailed documentation of allegations of corruption among Obama administration officials, Judge Emmett Sullivan said on Friday.

The move will force prosecutors to attest to the truth of exhibits that they’ve filed in the Michael Flynn prosecution, after Judge Sullivan said that a previous document — notes that the government admitted had been altered with post-it notes prior to filing — broke his trust that federal prosecutors would file accurate documents.

Now, Sullivan is demanding that the DOJ produce two declarations attesting to the veracity of exhibits it has filed in the case since making the unprecedented decision to drop charges against the former national security adviser in May. The judge also wants prosecutors to itemize each exhibit by date, author, and name, and to type up all handwritten documents filed in the matter."

It's not a good look for the DoJ, in trying to speciously claim members of the DoJ made misrepresentations in prosecuting Flynn before the corrupt hack Billy the Bagman showed up, to produce altered documents in making their case. They've got some splainin' to do.
"Federal prosecutors need to provide detailed documentation of allegations of corruption among Obama administration officials, Judge Emmett Sullivan said on Friday.

The move will force prosecutors to attest to the truth of exhibits that they’ve filed in the Michael Flynn prosecution, after Judge Sullivan said that a previous document — notes that the government admitted had been altered with post-it notes prior to filing — broke his trust that federal prosecutors would file accurate documents.

Now, Sullivan is demanding that the DOJ produce two declarations attesting to the veracity of exhibits it has filed in the case since making the unprecedented decision to drop charges against the former national security adviser in May. The judge also wants prosecutors to itemize each exhibit by date, author, and name, and to type up all handwritten documents filed in the matter."

It's not a good look for the DoJ, in trying to speciously claim members of the DoJ made misrepresentations in prosecuting Flynn before the corrupt hack Billy the Bagman showed up, to produce altered documents in making their case. They've got some splainin' to do.
Emmitt Sullivan is a typical activist lib judge
Emmitt Sullivan is a typical activist lib judge
If I had a dime for every time one of you nitwits used a lame talking point instead of substantive refutation to an assertion you apparently have no ability to respond to I'd be richer than I am.
If I had a dime for every time one of you nitwits used a lame talking point instead of substantive refutation to an assertion you apparently have no ability to respond to I'd be richer than I am.
If any judge should be grilling the FBI about possible wrongdoing before their court it should be the FISA courts

thats where its known that lying took place during the russia collusion hoax

as for post-its and the ongoing trial of Gen Flynn Sullivan is exceeding his authority and should be removed from the bench
If I had a dime for every time one of you nitwits used a lame talking point instead of substantive refutation to an assertion you apparently have no ability to respond to I'd be richer than I am.
If any judge should be grilling the FBI about possible wrongdoing before their court it should be the FISA courts

thats where its known that lying took place during the russia collusion hoax

as for post-its and the ongoing trial of Gen Flynn Sullivan is exceeding his authority and should be removed from the bench
Nice try changing the subject. But you have another loser there.

"In the first 14 applications it reviewed, the Justice Department’s Office of Intelligence identified 63 non-material errors or unsupported facts, and one misstatement or omission that it deemed material. Of the 63 non-material errors or unsupported facts, according to the filing, 29 reflected typographical errors or date discrepancies between an application and a source document. Of the remaining 34, according to the filing, “13 involve non-material factual assertions that may be accurate, but for which a supporting document could not be located in the FBI’s files, and 21 involve non-material deviations between a source document and an application and/or a misidentified source of information.” The number of errors per application ranged from zero to 15. The details of the errors, and the Justice Department’s analysis of their materiality, was censored from the report."
If I had a dime for every time one of you nitwits used a lame talking point instead of substantive refutation to an assertion you apparently have no ability to respond to I'd be richer than I am.
If any judge should be grilling the FBI about possible wrongdoing before their court it should be the FISA courts

thats where its known that lying took place during the russia collusion hoax

as for post-its and the ongoing trial of Gen Flynn Sullivan is exceeding his authority and should be removed from the bench
Nice try changing the subject. But you have another loser there.

"In the first 14 applications it reviewed, the Justice Department’s Office of Intelligence identified 63 non-material errors or unsupported facts, and one misstatement or omission that it deemed material. Of the 63 non-material errors or unsupported facts, according to the filing, 29 reflected typographical errors or date discrepancies between an application and a source document. Of the remaining 34, according to the filing, “13 involve non-material factual assertions that may be accurate, but for which a supporting document could not be located in the FBI’s files, and 21 involve non-material deviations between a source document and an application and/or a misidentified source of information.” The number of errors per application ranged from zero to 15. The details of the errors, and the Justice Department’s analysis of their materiality, was censored from the report."
the borrow a legal term from the black robes, judge sullivan has no “standing“ in the flynn case since the DOJ has dropped the charges
If I had a dime for every time one of you nitwits used a lame talking point instead of substantive refutation to an assertion you apparently have no ability to respond to I'd be richer than I am.
If any judge should be grilling the FBI about possible wrongdoing before their court it should be the FISA courts

thats where its known that lying took place during the russia collusion hoax

as for post-its and the ongoing trial of Gen Flynn Sullivan is exceeding his authority and should be removed from the bench
Nice try changing the subject. But you have another loser there.

"In the first 14 applications it reviewed, the Justice Department’s Office of Intelligence identified 63 non-material errors or unsupported facts, and one misstatement or omission that it deemed material. Of the 63 non-material errors or unsupported facts, according to the filing, 29 reflected typographical errors or date discrepancies between an application and a source document. Of the remaining 34, according to the filing, “13 involve non-material factual assertions that may be accurate, but for which a supporting document could not be located in the FBI’s files, and 21 involve non-material deviations between a source document and an application and/or a misidentified source of information.” The number of errors per application ranged from zero to 15. The details of the errors, and the Justice Department’s analysis of their materiality, was censored from the report."
the borrow a legal term from the black robes, judge sullivan has no “standing“ in the flynn case since the DOJ has dropped the charges
So you claim, yet the case is not settled.

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